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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00007217

No of Pages: 137

No of Chapters: 1-5

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The effects of milling (wet and dry) and coagulants (lime, Epsom salt and tamarind) on the viscoelastic properties and growth dynamics of selected food pathogens of tofu from blends of soybean and sesame were studied. The soybean and sesame blended in different ratio (100:0, 82.5:17.5, 65:35, 47.5:52.5, 30:70, and 0:100) were processed into flour by dry and wet milling method. The physicochemical properties of the flour samples were determined. The wet and dry milled flour blend in different ratio were further processed into tofu using three coagulants – lime, Epsom salt and tamarind. The physical, proximate and mineral compositions of the tofu samples were determined. The texture profile analysis, stress strain test and stress relaxation test were also carried out. Furthermore, the texture profile analysis of the samples were subjected to different mixture models using the D-optimal mixture model. The growth dynamics of selected bacteria (Escherichia coli, Salmonella enteritidis) and fungus, Aspergillus flavus were also observed in the fresh tofu samples. Finally, the best tofu sample was identified using the optimization test result. The result from the flour analysis revealed that functional properties of 100% dry milled soybean (D100:0) was the highest. The fat and ash content were highest in 100% dry milled sesame (D0:100) while the protein content was highest in 100% dry milled soybean (D100:0). The mineral composition of the flour was highest in (D0:100). The physical characteristics of the fresh tofu revealed that 100% soybean dry milled tofu coagulated with tamarind (TD100:0) had the highest initial weight and coagulation time. Wet milled tofu coagulated with lime and tamarind was fitted in linear mixture model and cubic mixture model respectively. In texture profile responses, the wet milled tofu from soybean/sesame blend coagulated with Epson salt (EW65:35) had the highest value in hardness (569.86), chewiness (154.92N) and gumminess (181.98). The stress strain test revealed that the dry milled tofu from soybean/sesame blend coagulated with Epson salt (ED82.5:17.5) had the highest stress strain yield (0.948N/mm2) while the dry milled tofu from soybean/sesame blend coagulated with Epson salt (ED47.5:52.5), had the lowest value(0.165N/mm2). The internal stress and stress modulus had the highest values (1.206N/mm2) and (3.02N/mm2) respectively   in ED47.5:52.5 while the lowest values (0.032N/mm2) and (0.66N/mm2) were found in the dry milled tofu from soybean/sesame blend coagulated with lime (LW47.5:52.5), and the dry milled tofu from soybean/sesame blend coagulated with tamarind (TD47.5:52.5) respectively. The growth dynamics of Escherichia coli, Salmonella enteritidisAspergillus flavus revealed that the lowest growth was found in dry milled Epson salt coagulated tofu with 30% soybean and 70% sesame mixture (ED30:70) using the optical density growth reading. Finally, the optimization test revealed that dry milled tamarind coagulated tofu with 30% soybean and 70% sesame mixture (TD30:70) had the overall best among the 30 samples based on nutritional, textural and microbial constraints. This suggests that soft tofu with high protein, fats and mineral composition is preferred for all ages and can be processed by dry milling of soybean and sesame, coagulated with tamarind.



Title Page                                                                                                                    i

Declaration                                                                                                                  ii

Certification                                                                                                                iii

Dedication                                                                                                                  iv

Acknowledgements                                                                                                    v

Table of Contents                                                                                                       vi

List of Tables                                                                                                              ix

List of Figures                                                                                                             xiii

List of Plates                                                                                                               xviii

Abstract                                                                                                                      xix


CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION                                                                            1

1.1       Statement of Problem                                                                                     3

1.2       Objectives of the Study                                                                                  4

1.3       Justification                                                                                                     5


CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW                                                              7

2.1       Origin and Production of Tofu                                                                       7

2.2       Utilization of Soybean in Nigeria                                                                   8

2.2       Utilization of Sesame in Nigeria                                                                     10

2.4       Tofu Coagulants                                                                                             14

2.4.1    Salt coagulants calcium sulfate (gypsum)                                                       15

2.4.2    Acids (glucono delta-lactone (GDL)) as coagulants                                      16

2.4.3    Enzymes as coagulants                                                                                   16

2.3.4    Lime and tamarind as locally sourced coagulants                                          16

2.5       Texture Profile Analysis (TPA)                                                                      18

2.6       Microbial Spoilage of Tofu                                                                             21

2.7       Effect of Milling on Grains                                                                            23

2.7.1    Theory of milling                                                                                            24


CHAPTER 3: MATERIALS AND METHODS                                                   27

3.1       Source of Materials                                                                                         27

3.2       Sample Preparation and Tofu Production                                                       27

3.2.1    Lime and tamarind preparation                                                                       27

3.3       Tofu Formulation from Soybean and Sesame                                    29

3.4       Tofu Production                                                                                              30

3.5       Steps in Tofu Processing                                                                                 34

3.5       Functional Properties                                                                                      36

3.5.1    Bulk density                                                                                                    36

3.5.2:   Swelling index                                                                                                36

3.5.3    Water absorption capacity                                                                              36

3.5.4    Oil absorption capacity                                                                                   37

3.5.5    Gelatinization temperature                                                                              37

3.6       Determination of Minerals                                                                              37

3.6.1    Determination of calcium                                                                               38

3.6.2    Determination of magnesium                                                                          39

3.6.3    Determination of potassium and sodium                                                        39

3.6.4    Determination of phosphorus                                                                         40

3.6.5    Determination of iron (Fe)                                                                              41

3.7       Proximate Analysis                                                                                         42

3.7.1    Moisture content determination                                                                      42

3.7.2    Ash content determination                                                                             42

3.7.3:   Crude fibre determination                                                                              43

3.5.4    Fat determination                                                                                            43

3.5.5    Protein content determination                                                                        44

3.5.6    Determination of carbohydrate                                                                       45

3.7       Texture Profile Analysis                                                                                 47

3.8       Stress Relaxation Test                                                                                     48

3.9       Stress Strain Test                                                                                            48

3.10     Confirmation Test for the Selected Pathogenic Organisms                            50

3.10.1  Morphological test                                                                                          50

3.10.2  Gram staining                                                                                                  51

3.10.3  Endospore staining                                                                                         51

3.10.4  Biochemical confirmation test for bacterial catalase test                                51

3.10.5  Oxidase test                                                                                                    52

3.10.6  Carbohydrate fermentation test                                                                      52

3.10.7  Indole production test                                                                                    52

3.10.8  Methyl red test                                                                                                53

3.10.9  Citrate utilisation test                                                                                      53

3.10.10 Hydrogen sulphide production test                                                               53

3.10.11 Urease test                                                                                                     53

3.11     Inoculation and Incubation of Tofu                                                               54

3.11.1  Inoculation of Escherichia coli and Salmonella enteritidis                             54

3.11.2  Inoculation of Aspergillus flavus                                                                    54

3.12     Statistical Analysis                                                                                          55

3.13     Sensory Evaluation                                                                                         55


CHAPTER 4:            RESULTS AND DISCUSSION                                                      56

4.1       Results                                                                                                            56


CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS                                     223

5.1       Conclusion                                                                                                      223

5.2       Recommendations                                                                                          224












 3.1:     Mixture D optimal for two variables for Tofu production                             29

4.1:      Functional properties of dry milled soybean/ sesame flour                            58

 4.2:     Functional properties of wet milled soybean/ sesame flour                            60

 4.3:     Proximate composition of dry milled soybean/ sesame flour (%)                   63

 4.4:     Proximate composition of wet milled soybean/ sesame flour (%)                  65

 4.5:     Mineral composition of dry milled soybean and sesame flour (Mg/100g)     67

                4.6:    Mineral composition of wet milled soybean and sesame flour (Mg/100g)     69

 4.7:     Physical characteristics of fresh Tofu from dry milled soybean and sesame

            blend coagulated with lime                                                                             72

 4.8:     Physical characteristics of fresh Tofu from dry milled soybean sesame

            blend coagulated with Epsom salt                                                                  74

 4.9:     Physical characteristics of fresh Tofu from dry milled soybean sesame

blend coagulated with tamarind                                                                     77

 4.10:   Physical characteristics of fresh Tofu from wet milled soybean sesame

blend coagulated with lime                                                                             79

 4.11:   Physical characteristics of fresh Tofu from wet milled soybean sesame

blend coagulated with Epsom salt                                                                  80

 4.12:   Physical characteristics of fresh Tofu from wet milled soybean sesame

blend coagulated with tamarind                                                                     81

 4.13:  Proximate composition of Tofu processed from wet milled soybean/sesame

flour coagulated with lime.                                                                             87

 4.14:  Proximate composition of Tofu processed from wet milled soybean/ sesame

flour coagulated with Epsom salt                                                                   88

 4.15:  Proximate composition of Tofu processed from wet milled soybean/ sesame

flour coagulated with tamarind                                                                      89

 4.16:   Proximate composition of Tofu processed from dry milled soybean and

sesame flour coagulated with lime                                                                  91

 4.17:   Proximate composition of Tofu processed from dry milled soybean and

sesame flour coagulated with Epsom salt                                                       92

 4.18:   Proximate composition of Tofu processed from dry milled soybean and

sesame coagulated with tamarind                                                                   93

 4.19:   Mineral composition of Tofu processed from wet milled of soybean and

sesame coagulated with lime.                                                                         104

 4.20:   Mineral composition of Tofu processed from wet milled soybean/

sesame coagulated with Epsom salt.                                                               105

 4.21:   Mineral composition of Tofu processed from wet milled soybean/

sesame/coagulated with tamarind.                                                                  106

 4.22:   Mineral composition of Tofu processed from dry milled soybean/ sesame

flour coagulated with lime                                                                              108

 4.23:   Mineral composition of Tofu processed from dry milled soybean/ sesame

flour coagulated with Epsom salt                                                                   109

 4.24:   Mineral composition of Tofu processed from dry milled soybean/ sesame

flour coagulated with tamarind                                                                      110

 4.25:   Experimental layout and responses of the texture profile analysis of wet

milled Tofu coagulated with lime                                                                   112

 4.26:   P values of model, R square regression analysis of the model and mean

score of the texture profile analysis of wet milled Tofu coagulated with

lime                                                                                                                 112

 4.27:   Experimental layout and responses of the texture profile analysis

of wet milled Tofu coagulated with Epsom salt                                             121

 4.28:   P values of model, R square regression analysis of model and the mean

            square of the texture profile analysis (TPA) of wet milled Tofu

            coagulant with Epsom Salt                                                                             121

 4.29:   Experimental layout and responses of the texture profile analysis (TPA)

            of wet milled Tofu coagulated with tamarind                                                            128

 4.30:   P values of model, R2 regression analysis of model and the mean score

            of the Texture profile analysis (TPA) of wet milled Tofu coagulant with

            tamarind                                                                                                          128

 4.31:   Experimental layout and responses of the texture profile analysis (TPA)

            of dry milled Tofu coagulated with lime                                                        135

 4.32:   P values of model, R2 regression analysis of modes and the mean

            score of the texture profile analysis (TPA) of dry milled Tofu

            coagulated with lime                                                                                       135

 4.33:   Experimental layout and responses of the texture profile analysis (TPA)

            of dry milled Tofu coagulated with Epsom salt                                             142

 4.34:   P values of model, R2 regression analysis of modes and the mean score

            of the texture profile analysis (TPA) of dry milled Tofu coagulated with

            Epsom salt                                                                                                       142

 4.35:   Experimental layout and responses of the texture profile analysis of dry

            milled Tofu coagulated with tamarind                                                           148

 4.36:   P values of model, R2 regression analysis of models and the mean score

            of the texture profile analysis (TPA) of dry milled tofu coagulated

            with tamarind                                                                                                  148

4.37:    Biochemical test of E. coli and Salmonella                                                    182

4.38:    Escherichia coli total viable count on wet milled Tofu from soy sesame

            blend coagulated with lime, Epsom salt and tamarind stored at

ambient temperature for 7 days.                                                                     204

 4.39:   Escherichia coli total viable count on dry milled Tofu from soy sesame

 blend coagulated with lime, Epsom salt and tamarind stored at ambient

temperature for 7 days.                                                                                   205

 4.40:   Salmonella enteritidis total viable count on wet milled Tofu from soy

            sesame blend coagulated with lime, Epsom salt and tamarind stored at

ambient temperature for 7 days.                                                                     206

 4.41:   Salmonella enteritidis total viable count on dry milled Tofu from soy sesame

blend coagulated with lime, Epsom salt and tamarind stored at ambient

temperature for 7 days.                                                                                   207

 4.42    Aspergillus flavus total viable count on wet milled Tofu from soy sesame

blend coagulated with lime, Epsom salt and tamarind stored at ambient

temperature for 7 days.                                                                                  208

 4.43:   Aspergillus flavus total viable count on dry milled Tofu from soy sesame

blend coagulated with lime, Epsom salt and tamarind stored at ambient

temperature for 7 days.                                                                                   209

4.44:   Optimization result for proximate composition of Tofu from soybean-

sesame blends treated with different coagulants                                            211

4.45:   Optimization result for mineral composition of Tofu from soybean-sesame

blends treated with different coagulants                                                        215

4.46:   Optimization result for texture profile of Tofu from soybean-sesame blends

treated with different coagulants                                                                   218

4.47: Optimization result for stress and strain properties of Tofu from soybean-

sesame blends treated with different coagulants                                            220

 4.48:   Sensory evaluation of Tofu from dry milled soybean sesame blend

treated with different coagulant                                                                     221


 4.49:   Sensory evaluation of Tofu from wet milled soybean sesame blend

treated with different coagulant                                                                     222











1:         Stress strain of milled grain, Loncin and Merson (1979)                                25

2:         Flow chart for dry milled Tofu produced with blends of soybean and

sesame                                                                                                             32

3:         Flow chart for wet milled Tofu produced with blends of soybean and

sesame                                                                                                             33

4:         pH of wet and dry milled soybean and sesame milk blend coagulated with

lime, Epsom salt and tamarind                                                                        82

5:         Coagulation time (mins) of wet and dry milled soybean and sesame milk

blend coagulated with lime, Epsom salt and tamarind.                                  83

6:         Weight of Tofu samples (kg) from wet and dry milled soybean and sesame

milk blend coagulated with lime, Epsom salt and tamarind.                          83

7:         Weight of dry matter (kg) from wet and dry milled soybean and sesame

Tofu blend coagulated with lime, Epsom salt and tamarind  .                       84

8:         Protein content of wet and dry milled Tofu from soybean and sesame

blend coagulated with lime, Epsom salt and tamarind                                   94


9:         Protein content of Tofu from dry milled soybean sesame blend

coagulated with lime at 20% moisture content stored for six (6) days          97

10:       Protein content of Tofu from dry milled soybean sesame blend

coagulated with Epsom salt at 20% moisture content stored for six (6)

days                                                                                                                 98


11:       Protein content of Tofu from dry milled soybean sesame blend

coagulated with tamarind at 20% moisture content stored for six (6) days   99


12:       Protein content of Tofu from wet milled soybean sesame blend

coagulated with lime at 20% moisture content stored for six (6) days          100


13:       Protein content of Tofu from wet milled soybean sesame blend coagulated

with Epsom salt at 20% moisture content stored for six (6) days                  101

14:       Protein content of Tofu from wet milled soybean sesame blend

            coagulated with tamarind at 20% moisture content stored for six (6) days   102


15 :      Effect of component mixture on the hardness of wet-milled Tofu

coagulated with lime                                                                                       113


16:       Effect of component mixture on the cohesiveness of wet-milled Tofu

coagulated with lime                                                                                       116


17:       Effect of component mixture on the chewiness of wet-milled Tofu

coagulated with lime                                                                                       118

18:       Effect of component mixture on the gumminess of wet-milled Tofu

coagulated with lime                                                                                       119

19:       Effect of component mixture on the hardness of wet-milled Tofu

coagulated with epsom salts                                                                           122

20:       Effect of component mixture on the cohesiveness of wet-milled Tofu

coagulated with Epsom salts                                                                          124

21:       Effect of component mixture on the chewiness of wet-milled Tofu

coagulated with Epsom salts                                                                          125

22:       Effect of component mixture on the gumminess of wet-milled Tofu

coagulated with Epsom salts                                                                          126

23        Effect of component mixture on the hardness of wet-milled Tofu

coagulated with tamarind                                                                               130


24        Effect of component mixture on the cohesiveness of wet-milled Tofu

coagulated with tamarind                                                                               131

25:       Effect of component mixture on the chewiness of wet-milled Tofu

coagulated with tamarind                                                                               132

26:       Effect of component mixture on the gumminess of wet-milled Tofu

coagulated with tamarind                                                                               133

27:       Effect of component mixture on the hardness of dry-milled Tofu

coagulated with lime                                                                                       137

28:       Effect of component mixture on the cohesiveness of dry-milled Tofu

coagulated with lime                                                                                       138

29:       Effect of component mixture on the chewiness of dry-milled Tofu

coagulated with lime                                                                                       139

30:       Effect of component mixture on the gumminess of dry-milled Tofu

coagulated with lime                                                                                       140

31:       Effect of component mixture on the hardness of dry-milled Tofu

            coagulated with Epsom salts                                                                          143


32:       Effect of component mixture on the cohesiveness of dry-milled Tofu

coagulated with Epsom salts                                                                          144

33:       Effect of component mixture on the chewiness of dry-milled Tofu

coagulated with Epsom salts                                                                          145

34:       Effect of component mixture on the gumminess of dry-milled Tofu

coagulated with Epsom salts                                                                          146

35:       Effect of component mixture on the hardness of dry-milled Tofu

coagulated with tamarind                                                                               150


36:       Effect of component mixture on the cohesiveness of dry-milled Tofu

coagulated with tamarind                                                                               151

37:       Effect of component mixture on the chewiness of dry-milled Tofu

coagulated with tamarind                                                                               152

38:       Effect of component mixture on the gumminess of dry-milled Tofu

coagulated with tamarind                                                                               153

39:       Texture profile analysis (hardness) of wet and dry milled Tofu from

            soybean and sesame blend coagulated with lime, Epsom salt and tamarind. 154

40:       Texture profile analysis (cohesiveness) of wet and dry milled Tofu from

soybean and sesame blend coagulated with lime, Epsom salt and tamarind. 155

41:       Texture profile analysis (chewiness) of wet and dry milled Tofu from

soybean and sesame blend coagulated with lime, Epsom salt and tamarind. 156

42:       Texture profile analysis (gumminness) of wet and dry milled Tofu from

soybean and sesame blend coagulated with lime, Epsom salt and tamarind. 157

43:       Stress strain test of Tofu processed from wet milled soybean/sesame blend

coagulated with lime                                                                                       160

44:       Stress strain test of Tofu processed from wet milled soybean and sesame

blend coagulated with Epsom salt                                                                  161

45:       Stress strain test of Tofu processed from wet milled soybean and sesame

blend coagulated with tamarind                                                                     162

46:       Stress strain test of Tofu processed from dry milled soybean and sesame

blend coagulated with lime                                                                             163

47:       Stress strain test of Tofu processed from dry milled soybean and sesame

blend coagulated with Epsom salt                                                                  164

48:       Stress strain test of Tofu processed from dry milled soybean and sesame

blend coagulated with tamarind                                                                     165

49        Stress yield of wet and dry milled Tofu from soybean and sesame blend coagulated with lime, Epsom salt and tamarind.                                           166


50        Stress yield of wet and dry milled Tofu from soybean and sesame blend coagulated with lime, Epsom salt and tamarind.                                           167


51:       Stress relaxation test of Tofu processed from wet milled soybean and

sesame blend coagulated with lime                                                                171

52:       Stress relaxation test of Tofu processed from wet milled soybean and

sesame blend coagulated with Epsom salt                                                      172

53:       Stress relaxation test of Tofu processed from wet milled soybean and

sesame blend coagulated with tamarind                                                         173

54:       Stress relaxation test of Tofu processed from dry milled soybean and

sesame blend coagulated with lime                                                                175

55:       Stress relaxation test of Tofu processed from dry milled soybean and

sesame blend coagulated with Epsom salt                                                      176

56:       Stress relaxation test of Tofu processed from dry milled soybean and

 sesame blend coagulated with tamarind                                                        177

57:       The internal stress of wet and dry milled Tofu from soy/sesame blend coagulated with lime, Epsom salt and tamarind                                       178


58:       Stress relaxation time of wet and dry milled Tofu from soy/sesame blend

coagulated with lime, Epsom salt and tamarind                                             179

59:       Stress modulus of wet and dry milled Tofu from soy/sesame blend

coagulated with lime, Epsom salt and tamarind                                             180

60        Escherichia coli optical density growth on wet milled Tofu from soy and

sesame blend coagulated with lime stored at ambient temperature for

7 days.                                                                                                             184

61:       Escherichia coli optical density growth on wet milled Tofu from soy and

sesame blend coagulated with Epsom salt stored at ambient temperature

for 7 days.                                                                                                       185

62:       Escherichia coli optical density growth on wet milled Tofu from soy and

sesame blend coagulated with tamarind stored at ambient temperature

for 7 days.                                                                                                       186

63:       Escherichia coli optical density growth on dry milled Tofu from soy and

sesame blend coagulated with lime stored at ambient temperature for 7

days.                                                                                                                187

64:       Escherichia coli optical density growth on dry milled Tofu from soy and

sesame blend coagulated with Epsom salt stored at ambient temperature

for 7 days.                                                                                                       188

65:       Escherichia coli optical density growth on dry milled Tofu from soy

sesame blend coagulated with tamarind stored at ambient temperature

for 7 days.                                                                                                       189

66:       Salmonella enteritidis optical density growth on wet milled Tofu from soy sesame blend coagulated with lime stored at ambient temperature

for 7 days.                                                                                                       191

67:       Salmonella enteritidis optical density growth on wet milled Tofu from soy sesame blend coagulated with Epsom salt stored at ambient temperature

for 7 days.                                                                                                       192

68:       Salmonella enteritidis optical density growth on wet milled Tofu from soy sesame blend coagulated with tamarind stored at ambient temperature

for 7days                                                                                                         193

69:       Salmonella enteritidis optical density growth on dry milled Tofu from soy sesame blend coagulated with lime stored at ambient temperature for

7days                                                                                                               194

70:       Salmonella enteritidis optical density growth on dry milled Tofu from soy sesame blend coagulated with Epsom salt stored at ambient temperature

for 7days                                                                                                         195

71:       Salmonella enteritidis optical density growth on dry milled Tofu from soy sesame blend coagulated with tamarind stored at ambient temperature

for 7days                                                                                                         196

72:       Aspergillus flavus optical density growth on wet milled Tofu from soy

sesame blend coagulated with lime stored at ambient temperature for 7

days.                                                                                                                198

73:       Aspergillus flavus optical density growth on wet milled Tofu from soy

 sesame blend coagulated with Epsom salt stored at ambient temperature

for 7 days.                                                                                                       199

74:       Aspergillus flavus optical density growth on wet milled Tofu from soy

sesame blend coagulated with tamarind stored at ambient temperature

for 7 days.                                                                                                       100

75:       Aspergillus flavus optical density growth on dry milled Tofu from soy

 sesame blend coagulated with lime stored at ambient temperature for 7

days.                                                                                                                201

76:       Aspergillus flavus optical density growth on dry milled Tofu from soy

sesame blend coagulated with Epsom salt stored at ambient temperature

for 7 days.                                                                                                       202

77:       Aspergillus flavus optical density growth on dry milled Tofu from soy

 sesame blend coagulated with tamarind stored at ambient temperature

 for 7 days.                                                                                                      203



1:         Tofu press.                                                                                                      28

2:         Tamarind seed used as coagulant                                                                   28

4:         Thirty (30) samples of Tofu at 20% moisture content from soybean/

            sesame blend                                                                                                   35

3:         Thirty (30) samples of fresh Tofu from soybean and sesame blend               35

5:         Thirty (30) samples of Tofu subjected to calibration for uniformity of

shape.                                                                                                              46

6:         Tofu at 20% moisture content from soybean sesame blend under

viscoelatic test.                                                                                                46

7:         Aspergillus flavus in potato dextrose agar (PDA)                                           50

8:         Escherichia coli and Salmonella enteritidis in MacConkey agar (MAC)

and Shigella Salmonella agar (SSA)                                                               50











In Nigeria as in other countries of the world, the consumption of meat is an indication of social and economic class. This is because meat is one of the nutritious foods used for human consumption. The trend has changed from animal protein consumption to vegetable protein consumption due to the health challenges caused by high consumption of animal meat (Ikeme 1990).

The three-dimensional structure of the soybean protein molecule which involves the exposure of the –SH,S-S and the hydrophobic amino acid on the location accessible to water from the inside of a molecule by denature. This interaction of soybean protein molecule allows it to be used as a textured protein product (Iwe,2003). Tofu, a meat substitute, is one of those textured protein products. Tofu, a soy food, is a fermented soybean product.

Lord Liu An, a Han Dynasty prince, invented tofu in Northern China around 164BC (Sacks et al, 2006). According to another hypothesis, tofu was inadvertently discovered when a slurry of boiled ground soybeans was combined with impure sea salt. The calcium and magnesium salt in such sea salt would have allowed the soy mixture to curdle and create a tofu-like gel (Anderson et al, 1995).

Tofu has a number of advantages, including a lower risk of cancer, the ability to act as an antioxidant, and an increase in the supply of nutrients such as folate, vitamin K, calcium, magnesium, iron, and fiber (Ohr,2002). Tofu also contains a variety of phytonutrients such as flavonoids and isoflavonoids, phenolic acids, protein, and peptides. Obesity, type 2 diabetes, and other chronic obstructive pulmonary conditions can all be prevented and treated with tofu (Iwe, 2003).

Sesame is an under-utilized legume rich in oil (48 - 58% fat), protein (16.96%) and carbohydrates (26.04%). The dietary fibre content is also high (16.9%) (Kapadia et al, 2002). Sesame seeds are exceptionally rich in iron, magnesium, manganese, copper, calcium. It also contains thiamine and tocopherol (Bedigian, 2003). Sesame seeds contain lignans that includes sesamin which exerts antioxidants and anti-cancer properties. Sesame seeds contain phytosterols that reduce the levels of blood cholesterol (Obiajunwa et al, 2005). Sesame seed is deficient in lysine, but rich in sulphur amino acids such as methionine and cystine, which makes it an appropriate supplement to diets that contains soybean that tends to be deficient in sulphur amino acids (Elkafi, et al, 1991). Moreover, the use of sesame in tofu production will also help to diversify its use being an   under-utilized legume.

Milling, also known as reduction in size, is a unit process that involves the application of grinding, compression, or impact forces to minimize the average size of solid food bits. It influences the surface sulfhydryl content and surface hydrophobicity of soymilk protein. This in turn affects the rheological properties of soymilk as well as the texture of soycurd (Tofu) (Makoto, et al, 2012). Cereals of various kinds are processed by soaking, fermentation, milling (wet or dry) to detoxify the anti nutritional factors, increase palalability and improve bio-availability of nutrients (Otitoju 2009). Likewise tofu from soybean is generally produced using wet milling method which is believed that the soaking period leads to reduction in nutritional inhibitor and toxic substances thus improving dietary protein digestibility (Iwe 2003).

Tofu is a very nutritious food typically containing 11.00 to 12.40% protein (Ezeama and Dobson, 2019). Hence it is quite susceptible to microbial growth. For this reason tofu is consumed traditionally within a day or two after production. Therefore the evaluation of the microbiological safety of tofu under ambient condition is necessary.


 To evaluate the texture of Tofu, both viscous and elastic properties can change the texture which is the viscoelastic material (Kohyama and Nishinari, 1992). Therefore this work is focused on the effect of wet and dry milling on the physico-chemical properties, viscoelastic properties and microbiological safety of Tofu from blends of soybean and sesame. These different blends were coagulated with Lime, Tamarind and Epsom salt.



 Meat is possibly the most controversial of all food products. For some, it is such an important part of the diet that they cannot imagine living without it. For others it provokes revulsion to such a degree that they would never think of placing it on the table. The impact of meat consumption today, particularly on the consumers has created a tax as well as health challenges to the poorest of the world. Consumers exhibit a noticeable increase in the incidence of various diseases particularly cardiac, cardiovascular, rheumatic as well as cancer. These diseases occur as a result of high consumption of meats from animal origin (Brown, 1983). Meat is not the most essential in the human diet.


By understanding the nutritional value of the available alternatives to meat, it can be very useful and healthful. Meat Analogues such as ''Tofu'' are prepared from soybean. They are useful for those seeking a transitional diet from meat to one based on plant foods (Ezeama and Dobson, 2019). Tofu as nutritious as it has been is known to be produced from soybean using a popular method of wet milling. Though wet milling in tofu production gives a high quality tofu both nutritionally and texturally but it takes a longer time in processing due to the fermentation time (Otitoju 2009).

Furthermore, there should be an alternative plant to be used for tofu production other than soybean. This will give a wider variety for vegetarians and others who do not take meat due to health reasons. Therefore, it is necessary to process tofu using both wet milling and dry milling method to determine the nutritional and textural properties of tofu using blends of soybean and sesame. This will ensure continuity in tofu production even when there is scarcity of soybean.

Tofu is also prone to microbial attack because of its proteinous nature and vigorous handling processes. It is also deemed necessary to determine the ability of food borne pathogens to grow in tofu held at ambient temperature.



The main objective of the study is to determine the viscoelastic properties (shear-strain behavior and stress relaxation) and growth dynamics of selected food pathogens of tofu produced from blends of soybean and sesame coagulated with lime, tamarind and epsom salt using wet and dry milling methods.

Other specific objectives are to.

1.      Determine the physico-chemical properties of both wet milled and dry milled flour from blends of soybean and sesame used in the production of tofu

2.      Produce tofu from wet milled and dry milled flour from blends of soybean and sesame using three coagulants (lime, tamarind and epsom salt).

3.      Determine the viscoelastic properties (texture profile analysis, shear-strain and stress relaxation) of the produced tofu from the soybean and sesame blend.

4.      Determine the proximate and mineral composition of tofu made from soybean and sesame blends using Wet and dry milling methods

5.      Evaluate the shelf life of tofu made from soybean and sesame blends.

6.      Analyze the microbial growth dynamics of selected food pathogens on the produced tofu.

7.      Find out the optimization result of tofu from blends of soybean and sesame using the various nutritional and textural analysed results.



Soybean proteins no doubt provide a source of low cost protein with good nutritional value. Soybean is used in the production of meat Analogue known as “Tofu” with some many health benefits such as cholesterol lowering effect of tofu caused by the ability to moderate low density lipoproteins (LDL) receptor levels in the liver. Anti cancer effects are obtained from constant consumption of tofu (Iwe,2003). This is as a result of the several phytochemical some of which appears to protect against hormones dependent cancer. The high content of isoflavones concentrations present can inhibit prostate cancer cell growth to different extent (Ohr, 2002). Tofu as a product of soybean must be processed by fermentation to liberate the minerals for adsorption into the body system (Eiman et al, 2008).


Soybean must be milled (wet or dry milled) before it is converted to tofu. Wet milling of soybean before tofu production takes a longer time of soaking (fermentation of 12hrs) while dry milling takes 2 - 4 hrs of soaking due to increased surface area. Assessing both wet milling method and drying method on the nutritional and textural qualities will help the producer and consumer to get the best processing method as well as the sensory attributes. The blends of soybean to sesame at different ratios (100:0% and 30: 70%) ratio will serve as a way of either using both or each in the production of tofu to ensure continuity in cases of scarcity of each crop. It will also ensure more variety in taste and texture for consumer's selection.


The use of different coagulants ensures versatility in production depending on their availability and affordability. The use of different coagulants impact different taste, texture, colour and nutrient particular to the type of coagulant used. In addition, the shelflife stability is determined by the type of coagulant used in tofu production (Ezeama and Dobson,2019).

The evaluation of the microbiological safety of tofu under different storage conditions will allow tofu to be processed hygienically and be stored for a longer period of time. Therefore, this research on the effects of milling and coagulants on the viscoelastic properties and the growth dynamics of selected food pathogens of tofu from blends of soybean and sesame is justified.




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