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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00007351

No of Pages: 119

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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Developing an optimal investment strategy for pension administrators is one of the major problems in recent times in Nigeria. In this work an investment model of a pension plan participant (PPP) under the defined contribution (DC) scheme was developed. The PPP was assumed to have a deterministic portion of his salary contributed on a monthly basis into the pension fund; part of this wealth is invested in a risk free asset and the remaining part in a risky asset. The risky asset is considered to be a Heston volatility model and the risk appetite of the PPP is assumed to be a constant relative risk aversion (CRRA) utility function. The Hamilton Jacobi Bellman (HJB) equation for the obtained model is derived and an approximate closed form solution is obtained for the resulting partial differential equation using the Prandtl asymptotic matching. Furthermore, the stochastic differential equation of the wealth process is transformed into a stochastic difference equation. The difference equation so transformed is matched to a standard Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity (GARCH) model to capture the impact of news in the market, while the wavelet analysis is used to capture the impact of noise on the volatility of the stock market. Historical data from the Nigerian Stock Market is used for empirical analysis in a concrete setting. Our results indicate that the Nigerian stock market is driven by noise at the low period and driven by information at the high period.


Title Page                                                                                                                                i

Declaration                                                                                                                              ii

Certification                                                                                                                            iii

Dedication                                                                                                                              iv

Acknowledgement                                                                                                                  v

Table of Contents                                                                                                                   vii

List of Tables                                                                                                                          xi

List of Figures                                                                                                                         xii

Abstract                                                                                                                                  xiv

Abbreviation                                                                                                                           xv

CHAPTER 1:               INTRODUCTION            

1.1       Background of the Study                                                                                           1

1.2       Statement of the Problem                                                                                           3

1.3       Aim and Objectives of the Study                                                                               5

1.4       Justification of the Study                                                                                           5

1.5       The Purpose of the Study                                                                                           6

1.6       The Significance of the Study                                                                                                6

1.7       The Scope and Limitations of the Study                                                                    6

1.8       Definition of Terms                                                                                                    6

1.8.1    Stochastic process                                                                                                       7

1.8.2    Independent and identically distributed (IID) noise                                                  7

1.8.3    Probability measure                                                                                                     7

1.8.4    Random variable.                                                                                                        7

1.8.5    Time series                                                                                                                  8

1.8.6    Stationary                                                                                                                    8

1.8.7    Auto-covariance function (ACVF) and autocorrelation function (ACF)                   8

1.8.8    White noise                                                                                                                 8

1.8.9    Random walk                                                                                                              9

1.8.10 AR(1) process                                                                                                             9


2.1       Defined Contribution Pension Plan                                                                            10

2.2       The Nigerian Stock Exchange                                                                        11


3.1       Fourier Transform (FT)                                                                                               14

3.2       Short-time Fourier Transform                                                                                     15

3.3       Wavelet Analysis Applications                                                                                  16       

3.3.1    Haar wavelet                                                                                                               19

3.3.2    The Morlet wavelet                                                                                                     20

3.3.3    Mexican hat wavelet                                                                                                   20

3.4       Wavelet De-noising                                                                                                    21

3.5       Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT)                                                                      22       

3.5.1    Steps for creating a CWT:                                                                                          22

3.5.2    Practical tips                                                                                                                23

3.6       Discrete wavelet transform (DWT)                                                                            24

3.6.1    Advantages of discrete wavelet transform                                                                 24

3.7       The Pyramid Algorithm                                                                                              25

3.8       Wavelet Power Spectrum (WPS)                                                                               26                                                       

3.9       Cross-wavelet transform(XWT) and cross-wavelet power (XWP)                            26

3.10     Wavelet Coherency                                                                                                     27

3.11     GARCH Process:                                                                                                        27

3.11.1  GARCH                                                                                                              28

3.11.2  GARCH                                                                                                              29

3.12     Other GARCH Extensions                                                                                         30

3.12.1  EGARCH model                                                                                                        30

3.12.2  PARCH model                                                                                                           30

3.12.3  TARCH model                                                                                                           31

3.12.4  GJR (Glosten, Jagannathan and Runkle) GARCH                                                    31

3.12.4  Distributional assumptions                                                                                          32

3.13     Stochastic Differential Equation and Stochastic Difference Equation                      33

3.14     Convergence of Stochastic Difference Equations                                                      34

3.15     Distributional Uniqueness                                                                                           39


4.1       Optimal Investment Strategy Using the Hamilton Jacobi Bellman Equation:           40

4.2.1    The underlying asset dynamics                                                                                   41

4.2.2    The salary process and contribution dynamics                                                           42

4.2.3    The wealth process                                                                                                      42

4.2.4     The admissible portfolio strategy                                                                               43

4.2.5    The optimal controls and value function                                                                   44

4.2.6      Solving the PDE                                                                                                       45

4.2.7      Optimal investment policy                                                                                        59

4.3.6    Transforming the differential equation to a difference equation model                     50

4.3.7    Data                                                                                                                            53

4.4       Wavelet Analysis                                                                                                        73

4.4.1    The Morlet wavelet                                                                                                     74

4.4.2    Continuous wavelet transform (CWT)                                                                       74                               

4.4.4    Discrete wavelet transform (DWT)                                                                            75


5.1       Conclusion                                                                                                                  89

5.2       Recommendations                                                                                                      91

5.3       Contributions to knowledge                                                                                       92

Publication from the dissertation                                                                                            93

References                                                                                                                              94









1   Multi-fund pension structure                                                                                             2

2   The values of θ, k and ξ as π changes                                                                                56

3   Summary statistics for the stock prices                                                                              60

4   Summary statistics for the stock price returns                                                                   60

5   Summary statistics for the stock price denoised return                                                     60

6   Parameter estimates of the GARCH (1, 1) models                                                           71

7   Parameter estimates of the GARCH (2, 1) models                                                           71

8   Parameter estimates of the GJR (1, 1) models                                                                   72

9   Parameter estimates of the EGARCH (1, 1) models                                                         72

10   Parameter estimates of the PGARCH models                                                                 73

11  Parameter estimates of the TARCH models                                                                     73







1   Multi-Fund Pension Structure                                                                                                    3

3   Optimal Portfolio and Optimal Contribution                                                                            20

2   Haar wavelet and Morlet wavelet                                                                                              48

4   Plot of k against π for UBNr, PZr, UACNr, and FMILLr                                                                    57

5   Plot of θ against π for UBNr, PZr, UACNr, and FMILLr                                                                    58

6   Plot of ξ against π for UBNr, PZr, UACNr, and FMILLr                                                                    59

7   The density Kernel plot for PZr and UBNr                                                                               61

8   The density Kernel plot for UBNr and FMillr                                                                           62

9   Time Series Plot for The Stock Price,  Returns, and The Denoised Return of PZ                    63

10  Time Series Plot for the Stock Price, Returns, and The Denoised Return of UBN                 64

11  The Time Series Plot for The Stock Price, Returns, and The Denoised Return of UACN     65

12  Time Series Plot for The Stock Price, Returns and The Denoised Return of FMill                66

13  The ACF, PACF, and the Q-Q Plot of PZr                                                                              67

14  The ACF, PACF, and the Q-Q Plot of UBNr                                                                          68

15  The ACF, PACF, and the Q-Q Plot of UACNr                                                                       69

16  The ACF, PACF, and the Q-Q Plot of FMillr                                                                          70

17  CWT of PZr, PZrd, UBNr and UBNrd                                                                                   76

18  CWT OF UACNr, UACNrd,  FMillr, and FMillrd                                                                  77

19  Wavelet Coherence (WTC) of PZrUBNr, PZrUBNrdb, UBNrUACNr, and                     UBNrUACNrdb                                                                                                                    78

20  Wavelet Coherence (WTC) of PZrFMillr, PZrFMillrdb, PZrUACNr, and PZrUACNrdb     79

21  Wavelet Coherence (WTC) of UBNrUACNr, UBNrUACNrdb, UBNrFMillr, and       UBNrUACNrdb                                                                                                                   80

22  Wavelet Coherence (WTC) of UACNrFMillr, UACNrFMillrdb, Cross Wavelet (XWT) of PZrUBNr, and PZrUBNrdb                                                                                                           81

23  Cross Wavelet (XWT) of PZrUACNr, PZrUACNrdb, PZrFMillr, and PZrFMillrdb           82

24  Cross Wavelet (XWT) of PZrUACNr, PZrUACNrdb, PZrFMillr, and PZrFMillrdb            83

25  Conditional Variance Forecast                                                                                                84            

26  Conditional Variance Forecast (Continued)                                                                            85


27  Scalogram                                                                                                                                86

28  Scalogram (Continued)                                                                                                            87







ACF-Auto correlation function

ACVF-Auto covariance function

ANOVA-Analysis of Variance

ARCH- Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity

ARMA- Autoregressive Moving Average

BSE-Bombay Stock Exchange Index

CAPM-Capital Asset Pricing Model

CEE-Central and Eastern European

CRRA- Constant relative risk aversion

CWT-Continuous wavelet Transform

DC- Contribution Scheme

DWT- Discrete wavelet Transform

EGARCH- Exponential Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity

Fmill-Flour Mill of Nigeria Ltd

FT- Fourier Transform          

GARCH- Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity

GED-Generalized Error Distribution

GJR- Glosten, Jaganannthan and Runkle GARCH

HJB- Hamilton Jacobi Equation

iid -Independent and identically distributed noise

 IPI- Industrial Production Index

KSE-Khartoum Stock Exchange

MODWT- Maximum Overlap Discrete wavelet Transform

MRA- Multi Resolution Analysis

NSE- National Stock Exchange Index

PACF- Partial Autocorrelation Function

PDE-Partial Differential Equation

PFA-Pension Fund Administrator

PPP- Pension plan participant

STFT-Short time fourier transform

TARCH- Threshold Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity

UBN- Union Bank of Nigeria

UBN-Union Bank of Nigeria

VaR- Value at Risk

WPS- Wavelet power spectrum

WTC- Wavelet Coherence

XWP- Cross wavelet power

XWT- Cross wavelet Transform









The defined contribution (DC) pension plan is a pension model that has a pre-decided pace of contribution from the Pension Plan Participant (PPP) while the reward accruable to the PPP relies upon the arrival on speculation of the pension wealth. The DC plan is completely financed, privately overseen, and there is an external administration of the assets and resources.  (Okonkwo et al., 2018)  

The pension fund administration in Nigeria is riddled with a lot of challenges threatening the long-term sustenance of the pension fund. Some of these factors threatening the pension fund are the government dipping its hand into the pension fund in the face of its rising debt profile, the policy somersault of the Federal government, the volatility of the stock market, etc. Also of importance are the unwillingness of some employers to join the scheme.  As of September 2018, nine state governments are yet to join the contributory pension fund. Six of these states have drafted the bill and two states have the bill in the house of assembly. Out of those who have joined the fund, only seven state governments are faithful in funding the RSA of their workers. (Punch, 2015).

The Multi-fund is also known as the life-cycle investment for the PPPs was introduced by PENCOM to suit the risk appetite and the investment horizon of each investor concerning the varying phase of their career. The multi-fund structure is made up of four funds: RSA fund I, RSA fund II, RSA fund III, and RSA fund IV (which is strictly for the retirees).  The age of the investor as well as his or her risk appetite to invest in risky assets determines the fund an investor will be placed. (Premium Pension Limited, 2019)

The risky assets allow the investor to make a high rate of return that is determined by market forces. It however comes with attendant high risk. Thus they are characterized by higher reward as well as higher risk. The risky assets include but are not limited to ordinary shares, real estate, infrastructure funds, and private equity funds.

Table 1 Multi-Fund Pension Structure








Less than 50 years

Less than 50 years

50 years and above

50 years and above

Risk Appetite

High appetite for risk

Medium appetite for risk

Low appetite for risk

Low appetite for risk

Allocation to Risky Assets





Default Option

Not default



Not default



Only on demand. It

cannot be available

for anyone who has

retired, exited the

scheme or attained

the age of 50 and


Normal for

pension plan


who have not

attained the

age of 50 years

of age.

Normal for

pension plan


who have

attained the

age of 50 years

 and above.

Only for pension

plan participants

who are retirees

or those who are

exiting the





Figure 1 Multi-Fund Pension Structure

From Table 1 and Figure 1, it is seen that at the entry point, if the PPP has a high risk appetite, he goes to fund 1, else he goes to fund II. At the age of fifty, the PPP has a choice to resign he goes to fund IV, else he goes to fund III, until when he is due for retirement, he moves to fund IV.

The PPP and the PFA (Pension Fund Administration) want the optimal investment strategy that maximizes a pre-determined utility function. Several works have been done in this area, see for instance, (Okonkwo et al., 2018),  and (Chang et al., 2019)


The PPP and PFA have the herculean challenge of investing in a myriad of volatile assets with the sole aim of optimizing returns and minimizing loss. The investor desires to have every available information about the market. These include the market volatilities, the impact of noise, the movement of the stock price in time both for the short term and the long term horizon. However, most models in the literature capture only some aspect of these features; hence the need for an approach that more adequately arms the investor.

In this work, we derived a model that captures the wealth process of a PPP in a defined contributory pension scheme. The model we derived is

Equation (1.2.1) is the equation of the wealth process which is assumed to follow the Heston volatility model (1.2.2). We also derived the optimal investment strategy for the PPP from the wealth process using the HJB equation and solving the resulting PDE. Using the Euler discretization method, we transform the stochastic differential equation (1.2.1) and (1.2.2) into a stochastic difference equation. We use historical data of some selected stocks in the Nigerian Stock Market to analyze their volatilities using the GARCH model and wavelet transform.


This research aims to derive the model of the wealth process of a PPP in a defined contributory pension scheme and also generate the optimal investment strategy with the assumption that the wealth process is a Heston volatility model.

The objectives of this research are:

i.          To derive the optimal investment strategy for a PPP in a defined contributory pension scheme assuming Heston volatility.

ii.         To transform the stochastic differential equation model into a stochastic difference equation model.

iii.        To study the volatility of the stock price return using the GARCH model.

iv.        To study the volatility of the stock price return using wavelet analysis.

iv.        To compare the volatility result obtained from the GARCH and wavelet transform models.


This work introduces the GARCH model and the wavelet analysis into the optimal investment strategy of a participant in a defined contributory pension scheme. This is a novel idea and it captures more properly the dynamics of the stock market than the traditional methods. It also bridges the gap between the theoreticians who are more at home with the stochastic differential equation and the practitioners who prefer the stochastic difference equation.


The purpose of this work is to: derive the model for the wealth process of a PPP in a defined contributory pension scheme assuming Heston volatility, obtain the optimal investment strategy for the model, and study the volatility of the invested wealth using GARCH and wavelet transform. The resulting model and procedure will provide a tool for portfolio selection for a PPP investing his wealth in a stock market.



a.      This work presents useful tools that will help the PPP, PFA’s, investors, like banks, Government, firms, foreign investors, and individuals   to:

i.                    Make the right choices in creating and managing their portfolio.

ii.                  Make the right decision on when to hold or when to sell stocks.

iii.                Understand the volatility dynamics of the market in the time and frequency domain.

iv.                Understand the impact of noise in the market volatility.



This work covers the development of the optimal investment strategy for a PPP in a defined contributory pension scheme as well as the application of Wavelet transform and GARCH models to study the volatility of a portfolio invested in the Nigerian stock market.

The work is limited to a single investor who makes only the mandatory contribution.      


1.8.1    Stochastic process

1.8.2    Independent and identically distributed (IID) noise

1.8.3    Probability measure

1.8.4    Random Variable.

1.8.5    Time series

1.8.6    Stationary

1.8.7    Autocovariance Function (ACVF) and Autocorrelation Function (ACF) 

1.8.8    White noise

1.8.9    Random walk 

The stochastic process Xt   follows a random walk if it can be represented as  with a constant  and white noise  ϵt. If c is not zero, then the variables  have a nonzero mean. We call it a random walk with a drift.

1.8.10 AR(1) Process

The stochastic process  follows an autoregressive process of the first order, written AR(1) process, if 

with a constant parameter .


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