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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00006338

No of Pages: 59

No of Chapters: 1-5

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This research work aimed at studying telecommunication sector as an organ for economic development in respect of mobile telephone network (MTN) Nigeria. The enormous contribution made by telecommunication sector toward economic development in Nigeria supreme boarding the level of effective service delivery in the sector has been attested and show case more especially the intertwine interactive relationship between customers satisfaction and profitability living as well as the overall grow and development of telecommunication sector especially MIN Nigeria. Along site, facilitating in the areas of discharging corporate social responsibilities to the general public such as building school, roads, hospitals, water and provision of accommodations. The hypothesis was test based on the questionnaire collected it proved that, the advance of telephone have created jobs for our teaming youths, limited the need for travelling, pave way for faster information delivery saved transportation cast, time consuming as well as high rate of accident. The researcher used books and research work from other researcher on telecommunication as an organ for economic development to obtain finding which was used as a yard stick to draw out effective conclusion and the recommendation was that, the sector should improve their services through system upgrading, establish additional data based and to maintain the possibility of the company’s product so as to attract more sales, and market share there by facilitating the activities of economic development of the nation achieve their basic goals and objectives concurrently. 


Title Page - - - - - - - - - i
 Certification - - - - - - - - - ii
Approval Page - - - - - - - - - iii
Dedication - - - - - - - - - - iv
 Acknowledgement - - - - - - - - v
Abstracts - - - - - - - - - - vi
Table of Content - - - - - - - - - vii

1.0 Introduction - - - - - - - - - 1
1.1 Back ground of information of the study - - - - - 5
1.2 Statement of the problems - - - - - - - 6
1.3 Objective of the study - - - - - - - 7
1.4 Significance of the study - - - - - - - - 8
1.5 Research hypothesis - - - - - - - - 8
1.6 Scope and limitation - - - - - - - - 9
1.7 Definition of key terms - - - - - - - 10

2.0 literature review - - - - -- - - - 12
2.1 introduction - - - - - - - - 12
 2.2 Concept of economic development -- - - - 12
2.3 important of economic development - - - - 14
2.4 the impact economic development - - - - - 15
2.5 Purpose of economic development - - -- - 15
2.6 the function of economic development - - - - 16
2.7 the strategies of economic development - - - - 17
2.8 concept of telecommunication sectors & it impassioned - 17
2.9 purpose of telecommunication - - - - - 19
2.9 1. Role of played by telecommunication - - - - 20
2.9.2 Contribution of telecommunication in economic development 20

3.0 Research methodology - - -- - - 23
3.1 Introduction - - - - - - - - - 23
3.2 Research design and instrument -- - - - - 23
3.3Population of the study - - - - - - 24
3.4 Sample size and sampling techniques -- - - - 24
 3.5 Method of data collection- - - - - - - 25
 3.6 Sources of data collection - - -- - - - - 26
3.7  Administration of questionnaire- - - - - - 26

4.0 Data presentation and analysis -. - - - - - 27
4.1 Introduction - - - - - - - - - 27
4.2 Data presentation and analysis - - - - - 27
4.3 Test of hypothesis - - - - - - - 37
4.4  Discussion of findings _ - - - - - - 37

5.0 Summary conclusion and recommendation - - - 40
5.1 Summary- - - - - - -- -- - 40
5.2 Conclusion- -- - - - - - - - 41
5.3 Recommendations - - - - - - - - 41
References - - - - - - - - - 42
Appendix (Questionnaire) _ - - - - - -- 43


The overview of telecommunication have us to understand the overall content of modern way of communication through the use of hand set, Tele print as well as internet. 
Telecommunication is also the way for communicating verbally or orally which implies the transformation of information, through intentions or ideas etc. between two or more person for the purpose setting feedback and understand among the people involved with aid of telephone services (Handset) inter-print and internet. 
Telecommunication sector as contributed a lot toward the socio-economic development of the country despite from the prodigious of service delivery to the society it make life better and easier in term of communication. 
Telecommunication sector have made it possible to operate in such a way that a very significant number of over teaming army of unemployed youths roaming our streets will be employed such as telephone dealers, recharge card sellers, handset and simcards sellers, handset maintenance and repair work as well as operators of phone call centers. 
It has also facilitate change in both small of medium scale enterprise in the areas of transportation, telecommunication network service have save the trouble of travelling, it has pave way for information transformation via net internet service. 
Furthermore, Telecommunication sector such as mobile telephone network (MTN), AIRTEL, 9mobile, GLO, and SATCOM for example has saved a lot of foreign currency that could have been wasted in making oversea trips for business transaction, there by fueling the money into economic development activities to improve the standard of lives of people. 
Economic development on the other hand deals with the transformation of the economic from obscurity to improve the standard of living and increase in per capital income as well as gross domestic, product, product (GOP) ACCOUNTING TO DARE’S (1982) economic development improves input and out of the entire economic and social system, typically, it involves radical change in institutional, social, administration structures attitude, customs and believe. 
To dare believe that, there are three (3) fundamental aspect of economic development which are:
i. Raising people living level that is increase in their level of income consumption level of food, medical services, educations etc. through economic growth and development. 
ii. Creating condition conductive to the growth of people self-esteem through the establishment of social, political and economic as well as institutional which promote dignity and respect. 
iii. Economic development increase people freedom to choose by enlarging the range of their choice variable of increasing varieties of consumer’s goods and services. 
Nevertheless, economic development also deals with the diversification of economic activities in various sectors of the economic within the nation, it pact both public and private sectors within the economic such as telecommunication sectors, banking industries oil sectors, power holding company of Nigeria (P.H.C.N) administrator’s rules and like. All the above mention have contributed towards economic growth and development of our nation (Nigeria). 
Mobile Telephone Network (MTN) is the most recognized telecommunication network in Africa which involved six (6) Nations towards its Network operations it has gone to a matter of fact that mobile telephone network (MTN) is the most popular telecommunication network service to African countries. The network has enjoyed large number of subscribers linked to its network  services. 
Mobile Telephone Network (MTN) is also one of the successful Telecommunication Network in Africa continent which provides unparalleled effective service to its teaming customer clientele. 
Generally Mobile Network (MTN) has contributed towards the economic development of this nation “Nigeria" despite the provision of prodigious service to its immense customers the network (company) have also enlightens and educate people in different programs designed such as who want to be a million naira, yellow show promo, as well as mobile telephone network navigation.
Moreover, the company have also engaged itself in securing live of the people With Human immune deficiency virus? (H.l.V) Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). they provide antivirus drugs which help in saving the live of people living with (HIV AIDS) nowadays. All this programs and advertised through television stations. radio stations, magazines, newspapers, bulletin as well as phones sculptures internet and host of others. 
Mobile Telephone Network (MTN) Nigeria also have several strategies used in order to compensate its, subscribers, just as at the other hand the widowers, they invested over ten percent (l0%) of its profit so as to eradicate poverty as well 8 creating harmony to it customers throughout the nation. 
Nevertheless, Mobile Telephones Network (MTN) go on by establishing zones and branches to ensure successful network coverage both in the urban and rural areas through global services telephone antennal (GSMTN) this enable them to accomplish their prosperous goods and objectives. Also at the other hand of its competitors in line of business, they have lined their network service to all telecommunication network companies both within and across nations. 
in additions to the impact of Mobile Telephone Network (MTN) Nigeria towards the socio-economic development of the nation, they have engaged in such activities, sponsoring of Football March Competitions, show to sport emerging artists particularly in the music industry, also they participate in the area of promotional campaigns such as offering gifts to the subscribers like cars houses, electronics, free airtime. One of the most importance functions of (MTN) Nigeria is creating is of job opportunities for unemployment youths such as Mobile Telephone Dealers (MTD), recharge cards sellers handsets and Sim card sellers, handsets maintenance and repair work as well as operators of phone centers etc. 
It is very essential to note that (MTN) Nigeria have an impact not only to small and medium scale enterprise, but at the sometimes facilitates a change in the areas of transportation through its network service, saving troubles of travelling through the pave way of information transformation via net internet service and host of others. 

Generally, Mobile Telephone Network (MTN) as a _ functional telecommunication network today in Nigeria which emerged as far back in (1963) with the licensing of a South Africa cellular telecommunication network service which was listed on the Johannesburg stock exchange under the umbrella of M-Tel is old South Africa service provider. 
The change was aimed at creating an efficient organization structure and achievement of brand consistency with the mobile telephone network (MTN) group while m-cell mobile cellular was renamed the mobile telephone group limited OVITNGL) to reinforce Africa’s presence and awareness of brand. 
Mobile Phone Network (MTN) Nigeria was initiated on Wednesday 16th day of in the year, (2001) by the format president chief Olusegun Obansanjo administration. Mobile telephone network (MTN) Head Office is in Lagos, Ojo Local Government area of Lagos State located at tinkers wharf road, Logos  State of Nigeria. 
Mobile telephone network (MTN) is part of the South Africa based leading group cellular telecommunication company that operate global, system for mobile communication (GSMC) in six (6) countries which include:
South Africa, Nigeria, Cameroon, Ruwanda, Swaziland and Uganda mobile telephone Network (MTN) Nigeria now has provides services in two hundred and twenty three (223) cities and towns spread in thirty six (36) states of the federation. 
Therefore within the six (6) nations that are connected with it network service, Nigeria is the greatest nation having over billion subscribers linked to its telecommunication network service which has generated maximum profit towards its networks service while providing effective and efficient service in order to satisfy their subscribers needs and want has grade the company (MTN) in the industry as the leading group. 

The most challenging problems posed by the telecommunication sector in Nigeria are:
1. In Adequate Facilities: Telecommunication sector in Nigeria are face by the challenges or problems of obtaining most of the equipment from other countries due to fact that Nigeria are not bless with the technological initiative it has resulted to waste of money for importation of their working equipment. 
2. Competition: competition in such a way that different telecommunication group of company are now operating within the country with their similar product such as MTN, Glo, 9Mobile, Airtel and host of others. This problem has resulted for spending huge money to make sales promote environment. 
3. Unstable Network Service: this was become problem in telecommunication sector in Nigeria simply because some Global system Mobile for telecommunication (GSMC) Antenna] are not property handle which has resulted to delay in transmission of information which discourages most of the subscribers to communicate effectively. This network problem has destabilized especially in the rural areas where there is no G.S.M. Antenna. 
4. Insecurity: This has imposed greater problems in the area of telecommunication sector affecting all Nigeria in its present situation which is national disaster such as bomb lasting which has been destroyed their facilities as well affecting lives of properties of their customers who patronize their network services. 
5. Government Rules and Regulation: This problems usually occur when state or federation government impose heavy tax which need to be paid as a cost of entering in to the operational environment. In as much as tax is a compulsory levy paid by both individual and cooperate organization, it is mandatory for telecommunication sector to pay a higher fees for their cost of operation. 

The objective of the study will not be too different from the research problems but more or less therefore, there are some changes because it is said that when you know your problem you can be encourage to solve then one after another, therefore it is very essential to identify or state out the objectives of this research work as follows:
i. To find whether telecommunication sector have contributed towards the economic development of the nation. 
ii. To find out the extent to which ineffective handling of the economic development affect the attainment of their goals and object. 
iii. To assist the employees of the telecommunication sector to understand the impact of economic development of the nation. 
IV. To help the customs/subscribers of the telecommunication to sector to examine if they have contributed towards the economic development of the nation. 
v. To give relevant solution and recommendation to economic development in the telecommunication companies. 

This research work will benefit both the research  as well as other researcher work in the field. this project will also be useful to workers in both public and private companies in Nigeria as well as telecommunication companies Academics, investment Cooperative Societies, Business Enterprises as well as the regulatory agencies such as:
Nigeria Communication Commission (NCC) The researcher therefore hopes that anyone who md this project work will be able to understand the significance of economic development in the telecommunication sector and its usefulness to the immense society.

HI: Economic development is the methods of enticing customers to subscribe for service of telecommunication sector. 
HO: Economic development is not the method of enticing customer to subscribe for service of telecommunication sectors. 
HI: Telecommunication sector educate and err-light the immense society through economic development. 
HO: Telecommunication sector does not educate and err-light the immense society through economic development. 
HI: Telecommunication sector has made a significant contribution towards the economic development of the nation. 
HO: Telecommunication sector has not made a significant contribution towards 
the economic development of the nation. 
HI: Economic developments have improved the standard of living of people in the country. 
H0: Economic developments does not improved the standard of living of people in the country. 
HI: There is significant benefit derived from economic development in the telecommunication sector. 
H0: There is no significant benefit derived from economic development in the telecommunication sector. 
HI: Economic development can be achieved through the provision of social amenities. 
H0: Economic development can not be achieved through the provision of social amenities.

Actually, the scope of this research work is only limited in the telecommunication sector, mobile telephone network (MTN) Nigeria. The researcher will have extended his scope widely to other sector but as the matter of fact that the following hindrance did not allow the expansion of the research work other sectors. These are due to such problems as follows:
FINANCIAL PROBLEM: Financial problem has posed a constraint largely on this research work due to poor finance of a student; this therefore imposed a limit on the coverage of the research work. 
LACK OF ACCESSIBILTY TO MOST PRIMARY DATE: Research finds it different to access he with some imputes due to project 
ii. administrative bureaucracy. 
iii. TIME CONSTRAINT: This also become another conflict more especially from combining of the academics studies and the project work at the same time. 
iv. LACK OF SECURITY: Due to insecurity situation of the country such as, problems of bomb blast, gun shooting and other national disaster have imposed great problems on his this project work. 
v. HIGHER TRANSPORTATION FEES: These have imposed constrain to the researcher to access data due to the removal of fuel subsidy in the oil sector of the economic. 

1. TELECOMMUNICATION: According to oxford advance learners Dictionary the 6th Edition of current English. Telecommunication means a system for talking to somebody else over long distances, using wires or radio. 
2. ECONOMIC: Economic is connected with trading, industry and development of wealth of a country and society. 
3. DEVELOPMENT: Todar’s (1982) sees development as the transformation in all sectors of the economy and social systems. Involves increases in inputs and output of a nation over a period of time. 
4. MTN: Means mobile Telephone Network simply means a telecommunication network service operation. 
5. COB/IMUNICATION: According to Rita Udall and Stella, (1979) it is the giving and receiving information with the objective of creating understanding and acceptance among speaker’s. 

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