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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00003266

No of Pages: 69

No of Chapters: 5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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Title page



Acknowledgement abstract

Table of contents


1.0      Introduction

1.1      Objectives of the study

1.2      Statement of the problem

1.3      Justification of the research

1.4      Scope of the study

1.5      Research hypothesis

1.6      Limitation of the study

1.7      Definition of related terms


2.0      Literature review

2.1      Early views of motivation theories

2.2      Schools of management thought

2.3      Meaning of the study

2.4      Consequence of un-motivation

2.5      Comments of nigerian writers on motivation

2.6      Requirements of a good system of motivation


3.0      Research methodology

3.1      Resesrch design

3.2      Procedure in gathering data

3.3      Population of the study

3.4      Sample size

3.5      Historical background of the study (NBC)


4.1      Presentation of data

4.2      Analysis of data

4.3      Interpretation of data


5.1      Summary

5.2       Conclusion

5.3       Recommendations














        The topic of this project is “The motivational theories of management and their influence on employee. (A case study of Nigeria Bottling Company Plc Ilorin) This write up will consist of five cahpters that will emphasis on what motivational theories actually entailt for orther researchers to l;ay hand uppon and gain somemthign meaniful from it.

        Chapter one is all about introduction of the research work, opbjective of the study, statement of the problem, justification of the study, research hypothesis, and scope of the stuidy, limitation and defination of terms.

        Chapter two wills ewntail the reviews of related literature on early view of motivation Vearies School of employee’s e.t.c

        Chapter three is the research methodology as well as the embodiment of the case study of Nigeria Bottling Company (NBC) Plc

        Chapter four consistute presentation, analysis and interpretation of data.

Chapter five handles the summary, conclusion and recommendation.









Work can be interesting dull, easy, stressnous and challeging. However, it is a regular and reliable source of income. It gives one purpose in life and a good standard of living. It is as namtural for a man to work and earn something meaniful to improve his/her standard of living work is preferable to idleness.

        Joblessness of any humanbeing can create problem and in fact, a disaster. Work is the life wire of man’s determined how responsible and hard working they tend to be. Some are always on time, put in a good performance. Other is less puntual and tends to get through the day with a minimal amount of effort. Some researchers have assumed that the best worker may be two times as productives as the worst worker.

        Workers with poor performance don’t have proper attention by their superiors while those with excellent performance seem to be given proper attention average Nigeria workers have been accused of being interested in his or her wages and not productivity many citizens of this country want to make quick money without intending to labour much for it.

        The impact of motivation among workers is said to be felt through human relation approach that is based on this motion that management should workers a partners in progress. By this means, workers will be spared to be productive problems. When we are through with the study, it is hope that we will be able to see what can motivate on employee to put in his or her best efforts.

        The aim of this study is to find out why good salary and start us are not only the deeterminant factors that make employee to be dedicated to their work and improved thei productivity of the right factors of motivation are supplied or provided.




Experiencve had shown that Nigeria attitude towards work is unencouraged and it is affecting the country’s national out put negatively. Hence, the dwindling standard of living generally. It is not easy to predict what motivated; it leads to work and strike.

Poor performance: - This occurs workers are not porperly motivated and eill lead to hadequate performance and not carrying out their work as they ought to.

Low Productivity: - The output will reduce because worker will slow down in carrying out their work and this will affect the form both in profit and in losing their customerts.

Negligent of Work: - The workers will neglect their job and will be so reluctant to carryout their suties because they are not well motivated.

Strike:- Wokers demonstrate their griviance through strike and the work will be abandoned.



In today’s compectitive and chaotic enviroment if organisations are to survive, they must attract and attain people who are able and willing to perform and even go beyond what is required it is known what motivation is at the top of any manager’s agenda. It should be noted that having skilled personnel on the pay roll is adequate to attain hiher organization effectiveness. People must be willing to carry-out the task; key must put in more effort. If workers are effective, it would increase the national output of the country. Hence, increase the standard of living of people.


The scope of the study is in two forms

The geography scope (b) organization scope

THE GEOGRAPHY SCOPE: - Due to the proximity factors this study would be carried out with the Nigerian Bottling Company (NBC) Ilorin Branch.

ORGANIZATION SCOPE:-The study would concern itself with the issue of how the level of motivation shaped the attitude of workers in an organization.


Motivated employees are more productive then unmotivated workers

Increase in salary does not motivate workers in all situations.


There is always one limitation or the other which researchers encounter in his or her research work. The following are the limitations encoutered in the course of this research.

Time constraint: - Iin carrying out this research work the time allocated was two tooo small to administer the questionnare, to process to analyse it and make final submission of thoses

Financial Problem:- In accessibilty to organizational libarry is also a major problem in gathering vital information needed to carry-out the research work



MOTIVATION: Motivation is the urge, dirve; desire, aspiration or need which inspires individual to take actions motivation can aslo is descibed as an inner drive that energozes, moves and directs or channels behaviour toward goals.

EMPOWERMENT:- This is an act of delegating power authority and encourage autonomy.

EMPLOYEES:- This are people employed in an organization to perform or cary out some certain task and be remunerated accordingly.

ORGANIZATION:- Organizatiopn can be defined as two or more people working together in a coordianted manner to archieve group results.

OBJECTIVES/GOALS:- Objectives or goals arew the toward which activity is aimed. They are represent net only the and print of planning but also the toward which organizing stafing, leading and controlling are aimed.

AUTHORITY:- Althority is the right to command i.e to make people work to accomplish the organization objective or goals

DELEGATION:- Delegations is a process manager uses in distributing work to his subordinates.

RESPONSIBILITY:-Responsibility is the discription of position outlining the function each individual is to perform.

TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT:- Training and development has always been recognized as an important factor that contribute to improved performance of an employee right from the days of fedrick Taylor of the scientific management to the present day.

PROMOTION:- Upgrading of employees from a lower position to a higher position.

PRODUCTIVITY:- The rate of work efficiency especially in in dustril production.


        Coca-cola Company was inangurated in May 1886, by pharmacist called Dr. Thone perie Bertern.

        The company was situated at No.6 marreta street altlanta Georgia USA. It was started as family refreshment and become worlwide soft drink today. It is been produced and sold in more than 145 countries. It is made up of syrup, sugar, carbodinate (C02) and treated water (H2o) which can be found in Nigeria. The syrup is been controlled by the corporated head office in Winsor London. Nigeria Bottling Company was in corporated in Nigeria in 1953 when is the biggest and number are in the food and bevarage sector. The companuy is the quit number of product such as Coca-cola, Fanta, Sprite, Krest, Tank water, Fanta leman, Schwepps. The compy has also helped in developing other industires such as Delta Glass Coimpany which produces soft drinks, Crown Product Limited which manufacture Benin plastic company is owned by over 30,000 share solders. The management team has the full support. Must and encouragement of the share sholders for over 40years which has resultted in the company enhancement. The company’s maximum production record is clearly astonishing by producing over 10,000,000 bottles everyday nation wide the consumption of about 7,000,000 by Nigerians daily.

Nigeria Bottling Company Collective strenghth is based on over 10,000 capable goals and well trained personnel providing the foundation on which many other business establihments have been built with over 2000 large medium and small scale business compossing it’s supplies sectors. Its customer’s services orientation has created a network of global services over 60,000 registered and 50,000 part time dealers which is the biggest network distribution in the country. It is estimated that about 150,000 family member of this dealer one direct beneficiaries of their success. Nigeria Bottling Company (NBC) put some product mainly through philan tropic activities for example the company is a leader in the crusade for environment protection.

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