The study attempted to investigate the impact of information
communication technology (ICT) on educational development of children in early
childhood education in selected nursery schools in Mainland Local Government
Area of Lagos State. In this study, some relevant and related literatures were
reviewed under sub-headings. The descriptive research survey design was applied
in the assessment of the opinions of the respondents with the aid of the
questionnaire and the sampling technique. A total of 200 (Two hundred)
respondents were used in this study. A total of four null hypotheses were
formulated and tested in this study with the use of the Pearson Product Moment
Correlation Coefficient for hypotheses one and two, while the independent
t-test statistical tool was used for hypothesis three and four respectively.
All the hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance. At the end of the
tests, the following results emerged: that there is a significant effect of the
use of ICT on learning of children at preschool, that there is a significant
relationship between the use of ICT and teacher’s performance at preschool,
that there is a significant relationship between use of ICT and pupils’
learning outcomes at preschool and that there is a significant gender
difference in the use of ICT at the preschool level
Title Page i
Certification ii
Dedication iii
Acknowledgements iv
Abstract v
Table of Contents vi
of the Study 1
of the Problem 6
of the Study 7
Questions 8
Hypotheses 9
of the Study 9
of the Study 11
of Terms 11
2.0 Introduction
2.1 Concept
of Teaching 13
2.2 The
Concept of Learning 18
2.3 Concept
of Technology 25
2.4 Technology
in Early Childhood Education 27
2.5 Integration of Technological Tool in the
Classroom Teaching
and Learning 29
2.6 Use
of Technology in Child Development 32
2.7 The
Preschool Curriculum and Technology 36
2.8 Technology
and Education of the Child 38
2.9 Use
of ICT: Implications for Professional Development 41
2.10 The
Obstacles to the use of ICT in Preschools in Nigeria 43
2.11 Prospects in the Application of ICT for Teaching/Learning
Nursery Schools 48
2.12 Summary
of Review 50
3.0 Introduction 52
3.1 Research
Design 52
3.2 Population
3.3 Sample
and Sampling Technique 53
3.4 Instrumentation
3.5 Administration
of Instrument 56
3.6 Procedure
for Data Analysis 56
4.0 Introduction
4.1 Analyses of Bio-Data Based on Sex, Age,
Religion and Marital Status 57
4.2 Analyses of Research Questions 60
4.3 Testing
of Hypotheses 66
4.4 Summary
of Findings 69
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Summary
of the Study 70
5.3 Conclusion
5.4 Recommendations
References 74
Appendix 80
1.1 Background
of the Study
The importance of ICT
is quite evident from the educational perspective. Though the chalkboard,
textbooks, radio/television and film have been used for educational purpose
over the years, none has quite impacted on the educational process like the
computer. While television and film impact only on the audiovisual faculties of
users, the computer is capable of activating the senses of sight, hearing and
touch of the users. ICT has the capacity to provide higher interactive
potential for users to develop their individual, intellectual and creative ability.
The main purpose of ICT consists just in the development of human mental
resources, which allow people to both successfully apply the existing knowledge
and produce new knowledge (Shavinina, 2001).
The collective and
rigid nature of learning and the passive nature of the learning associated with
the use of radio, television and film do not contribute any innovative changes
to traditional methods in education system. Information and communication
technologies are being used in the developed world for instructional functions.
Today, computers perform a host of functions in teaching and learning
especially as many nations are adding computer literacy, reading and writing
literacy skills students will need for succeeding in a technologically developed
world (Thomas, 2005). At the instructional level, computers are used by pupils
to learn reading, mathematics, social studies, art, music, simulation and
health practices.
In educational
multimedia application, Shavinina (2006) asserted that today’s learning
contents are domain-specific products and that they dominate the world market.
According to Shavinina (2006), domain-specific educational multimedia is
directed to knowledge acquisition skills development in the language arts,
history, physics, literature, biology and so on.
There is no doubt that
ICT provides productive teaching and learning in order to increase children’s
creative and intellectual resources especially in today’s information society.
Through the simultaneous use of audio, text, multicolor images, graphics,
motion, ICT gives ample and exceptional opportunities to the pupils to develop
capacities for high quality learning and to increase their ability to innovate.
Nigeria cannot afford
to lag behind in using multimedia to raise the intellectual and creative
resources of her citizens especially the children. This is particularly
important for children whose adulthood will blossom in a cyber environment
entirely different from that of the present (Shavinina, 2006). Nigerian
children need to be taught by radically new educational programme and variety
of educational contents with multimedia playing key role (Ayo, 2000).
Technology plays a
significant role in all aspects of life today, and this role will only increase
in the future. The potential benefits of technology for young children’s
learning and development are well documented (Wright & Shade, 1994). As
technology becomes easier to use and early childhood software proliferates,
young children’s use of technology becomes more widespread. Therefore, early
childhood educators have a responsibility to critically examine the impact of
technology on children and be prepared to use technology to benefit children.
Computers supplement
and do not replace highly valued early childhood activities and materials, such
as art, blocks, sand, water, books, exploration with writing materials, and
dramatic play. Research indicates that computers can be used in developmental
appropriate ways beneficial to children and also can be misused, just as any
tools can (Shade & Watson, 1990). Developmental appropriate software offers
opportunities for collaborative play, learning and creation. Educators must use
professional judgment in evaluating and using this learning tool appropriately,
applying the same criteria they would to any other learning tool or experience.
They must also weigh the costs of technology with the costs of other learning
materials and programme resources to arrive at an appropriate balance for their
Computers are
intrinsically compelling for young children. The sounds and graphics gain
children’s attention. Increasingly, young children observe adults and older
children working on computers, and they want to do it. Children get interested
because they can make things happen with computers. Developmentally appropriate
software engages children in creative play, mastery learning, problem solving,
and conversation. The children control the pacing and the action. They can
repeat a process or activity as often as they like and experiment with
variations. They collaborate in making decisions and share their discoveries
and creations (Haugland & Shade, 1990).
The teacher’s role is
critical in making certain that good decisions are made about which technology
to use and in supporting children in their use of technology to ensure that
potential benefits are achieved. Teachers must take time to evaluate and choose
software in light of principles of development and learning and must carefully
observe children using the software to identify both opportunities and problems
and make appropriate adaptations. Choosing appropriate software is similar to
choosing appropriate books for the classroom, teachers constantly make
judgments about what is age appropriate, individually appropriate and
culturally appropriate (NAEYC, 1992).
Early childhood
educators must devote extra effort to ensure that the software in classrooms
reflects and affirms children’s diverse cultures, languages, and ethnic
heritages. Like all educational materials, software should reflect the world
children live in: it should come in multiple languages, reflect gender equity,
contain people of color and of differing ages and abilities, and portray
diverse families and experiences (Derman-Sparks & A.B.C. Task Force 1989;
Haugland & Shade, 1994).
As pre-school
educators become active participants in a technological world, hence they need
in-depth training and ongoing support to be adequately prepared to make
decisions about technology and to support its effective use in learning
environment for children. Mayor (1997) advocates for teachers to be fully
equipped to understand and communicate to both children and adults the skills
required to build more sustainable life in a technological changing and highly
globalized world. The potentials of technology are far-reaching and ever
changing. The risk is for early childhood educators to become complacent,
assuming that their current knowledge or experience is adequate. Technology is
an area of the curriculum, as well as a tool for learning, in which teachers
must demonstrate their own capacity for learning (Bredekamp & Rosegrant,
1.2 Statement
of the Problem
The problem of lack of
the application of the information and communication technology (ICT) in the
teaching and learning processes at the early childhood education delivery
cannot be overemphasized. This is because several factors pose some hindrances
to the effective use of ICT for the purpose of teaching pupils at the
pre-school level. The major impediments to the successful use of information
and communication technology (ICT) in the preschool level include: the high
cost of computers in the developing countries; weak infrastructure that has
caused deficiency in the use of computer; lack of skills and human knowledge to
integrate ICT into teaching and learning in the preschool.
Not only that, other
problems of the non-utilization of ICT in teaching at the nursery schools
include lack of relevant software. For instance, software that is appropriate
and culturally suitable to the Nigerian education system is in short supply.
Also, there is great discrepancy between relevant software supply and demand in
developing countries like Nigeria. Limited access to the internet by many
Nigerian teachers, especially those who teach the pupils at the preschool is
yet another problem of this study. This is because, there are few internet
providers that provide internet gateway services in Nigeria, many of the
foreign companies that provide the internet services in Nigeria, provide poor
services to the Nigerian masses, and so, teachers do not make good use of them.
The above identified
problems, gave rise to the examination of the effect of information
communication technology on early childhood education.
1.3 Purpose
of the Study
The main objectives of
the study include to:
Determine if there will be any significant
effect of the use of ICT on learning at the preschool;
Ascertain if there will be any significant
relationship between the use of ICT and teachers’ performance in school;
Establish if there will there be any
significant relationship between the use of ICT and pupils’ learning outcomes
at the preschool;
Determine if there will be any significant
gender difference in the use of ICT at the preschools.
1.4 Research
The following
questions were raised in this study:
Will there be any significant effect of the
use of ICT on learning at the preschools?
Will there be any significant relationship
between the use of ICT and teachers’ performance in schools?
Will there be any significant relationship
between the use of ICT and pupils’ learning outcomes at the preschool?
Will there be any significant gender
difference in the use of ICT at the preschool?
1.5 Research
The following research
hypotheses were formulated and tested in this study:
There will be no significant effect of the use
of ICT on learning at the preschool.
There will be no significant relationship
between the use of ICT and teachers’ performance in school.
There will be no significant relationship
between the use of ICT and pupils’ learning outcomes at the preschool.
There will be no significant gender difference
in the use of ICT at the preschool.
1.6 Significance
of the Study
The beneficiaries of
the outcomes of the study include:
Teachers would be one of the beneficiaries of
this study as the findings and recommendations of the study will enable them to
appreciate the importance of the application of ICT in teaching and learning at
the preschool level of the country’s educational system. Also, teachers, will
see this study as an eye opener, in the sense that, it will give them an
insight into the appropriate use of ICT in the teaching and learning processes
at the nursery school.
Pupils would benefit from this study, as the
findings and recommendations of the study will enable them to understand the
importance of the use of ICT and the role it plays in their learning outcomes.
Parents would benefit from this study because
it will enlighten them to know the importance of the use of ICT by their
children’s teachers and its effect on their children’s learning outcomes. Also,
with the effective application of ICT, parents would notice a difference in the
performance of their children at the early stages of their educational careers.
The society will also benefit from the
outcomes of this study because the recommendations of this study will enable
the adult members of the society to understand the effect of the use of ICT on
teaching and learning at the preschool level of Nigerian educational system.
Researchers, both old and new, including
students, will see this study as a contact or reference material for their
further studies and academic work.
1.7 Scope
of the Study
The study covered the
effect of the use of ICT on teaching and learning at the early childhood
education in Shomolu Local Government Area of Lagos State.
1.8 Definition
of Terms
The following terms
were operationally defined in this study:
Communication Technology: Is the component culture that enables
people to use their power to utilize their environment for their survival. It
has made the world to be a global village.
Childhood Education: Education for the children from birth to age
Technology: Systematic approach to designing, implementing
and evaluating the instructional system on the basic principle of education.
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