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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00009615

No of Pages: 86

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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The study focused on the influence of staff work life balance in the performance of hospitality 5establishments in Umuahia, Abia State. The objectives of the study were; identify the various aspects of work-life balance situation of hospitality establishments, analyze the influence of staff work-life balance on productivity of hospitality staff, determine the factors affecting work-life balance in hospitality establishments and explore the measures followed by the hospitality establishments to enhance the work-life balance situation of its employees. To achieve the objective of the study, survey research design was adopted. The researcher adopted primary data in getting the required information through the use of structured questionnaire. The population for the study was 38 registered hotels in Umuahia, Abia State with 520 staff strength. The sample size of the study is 226 after adopting Taro Yamane formula. In analysis the data: mean and percentages were used. The findings revealed that delegation, holidays, free time and job shift were the major aspects of work-life balance situation of hospitality establishments. The findings also revealed that delegation, job shift, retirement scheme and holidays were the major factors that influences staff work-life balance on productivity of hospitality staff. The findings further revealed that organizational policy, qualification, level of customer patronage and years of service were the major factors affecting work-life balance in hospitality establishments. The findings also revealed that staff training, job shift and employing more staff to give room for break time and delegation of duties were the major measures followed by the hospitality establishments to enhance the work-life balance situation of its employees. Based on the result, the study recommends that hospitality establishments should try and maintain the major aspects of work-life balance situation to their staff such as delegation, holidays, free time and job shift. This will help in increasing employee job performance thereby enhancing the performance of hospitality establishments. The study also recommends that hospitality establishments should implement delegation, job shift, retirement scheme and holidays in their work schedules to enable employee have a good work-balance and increase their productivity. The study also recommends that hospitality establishments should review their policy regarding to work-life balance, ensure that staff are qualified, focus on increasing level of customer patronage and also put into consideration staff years of service. The study further recommends that hospitality establishments should train staff, implement job shift, employ more staff to give room for break time and delegation of duties in order to enhance a good work-life balance situation of its employees, for the purpose of increasing the performance of hospitality establishments. 


Title Page                                                                                                                    i

Approval                                                                                                                     ii

Declaration                                                                                                                  iii

Certification                                                                                                                iv

Dedication                                                                                                                  v

Acknowledgement                                                                                                      vi

Table of Contents                                                                                                       vii

List of Tables                                                                                                              x

Abstract                                                                                                                       xi


1.1       Background to the study                                                                                 1

1.2       Statement of the problem                                                                               4

1.3       Objectives of the study                                                                                   5

1.4       Research questions                                                                                         5

1.5       Research hypothesis                                                                                       6

1.6       Significance of the study                                                                                6

1.7       Scope of the study                                                                                          7


2.1       Conceptual Framework                                                                                  8

2.1.1    Work-life balance                                                                                           8 Job shift                                                                                                          10 Vacation                                                                                                         11 Delegation                                                                                                      12 Retirement scheme                                                                                         14

2.1.2    Effect of balance on employee performance and satisfaction                        15

2.1.3    Factors of work and home-life balance time restrictions                               18

2.1.4    Characteristics of employees with good work and home-life balance                        22

2.1.5    Characteristics of employees with poor work and home-life balance                        23

2.1.6    Human resources in the Hospitality Industry                                                 25

2.1.7    Work-life balance and human resource management                                    26

2.1.8    Work-life balance supports                                                                             27

2.1.9    Work-family interface and conflict                                                                27

2.1.10  Benefits of flexible working arrangements                                                   28

2.1.11 Work-family balance in hotels                                                                        29

2.2       Theoretical Framework                                                                                  31

2.2.1    Conflict theory                                                                                                31

2.2.2    Enrichment theory                                                                                          32

2.2.3    Boundary and border theory                                                                           33

2.3       Empirical review                                                                                            35

2.4       Summary of related literature                                                                        40


3.1       Research design                                                                                              43

3.2       Area of the study                                                                                            43

3.3       Population of the study                                                                                   44

3.4       Sample and sampling technique                                                                     44

3.4.1    Sample size determination                                                                             44

3.4.2    Sampling Technique                                                                                       45

3.5       Instrument for data collection                                                                        45

3.6       Validation of the instrument                                                                           45

3.7       Reliability of the research Instrument                                                            46

3.8       Method of data collection                                                                              46

3.9       Instrument for data collection                                                                        46


4.1       Data presentation                                                                                            47

4.2       Major findings                                                                                                56       

4.3       Discussion of findings                                                                                    56


5.1       Summary                                                                                                        58

5.1.1    Restatement of the problem                                                                            59

5.1.2    Description of methods used                                                                          60

5.2       Conclusion                                                                                                      60

5.3       Recommendations                                                                                          61

5.4       Contribution to knowledge                                                                             62

5.5       Suggestion for further studies                                                                         62














Table 4.1         Mean responses on the various aspects of work-life balance situation of hospitality establishments                                                                                   47       

Table 4.2         Mean responses of the influence of staff work-life balance on productivity of hospitality staff                                                                                         49

Table 4.3         Mean responses of the factors affecting work-life balance in hospitality establishments                                                                                                  51       

Table 4.4         Mean responses of the measures followed by the hospitality establishments to enhance the work-life balance situation of its employees                                                                                                                                                                   53       










1.1 Background to the study

The hospitality industry is an emerging industry in Nigeria with emerging innovations and industry tailored changes. The industry has both government and private sector participation thus its spread and trends is phenomenal. The hospitality industry remains one of the largest, if not the largest industry that cuts across businesses such as hotels, restaurants, event planning and management etc. and anchored on service delivery (Omobude and Igbudu, 2012).  The hospitality establishment is a broad category of fields within the service industry that includes hotels, food and drink services, event planning, theme parks, transportation, cruise line, traveling and additional fields within the tourism industry (Smith, 2017). The hotel industry being a vital part of the wider hospitality industry occupies an important place in the economy of most countries, the industry was forecast to generate 555 billion U.S dollars in revenue in 2016 (Smith, 2017).  The main purpose of hotels is to provide accommodation, food and drink to travelers (Wellington, 2015). They are meant to provide a hospitality service that is basically composed of accommodation, food and drink but in a warm friendly environment (Wilson and Ariffian, 2012).

Work–life balance is the term used to describe the balance that an individual needs between time allocated for work and other aspects of life (Berrera, 2017). Areas of life other than work-life can be, but not limited to personal interests, family and social or leisure activities. The term ‘Work Life Balance' is recent in origin, as it was first used in UK and US in the late 1970s and 1980s, respectively. More recently the term has drawn on some confusion; this is in part due to recent technological changes and advances that have made work and work objectives possible to be completed on a 24-hour cycle. The use of smart phones, email, video-chat, and other technological innovations have made it possible to work without having a typical "1 to 5 work day" (Chow, & Keng-Howe, 2016).

The menace of work- life imbalance is noticeable in the hospitality industry. Employees in the hotels take painful effort to deliver the various needs of its customers (Bardoel, De Cieri, &Shea, 2019). Work deadlines are getting compact and the individual's jobs are loaded and added with quality output (Abbott, 2018). Due to work in pressure, it becomes hard to maintain balance between professional and family life. Work-life balance is now an important determinant for more workers in attaining a thriving career (Abbott, 2018). The stipulations of work or personal life can cause stress, poor quality time with family and friends, kids not knowing their parents and parents not understanding their kids, as well as broken homes. Such circumstances impact on workers physiologically thus resulting in 
work stress. People becomes disconnected from the work and instead of seeing work as pleasure, work is seen as a burden (Bardoel, De Cieri, &Shea, 2019).

Organizational performance comprises the actual output or results of an organization as measured against its intended outputs (or goals and objectives) (Hayman, 2010). Organizational performance involves analyzing a company’s performance against its objectives and goals. In other words, organizational performance comprises real results or outputs compared with intended outputs. The analysis focuses on three main outcomes, shareholder value performance; financial performance; and market performance. A high performance in any hospitality establishment is usually accomplished when the demands of personal life, professional life, and family life of a staff are balanced. The staff tends to work with happiness and put in their best because they are contended. One of the major determinants of staff happiness is work-life balance (Berrera, 2017). A good work-life balance, on the other hand, is profitable for both employees and employers. A case in point is the rise in output of factories in the 19th century when work hours were reduced to 10, and later, eight hours a day (Chow, & Keng-Howe, 2016). This reduction in work hour positively affect work-life-balance but inversely affect workers performance. There is growing concern that the quality of home and workers’ life is declining thereby causing poor worker contributions and performances at work. Where employees are unable to suitably balance work and family life, they tend to find it difficult to manage tasks at the workplace and this subsequently shrinks productivity. Lack of work flexibility, elevated work pressures and long working hours; a situation that decreases their job performance and productivity (Chow, & Keng-Howe, 2016).  

One of the inhibiting factors which must be acknowledged in the discussion of work-life balance is the relative scarcity of theory; this can be attributed to the fact that it is one of those areas of administration where practice is ahead of theory (Berrera, 2017). Work-Life Balance is an area which has been flooded in western literature however far less attention has been given to the area in developing economies like Nigeria (Mordi, Mmieh & Ojo, 2012). However, they acknowledged that some aspects of work-life balance practices may be less applicable or require substantial adaptation in Nigeria because of institutional and cultural differences. It is important for organizations to ensure that their employees have a satisfactory level of balance between work and other spheres of their life in order to ensure they maintain a high level of job quality so as to minimize errors which would be costly to the organizations. Work-life balance has become an increasingly pervasive concern to both employers and employees of most organizations the world over. Work-life balance primarily deals with employees’ ability to properly prioritize between their work and everyday life, social life, health, family etc. Work life balance (WLB) is largely associated with matters of workers’ productivity, performance and job satisfaction. Where there is appropriate balance between work and life, workers become predisposed to putting in their best shots at work, because their families are contented. Finding a suitable balance between work and life is a challenge for all workers. Studies indicate that when there are happy homes, work places tend to be conflict free and enjoyable places to be (Hayman, 2010). Rising attrition rates and escalating demand for work-life balance have made it compulsory for organizations to look outside human resource interventions (Hayman, 2010). Consequently, schemes such as flexible working hours, alternative work plans, leave plans, benefits rather than family care responsibilities and employee assistance programmes have become an important part of organization benefit programmes and reward packages especially in developed economies. It is on this ground that this study intends to examine the influence of staff work life balance in the performance of hospitality establishments in Umuahia, Abia State.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

A central characteristic of work-life balance is the amount of time a person spends at work. There are indications that long work hours may harm personal health, endanger safety and increase stress. Developing economies like Nigeria are faced with serious economic challenges and labour market pressures added to poor social infrastructures, poverty, high unemployment and corruption. These conditions further exacerbate the work and life of the average Nigerian worker whose aim is to make a living and who may have to arduously build up accommodating arrangements and cognitive psychological coping behaviours that stimulate desirable satisfaction and effectual functioning both at work and at home (Fapohunda, 2013). Most workers in Nigeria are affected by lack of work flexibility, elevated work pressures and long working hours; a situation that decreases their job performance and productivity. There is growing concern that the quality of home and workers’ life is declining thereby causing poor worker contributions and performances at work (Abbott, 2018). Where employees are unable to suitably balance work and family life, they tend to find it difficult to manage tasks at the workplace and this subsequently shrinks productivity (Fapohunda, 2013). It is against this backdrop that this study intends to examine the influence of staff work life balance in the performance of hospitality establishments in Umuahia, Abia State.

1.3 Objectives of the Study

The main objective of the study is to examine the influence of staff work life balance in the performance of hospitality establishments in Umuahia, Abia State.

Specific the work will:

(i)             identify the various aspects of work-life balance situation of hospitality establishments.

(ii)           analyze the influence of staff work-life balance on productivity of hospitality staff.

(iii)          determine the factors affecting work-life balance in hospitality establishments

(iv)          explore the measures followed by the hospitality establishments to enhance the work-life balance situation of its employees.

1.4 Research Questions

The following research questions guided the study

(i)             What are the various aspects of work-life balance situation of hospitality establishments?

(ii)           What is the influence of staff work-life balance on productivity of hospitality staff?

(iii)         What are the factors affecting work-life balance in hospitality establishments?

(iv)          What are the measures followed by the hospitality establishments to enhance the work-life balance situation of its employees?

1.5 Research Hypotheses

H01: Staff work-life balance situation has no significant influence on the productivity of hospitality staff in Umuahia.

1.6 Significance of the Study

The result of this study will be of great benefit to the various hospitality establishments.

Hospitality Establishments: It will give the management and staff a broad knowledge of work-life balance, how to implement and maintain it. When the management team and staff implements this knowledge in their organization, staff will always be happy and have a sense of equity, thereby putting in their best performance increasing the sales volume, thus increasing productivity. Staff will have a greater level of motivation, demonstrate greater level of involvement in their jobs, and having greater level of readiness in giving more than what they are supposed to in contributing to the survival and success of their organization and the organization in turn breaks even and maximizes profit.

Students: The study will be of significant importance to the students. They will have a better knowledge of work-life balance. It will benefit them in gaining more knowledge for practical purposes in the work field and for those who wish to use it as a basis for further research.

Companies: It will be beneficial to various companies, as the knowledge and understanding of work-life balance with proper implementation will help promote equity in the work environment, break-even and make higher profit.

Government: The Government will also benefit from the study. Steady inflow of tax income will be accrued to the Federal Government when various hospitality establishments start making maximum profit and growing, thus boosting Nigeria economy.

1.7  Scope of the Study

The scope of the study is limited to the influence of staff work-life balance in the performance of hospitality establishment in Umuahia, Abia State. The geographical scope is Umuahia, Abia State while the unit scope is managers and staff of some selected hotels in Umuahia, Abia State.




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