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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00003324

No of Pages: 80

No of Chapters: 5

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This study is aimed at examining the roles played by the Nigeria media in consolidating democracy. In the course of the study, the following questions were put forward: (1) ,What is the relationship between media and democratic government? (2) What roles did the media play in the last election? (3) What are the problems of the media in a democracy? In the process of carrying out this research topic, the secondary method of data collection was used (The theoretical framework was focused on the Social Responsibility Theory. It proposes (that the media should accept and carry out certain (responsibilities to the society purely on the ground of information, and 'the provision of level opportunity for different views/ideology. At the end of our investigations, we validate both hypothesis 1, 2 and 3 as follows:- (l) the media serve as an agent of watch dog over the government; and the 'policing institution over the fundamental objectives and direct principles of state policy as well as the citizen’s fundamental rights. (2) The media played the roles of watchdog, information, voter educating, peace building, political debate and discussion,   among other during the last election in Nigeria. (3) The problems of the media in a democracy ranges from: overbearing government influence, to, poor funding, lack of modern facilities, absence of life assurance scheme, and etc. finally, we recommend that both the government and development agencies should help map out a functional development plan as way of contributing to the upliftment of the media. On the other hand, both the government and the general public must be ready to welcome the systematic ways by which the media use in approaching issues of national interest, while the media should build a relationship to make sure that the noble profession of journalism maintains a standard format in accordance with the professions code of conduct. 








Front Page                                                                    i

Certification                                                                      ii

Dedication                                                              iii

Acknowledgements                                                      iv

Table of Contents                                                                v

Abstract                                                                        vii



1.0     Background of the Study                                   1

1.2     Statements of the Problems                   5

1.3     The Objectives of the Study                       8

1.4    Significance of the Study                                             8

1.5    Methodology                                                   9

1.6    Scope of the study                                            9   

1.7     Limitation of the Study                                10

1.8     Definition of Terms                                           10



2.1      Contextual Discourse ….         …                  14                   

2.2     The Role of Media, in Political Education and

Dissemination of Political Information               21  


3.1     History of Radio Nigeria                           …             27

3.2     Democracy and Media in Nigeria             …             30

3.3     Their Roles During the 2015 Election       …             36




4.1   The Media Mass Mobilization  …               …               49

4.2   Political Education …               …               …               53

4.3   Challenges Faced by the Media …               …               59



5.0     Summary             …               …               …               68

5.1     Conclusion           …               …               …               70

5.2     Recommendations         …                       72

BIBLIOGRAPHY …               …               …               74










1.1   Background of the Study

The role of the media many given society more especially a society like Nigeria as one of an example of such, is of great necessity. The media is the most accepted veritable and functional means through which the citizens are been informed based on the activities of those who they elected as their leaders in government. This is mostly experienced in developed nations where the lives of the citizens are said to be controlled by a few government officials. Internationally, the media is generally accepted as one of the instruments used in making the government be aware of the needs and aspirations of the people. It tends to identify the different problems been experienced in our society and also, serve as a platform for deliberations. The media is equally regarded as the watchdog that the people place their hope on for exposing errors and wrongdoings by those in powers or at the herm of affairs. It is based on this ideology that our democratic society rests on the assumption that the media goes hand-in-hand with democracy; and for this reason therefore, it is reasonable to acquire or demand that the media operates to certain level with regard to these functions.

The most important democratic roles that we can expect the media to play are listed in an often cited article written by Gurevitch and Blumler (1990:187). These functions include surveillance of socio-political developments, identifying the relevant issues providing a platform for debate across a diverse range of views, provide incentives for citizens to learn, holding officials to account for the way they exercise power, choose and become involved in the political processes and thereby resisting effort to force outside to subvert their independence. However, it can only carry out these roles by keeping a close-watch on the government.

The mass media acts as a powerful instrument for disseminating developmental messages and propagating programme of action simultaneously to available large number of people; individual or in groups of varying sizes separated by distance from the source of the message as regards dividends of democracy, equal right and justice, Ume Chukwu (2002:28). Most importantly world leaders, democrats and people with free mind need viable media to accomplish various developmental projects as regards to democratic consolidation in their various countries,

The Nigeria media especially the broadcast media have played pivotal roles in political education and dissemination of political information in the country. Also, it has played its roles in consolidating Nigerian democracy as well as being able to achieve their functions through adequate conscientization of the citizens about democratic norms. It follows that using its power to provide information, education and entertainment to the citizens, the media contributes substantially to the democratic rule in Nigeria as a nation. It does this: through its assistance in building and maintaining an environment conducive to democracy in the country with a special reference to the last 2015 general election which was held in the country. It again promotes free choice of leadership especially through voting education, respect for the rule of law by the rulers and ruled, peace building, social justice and equity as well as respect for basic human rights.

Furthermore, the functions of the media goes beyond disseminating information to initiating democratic features which is also a means of consolidating democracy in Nigeria. Such features of democracy are itemized as follows: to create and give room for opinions and association, to respect the rule of law, to appreciate majority rule but try to accommodate and accord respects for the rights of minorities, and also to ensure a free, fair, credible, peaceful, and acceptable election, regularly. The media serve as the monitoring unit that ensures that democratic principles are not swept under the carpet most especially at the time of election. This assertion finds .expression in the argument published by the

(Electoral Commission of Zambia 2015) as, “thus at election time, when constituents must elect their representatives, it becomes doubly imperative that the media afford them all information necessary for them to make informed choices about whom to elect and whom not to elect into positions of authority”. Also, in the argument of Emery et al (1968: 17) it expresses that “whatever other forces comes into action, it is clear that the mass media of communication play a key role in the widely available channel through which political leaders express their views and seek to rally public backing for their policies? In the same line of action, Naaba (2001:1) maintains that besides the parliament, the next indicator that the society is under is its press.

A free and well informed media are expected to be critical in promoting citizens participation in democratic process, holding government to account and cm powering poor communities through political education and dissemination of political information, and peace building. Another essential role that the media play is giving voice to the voiceless, bringing to the knowledge of all, the major attributes of good governance such as transparency accountability, efficiency, responsiveness and responsibility. In the process of actualizing these functions, the media should not just be seen as mirror of the society, by just passively reporting events. It is placed with the emphatic task of acting as the watchdog of the citizenry and the monitors of positive change.

With the emergence of a new democracy in May 29th, 1999, the Nigeria media have been free to function under an environment that appreciates the rule of law. It has also been given the liberty to bring to perfection, its statutory roles of checks and balances, political education and dissemination of political information in the country, especially during election period, and also a watchdog over the happenings of events in the political system.

This study is therefore to commend and acknowledge the roles played by the media in political education and dissemination of political information in the country and Enugu State in particular, especially during the last 2015 general election, with regard to the consolidating of democratic governance in the country.


1.2     Statement of the Problem

The media is a necessary condition for democratic development. Scholars lire Marshall McLuhan, Jurgen Habermas and John Thompson have demonstrated beyond doubt how the media impact both on the individual and the society, shaping perception, knowledge and attitude, influence social relations and setting agenda for the public.

The media which include print and electronic is a channel for the dissemination of information, especially political information, sensitization and conscientization of the people concerning equipping them with insights into the going-on in their environment and around the world. This function is essentially the bedrock of media criticism. However, particularly in the wake of partisan journalism, sponsored news programmes, commercialized media enterprise, political reporting, and propagandistic reportage in operation in Nigeria, the media, particularly the broadcast media has taken a strange step in the way and manner that it disseminates information. This has impacted considerably on the question of objectivity, truth and fairness regarding news contents. This ethical aberration has posed a serious contradiction to the pristine configuration of media or journalistic business.

Using the just concluded 2015 general elections as a mirror of the state of media practice in the country, it is noteworthy that the members of the fourth estate of the realm performed creditably well in the discharge of their duties. The members of the Nigerian media were trained by the independent National electoral commission and some other agencies ahead of the elections. In discharging their duties, they did inform and educate the masses about the electoral process. They wrote editorials, did news analysis, conduct opinion polls, and organized political debates among the candidates and their political parties. Many electronic media outlets also designed political education) programmes through which election experts were invited to shed light on some knotty political issues. This was between March 10, and April 23, 2015 and were done on both radio and television, many of which were live discussion programmes.

As the saying goes, there are two sides to every coin. The media in the cause of their political reports also exhibited some excesses. A number of the reports of some of the media houses were not only sensational and exaggerated but were also patently biased. Some of them threw ethics and standards to the wind and acted recklessly. They dished out falsehood, half-truths and jaundiced reports for public consumption. They concocted stories and forecast winners based on primordial sentiments. There' is no doubt that the ownership structure has a lot of influence on the orientation and service delivery of many of media outfits. Many otherwise apolitical news media outlets came under political pressure of their owners or due to pecuniary gains.

The critical issue now appears to be how the media can be positioned to effectively play its roles of political education watchdog disseminating of political information, among others, to the general public. This is because, the paramount tenent of the mass media in political education and dissemination of political information in Nigeria cannot be over emphasized but in spite of the basic roles of the Nigerian media, there seem to be a vacuum in its performance in providing an unbiased political education and dissemination of political information. Therefore, this study presents the following:

l.        What is the relationship between the media and democratic government?

2.       What roles did the media play in the last election?

3.       What are the problems of the media in a democracy?


1.3     Objectives of the Study

1.       To establish a relationship between the media and the government.

2.       To determine the roles the media played in a democratic society.

3.       To proffer a workable solution to the challenges facing the media in

            a democratic setting.


1.4     Significance of the Study

The study of this nature will help to demonstrate how the media could b used to shape political behavior attitudes and perceptions of the people concerning electoral/political matters. It will also serve as a veritable instrument that can be use to promote objectivity and fairness when issues of national interest is raised up. In view of the critical, informative and sensitization nature of the media to contribute to the public discourse of which electoral process is one of such, as well as to further educate the citizenry on the current happenings based on political matters and on how to offer reasoned opinions that will not go a long way to disintegrate the unity of the entire nation. This study will serve as a vehicle through which the media will use or depend on in consolidating the content of democracy in Nigeria.

During the military era, the military saw the media, particularly dangerous. Within that setting, laws were decreed to undermine and keep the media in check, which inhibited the media freedom and performance, more especially the broadcast media. This study when completed will be both academically and socially significant to the media, the governments, the students and the general public.

Again, this study will help the trainees, practicing journalists or reporters and the general public in understanding the functions .and contributions of the media in political education and dissemination of political information towards consolidating and promoting democracy in Nigeria. The study is also hoped to enable the readers know how far the Nigeria media have gone in fostering democratic elections in the country within the stated period under consideration.

1.5     Methodology

For any research to be meaningful, reliable and scientific, facts and ideas must be supplemented with empirical data. The method use in the cause of this study is Secondary methods of data collection.

The Secondary sources of materials include textbooks; magazines, journals; government publications, unpublished papers and articles, official documents, and internet materials

The method of data analysis used in the course of the study is content analysis.

1.6 Scope of the Study

The scope of this study covers the period 2011 to 2015, which explains the period after last election in Nigeria and period leading to the 2015 general elections. The study tends to explain the different behavior and role played by the mass media towards enhancing electioneering in Nigeria.


1.7 Limitation of the Study



The study is however, bedevilled by several limitations which are inevitable. This include the problem of getting the required and relevant text from the library; logistic problem of transporting one from place to place. The researcher not allowed or attended to by library attendants also form a limitation to the study. Financial constraints is one of the factor forming a limitation to this study. However, despite all the noted limitation the work was able to meet the required goal of the study.


1.8     Definition of Terms

Media: The main ways that large numbers of people receive information and entertainment, Gg-Radio, Television, the Internet etc.

Democracy: A system of government in which all the people of a country can vote to elect their representatives.

Consolidation: To make a position of power or success stronger so that it is more likely to continue or, to join things into one so that it may become stranger.

Media Watchdog: media as a watchdog of the society and of the government means that the media serves as mirror through which the activities of both society and the government are been checkmated and made known to the public.

To Disseminate/Propagate Information or Programme: To spread information programme or knowledge etc. so that it reaches many people

Dividend of Democracy: An amount of profit the people or a group of persons, state or constituencies gain as a reward from the people they elect to represent them in government.

Social Justice and Equity: A situation whereby everyone is being accepted as one, and treated as equals.

Transparency: The quality of something, such as a situation or an argument that makes it easy to understand. It is also used in a political term when describing a particular electoral process or leadership. Other words used in this form are accountability efficiency, credibility.

Responsive: reacting quickly and in a positive way. The media are seen to be responsive in their manner of political education and information dissemination.

Sensitive: To make somebody or something more aware of something, especially a problem or something bad. It is also used as a political term to mean; making the public to be aware or have an idea about political issues. Another word used in this form is conscientize.

Partisan Journalism: Showing too much support for one person, group or idea when collecting, writing and reportage of information especially political information without considering it carefully.

Propagandistic Reportage: It means giving or spreading false ideas or statements that are used in order to gain support for a political leader, a party or group etc.

Ethical Aberration: This is of a feeling, connected with beliefs, principles, or action that makes one to behave in an unusual an unacceptable way.

Jaundiced Reports: An unpleasant or unuseful information’s by the media.

Primordial Sentiment: A feeling, opinion or desire that is connected to emotions.

Apolitical: A situation whereby one is not interested in politics or its happenings. Not thinking politics are important.

Voting Behaviour: The way or manner in which a person behaves over political matters or happenings around his/her environment.

Editorial Independence: Giving free liberty or freedom to media industries to proper, write, publish and equally report any information on radio, television, news papers, etc without external interference.

National Integration: National (unity i.e., uniting the different parts, religions, tribes, peoples and different ideologies together in a country’s activities or affairs.

Political Mobilization: Organizing a group that will work together in order to achieve political objectives or goals especially during election.

Political Trajectories: Used when referring to the political boundaries of a nation or state. E.g. the state, local governments, constituencies, senatorial districts, etc.

Mandate: The authority to do something, given to a government or other organization by the people who vote for it in an election.

Enfranchise: To give one the right to vote in an election.

Public Consensus: A general opinion agreed by all over a particular matter or issues.

Campaign: A series of activities, mostly political activities organized by one or apolitical group to achieve a particular position or goal in government.

Revolution: An attempt, by a large number of people, to change the government of a country, especially by violent action.

Empirical Data: Data or information that is based on experience or experiment rather than theories,

To Exude Air of Probity: To show or express quality of honesty. It is a term been recognized in media reportage.

Ginger-Up: It is a term used by the media when referring to motivating a person, or group of people.

Social Responsibility: A duty that is placed on one, a group, an establishment or a society to carry out a particular task or function.

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