work titled “small and medium scale enterprises and economic development in
Ebonyi state: A study of Abakaliki Rice Mill” was aimed at examining the role
played by the government towards the promotion of small and medium scale
enterprises (SMEs) in Nigeria and Ebonyi State in particular, ascertaining the
extent to which the financial system of government has contributed to the
growth and development of small and medium scale enterprises (SMEs) in Nigeria particularly
in Ebonyi State among others. This research was motivated by the poor small and
medium scale enterprises financing in Nigeria and Ebonyi State
in particular despite their enormous contributions. Systems theory propounded
by David Easton in 1965 was adopted to guide the study. A descriptive survey
design was adopted to study a population of 1,940 which was reduced to a sample
size of 332 using the Taro Yamane formula, and simple random sampling technique
was used. Data were collected from primary and secondary sources, structured
questionnaire instrument was used for data collection and simple percentage
method, and frequency distribution tables were used to analyze the data gotten
from the questionnaire instrument whereas chi-square (X2) was
applied in empirical testing of the hypotheses that guided the study. This
study revealed that government has not played significant role in the promotion
of small and medium scale enterprises in Nigeria and Ebonyi State in
particular, the financial system of government has not significantly
contributed to small and medium scale enterprises promotion, small and medium
scale enterprises have immensely contributed to economic development in Ebonyi
State and Nigeria in general, among others. Consequently, if government and the
financial system continue to be inactive in promoting SMEs especially in the
area of adequate financing, the nation’s economy will continue to be stagnant
or dwindling but when they are promoted, the economy will experience a
significant boom especially in the light of the current economic crisis in the
nation. Hence, it was recommended that government should make adequate efforts
to promote the growth and development of SMEs by putting adequate policy
measures in place, the financial system of government should intensity efforts
to make financial services available to SMEs especially by going into project
financing for SMEs, Small and Medium Scale Enterprises operators should
intensity efforts to ensure that the current devaluation of Nigeria’s currency
and the fall in oil prices culminating to the current economic crisis do not
reduce their contributions, among others.
1.1 Background of the Study 1
1.2 Statement of the
Problem 9
1.3 Objectives of the Study 13
1.4 Research Hypotheses 14
1.5 Significance of the
Study 14
1.6 Scope and Limitations
of the Study 16
1.7 Theoretical Framework 18
1.8 Operationalization of
the Key Concepts 20
2.1 Historical Evolution of
Small and Medium Scale Enterprises in Nigeria 21
2.2 Conceptualizing Small
and Medium Scale Enterprises (SMEs) 23
2.3 Characteristics of
Small and Medium Scale Enterprises 27
2.4 Rationale for the
Establishment of Small and Medium Scale Enterprises in Nigeria (Ebonyi
State) 29
2.5 The Concept of Economic
Development 32
2.6 Measurement Indicators
of Economic Development 34
2.7 The Role of Small and
Medium Scale Enterprises (SMEs) in Economic Development in Nigeria
(Ebonyi State) 37
2.8 Historical Perspective
of Abakaliki Rice Mill 41
2.9 Role of Abakaliki Rice
Mill in Economic Development of Ebonyi State 43
2.10 Challenges of Abakaliki
Rice Mill in Promoting Economic Development in Nigeria (Ebonyi State) 45
2.11 Constraints of Small and
Medium Scale Enterprises in Promoting Economic Development in Nigeria (Ebonyi
State) 48
2.12 Small and Medium Scale
Enterprises Financing 52
2.13 Role of Government in
Small and Medium Scale Enterprises Promotion 56
2.14 Analysis of Government’s
Policy Measures towards Small and Medium Scale Enterprises in
Nigeria (Ebonyi State) 60
2.15 Role of Various Financial
Institutions and Agencies in Promoting Small and Medium Scale
Enterprises in Nigeria (Ebonyi State) 63
2.16 Strategies for Positioning
Small and Medium Scale Enterprises in Nigeria (Ebonyi State) 72
3.1 Research Design 76
3.2 Area of the Study 76
3.3 Population of the Study 77
3.4 Sample Size and
Sampling Technique 77
3.5 Sources of Data
Collection 79
3.6 Instrument for Data
Collection 79
3.7 Method of Data
Collection 80
3.8 Validity and
Reliability of the Instrument 81
3.9 Method of Data Analysis 82
4.1 Data Presentation 84
4.2 Test of Hypotheses 100
4.3 Major Findings 108
5.1 Summary of Findings 116
5.2 Conclusion 117
5.3 Recommendations 118
References 120
Appendices 124
Table 1: Gender Distribution of the Respondents 84
Table 2: Age Distribution of the Respondents 84
Table 3: Marital Status of the Respondents 85
Table 4: Educational Qualification of the Respondents 85
Table 5: Government has immensely contributed to the
establishment, growth and development of small
and medium scale enterprises in Nigeria (Ebonyi State) 86
Table 6: The existing government policy measures are
adequate in promoting the
growth of small and medium scale enterprises in Nigeria (Ebonyi state) 86
Table 7: The establishment and funding of various small
and medium scale enterprises development agencies,
schemes and financial institutions constitute
the major role played by government in promoting SMEs in
Nigeria (Ebonyi State) 87
Table 8: The non-financial incentives like tax holidays,
tax relief and export promotion
services provided by government are adequate in promoting the
growth of SMEs in Nigeria (Ebonyi State) 87
Table 9: Provision of infrastructural facilities,
manpower development services, trade mark,
patent, and copyrights protection are various ways government promote
SMEs in Nigeria (Ebonyi State) 88
Table 10: Government adequately provides direct financial
incentives to SMEs
in Nigeria (Ebonyi State) 88
Table 11: The current role played by government have
enormously promoted the growth and
development of Abakaliki Rice Mill 89
Table 12: The major problem militating against the
establishment, growth and development of
small and medium enterprises in Nigeria and Ebonyi State in particular is poor
financing 89
Table 13: Small and Medium Enterprises Equity Investment
Scheme (SMEEIS), Small
and Medium Scale Enterprises Development Agency (SMEDAN), Bank
of Industry (BOI), Central Bank of Nigeria and other financial
institutions provide adequate credit facilities to SMEs in Nigeria
(Ebonyi State) 90
Table 14: The high terms and conditions placed by the
financial system on their credit facilities
to SMEs is one of the major reasons why SMEs do not utilize
the financial system of government 90
Table 15: Most SMEs are unaware of the existence and
operational modalities
of the financial system in Nigeria 91
Table 16: The various SMEs financial institutions,
schemes and agencies have
immensely contributed to the financing of Abakaliki Rice Mill 91
Table 17: The financial system is effective in satisfying
the financial demands of
SMEs in Nigeria (Ebonyi State) 92
Table 18: Liquidation of SMEs is majorly caused by poor
financing by the
financial system of government. 92
Table 17: Small and medium scale enterprises have
immensely contributed to economic growth and development in
Nigeria (Ebonyi State) 93
Table 20: Economic growth and development in Nigeria
(Ebonyi State) are dependent on the contributions
of small and medium scale enterprises 93
Table 21: Poverty alleviation, utilization of local
resources, development of indigenous technology, employment
generation, increasing government revenue among others are some of the major
roles played by SMEs in economic development in Nigeria (Ebonyi
State) 94
Table 22: Small and medium scale enterprises constitute a
greater percentage of industrial
establishments in Nigeria 94
Table 23: Small and medium scale enterprises help to
discourage monopoly and enhance
competition in the market 95
Table 24: SMEs contribute immensely to Nigeria’s gross
domestic product (GDP) growth rate and
national income 95
Table 25: Nigerian small and medium scale enterprise’s
products are exported to promote international
trade and favourable balance of payment 96
Table 26: Abakaliki Rice Mill has contributed immensely
to the economic growth
and development of Ebonyi State 96
Table 27: Abakaliki Rice Mill has reduced drastically,
the high rate of unemployment
in Ebonyi State. 97
Table 28: Food security, poverty alleviation, improvement
of the rural income earners,
employment generation and revenue generation are the major roles played by
Abakaliki Rice Mill in the economic development of Ebonyi
State 97
Table 29: Abakaliki Rice Mill is a catalyst in
technological development of Ebonyi State 98
Table 30: Abakaliki Rice Mill contributes enormously to
the internally generated
revenue of Abakaliki Local Government Area. 98
Table 31: Many small and medium scale enterprises in
Nigeria depend immensely
on the products of Abakaliki Rice Mill to operate 99
Table 32: The Agricultural Sector of Ebonyi State’s
economy is enormously promoted by
Abakaliki Rice Mill 99
Table 33: Abakaliki Rice Mill provides a good substitute
against the importation
and consumption of foreign rice products in Nigeria 100
Table 34: Contingency Table from Table 5 100
Table 35: Chi-square (X2) Table Calculated from the
Contingency Table 34 101
Table 36: Contingency Table from Table 13 103
Table 37: Chi-square (X2) Table Calculated from the
Contingency Table 36. 103
Table 38: Contingency Table from Table 19 105
Table 39: Chi-square (X2) Table Calculated from the
Contingency Table 38 105
Table 40: Contingency Table from Table 26 107
Table 41: Chi-square (X2) Table Calculated from the
Contingency Table 40 107
the years, Nigeria’s
economy has been dominated by Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (SMEs) such as
in agriculture, manufacturing, commerce and industry, services among others.
Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (SMEs) has been defined by Imeokparia and
Ediagbonya (2014) as any manufacturing, processing or servicing industry which
is owned and managed by one or few persons with direct owner(s)’ influence in
decision making, and having relatively
low capital requirements, asset base and employee strength. In the words of
Nwankwo, Ewuim and Asoya (2012:141), “the historical background of small and
medium scale enterprises in Nigeria
can be traced back to 1946 when the essential paper No. 24 of 1945 on ‘A Ten
Year Plan of Development and Welfare of Nigeria’ was presented”. However, Aremu
and Adeyemi (2010:5) had earlier argued that, “ever since 1946, SMEs have gained
prominence and mentioned as seed bed of innovations, inventions and employment
generation or creation in Nigeria”.
the same vein, Ayozie, Oboreh and Umukoro (2013:2) contended that, “prior to
Nigerian independence in 1960, the business climate was almost totally
dominated by the colonial and other European multinational companies like
United African Company (UAC), GB Olivant, Lever Brothers Company, Petterson
Zechonics, Leventis and many others”. These companies primarily engaged in
bringing into Nigeria,
finished goods from their parent companies from over seas. These companies,
Ayozie et al (2013:2) further argued “had vast business experience and strong
capital base, and dominated the Nigerian economy”. The government of those days
encouraged them to become stronger by giving incentives such as favourable
tariffs and tax concessions. In 1962, the Nigerian Industrial Development Bank
(NIDB) was established to assist potential entrepreneurs to get involved in
agriculture, exploration of natural resources, commerce and industrial
production among others (Aremo, 2013). Furthermore, “that period and the early
1960s saw the massive increase in import into Nigerian market, while the
Nigerian economy became largely dominated by very few large foreign firms” (Adamu,
the post independence Nigeria, between 1965 to 1976, a major remarkable
breakthrough in small and medium scale enterprises came about through
Indigenization Decree of 1972 and later in the Nigerian Enterprises Promotion Act
of 1977 (Ayozie et al, 2013). Arguing further, they opined that “those were the
genuine attempts by the federal government to make sure that Nigerians played
an active and worthwhile role in the development of the economy”. In its
1970-1974 National Development Plan, the Federal Government gave special
attention to the development of small and medium scale enterprises, particularly
in the rural areas. This was in recognition of the roles of small and medium
scale enterprises as the seed beds and training grounds for entrepreneurship
(Adamu, 2015). Some of the cardinal points of the 1970-1974 Development Plan included:
accelerating the pace of industrialization and dispersal of industries;
generating employment opportunities; promoting individual incentives and
entrepreneurship among the populace; assisting in the establishment of small
and medium scale industries among others.
the period of 1977-1998, the government policy measures placed emphasis on the
technological aspects of industrial development of small and medium scale
industries in Nigeria
(Ayozie et al, 2013). This entails that various tiers of government within this
decade embarked on corrective measures to divert efforts towards the maximum
exploitation of natural resources, and tried to discourage capital intensive
mode of production in the light of the abundant resources available. In this
regards, the industrial policy tried to focus its attention mainly on local
resource utilization through varieties of incentives worked out by governments.
Some of such basic policy strategies aimed at revitalizing the industrial
sector included the following; encouragement in the use of more local materials
in the industrial development activities and encouragement of greater capital
utilization in Nigerian small and medium scale industries.
1999 to date, the federal government and state governments have both
contributed to the growth of small and medium scale enterprises in Nigeria especially
in the rural areas. In recent times, various fiscal and non fiscal incentives
have been established for investors and entrepreneurs in the small and medium
scale enterprises sub-sector of the economy; of special mentioning was the
strategy adopted by federal government towards the training and motivation of
unemployed graduates to be gainfully employed after graduation, referred to as Entrepreneurship
Development Programme (Aremo, 2013).
small and medium scale enterprises in Nigeria have been the backbone of Nigeria’s
economy and are key sources of economic growth, economic development, dynamism
and flexibility. SMEs constitute a greater percentage of all registered
companies in Nigeria
and they have been in existence for a quite long time (Ayozie et al, 2013). The
small and medium scale enterprises as argued by Ogboru (2014:12) as a sub
sector “provides on average, 50% of Nigeria’s employment and 50% of its
industrial output”. Arguing in support, Anochie and Ude (2015:11) submitted
that, “small and medium scale enterprises are the backbone of virtually all
economies of the world because of their role in employment creation and
provision of personalized services; having strong influence on the sustainable
development process to less developed as well as developed countries because
they foster economic growth and alleviate poverty at low investment costs,
development of entrepreneurial capabilities including indigenous technological
developments, utilization of local resources, increased government revenue
through taxation among others”.
small and medium scale enterprises as recognized have over the years, been the
engine for powering economic development in Nigeria. In terms of employment
generation in Nigeria,
SMEs accounted for the major source of employment to the over teeming
unemployed population. For instance, Igwe (2011:43) stated that, “in 1970, of
the estimated wage employment of 1.38 million, 622,000 persons (forty-five
percent) were employed in small non-agricultural enterprises”. In this current
dispensation where unemployment is alarming in Nigeria, the SMEs have become the
bedrock by employing over 50%, both skilled, semi skilled and unskilled labour
force. SMEs produce new goods and services which are supplied to satisfy the
need of larger firms, and the consumption of the entire nation. In
corroborating this view, Anochie and Ude (2015:17) opined that “SMEs bring
about new goods and services and supply the needs of larger enterprises, which
have to depend on small and medium scale enterprises for their own success”. In
Nigeria, the contributions made by SMEs in the area of increased revenue for
the government through the payment of income tax, value added tax (VAT) and
other miscellaneous fees cannot be overlooked. Moreso, the Gross Domestic
product and Gross National Product which are the values of the total goods and
services produced in a country within a year have always received tremendous
contributions of SMEs output. All those point out to the fact that SMEs have
gone a long way in developing Nigerian economy from long history past.
interest in the development of small and medium scale enterprises and their
contributions to economic growth and development in Nigeria has over the years
accounted for the various policies, programmes and financial incentives by the
various levels of government in promoting the small and medium scale
enterprises sub-sector. In his own view, Ogundipe (2015:5) opinion that:
“Governments at various levels (local, state and federal levels) have in
one way or the other, focused on the small and medium scale enterprises. While
some governments had formulated policies aimed at facilitating and empowering
the growth and development and performance of the SMEs, others had focused on
assisting the SMEs to grow through soft loans and other fiscal incentives”.
In view of the above, Nigerian
government had devised policies and incentives for the development of small and
medium scale enterprises. Such efforts according to Adebusuyi (1997) cited in
Eze and Okpala (2015), could be classified broadly into fiscal and export
incentives, tax regimes, financial supports and technical assistance
programmes. Additionally, infrastructural incentive is part of government’s
efforts over the years. In their words, Eze and Okpala (2015: 27) opined that:
“The fiscal incentives include tax relief for small enterprises during
their first six years of operation, granting of pioneer status for a period of
five years with a possible extension of two years for enterprises located in
economically disadvantaged areas and provision of relief for investment in
infrastructure, capital allowances and minimal local materials utilization…
Export incentives include the introduction of import duty draw back, export
credit and insurance schemes etc”.
To protect SMEs from dumping, the
government adopted the use of high tariff rates to discourage importation of
some of the industrial goods that could be produces domestically, and
discouraged the importation of some of the industrial and agricultural
products. Also, to provide funds to small and medium scale enterprises by way
of commercial loans, government established the Bank of Industries (BOI), the
Nigerian Agricultural Co-operative and Rural Development Bank (NACRAB), Small
and Medium Scale Enterprises Equity Investment Scheme (SMEEIS), Micro Finance
Institutions (MFIs) inter alia, all aimed at promoting SMEs for economic
development. “In Nigeria,
the respective government policies accorded and gave priority to the countries’
small and medium scale enterprises, this has been in recognition that they
constitute the fountain head of vitality for the national economy…” (Ayozie et
al, 2013:30).
in Nigeria in general and Ebonyi state in particular, the small and medium
scale enterprises sub sector has been faced with a number of constraints with
inadequate financial facilities as the principal constraint (Oduyoye et al,
2013). Finance has been viewed as a critical element for the development of
small and medium scale enterprises (SMEs). “Small and medium scale enterprises
face higher transaction costs than larger enterprises in obtaining credit”
(Lee, 2004:2). Moreso, “information asymmetries associated with lending to
small scale borrowers have restricted the flow of finance to SMEs” (Berger and
Udell, 2004:4). Also, “bank credits play a crucial role in providing external
financing to small and medium scale enterprises, but in Nigeria, this crucial
source of finance for small and medium scale enterprises is apparently non
functional” (Kadiru, 2012:5). Berger and Udell (2004:9) attributed this trend
to “the high interest rates on government securities which serve as anti-
incentives to intensify lending to small and medium scale enterprises”. In the
case of the Development Finance Institutions (DFIs), the cumbersome procedure
and stringent requirements for obtaining loans often deter small owners from
approaching them for financial assistance. These point out that the financial
system has not been active in playing their role effectively and efficiently in
promoting SMEs for faster economic development of Nigeria.
Moreso, SMEs in Nigeria have
been challenged by other factors like the multiplicity of government policies
and regulatory measures and the high rate of insecurity in the country,
especially in the north eastern part which have crippled many SMEs in Nigeria.
Abakaliki Rice Mill in Ebonyi
State has over the years,
been crucial in the economic development of Nigeria in general and Ebonyi State
in particular. It was established in 1964 though rice production in the city
dates back to the pre-colonial era (Igwe, 2011). It is a hundred percent (100%)
private sector driven enterprise and does not serve just Abakaliki and its
environs but the length and breathe of Nigeria. It is a small and medium
scale enterprise that is concerned with rice milling, destonning, blowing, and
polishing among others. Its product is rice which makes it a rice processing enterprise.
Since the inception of its activities and operations, the Abakaliki Rice Mill
has effectively employed thousands of people hence reducing the unemployment
rate of the state in particular and the nation in general. The consumption of
the famous “Abakaliki Rice” cuts across the nooks and crannies of the country.
From long distance past, the role of the Rice Mill over the years in ensuring
adequate food production in reducing the rate of hunger and an effective
substitute for rice products from other states of the federation and foreign
rice products cannot be overemphasized.
Rice Mill company of Nigeria Limited, Abakaliki, Ebonyi State
(Abakaliki Rice Mill) according to Orient Daily Newspaper (2012:10) “is always
a beehive of activities, the mill boasts of over 5,000 workers, 2,500 rice
milling machines, and a production capacity of more than 11,000 metric tones
per month”. Abakaliki is known for agriculture, especially rice production
which dates to years before the 1960s. Many people from hinterland from within
and outside Ebonyi
State take their
parboiled (unprocessed) rice to the mill for milling, destonning, bagging and
other services (that is, processing). People travel from all the nooks and
crannies of the country to purchase rice from the mill.
it is interesting to note that over 50% of the mill is owned and managed by
non-indigenes of Ebonyi
State, many of whom have
been active stakeholders in the rice mill for decades. There is a thriving
market within the rice mill run by several petty traders of food stuffs,
articles, restaurants, ware house and a petrol station called Rice Mill Oil
which is run by the Rice Mill Owners Association. The Rice Mill Owner’s
Association is an umbrella of several small groups which all peacefully co-exist
together. These groups meet from time to time and they have their various
leaders. The groups include; the Rice Blowers, the Rice Millers, the Rice
Blenders, the Rice Destonners, the Rice Dusk/Husk Carriers, the Bag Stitching
workers, the Barrow pushers amongst others.
terms of the role of the Abakaliki Rice Mill in the economic development of
Ebonyi State in particular and the nation in general, the Rice Mill over the
years have contributed to the economy of the state through payment of their income
taxes to the government, thereby enriching the internally generated revenue of
the state. The Rice Mill also pays for other fees like business permit,
premises and license fees among others. Abakaliki Rice Mill over the years has
been in the forefront of sufficient food (rice) production in the state
thereby, alleviating hunger and poverty in the state and beyond. The income of
the individuals and the rice mill owner’s is still a worthy contribution to
mention. Farmers whose main occupation is rice farming mill and sell their rice
in the rice mill and as such, earn a lot of income which most of them have used
to train their children in various tertiary institutions within and outside the
state. In the area of employment, the Abakaliki Rice Mill has employed over two
thousand (2000) employees including the rice mill owners. This has gone a long
way in reducing the rate of unemployment in the state. Interestingly, the Rice
Mill contributes in no small measure to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the
nation’s economy. The technological development of the state has been boosted
by the Rice Mill. Ebonyi
State being a
non-industrial state can mainly boast of Abakaliki Rice Mill in terms of
technology and industry and utilization of local materials etc.
Despite all these, the
industry is faced with numerous challenges including; poor financing, the issue
of relocation by the state government, importation of foreign rice among
recognition of the role of Abakaliki Rice Mill in the economic development of
the state, the effort of the Ebonyi State government towards improving the
operations of the Abakaliki Rice Mill was witnessed in 2012 when the State
Government under the administration of Martin Elechi constructed three
ultra-modern Rice Mill industrial clusters in the three senatorial zones of
Ebonyi State and decided to relocate the Abakaliki Rice Mill to the three newly
constructed rice mill clusters at Iboko in Izzi Local Government Area,
Onuigboji in Ikwo Local Government Area and Osso-Edda in Afikpo South Local
Government Area. Though this move to relocate the Rice Millers has been
frictional and proved abortive as the Rice Millers refused to hearken to the
voice and directives of the state government but rather dragged the state
government to court. Since then, the case is still pending in the court up till
Small and medium scale
enterprises (SMEs) as noted earlier occupy a place of pride virtually in every
country’s or state’s economy. “Because of the significant role of small and
medium scale enterprises in the development and growth of various economies,
they (SMEs) have aptly been referred to as the engine of growth and catalysts
for socio-economic transformation of any country” (Ebube and Ezeigwe, 2014:
21). SMEs represent a veritable vehicle for the achievement of national
economic objectives of employment generation and poverty reduction at low
industrial cost as well as development of entrepreneurial capabilities
including indigenous technology. Other vital benefits of vibrant SMEs include
access to the infrastructural facilities occasioned by the existence of such
SMEs in their surroundings, the stimulation of economic activities such as
supplies of various items and distributive trades for items produced and/or
needed by SMEs, stemming from rural urban migration and enhancement of standard
of living of the employees of the SMEs.
the above contributions, small and medium scale enterprises in Nigeria and Ebonyi State
in particular have not performed creditably well and hence have not played the
expected vital and vibrant role in economic growth and development of Nigeria. Thus,
according to Osuji (2015:11), “virtually 95% of small and medium scale
enterprises in Nigeria
die after their first four to five years of establishment”. Furthermore, he
opined that “this situation has been of general concern to the governments,
citizenry, operators, practitioners and organized private sector groups”. Year
in year out, the governments at federal, state and even local governments have
signified interests and acknowledgement of the crucial role of the small and
medium scale enterprises sub-sector of the economy and have made policies for
energizing the same. There have also been fiscal incentives, grants and
multilateral agencies’ supports and aids as well as specialized institutions
all geared towards making the SME sub-sector vibrant. Just as it has been a
great concern of all and sundry to promote the welfare of SMEs, it has also
been a great cause of concern to all, the fact that the vital sub-sector has
fallen short of expectations, especially in Nigeria. This is why Ekpenyong
(1992) cited in Ebube and Ezeigwe (2014:9) posited that “this situation is more
disturbing and worrying when compared with what other developing and developed
countries have been able to achieve with their SMEs, it has been shown that
there is a high degree of correlation between the degree of poverty and hunger,
unemployment, economic well-being (standard of living) of the citizens of a
country and the degree of vibrancy of the respective countries’ SMEs”.
in line with the foregoing analysis, the small and medium scale enterprises in
Nigeria are constrained by the following problems in achieving economic growth
and development in Nigeria and Ebonyi state in particular, they include;
- Inadequate infrastructural
- Poor entrepreneurial or technical
- Multiplicity of government policies,
taxation and regulatory measures,
- Security and environmental challenges
- Poor financing.
infrastructural facilities available to SMEs in Nigeria and Ebonyi State
in particular, account for the poor performance of SMEs in promoting economic
growth and development. In corroborating this view, Ebube and Ezeigwe (2014:27)
opined that, “inadequate infrastructural facilities tend to escalate the cost
of operation as SMEs are forced to resort to private provision of utilities
such as roads, water, electricity, transportation, communication etc”. In line
with this problem facing SMEs, Imeokparia and Ediagbonaya (2014: 92) argued
that, “the problem of electricity simply remains a major challenge to SMEs in
the country, the power shortage or outage often experienced in the country has
a great negative effect on the SMEs in Nigeria”. This points out that the
SMEs in their course of economic development of Nigeria are constrained by lack of
infrastructural facilities pertaining particularly to electric power supply.
When the infrastructural facilities necessary for the smooth functioning of
SMEs are lacking, their operations are hampered.
poor entrepreneurial or technical know-how has remained another major problem
facing SMEs in fostering economic development of the country. Imeokparia and
Ediagboya (2014:95) corroborated the above view when they stated that, “for one
to start up SMEs, there must be some level of technical know how in terms of
skills that are needed in that particular business”. The possession of
appropriate entrepreneurial skills-sales, marketing, finance, administration,
human relations etc will boost the growth of SMEs. Unfortunately in Nigeria, this
is not the case as SMEs are owned by illiterates, school dropouts and
inexperienced entrepreneurs. It was upon the realization of this major deficiency
that the government decided to introduce entrepreneurship education into the
curriculum of tertiary institutions compulsorily.
problem of small and medium scale enterprises in promoting economic development
as deducible from the analysis in the background of the study above is
multiplicity of policies, taxation and regulatory measures which have in recent
times negatively affected the establishment and growth of SMEs in Nigeria. In
their opinion, Imeokparia and Ediagbonya (2014:95) citing Adelaja (2012) argued
that, “the policies and regulatory measures put in place by government have
been on the increase and this has a way of discouraging entrepreneurs in
investing, owing to the numerous stages and formalities they have to go through
before starting and remaining in business”. Arguing further, they wrote that
“some policies and measures include registration of names, sign boards, payment
of bills/rates and payment for outdoor adverts”. This shows that the unstable
policy environments and the vagaries of SMEs’ policies in the country have been
negatively affecting the growth and development of SMEs. In recent times, there
has been frequent and series of policy changes in the country without due
consultations with the SMEs stakeholders (that is, those concerned). Also,
Imeokparia and Ediagbonya (2014:96) lamenting on this problem exemplified that,
“the ban on motor-cycle in Edo State in 2013 which was less than a week notice
is one of the examples too many to mention, this rendered most SMEs (spare
parts dealers) unemployed and brought untold hardship on them”.
another worrisome issue in the case of SMEs and economic development in Nigeria is high
level of insecurity in the country. “This remains a major problem confronting
most SMEs owner’s in the establishment and growth of SMEs in Nigeria, most SMEs
owners have shut down their business while would be entrepreneurs are
apprehensive to invest” (Etim, 2010:11). This insecurity problem ranges from
kidnapping to the current Boko Haram, insurgency. Most people especially in the
North Eastern Nigeria have acquired the necessary entrepreneurial skills and
technical know how, and have acquired the required funds but the insurgency has
made them indecisive because no one will be willing “to fish in troubled
the major problem that poised the researcher into this study is the poor
financing of small and medium scale enterprises in Nigeria and Ebonyi State
in particular despite their enormous contributions. Poor financing has affected
the establishment, growth and development of SMEs despite that there are
several financial institutions, agencies, schemes and programmes established
with the aim of financing SMEs in Nigeria. Some of these financial
institutional framework (financial system) include; the Bank of Industries
(BOI), the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), Small and Medium Enterprises
Development Agency (SMEDAN) inter alia.
based on the stated problem, the researcher raised the following questions that
guided the study:
1. What role has been played by
government to promote small and medium scale enterprises (SMEs) in Nigeria and Ebonyi State
in particular?
2. To what extent has the financial
system of government contributed to the growth and development of small and medium
scale enterprises (SMEs) in Nigeria
and Ebonyi State in Particular?
3. To what extent has small and medium
scale enterprises (SMEs) contributed to economic development in Nigeria and Ebonyi State
in particular?
4. To what extent has the Abakaliki Rice
Mill contributed to economic growth and development of Ebonyi State?
The broad objective of
this study was to examine the role of small and medium scale enterprise (SMEs)
in promoting economic development in Ebonyi
State with particular
reference to Abakaliki Rice Mill. The specific objectives of the study included:
1. To examine the role played by the
government towards the promotion of small and medium scale enterprises (SMEs)
in Nigeria
and Ebonyi State in particular.
2. To ascertain the extent to which the
financial system of government has contributed to the growth and development of
small and medium scale enterprises (SMEs) in Nigeria and Ebonyi State
in Particular.
3. To analyze the extent to which small
and medium scale enterprises (SMEs) have contributed to economic development in
and Ebonyi State in particular.
4. To ascertain the extent to which the
Abakaliki Rice Mill has contributed to the economic growth and development of Ebonyi State.
In the course of our
investigation, the following hypotheses were tested:
HA1: Government
has played significant role in the promotion of small and medium scale
enterprises (SMEs) in Nigeria
and Ebonyi State in particular.
HO1: Government
has not played significant role in the promotion of small and medium scale
enterprises (SMEs) in Nigeria
and Ebonyi State in particular.
HA2: The financial system of government has
significantly contributed to the growth and development of small medium scale
enterprises (SMEs) in Nigeria
and Ebonyi State in particular.
HO2: The
financial system of government has not significantly contributed to the growth
and development of small and medium scale enterprises (SMEs) in Nigeria and Ebonyi State
in particular.
HA3: Small
and medium scale enterprises (SMEs) have enormously contributed to the economic
development of Nigeria
and Ebonyi State in particular.
HO3: Small and medium scale enterprises (SMEs)
have not contributed much to the economic development of Nigeria and Ebonyi State
in particular.
HA4: Abakaliki
Rice Mill has to a large extent contributed to the economic growth and
development of Ebonyi
HO4: Abakaliki
Rice Mill has not significantly contributed to the economic growth and
development of Ebonyi
contributions of this study can not be overemphasized in recognition of the
crucial role of small and medium scale enterprises as the engine of Nigeria’s
economic growth and development. The relevance of this study to the government,
the public, the academia, the small and medium scale enterprises operators, to
the researcher and to the vagaries of financial institutions, agencies and
schemes concerned with the affairs of small and medium scale enterprises in
Nigeria are non exhaustive especially when the recommendations of this study
are effectively implemented.
Firstly, to the government,
this study will be highly significant in understanding the role the government
at all levels should play in promoting the establishment, survival and growth
of small and medium scale enterprises for more rapid economic development of
the nation. In recognizing the role of SMEs sub-sector in economic development
of the country, the government through this role prescription will reconsider
and improve the existing policies and programmes for SMEs sub-sector
Secondly, in the field of
academics, this study will be highly significant as it will serve as a
reference material. It will contribute to the stock of existing materials
especially on small and mediums scale enterprises, entrepreneurship and
economic development. In other words, scholars, students and future researchers
would use it as a veritable instrument and source of reference in their further
research. It would be a good secondary source of data for future researchers
especially for the fact that there is currently a dearth of well researched
materials on small and medium scale enterprises and economic development.
Thirdly, this work will
be very relevant to the public in improving their understanding of the role of
small and medium scale enterprises in enhancing the economic development of the
country and specifically the influence of SMEs on the welfare of the society.
The public in recognizing the importance of small and medium scale enterprises
will understand their (SMEs) roles over the years in generating employment,
self sufficiency in food production, technological development and consequently
motivate them (the public) into investing in the SMEs sub-sector.
Fourthly, to the SMEs
operators, this study will be relevant as they will understand the strategies
to surmount their challenges over the years in the management of their
enterprises. The knowledge of the various financial institutional frameworks
for financing SMEs will be afforded them.
Fifth, this study is also
relevant to the various managers of the various financial institutions and
agencies like SMEDAN, CBN, and MFBs etc. who are entrusted with the task of
providing finance and other facilities (incentives) for the SMEs, to understand
the strategic role the SMEs sub sector play in the economic development of the
nation. This will enable them sit up and become more effective and efficient in
performing their duties. Since they are established to undertake the task of
ensuring the growth and development of the small and medium scale enterprises,
the rate of productivity, success or failure of the SMEs are dependent on their
Finally, to the
researcher, this research will be enormously significant in increasing his
understanding and knowledge of the role of SMEs in the economic development of Nigeria. It
also will be of aid in satisfying his curiosity to understand the role of the
government, financial institutions and agencies and SMEs financing schemes
(that is, the financial system) in promoting the growth and sustenance of small
and medium scale enterprises in Nigeria.
The effects of poor funding of SMEs as a result of poor government’s policies
and programmes for financing SMEs will be unraveled to him in the course of
this study.
research covers the contributions of small and medium scale enterprises (SMEs) in
economic development in Nigeria
(Ebonyi State) with a special reference to
Abakaliki Rice Mill. Moreso, the problems and prospects of SMEs in Nigeria and
Abakaliki Rice Mill in particular were covered.
the course of this research, several factors acted as constraints. The first
and most outstanding of these constraints was the sheer absence of sufficient
research materials written on the small and medium scale enterprises and
economic development in Ebonyi
State in our reference
libraries. Though much literature has been written on economic development in Nigeria, there
is absolutely a dearth of well researched up-to-date literature on SMEs and
economic development in Ebonyi
State. This constraint
was surmounted by the researcher through the use of some materials contained in
several journals, magazines, newspaper, seminar/conference papers, text books
and deductions made from data collected from the Abakaliki Rice Mill case.
second major limitation of this study was the short period available to
carryout the research. The time frame was too short for the researcher to have
broadened the scope of the study to ensure more coverage. The researcher
however, was able to overcome this challenge by working more assiduously and
painstakingly day and night to ensure that this work was completed within the
time frame given. Another strategy the researcher adopted to surmount this
constraint was through the recruitment and training of some research assistants
who helped him to distribute and retrieve the research instrument of data
collection among other duties and assistance.
financial constraint in no small way affected this research. The cost of
materials was high in the market, the transportation cost to the area of study,
the finance for the production of the work at café, payment of recruited
research assistants’ wages inter alia posed a great limitation to the research.
However, this constraint was overcome by the researcher through the personal
savings made for a long time in the past, money granted him by friends and
relatives and as well borrowings from friends.
attitude and behaviour of the respondents constituted another constraint. Many
of them are illiterates who were unable to divulge required information and
were ignorant of the importance of this research. Some were reluctant to return
the instrument of data collection. This constraint was tackled by the
researcher by taking time to convince and educate them on the importance of
this research with the aid of his research assistants. Some of the respondents
despite these efforts did not return their data collection instrument while
some wrongly filled the data collection instrument.
another factor that constrained this work was the researcher’s personal
challenges, since he carried out this research alongside his studies in school
and other personal engagements. Though this constraint was overcome by
effective scheduling of his personal activities and efficient management of
time; they nevertheless, affected the research.
(1999:43) wrote that “theoretical framework is a device or scheme for adopting
or applying the assumptions, postulations and principles of a theory in the
description and analysis of a research problem”. This implies that it involves
linking the problem under investigation to the assumptions, postulations and
principles of a theory. It gives the work a guide and direction as well as a support
by existing postulations of other scholar(s) in the field.
the purpose of this study, “Systems Theory” was adopted. This theory was
propounded by David Easton, a renowned political scientist in the year 1965.
David Easton used this theory to analyze the political life as a system
composed of several sub-systems that together form a whole in an interdependent
manner. In other words, the systems theory proposes that the political
environment is a system composed of several sub-systems which interact and
together form a whole. In the words of Alo (2012:20), “a system is a whole
consisting of functional parts or subsystems interacting with each other to
ensure the survival of the entire system, and that any malfunctioning of one or
more subsystems consequently affects the whole system”. This means that a
system is a group of objects that communicate well with each other and has an
input on others often enough so that the outcome of a stimulation in one
location is predictable in another. Moreso, Orewa (1983) cited in Ezenwaja
(2007:15) argued that, “a system is a set of identifiable elements, properties
or variables existing orderly and enduring functional inter-relations between
or among the various elements or parts of the whole at any time”. This entails
that a system according to the proposition of the systems theory expressly
connotes that a system exist on input-output matrix with all the component
parts interdependent on one another and constantly interact such that what
affects one part, ultimately affects the rest of the systems’ component parts.
All the systems are interlinked.
this work, attempts were made to depict small and medium scale enterprises
sub-sector as a sub-system within the whole economic system with other various
sub-systems which interact and are interdependent. The entire economic
subsystems are interdependent and interactive as well as interrelated. The
performance of the entire economic system is highly dependent on the
performance of the various economic subsystems. The functioning or
malfunctioning of any part of the whole system affects performance of the
entire economic system. Now, the gross domestic product (GDP) which is defined
as the value of the total goods and services produced within a country in a
given period usually a year, is a function of the contributions of the various
sub sectors of the economy like the output of SMEs, large scale industries,
multinational corporations within the country, workers services (that is,
output of employees in every sector) among others.
the SMEs which have been noted to account for over 50% of the employment in Nigeria entails
that since “the rate of employment” is an index of economic development, the
SMEs hold a greater share and also contributions which are complemented by
other sub sectors to position the entire economic system in terms of employment
from the theoretical perspective of systems theory, the malfunctioning or
otherwise of the SMEs sub-system affects the performance of the whole economic
system. In another element, the SMEs subsystem utilizes the input-output matrix
to influence the economy. SMEs receive input from the environment like finance,
demand for certain goods and services, raw materials and convert them through
the conversion process to produce outputs which are the goods and services for
the general consumption of the entire citizenry. SMEs also get feedback from
the environment which they now feed back into the system to provide another
output (that is, a special kind of goods and services) in terms of
environmental influence; the SMEs are affected by the social, political,
general economic, technological and cultural environments. In résumé, the SMEs are
a subsystem of the entire economic system; they are interdependent and interrelated;
communicate and co-operate to make up the economy of Nigeria and Ebonyi State
in particular, hence, its relevance.
key concepts in this study are defined by the researcher as follows:
1. Small and Medium Scale Enterprise: This is defined here as any manufacturing, processing
or servicing industry with a relatively low capital and asset bases as well as
relatively smaller number of employees and is independently owned with lesser
or no sophisticated management practices.
2. Economic: As
used in this work, economic simply means the activity relating to the system of
production, exchange, distribution and consumption of goods and services.
3. Development: This
is defined in this work as a multidimensional qualitative and quantitative
transformation process.
4. Economic Development: For the purpose of this work, economic development is a
multi-dimensional process of qualitative and quantitative transformation of the
entire economic system.
5. Abakaliki Rice Mill: This is the small and medium scale enterprise located in Abakaliki
capital territory
of Ebonyi State which is
into the processing of parboiled rice.
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