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Product Code: 00005092

No of Pages: 66

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The study examined Interest, Attitude and Value as Predictors of Students’ Performance among Social Studies Students. The research objectives were set to ascertain Students’ Interest is a predictor to students’ academic performance in Social Studies, To investigate how the students’ attitudes as a predictor that affect their learning and performance in Social Studies and to examine the factors influencing student attitudes towards Social Studies. Three research questions were formulated in line with the research objectives. The descriptive survey design was adopted. The population of study consisted of the 180 selected teachers in the four selected public and private school in Agege local government area. A simple sample size of 160 selected teachers was selected using the simple random sampling technique. Instrument for data collection was the questionnaire. Mean and standard deviation was used for data analysis. The findings of the study showed accepted that Students’ Interest is a predictor to students’ academic performance in Social Studies. Students’ attitude has an impact on their learning and performance in Social Studies and there are factors influenced students’ attitudes towards Social Studies. From the findings, it was recommended that The Curriculum Research planners should redesign the Social studies curriculum to include new aspects that cater for the interest and the attitude of the learners and influence the career aspirations of students in the Senior High School, There should be instituted policies that will bind teachers to adopt instructional methods that are learner-centered, and there should be Seminars and teacher-talk programmes should be organized for students to be educated on the role that Social studies play in their lives.




Approval iii

Acknowledgement iv

Dedication  vi

Abstract vii

Table Of Contents  viii

List Of Tables  x


1.1 Background To The Study  1

1.2 Statement Of The Problem   9

1.3 Purpose Of The Study  10

1.4 Significance Of The Study  10

1.5 Scope Of The Study  11

1.6 Research Questions  11


2.1 conceptual Framework  12

2.2 Theoretical Framework  26

2.3   Empirical Review Literature  28

2.4 Summary Of Literature Reviewed  31


3.1 Research Design  33

3.2 Area Of The Study  33

3.3 Population Of The Study  33

3.4 Sample And Sampling Technique  34

3.5 Instrument For Data Collection  34

3.6 Validity Of The Instrument 34

3.7 Reliability Of The Instrument 35

3.8 Mode For Data Collection  35

3.9 Method Of Data Analysis  35


4.1 Data Presentation  36

4.2 Summary Of Findings  39


5.1 Discussion Of Findings  40

5.2 Implication Of The Study  57

5.3 Summary  43

5.4 Conclusion  43

5.5 Recommendations  44

5.6 Suggestion For Further Studies  46

 Reference                                                                                                                                              46

      Appendices  49




1.1 Background to the Study

             Adaralegbe (2005) sees Social Studies as a study of man in his environment and the effects of science and technology among others. Esu and Inyang (2014) describe Social Studies as an integrated study of and the outcome of his interaction with the environment. The researcher on his own viewpoint sees Social Studies as the study of man and his environment. Social Studies can be seen as a study of how man influences and is in-turn influenced by his physical, social, scientific and technological environment.

Social Study is the bedrock of science and technology because many of the tools on which the scientific and technological advancement depends are the direct products of Social Study. Social Study is therefore a core subject in science and technology since it studies the essence of natural phenomena and helps people understand the rapidly technological changing society (Zhaoyao, 2002). It is also explains the fundamental that constituents of the universe, the forces that exert on one another. Man’s daily activities and his interaction with the universe are explained in Social Studies.

Social studies is a subject which is taught at various levels of education in Nigeria, It is taught at the junior high school, senior high schools, teacher training colleges and Universities as core subjects. Even at the lower basic level of education, that is, the primary school, social studies is taught under environmental studies, now known as citizenship education. All these point to the importance attached to the study of social studies in our schools and society.

The National Council for Social Studies divides social studies objectives into four categories: knowledge, skills, values, and participation (Barr, 1977).

Social Study is widely used variously in scientific and technological advancement such as in information technology. The knowledge of Social Studies has led to the production of manpower in science and technological oriented career needed in the area of industrialisation for improvement of materials useful for the well being of human race. Furthermore, the knowledge of Social Studies equips the learners with problem-solving and decision-making skills that pave way for critical thinking and inquiry, which could help them to respond to widespread and radical changes in all facets of life.

The development of any nation is hinged on solid educational foundation for its citizenry. This suggests that education is a means of effecting changes in the society physically, mentally, socially, emotionally and intellectually. Education is the key to creating a society, which is dynamic and productive, offering opportunity and fairness to all. Therefore, it is axiomatic that efforts should be geared towards maintaining high standards in schools. The standards will be reflected in students’ academic achievement. Like in all other facets of national planning and development, education has its own share of poignant challenges. Academic problems are frequent indicators of larger problems, often having to do with personality and lifestyle, societal and economic factors and the family. Problems of non-achievers are numerous but the truth is that they lack the knowledge of their abilities and strengths, moreover, they have not developed the necessary study skills and techniques and they also lack the interest and motivation that are requisite for performance. Literature review on this area reveals that there are two main contributing factors to students’ academic achievement that are psychological and sociological factors. Psychological factors refer to the internal elements of individual including emotional and cognitive domains, whereas sociological factors refer to external factors such as socio-environment and friendship. However, both factors are inter-related and dependable.

 Interest could be defined as the focusing of the sense organs on or giving attention to some person, activity, situation or object. It is an outcome of experience rather than gift. It could either result or cause motivation. It could also be regarded as a pre-determinant of one’s perceptions that is, what aspect of the world one is mostly likely to see always (McClnermey, Dowson, Young and Nelson, 2005). It could also be viewed as a condition in which an individual associates the essence of certain things or situation with his needs or wants. Schiefele (1998) maintained that one’s interest is enkindled or killed through participation, experience, familiarity, study and work. It is what one perceives in these engagements that shape interest.

Recently, Social Student has received particular attention. Educators and policymakers in some country and particularly at high school and university have been asked to consider student interest in recruiting students. This is important to consider because the interest is also considered as one factor for student Performance in academic that follow, because when the students have interest to the course that they chosen, perhaps they have potential to get success in that course. This assumption supported by Dewey (1913) as cited on Tin (2006) and Ainley (2002) who stated that interest plays an essential and necessary role in learning activities. When student was interested to the learning activities, student will be engage and pay them attention to the classroom activities (Ainley, Hillman, & Hidi, 2002; Tin, 2006).

In recent years, research have been investigate that interest has a powerful positive effect in learning activity. Hidi (2002) described that interest could be effect cognitive performance and affective experience in academic learning. Hidi (2002) also mentioned that interest could be influence knowledge acquisition of students (Hidi, Berndorff, & Ainley, 2002). This argument supported by Alexander & Wade (2000) and McWhaw & Abrami (2001) who explained that the interest will greatly affect students' in learning process and learning activity. The student who is not interested to learning process and learning activity, perhaps would have a tendency to not learn as well as possible, and eventually will influence quality of learning, because when students have interest students will prepare themselves as well in learning (Alexander & Wade, 2000; McWhaw & Abrami, 2001).

 Further, researchers distinguish between situational and individual interest. Krapp (2002), Hidi (2002), Hidi (2006) Hidi & Renniger (2006) mentioned the situational interest as an interest that focusing on creating appropriate environmental factors. Situational interest is generated by certain conditions, situation or stimuli in the environment and it represents a relatively immediate affective reaction that focuses attention and that may not be long term. That is, once situational interest is triggered, it may or may not be maintained. Meanwhile, the individual interest stressed on predisposition of individual characteristic to re-engage with certain objects and events, and it will increase knowledge and value, as well as positive affect (Hidi, 2006; Hidi, 2002; Hidi & Renninger, 2006; Krapp, 2002). Moreover, Krapp (2002) Hidi (2002), Hidi (2006) and Hidi & Renninger (2006) also described that actually individual interest is relatively stable and develop slowly over time, because affected by repeated experiences of situational interest (Hidi, 2006; Hidi, 2002; Hidi & Renninger, 2006; Krapp, 2002). It means, School as an educational institution has to consider the environment that influence and affect to trigger situational interest of students. However, in the fact school sometime not provided the appropriate environment for triggering the situational interest. In other hand, sometime occurred miss placement when school accepts the students, so that when the students come and sitting in their course, the students’ uncomfortable feeling and tries to avoid the academic activity.

Attitude denotes a positive or negative predisposition towards schooling and every activity in the school environment, which could be cognitive, emotional, or behavioral (Bernstein, Penner, Clarke-Stewar & Roy, 2006). Fazio and Roskes (2004) said Attitudes are important to education because they strongly influence social thoughts; the way an individual thinks about and social information. It is evident that, when so defined, attitudes cannot be directly observed but must be inferred from overt behavior, both verbal and nonverbal. Most children come to school ready and willing to learn; how school can best foster and strengthen their predisposition and ensure that they leave school with the motivation and capacity to continue learning throughout life has remained a matter of great concern. Without development of the right attitudes, students may not be well prepared to acquire the new knowledge and skills necessary for successful adaptation to changing circumstances and the necessary situation for Students’ performance (Kuusinen & Leskinen, 2008). In school, teachers manage much of students‘ learning. However, learning might be enhanced if students can manage it themselves; moreover, once they leave school, individuals have to manage most of their own learning. To do this, they need to be able to establish goals, to persevere, to monitor their learning progress, to adjust their learning strategies as necessary and to overcome difficulties in learning. Students who leave school with the autonomy to set their own learning goals and with a sense that they can reach those goals tend to be better equipped to learn throughout their lives (Candeias, Rebelo, Olivera & Mendes, 2012).

Attitude as a major factor affecting learning processes, may be implicit hence has not attracted enough attention from all stakeholders in education and therefore, it is important to consider the fact that learners can mainly contribute to their learning outcomes as a result of their belief and perceptions about the subject matter e.g. whether they like it or not and whether they see any value in it. Attitudes are seen as more or less positive and encompass emotions, beliefs, values and behavior and 4 hence affect individual way of thinking, acting and behaving which has a lot of implications to teaching and learning (Mensah, 2013). They have a strong effect on behavior which helps in understanding and predicting peoples’ behavior in a wide range of contexts. Attitudes though not directly observable are inferred from observable responses and behaviours which reflect a pattern of beliefs and emotions. They are elicited by certain stimuli and gradually get established into a consistency or a tendency. A person’s behaviour and choices when confronted with tasks are determined more by his beliefs and personal experiences rather than by his knowledge of specific tasks (Pilippou & Christou, 1998).

Beyond student’s perception of how well school will prepare them for life, their overall attitude to all the school-related activities could be important. For some students, school is central to their daily life. They view schooling as essential to their long term well-being, and this attitude is reflected in their participation in academic and non-academic pursuits. The students tend to have good relations with school staff and with other students when their attitude to school is positive this will enhance the students’ performance in the school. However, some students express negative attitude towards school as they do not tend to believe that the school and student performance will have a strong bearing on their future. Such negative feelings and attitudes may result in their becoming disaffected with school (Williams, 2000). They may withdraw from school activities, and in some cases, participate in disruptive behavior and display negative attitudes towards teachers and other students. Students’ attitude to school can be seen as a disposition towards learning, working with others and functioning in a social institution. It is partly for this reason that the Pearson Foundation (2014) with the Quaglia Institute for Student Aspiration identified eight conditions for students to realize academic, social, and personal performance; and emphasized that attitude towards school, also referred to as the interest or sense of belonging is the first and most crucial. It emphasizes self worth, engaged learning and sense of purpose. Attitude is an important condition for a student's performance in academic, well-being, social engagement, and competence. Highly positive attitude towards school increases intrinsic motivation, for it fosters self-confidence and investment in the community. It is only with positive attitude towards learning that a student can develop good sense of belonging and engagement in learning process. The condition of belonging means that a student is a valued member of the school community while still maintaining his or her uniqueness. It is a relationship between two or more persons characterized by a sense of connection and support for individual achievement of self-actualization and advancement in Students’ performance. Attitude towards learning can be, for some students, indicative of Students’ performance.

Some related studies have been carried out in this area reveals that there are two main contributing factors to students’ academic achievement that are psychological and sociological factors. Psychological factors refer to the internal elements of individual including emotional and cognitive domains, whereas sociological factors refer to external factors such as socio-environment and friendship. However, both factors are inter-related and dependable. Most past studies tended to discuss the subject in a specific context. For instance, a study of academic achievement carried out by Ariffin (2007) focused on individual’s learning style and how it affects his/her students’ performance. Although learning style has a close link with a person’s personality and intellectual capabilities, the selection of learning styles is also influenced by environmental factors such as educational support provided by peers and teachers.

Although previous studies found that there is a positive relationship between student’s interest in academic subject and its performance (Arham, Mesir&Mohammad, 2006; Zainudinet. 2007), classroom environment and their existing knowledge on the particular subjects also play major roles (Rhoda, 2011). According to Popham (2005), students’ attitudes or interests should be enormously important to educators, because affective dispositions are powerful predictors of students’ subsequent behaviour. In a related study, Erdogan, Bayram, Deniz (2008) found that there is a positive relationship between students’ attitudes towards modern learning technologies and their academic achievement. Academic achievement increases with the use of modern technologies positively. There is a strong association between individuals’ attitudes towards education and their academic performance and commitment. Students who have negative attitudes towards education activities are found to exhibit challenging behaviour including anti-social and off-task behaviour (Awang, Jindal-Snape & Barber, 2013). Ming, Ling and Jaafar (2011) found that streaming in education has a close relationship with students’ academic performance. They also found that students from science classes are more positive about academic performance compared to other students. It should be noted that the current study was carried out in Nigeria where most students are streamed according to their academic achievement. Previous research revealed that there is a link between academic achievement and socio-economic status (Ghazali, 2008). Living in poor and slum areas are found to contribute to the low academic achievement among students. Most low achievers also are from poor families (Farooq, Chaundhry & Berhanu, 2011).

In the light of the aforementioned relating to performance of student, this study investigates and analyzes students’ interest and attitude as predictors of students’ performance among Social studies secondary school students in Lagos State

1.2 Statement of the problem

The advancement of “freedom and justice for all” as envisioned by our country’s founders requires that, citizens have to acquire knowledge, attitudes and values to guard and endorse the principles of constitutional democracy. The success of Nigeria’s growth and stability relies strongly on its educational system. Social studies is a major part of the school’s curriculum because it explores morals, values and provides students with the ability to understand the values associated with being a good citizen. The marginalization of social studies education in schools has been documented repeatedly. For instance, in the United States, Lawson, (2003) surveyed hundred tenth grade students and hundred twelfth grade students in order to determine their attitudes towards the various subject areas. In the study, English, mathematics and reading were ranked ahead of social studies. Participants described social studies as boring and far from anything they could relate to in their life. This situation may result in the poor performance of students in social studies. Adepoju (2002) and Tella (2008) observed that Social studies have been neglected by the learners and its content delivery by teachers has been too easy.

The negative attitude and interest in the subject has created a lot of laxity and anxiety among students who continue to perform dismally as they lack the interest, curiosity and patience needed for learning and performing related tasks concerning to the subject. Studies on students’ performance in Social Studies have mostly pointed to the fact that student’s Interest and attitude is a major contributor yet has received very little attention if any. There is therefore a need to study the effect of student attitudes and interest as is the integral part of socio-cognitive learning which affects the learning outcomes (Burstein, 2002). This study would concern itself with a variety of interest that students harbor and which have potential effects on their learning processes as would determine their ability and willingness to learn. Students’ opinions and interest and attitude regarding Social studies, how much they like it, how important they think it is, what value they attach to it, how difficult or easy they perceive it is and the future expectations can be understood as facets of student’s interest and attitudes towards Social Studies and which determine their success in the subject. The researchers suspect that this apparent drift may be the result of ineffective teaching and learning of Social Studies content. This study therefore investigates the interest and attitudes students in senior secondary School have towards the teaching and learning of Social Studies as it relates to their performance.


1.3 Purpose of the Study

             The main purpose of this study is to assess Interest, attitude and value as predictors of Student’ performance in Social Studies. The specific purposes are

1.     To ascertain Students’ Interest is a predictor to students’ academic performance in Social Studies.

2.     To investigate how the students’ attitudes as a predictor that affect their learning and performance in Social Studies.

3.     To examine the factors influencing student attitudes towards Social Studies.

1.4       Research Questions

The following research questions guided this study:

i.       Will interest be a predictor of Junior Secondary School student’s performance in Social Studies?

ii.      Will attitude be a predictor of Junior Secondary School student’s learning and achievement in Social Studies?

iii.   Will value influence Junior Secondary School students’ attitudes towards Social Studies?


1.5       Research Hypotheses

The following hypotheses are tentatively formulated to be tested during the cause of this study.

Hypothesis 1

Ho:       Interest will not significantly predict Junior Secondary School students’ performance in Social Studies

H1:       Interest will significantly predict Junior Secondary School students’ performance in Social Studies


Hypothesis 2

Ho:       Attitude will not significantly predict Junior Secondary School students’ learning and achievement in Social Studies

H1:       Attitude will significantly predict Junior Secondary School students’ learning and achievement in Social Studies


1.6       Significance of the Study

Social Studies education has been in the middle of reform efforts towards an improved performance yet this has never been realized. The findings of this study would help all the interested parties in understanding the factors within the learners themselves and how the learners ultimately can contribute to their own learning processes and performance in the subject. The study was to help in exposing some of the interest and attitude which learners acquire and carry into the classroom environment and which are of paramount importance to all stakeholders in education in attempting to improve teaching and learning of the subject in all schools. The study therefore would provide crucial information to curriculum planners that will guide in the designing policies and strategies towards improving performance in the subject.

The teacher would understand the learners better so as to capture their attention and change their perceptions and attitude towards the subject. Motivation, reinforcement and relevant instructional strategies by the teachers, might help the learners get directions on what is expected. Through this study, the learners would understand themselves and that their performance in the subject is a consequence of their interests, attitudes and effort which they can control for their successful learning and improvement in the subject.

The school administration would understand what is ailing the subject and would help in putting up policies towards an enabling learning environment and providing necessary support and be able to put up mechanisms towards improved teaching and learning of the subject e.g providing time, space, materials and moral support. The study would also be useful to other researchers in supplementing the existing literature on the same study area and would also provide a rich ground for further research based on the gaps left out by this study.

1.7   Scope of the Study

The study concentrates on Interest and Attitude as predictors of students' performance in Social Studies in secondary school with a particularly reference to Lagos State. Some of the public and private schools will be sampled in Lagos State.


1.8       Limitations of the Study

Wide research of this nature cannot be carried out without some constrains. The constrains that are envisaged to pose limitation to this research work include; shortage of time, lack of finance, uncooperative respondents, non-knowledgeable respondents, respondents’ bias in answering questions, inaccessibility to information termed confidential, inaccessibility of respondents and no response from some respondents.


1.9       Operational Definition of Terms

Interest:          The feeling of wanting to give your attention to something or of wanting to be involved with and to discover more about something

Attitude:         A feeling or opinion about something or someone, or a way of behaving that is caused by this.

Value:             The amount of interest that can be received for something

Performance: How well a student does a piece of work or an activity

Achievement: Something very good and difficult that you have succeeded in doing

Predictor:       A variable that determines the effect or event of a happening

Social Studies: A part of Junior Secondary school curriculum concerned with the study of social relationships and the functioning of society and usually made up of courses in history, government, economics, civics, sociology, geography, and anthropology.

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