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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00005637

No of Pages: 57

No of Chapters: 5

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The Crux of this study is to examine the impact of strategic human resources accounting on small and medium scale enterprises financial performance in Lagos, from 2015-2019. Using the Ordinary least square analytical technique, secondary data from selected SMEs in Lagos State was obtained. The data of this study were extractedfrom published annual report and account of the selected SMEs. The analysis revealed that acquisition cost has negative impact and insignificant effect on the return of investment of the selected SMEs in Lagos State. Training cost is said to have a positive impact and significant effect on the return on investment of the selected SMEs. While staff cost has positive impact and insignificant effecton the return of investment of selected SMEs in Lagos State. The study thereby recommend that SMEs should focus and invest more in the training and development of staff and ensure that there is good staff  retention and how rate of labour turnover. The study also recommend that accounting bodies should ensure that there is a regulation guiding the process for human reporting in SMEs, organization other sectors. This will impact positively to their financial performance.


Keywords; Human resources accounting, acquisition cost, training cost, staff cost, financial performance, return on investment (ROI).











                              TABLE OF CONTENTS


TITLE                                                                                                                        PAGES

Title Page                                                                                                                       i                   

Integrity & Attestation                                                                                                 ii

Certification                                                                                                                  iii

Dedication                                                                                                                    iv

Acknowledgement                                                                                                        v

Abstract                                                                                                                        vi

Table of Content                                                                                                           vii                 




1.1       Background to the Study                                                                               1

1.2       Statement of the Problem                                                                               3

1.3       Objectives of the Study                                                                                  4

1.4       Research Questions                                                                                         4

1.5        Research Hypothesis                                                                                      5

1.6       Significance of the Study                                                                               5

1.7       Scope and Limitation of the Study                                                                6

1.8       Organization of the Study                                                                              6

1.9       Definition of Terms                                                                                        6





2.1       Preamble                                                                                                         8                     

2.2       Conceptual Framework                                                                                   8

2.2.1    Strategic Human Resources Accounting                                                        8 Methods of Accounting valuation of human resources                                  9 Need for human resources accounting                                                            12 Benefits of Strategic Human Resources Accounting                              14 Limitation of Strategic Human Resources Accounting                            15 Argumenta against the concept of Human Resources Accounting                 15      

2.2.2    Acquisition cost and Financial Performance                                            16

2.2.3    Training cost and Financial Performance                                                        17       

2.2.4    Staff cost and Financial Performance                                                           17

2.2.5    Financial Performance                                                                                    18 Measurements of Financial Performance                                               19 Financial Statements Analysis                                                                25

2.3    Theoretical Framework                                                                             26

2.3.1 Human Capital Theory                                                                                       26

2.3.2 Transaction Cost Theory                                                                                   27

2.3.3    Resources Based Theory                                                                                 28

2.4   Empirical Framework                                                                                          29       

2.4.1 Acquisition Cost                                                                                                 29

2.4.2 Training Cost                                                                                                       30

2.4.3 Staff Cost                                                                                                           31




3.1       Preamble                                                                                                         36

3.2       Restatement of Research Question                                                                36

3.2.1 Restatement of Research hypotheses                                                                36

3.3       Research Design                                                                                             37

3.4       Population of the Study                                                                                  37

3.5       Sample and Sampling Technique                                                                    38

3.5.1   Sample Size                                                                                                      38

3.6          Sources and Data Collection                                                                                                   38

3.7          Method of Data Analysis and Model Specification                                                             39                          

3.8          Test of Validity and Reliability                                                                                     39

3.8.1   Validity                                                                                                    39

3.8.2   Reliability                                                                                                40

3.9     Limitation of Methodology                                                                                               40





4.1.      Preamble                                                                                                        41

4.2.      Descriptive Statistics                                                                                      41

4.3       Panel Data Regression Estimation                                                                 42

  4.3.1  Test of Hypotheses 1                                                                                      43

  4.3.2   Test of Hypotheses 2                                                                                      44

  4.3.3   Test of Hypotheses 3                                                                                      44

  4.3.4   Co efficient of Multiple Determination (R2)                                          45

  4.3.5   Overall test of Significance of the Estimated Panel Method                         45

4.4       Post Estimation Test                                                                                       45

  4.4.1   Normality Test                                                                                               45

4.4.2   Auto Correlation Test                                                                                      45

4.5       Discussion of Findings                                                                                   46       





5.1       Preamble                                                                                                         47

5.2       Summary                                                                                                         47

5.3       Conclusion                                                                                                      48

5.4       Recommendations                                                                                          48

5.5       Suggestion for further studies                                                                        49       

            References                                                                                                      50  Appendix  





The growing importance of human resources accounting is a determinant of economic success at both the macroeconomic and microeconomic levels which dictates that firms need to adjust to this new economic reality. Specifically, if human capital is a key determinant for organizational success, then investment in the training and development of employees to improve performance is a critical component of this success. This broad socioeconomic shift underscores a growing need for measuring and analyzing human capital when making managerial and financial decisions. Yet important human resource decisions involving hiring, training, compensating, productivity and other matters are often made in the absence of specific information about the different cost and benefit of these particular choices. Human resources accounting is a managerial tool that can be used to gain this valuable information by measuring the cost of recruiting, hiring, compensating and training employees. It can be used to evaluate employee training programs, increase productivity and improve managerial decision making regarding promotions, transfers, layoffs, replacement, and turnover. (Prabhakar, 1993).

The American Accounting Associations Committee on Human Resource Accounting (1973) has defined Human Resource Accounting as the process of identifying and measuring data about human resources and communicating this information to interested parties. Human resource accounting, thus, not only involves measurement of all cost investment associated with the recruitment, placement, training and development of employees, and also the qualification of the economic value of the people in an organization.

The past few decades have witnessed a global transition for manufacturing to service based economies. The fundamental difference between the two lies in the very nature of their assets. In the former, the physical assets like plants, machinery, materials etc. are of utmost importance. In contrast, in the latter, knowledge and attitudes of the employees assume greater significance. For instance, in the case of an I.T firm, the value of its physical assets is negligible when compared with the value of the knowledge and skills of the personnel. Similarly, in hospitals, academic institutions, consulting firms etc. the total worth of the organization depends mainly on the skills of its employees and the services they render. (Flamholtz, 1971). Hence, the success of these organizations is contingent on the quality of their Human Resource, its knowledge, skills, competence, motivation and understanding of the organizational culture. In knowledge-driven economies, it is imperative that the humans be recognized as an integral part of the total worth of the human capital. It is necessary that some methods of quantifying the worth of the knowledge, motivation, skills and contribution of the human elements as well as that of the organization processes like recruitment, selection, training etc. which are used to build and support these human aspect is developed. Human resource accounting (HRA) denotes just this process of quantification/measurement of the Human Resource. (Flamholtz, 1999).

Human resources accounting centers on the valuation of human capital available to organizations and its recording and subsequent reporting in the financial statement of the organization. Human capital is the main factor towards achieving the organizational goals of maximizing the wealth of the owner. The economist Milton Friedman states, from the broad and general point of view, that total wealth includes all sources of income consumable services. One of such is the production capacity of human beings and accordingly, this is one form in which wealth can be held. (Karl-Erik Sveiby, 2004).

Human resource accounting facilitates effective and efficient use of human resources. Human resources along with financial and material resources, contributes to the production of goods and services in an organization. Physical and monetary resources by themselves cannot improve efficiency or contribute to an increased rate of return on investment. (Anjorin, 1992). It is through the combined and concerted effort of people that monetary and material resources are harnessed to achieve organizations goals. (Likert,1971). Human resources in the business organizations cannot be over-emphasized in this modern world, as human resources therefore is the most important assets of an organization. Infact, with additional training and experience gained over a period of time, they tend to do well on the job. This fact however, is ignored when a firms balance sheet is prepared. All expenses relating to recruitment, training and development of employees are charged against the revenues of a particular accounting period. The expenses on human resources are fixed in nature and do not offer any immediate return.

The nature accrues to the firm over a long period i.e. as long as the employee remains with the firm as a result of human resources accounting. Hence such costs should be capitalized and amortized over the entire period so that the Balance sheet gives a true and fair view of the state of affairs of a business. (Brummet, 1983). Since human resources are capable of enlargementover a period of time, there should be innovative investment in its people and how the value of people changes over a period of time. Human resources accounting is one of such methods which endeavor to reduce the cost, measures and improve the value of people to an organization.

The link between human resources policies and organizational performance is the use of employee surveys combined with benchmarking over the years. When employees are viewed as assets rather than simply costs, there is a positive impact on an organizational performance. A mix of financial and non-financial measures (actual versus budget, cash flow, customer satisfaction, economic value added, employee satisfaction, employee turnover, safety, sales and shareholders total return) leads to improved organizational performance.


Though  the  idea  of  accounting  for  human  resources  started  many  years  back,  the  concept  still  lacks  general acceptability  (Bowers,  1973).  Many  authors  and  scholars  have  conducted  researches  on  how  humans  within  an organization  can  be  valued  and  reported  in  the  financial  statements  of  such  organization.(Schulz,  1961; Hermannson,  1964;  Likert,  1967;  Bowers,  1973;  Flamholz,  Bullen&  Hua,  2002).      Human  resource  accounting and  reporting  by  corporate  organizations  is  still  at  the  infant  stage  in  Nigeria.  Some  of  the  companies  that  have invested  heavily  in  human  resources  and  have  applied  human  resources  accounting  in  one  way  or  the  other  in Nigeria  include  Unilever  Plc,  Nigeria  Breweries,  Cadbury  Nigeria  Plc,  Nestle  Foods  Nigeria  Plc,  Access  Bank Plc,  Zenith  Bank  Plc,  amongst  others.  The  investments  by  these  companies  in  human  capital  development  are normally  not  reflected  in  their  balance  sheets  as  assets  but  expensed  in  the  profit  and  loss  accounts.  (Okapla&Chidi,  2010;  Micah,  Ofurun&Ihendinihu,  2012).  The  major  challenges  encountered  in  the  recognition  of  human resources  as  an  asset  rest  largely  on  its  characteristics,  quantification  in  monetary  terms  and  the  method  of reporting.  What  are  the  constraints  in  the  application  of  human  resource  accounting  by  organizations?

Micah  et  al  (2012)  did  a  study  on  firms  financial  performance  and  human  resource  accounting  in  Nigeria.  Descriptive,  correlation  and  regression  statistical  techniques  were  used in  analyzing  the  data.  The  result  revealed  that  the  combined  effect  of  Firm  Financial Performance  accounted for 75.9%  of the  variation in Human Resource  Accounting  Disclosure (HRAD)  with  an  F  ratio  3.581  being  significant  at  5%  confidence  level.  The  positive correlation  between  Return  on  Equity  (ROE)  and  Human  Resource  Accounting  Disclosure (HRAD)  supposes  that  an  increase  in  return  on  equity  encourage  firm  in  reporting  human capital  information  so  as  to  establish  trustworthiness  with  stakeholders;  enhance  external reputation,  appear  legitimate  in  the  public  eye  and  avoid  cost  for  non-legitimacy.


The main objective of the study is to examine and investigate the impact of human resources accounting on the financial performance of small and medium scale enterprises. Specifically, the study sought to;

i) Determine the relationship between Acquisition Cost and Return of Investment (ROI) of the selected small and medium scale enterprises.

ii)  Determine the significant influence of Training Cost on Return on Investment(ROI) on the selected small and medium scale industry.

iii) Analyse the effect of Staff Cost on Firm's Return on Investment (ROI) of selected small and medium scale enterprises.


In the course of carrying out this research, the following questions shall be provided answers for.

i.  Is there any relationship between Acquisition Cost and Return of Investment of small and medium scale enterprise?

ii .  What effect does Training Cost have on the Return on Investment of small and medium scale enterprises?

iii.. To what extent does the Staff Cost  affects Return of Investment of the SMEs?



Hypothesis will be drawn to decide whether there is a positive or negative correlation between Human Resources Accounting and firms financial performance. If HRA has significant or not significant consequences on the financial performance on small and medium scale enterprises. During the course of study, the following research hypotheses shall be tested.

1. Ho: There is no relationship between Acquisition Cost on Return on investment in the small and medium scale enterprises.

Hi:  There is a relationship between Acquisition Cost on Return on investment in the small and medium scale enterprises.

2. Ho: Training Cost is not related to Return on Investment in small and medium scale enterprises.

     Hi:  Training Cost is positively related to Return on Investment in small and medium scale enterprises.

3. Ho: There is no relationship between Staff Cost on Return on Investment in the small and medium scale industry.

Hi:  There is relationship between Staff Cost on Return on Investment in the small and medium scale industry.



At the end of this study,

1) The small and medium scale enterprises will learn how to utilize its human resources to the maximum advantage.

2) The findings of this study will enable the management of small and medium scale enterprises to be sensitive to the need of the human resources and also to adopt strategy to decide effective leadership in order to optimally utilize their human resources.

3)  The study will be useful to other researcher who may use this as a basis to conduct related research on the topic.


The focus of the study is in the perspective of strategic human resources accounting in an organization and how it enhance higher financial performance. Small and Medium Scale Enterprise will be studied to know the roles of strategic human resources accounting on their financial performance. The essence is that most of the small and medium scale enterprises are failing to control the opportunity of increasing their profitability through strategic human resources accounting practice due to lack of proper understanding of it. Small and Medium Scale Enterprise that have the certificate of operation from the corporate affairs commission in Nigeria or with the Ministry of Finance in Nigeria are considered for this study. The work takes into consideration is only Small and Medium Scale Enterprise in the area of research work.


In this study, there is bound to be limitation to be encountered during the course of this study. These limitations need to be stated to aid the users of the research findings for effective decision making.

i. Accuracy of the collected data. The researcher has scheduled all research activities within a timeline to facilitate finalizing the research on time, thus will be accurate as possible to the research topic.

ii. Time Constraints

iii. The limited funds that affect the coverage of the area in which the research is carried out.



i. ACCOUNTING: It is the systematic process of identifying, recording, measuring, classifying, verifying, summarizing, interpreting and communicating financial information.

ii. RESOURCES:  Something to be used to help achieve an aim.

iii. ORGANISATION: An organized group with a particular purpose.

iv. HUMAN RESOURCES:These are personnel and man power available in an organization. It describe the people who make up the work force of an organization, industries, business sector or economy. It is also the department responsible for managing resources related to employees.

v. SMALL AND MEDIUM SCALE ENTERPRISES:This is an organization that employs a small number of workers and does not have a high volume of sales. These are industries whose personnel number falls below certain limit.

vi. FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE:It is a subjective measure of how well a firm can use assets from its primary mode of business and generating revenues. It is also the act of performing financial activities.

vii. HUMAN ASSET ACCOUNTING : This involve in identifying, measuring, capturing, tracking and analyzing the potential of the human resources of a company and communicating the resultant information to the stakeholders of the company.

viii. HUMANCAPITAL: It is set of skills which an employee acquires on the job through training and experience which increases his value in the market place.

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