The study determines the influence of information communication technology (ICT) and tourism development in Abia State (A case study of National War Museum Umuahia). Specifically, the study sought to determine the effects of social media applications on tourist choice of destination in Abia State, effects of internet application on tourist choice of destination in Abia State, effects of mobile technology on tourists choice of destination in Abia State and effects of computer usage on tourist choice of destination in Abia state. Four research questions and four hypotheses guided the study. The literature reviewed for this study was under the following subheadings: conceptual framework, theoretical frameworks, empirical studies and summary of literature reviewed. A descriptive survey design was adopted for the study. The study was carried out in National War Museum Umuahia. The population of the study comprised of 120 respondents made up 15 staff of National War Museum and 105 guest of the War Museum in the study area. The instrument for data collection was a structured questionnaire developed by the researcher. The reliability result of 0.74 was obtained as the result of the overall reliability of the instrument which indicated that the items were reliable. The data was analyzed using mean and Standard Deviation (SD) for research questions 1-4 while t-test was used to analyzed the hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. The results revealed that the respondents agreed that the 21 items were the influence of Information Communication Technology (ICT) on tourism development in Nigeria. Therefore, the null hypothesis of no significant effects was rejected in all the items tested. The researcher recommended among other things, that the effects of social media applications on tourist choice of destination in Abia State should be re-examined on the aspect of negative side of it.
Cover page i
Title Page ii
Declaration iii
Certification iv
Dedication v
Acknowledgements vi
Table of Contents vii
List of Tables viii
Abstract ix
1.1 Backgrounds
of Study 1
1.2 Statement of the Problems 4
1.3 Objectives
of the Study 5
1.4 Research Questions 6
1.5 Research Hypotheses 6
1.4 Significance of the Study 6
1.7 Scope of the Study 7
1.8 Definition
of Terms 7
2.1 Conceptual
Framework 9
2.2.1 Tourism in Nigeria 9
Impact of
Tourism 12
2.2.3 Information
and Communication Technology (ICT) 14
2.2.4 ICT and tourist choice of destination 15
2.2.5 Theoretical Framework 22
2.2.6 Computability Theory 22
2.2. 7 Computational Complexity Theory 23
2.2.8 Vygotsky’s Socio
Cultural Theory 24
2.3 Review
of Empirical Literature 25
2.4 Summary of Review of Related Literature 36
3.1 Introduction 38
3.2 Design of the
Study 38
3.3 Method of Data
Collection 38
3.4 Area of the Study 38
3.5 Population of the Study 39
3.6 Sample Size Determination 39
3.6.1 Determination of
Sample Size for the Quantitative Data 40
4.1 Introduction 43
4.2.1 Analysis
of the Study’s Survey Response Rate 43
4.2.2 Bio –Data of the Respondents 44
4.2.3 Analysis
of Quantitative Data 45
4.3 Test Of Hypotheses 48
4.3.1 Testing
the Hypothesis 1 48
4.2.2 Testing
the Hypothesis 2 50
4.2.3 Testing
the Hypothesis 3 51
4.2.3 Testing
the Hypothesis 4 52
Summary 53
Conclusion 53
5.3 Recommendations 54
5.4 Limitations of the Study 55
5.5 Suggestions for Further Studies 56
Table Contents Pages
Table 1: Questionnaire
Distribution and Return 36
Table 2: Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents by
Gender 36
Table 3: Frequency
and Percentage Distribution of Respondents by Age 37
Table 4: Frequency
and Percentage Distribution of Respondents by Marital Status 37
Table 5: Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents by Educational Qualification 38
Table 6 Mean rating of staff of
National War Museum and guest of the War Museum on the effects of
social media applications on tourist choice of destination
in Abia State 39
Table 7 Mean rating of staff of
National War Museum and guest of the War Museum on the effects of internet application
on tourist choice of destination
in Abia State 40
Table 8 Mean rating of staff of
National War Museum and guest of the War Museum on the effects of
mobile technology on tourists choice of destination in
Abia State 41
Table 9 Mean rating of staff of
National War Museum and guest of the War Museum on the effects of
computer usage on tourist choice of destination in
Abia state 42
1.1 Background
of the Study
has been a tremendous transformation in the tourism sector as a result of rapid
advances in Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Information
Communication Technology (ICT) is a set of activities which is facilitated by
electronic means such as processing, transmission and display of information
for end users (Miima, Ondigi, and Mavisi, 2018). ICTs comprise a combination of
hardware, software and accompanying multimedia tools for information
transmission (Tezci, 2019). ICT according to Akunyili (2014) is the ability to
use electronic means to capture, process, communicate and store information.
Ozoji in Ukpe, (2013) stated that ICT is the handling and processing of
information (text, images, graphics, instructions, etc.) for use, by means of
electronic and communication devices such as computers, cameras, and telephone.
When ICT combines with internet, it creates a channel for students to obtain a
huge amount of human experience and guide students to enter the global
community (Kubiatko, 2016).
Communication Technology (ICTs) means the use of computer system and
telecommunication equipment in information processing. It is the amalgamation
of computer, communication and electronics to acquire, process, store and
disseminate vocal, textual, pictorial and numerical information by micro-
electronic- based equipment (Ibezim, 2017). Important of ICT; it enhance
distribution of information at a glance, it is use for storages, retrieval and
dissemination of information. It enhance buying and selling of goods and
services online (e-commerce). It is also used in banking operation (e-banking),
offices, even in the tourism industries. In this way the students not only can
extend their personal view, thought, and experience, but also can learn to live
in the real world. The transfer of knowledge and skills to the growing
generation is an endeavour that requires adoption of modern innovations to keep
pace with the emerging trends in the 21st century education system. One of the
innovations that could influence and is still capable of enhancing knowledge
delivery is the integration of Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
at all levels of the education system (Ziden, Ismail, Spain, and Kumutha,
use of ICT in tourism industries is a relevant and functional way of providing
education to learners in order to assist them in imbibing the required capacity
for the world of work (Kosoko-Oyedeko and Tella, 2017Presently in Nigeria,
various communication networks are used in reaching out to the general public
as well as tourists, though in varying degrees. This is not associated with the
suitability, accessibility and availability of the mode within the reach of the
populace. The radio seems to be the most accessible because of its wide coverage
and low cost of acquisition. However, television seems to be the most
persuasive and appreciated in the country because, as argued by Eileen (2015),
it combines the features of sight and sound. Unlike other means of mass
communication, it combines the elements of images, texts and sounds and hence,
it has the ability to reproduce reality and persuade its viewers. It suffices
to say that television remains the most viable means of disseminating tourism
information in the country not only because of the aforementioned reasons, but
also because it is more suitable for an average Nigerian, and it is readily
accessible to them and easy to manipulate. ICTs are important in tourism
is the temporary short–term movement of people to destinations outside the
place where they normally live and work as well as day visits or excursion. It
involves the activities of persons travelling to and staying in places outside
their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure,
business and other purposes (Deighton, 2016). Tourism is rapidly growing into one of the largest
industries in the world. Its potential role as a veritable instrument for
economic progress of any nation cannot be ignored (Undeme, 2018). Tourism is an
information based service product in which communication technology plays a
significant role. "Contemporary tourists deserve accurate and candid
assessment of their prospective destinations.
with almost every industry, ICT applications have an enormous impact on the
Tourism industry. From social media, mobile technology, internet and computer,
Information and Communication Technology affects even the smallest areas of the
industry. ICT applications are evolving at an ever quicker pace and industries
have to adapt quickly to keep ahead of the curve, or else risk falling behind
the competition. In particular, social media has become a big player in a
variety of industries in recent years. In recent decades, the tourism industry
has been transformed by information and communication technology (ICT)
applications available worldwide (Gretzelet
al., 2015). ICT has enabled the
direct interaction of consumers with the supply chain (Reinoet al., (2013).Social media is an aspect
of ICT that has rapidly proliferated and penetrated almost every sector of
human life. In our present days, it is almost a common practice for people to
spend a major of their time making using of social networks.
evolution of internet technology has led to its use as the best medium for
communication. Whereby, two- thirds of the world’s internet population visits
social networking or blogging sites, thus serving as a communication and
connection tool.
devices have been recognized and adopted as the latest technology for
instructional delivery and learning tools across the World and sundry to use
them in a diverse institutions and environment for instance, in a classroom
setting restaurants, café, and in a museum among others (Mahon, 2014). A
computer is a machine that reads, stores, manipulates, perform calculation and
displays data. Computer as a mathematical tool is a programmed electronic
device for storage and retrieval of data (Rikala, 2013). A computer is a
machine that had been designed to carry out numerical and mathematical operations
at much greater speed (Ezinwa, 2015). Computer makes computation and retrieval
of student results easy. Computation means the use of computer technology in
information processing (Micheal, 2016).
on these premises, the problem of this study is to ascertain the influence
of ICT on tourism development in
1.2 Statement of the Problems
Since tourism is one of the major sectors
in today’s world, many countries are competing to attract tourists through all
means of communication and such communication has become a major driver of
tourist sectors all over the world. The role of communication is to inform
prospective tourists and influence their choices regarding touristic
destinations and the type of tourist products they purchase. To attract
prospective tourists in this digitized world, modern ICT strategies are needed,
and it is necessary for the tourism industry to rely on ICTs and especially the
internet, social media, mobile technology and computers as tools of
international communication. Nigeria has been attracting a huge number of
foreign tourists visiting a variety of magnificent natural, cultural,
historical, and religious heritages found in the country.
However, the potential of those tourist
attractions and number of visitors are incomparable (Okonkwo, 2015). Moreover,
provision of sufficient information to tourists and promotion using modern ICT
services is very low. As a result of this the sector’s contribution to the
nation’s GDP is insufficient. SMEs in Nigeria have been slow in adopting ICT as
they face major constraints such as poor telecommunication infrastructure,
limited ICT literacy, inability to integrate ICT into business processes, high
costs of ICT equipment, incomplete government regulations for e-commerce, legal
and regulatory issues, weak ICT strategies, lack of research and development,
excessive reliance on foreign technology and weaknesses in ICT
implementation(Ladokun, 2013). Researchers within and outside the country such
as Ogechi(2020), Yekini, (2013) Okonkwo (2015),had conducted a study on related
studies on the subject matter but none of the studies was conducted in Umuahia
as regards the influence of ICT on the attraction of tourist to the national
war museum. Therefore, this current study seeks to cover the gap.
1.3 Research Objectives
The main objective of this study is to
determine the influence of Information Communication Technology (ICT)on tourism
development in Nigeria. The specific objectives include the following:
To examine the effect of
social media applications on tourist choice of destination in Abia State;
To examine the influence
of internet application on tourist choice of destination in Abia State;
To examine the effect of
mobile technology on tourists choice of destination in Abia State;
To examine the influence
of computer usage on tourist choice of destination in Abia state.
1.4 Research Questions
1. What
are the effects of social media application on tourist choice of destination in
Abia State?
2. To what extent has internet application influences
tourist choice of destination in Abia State?
3. What
are the effects of mobile technology on tourist choice of destination in Abia
4. To what extent has computer application
influences tourist choice of destination in Abia State?
1.5 Research Hypotheses
following Null hypotheses formulated were tested for this study. These include;
There is no significant
effect of social media on tourist choice of destination in Abia State.
There is no significant effect of internet on
tourist choice of destination in Abia State.
There is no significant
effect of mobile technology on tourist choice of destination in Abia State.
There is no significant
effect of computer on tourist choice of destination in Abia State.
1.6 Significance of the Study
The significance of this can be viewed
from two perspectives:
Academically and professionally:
Academically, this study will help in widening the frontier of knowledge on
various ways. It will contribute to the enrichment of literature on ICT and
Tourism Development on Abia State. Finally it will serve as a body reserved
knowledge to be referred to by future researcher. Professionally, to
Abia State Tourism Board; the study will
benefit the tourism board by providing critical information to management in
deciding on the areas which ICT should be adopted, as well as the specific
technology that would improve the industry.
Tour Operators; the study will create
awareness on different types of ICT used in tourism industries today and also
make them see ICT- based facilities as a tool that will provide greater
competitive advantage enjoyed by its competitors.
Tour Guide; it will help cut down cost and
improve service delivery and while doing so ease out the employees work load,
making his/her job easier and faster.
1.7 Scope
of the Study
This includes the independent variable
(social media, internet, mobile technology, computer usage) and the dependent
variable (tourist choice of destination)
1.8 Definition of Terms
communication technology (ICT): Howell and
Lundall (2012) stated that ICT broadly
refers to all forms of technology used to create, store, process and use
information in its various forms, data , voice and image multi-media
presentation which enables, facilitates and supports communication.
Tourism simply means any temporary movement of people, either individually or
groups from one place to another specific tourism purpose such as leisure
(recreations, holiday, health study, religion and sport, secondary business,
family, mission, meeting. (Okpoko &okpoko, 2012)
Development: Tourism development is an element of
economic growth that involves enlarging the ownership base such as people
benefiting from the tourism industry through job procurement, skills
development business and wealth creation and ensuring geographical spread of
tourism business all over the given destination (Okpoko & Okpoko, 2012)
Technology: El-Hussein and Cronje (2019) defined
mobile technology as the integration and application of portable technology
devices and wireless technology toward instructional services.
computer is a programmable machine designed to sequentially and automatically
carry out a sequence of arithmetic or logical operations. (Lavington, 2015)
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