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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00003441

No of Pages: 49

No of Chapters: 5

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This research aimed at displaying what roles advertising plays in the sales of Nigeria made goods marketed by Uyi Technical Company have been able to use advertising to meet some of its basic marketing goals such as creating enough awareness and stimulating demand through the arousal of the right appeal to ensure believability, acceptance and reliability of the products. The research was conduced in Oredo Local Government Area of Edo State through the use of questionnaire and personal interview. The research was able to prove that advertising is a vital promo tool to any company that want to be recognized and gain a fair shared of the market. At the end, useful suggestions were passed which Uyi Technical Company could expands its scope of advertising to meet a wider target audience. Finally, marketing a product through advertising will be easier if the product quality can be guaranteed.








Title Page




Table of Content


Chapter One: Introduction

1.1              Background to the Study

1.2              Statement of the Problem

1.3              Research Questions

1.4              Research Hypotheses

1.5              Purpose of the Study

1.6              Scope of the Study

1.7              Significance of the Study

1.8              Limitations of the Study

1.9              Definition of terms

Chapter Two: Literature Review

2.1              Introduction

2.2              The Nature of Advertising

2.3              Concept of Adverting of Nigeria made Goods

2.4              Theoretical Framework

2.5              Advertising Objectives

2.6              Criticism of Advertising

2.7              Summary of Literature Review

Chapter Three: Research Methodology

3.1              Introduction 

3.2              Research Design

3.3              Population of the Study

3.4              Sample/Sampling Techniques

3.5              Instrumentation

3.6              Method of Data Analysis


4.1              Introduction

4.2              Data Presentation and Analysis

4.3              Discussion of Findings          


5.1              Summary of Findings

5.2              Conclusion

5.3              Recommendations


Appendix I

Appendix II




1.1              Background to the Study

Every manufacturer or marketer of any product wants his products to be purchased if not for any reason that for it to meet a specific need or desire of a specific consumer. 

Therefore, a manufacturer or marketer can only be said to have began selling other things, being equal, when the right people in need of the right product with the right time and place are informed.

To ensure that consumers are informed and influenced to see “Mark of Nigeria Goods” as being able to satisfy the need of erstwhile consumers of foreign goods, here the choice of this topic, the role of advertising in the sale of Nigeria made goods compelling.

Consumers need more than just information on a product; they equally need their desire and interest to arouse for action. Therefore, the need for effective advertising campaign planning and executive become necessary. This is made only expedients at the introductory stage of a product, which is usually intense if should be a continuous and sustainable effort reminding consumers of its presence in the market (Engel, 1983).

It is the only way to keep a fair share of the market patronage within a given time among its competing brand.

Today, advertising has occupied every aspect of many lives that man cannot wring in contact with one form of advertising or the other.

Advertising has been descended in different ways, yet arriving at the same conclusion that it has need increased man’s general performance by making him meet one need or the other at a given time.

Ogunsanya has this to say concerning advertising. Advertising is an impersonal sale massage aimed at a given target audience by a clearly identified sponsor in a pair for medium to active predetermined objectives meant to provoke selling action often very aggressive, stressing urgency and seeks to emotions of the consumers.

Nylen (1980) says advertising in a similar light; a paid message that appears in the mass media for the purpose of informing and persuading people about a particular product, serviced, belied or actions.

According to Kotler (1986); Modern marketing call for more than developing a good product, pricing it attractively and marking it accessible to target consumers and what is communicated left to change, rather, a great deal of research goes into finding out there most likely to buy and use the product.

Advertising, though persuasive in nature, still given man the choice to choose among variety. Any product, service, idea, purpose, intent etc not advertising or published may be considered as exiting because it has not been published.

Howard Morgan (1993) one time president of Procter and Gamble, a leading manufacturing firm in America has this to say.

We believe that advertising is the most effective and efficient way to sell to consumers, if we should ever find a better way to sell out types of product, will leave and turn to those other methods engage in advertising succinctly.

Brief History of Uyi Technical Company      

According to Mr. Bas Iyelomhe, the manager during an interview with him disclosed that Uyi Technical Company was established 25 years ago with just a single staff at No. 86 in Mission Road, Benin City.

This company did not start to advertise till 1991. today of has metamorphosed into something bigger with more staff strength, a warehouse and delivery vans. This no doubt, is as a result of her constant practice of engaging in advertising both in radio and television. As if not enough, the company has moved to a more strategic location still on the same street i.e. No. 81 Mission Road. They also have a branch in Auchi location at No. 91 Auchi/Okene Road, Auchi. Uyi Technical Company is a major marketer of Baltic engineering group limited, manufacturer parts for various small scale industries like saw mills beverage company (Guinness, Coca-Cola etc).

Others include generators and pump[ing machines at all kinds are available. Since the company is mindful of the crucial role-played by advertising a lot of finance concession is given to this unit.

Currently, their advertisement runs in various language such as English, Bini, Esan, Urhobo and every Igbo for effective and adequate representative of its target market.

1.2              Statement of the Problem

Despite the initial preference by consumers for foreign goods in please of goods manufactured in Nigeria, its now obvious that its high exchange rate, non availability non parts and some other factors are compelling consumers to took inward for alternative.

Advertising becomes the second light though, which they can look inward. They cannot be informed except manufacturer or marketer advertise and they would only advertise when they know there are consumer out there who are willing to listen and respond to the message favourably.

According to Richard Aspinal just as news provided as social and political information so does advertising provided us with commercial information. It information it informs us all about new products and describes them for a distinct identify.

Is advertising enhancing the sale of Nigeria made goods, despite the amount being spent on it. As stated earlier, local made goods are gradually gains acceptance since it has become expensive to impact and more so Nigeria made goods are equally good and cheaper. This is to a large measure is due to the information provided to consumers through advertising.

But Larry Barker, president of DXAD, London observed a problem in the advertising industry today and has this to say.

A major problem observed in the advertising industry today is that people go far advertisements with more images and less body copy. It is real problem I encounter it everyday at work. It means that a major source of advocacy is being lost to the industry.

While many advertising tasks can be completed with a short leading line and a clever picture, other, such as financial services demand long copy.     

Notwithstanding advertising is still of mutual benefit to both manufacturers and consumer because of the valuable information it disseminates.

1.3              Research Questions

i.                    Does advertising have any effect on the choice of goods product by consumers?

ii.                  Do consumer and manufactures see advertising as a veritable tool in the marketing process?

iii.                Can Nigeria made goods strive or complet4e without advertising?

iv.                Does consumers with variety of choice of the same brand of goods?

v.                  Does advertising have effects on the sales volume of a product?


1.4              Research hypotheses


Hypothesis One

Ho:      Advertising does not have impact on Nigeria made goods.

Hi:       Advertising has impact Nigeria made goods.


Hypothesis Two

Ho:      Advertising is not used to create service awareness

Hi:       Advertising is used to create service awareness



Ho:      Advertising does not influence the globalization of Nigeria made goods.

Hi:       Advertising influence the globalization of Nigeria made goods.


1.5              Purpose of the Study

Many local industries have spring up in the state and in the country in general. These industries range from food processing to steel products. As a result, there has been stiff competition among close brands of product.

This calls for the need for every industry to create a favourable market for its own brand of products thus, is advertising really playing any role in the sales of Nigeria made goods.

Competition is high consumers are faced with the difficulty of deciding which products has the best quality and can satisfy their needs.

However, this study is designed at finding out

i.                    How effective advertising has been to Uyi Technical Company in meeting some of its marketing goals.

ii.                  Which of the medium serves Uyi Technical Company best

iii.                If advertising is the major motivation force on consumers or users of Uyi Technical Company products.

iv.                The types and style of advertising used by Uyi Technical Company

v.                  If the amount of money spend on advertising is justifiable

1.6              Scope of the Study

This study the role of advertising in the sale of Nigeria made goods has under study, Uyi Technical Company, Nigeria Limited and its limited to the role of advertising in the sale of Nigeria made goods. The population of this study consists of both the company staff and consumers of Uyi Technical Company products living in Benin City. 


1.7              Significance of the Study

This research will be useful to the society at large because advertising has engnited every aspect of man’s life. We cannot escape it.

However, for clarity of purpose and focus, it is narrowed to the following areas.

a.                  Consumers or Users: This research goes a long way to show that information dissemination is necessary for any product to sale with other things being equal. Advertising has become a close link over distance between a manufacturer to marketer of a product and its user. This information made available must include where to get it, use(s), quality, brand, price and manufacturers name.

b.                  Organization: This research will be important not only to management of Uyi Technical Company but also to other manufacturers and marketers who before now do not see the link between advertising and sale volume or these who have been advertising over a period of time yet no improvement. Two things should be the matters, they should either change the medium and its cover age or change the quality of its product.

c.                   Market: This research will be useful to marketers because it clearly point out that mere information to the consumers is not clearly point out that mere information to the consumers is not enough. They need to be stimulated and motivated to buy the product.

The attention interest of the consumers need to e gained with every passing moment in a fast busy world. Therefore every information should be a persuasive sales message. 

d.                  Academics: This research will also act as a source of increasing knowledge to students of mass communication in general and to those who want to major in advertising. Even scholars in other related field might find the research useful to their need. It could be a source of reference in the library times at this in which advertising textbooks are difficult to obtain.

e.                   Advertising Agency: This research is also relevant to advertising agencies. In of its text pinpoint a major problem that is about threatening the advertising industry. It is succinctly summarized thus, image is everything in adhered words are out with this aforementioned information, an advertising industry can start, to concentrate or creativity (visual images) more than on polished prices of prose.


In carrying out a task as tedious as this, here are bound to be certain constraints the following are the limitations of the study.

1.         Death of recently published and relevant books, what we have in our library today are old books which are gradually going into obvious they lack ideas on modern advertising techniques.

2.         Respondents, especially management of Uyi Technical Company initially refused to release certain information for fear of being exposed to danger, which calls for series of visits to the company.

3.         Projects on advertising have been over loaded. Therefore future research in this area may not look attractive.

1.9              Definition of Terms

Advertising: The making know the attributes of a product so that the product could be accepted and bought. (Gambo Ibrahim, 2001).

Sale: Bring a finished product to the market for it to be bought or purchased at fixed price, that is marketing a finished product.

Goods: Finished product ready to be used for the purpose for which it was manufactured/produced.

Advertising Agency: People that are concerned with providing advertising services and work, for the advertiser, the advertising services include advice on all marketing matters, news-paper and magazines selection and space buying radio and television time booking, copy writing etc the agency do the work of analyzing the market and creating the advertisements.

Advertising Copy: The message that the target is intended to see as in newspaper, magazines, billboards and television or hear (as in radio and television).

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