These research project examine the impact of salesforce welfare on marketing productivity of selected private firms, using Udeagbala Industries and Roses Garment, both in Aba as a reference. The methodology was primarily qualitative and involved use of motivational models and conflict theory of Dahrendory were use as the theoretical framework. The theory presupposed social changes as an inevitable outcome of activities of societal elements, typified in the contrasting positions of the management and employees that could retard motivation and employee performance. The data collected were analyzed tabulated and presented using pearson correlation method at 0.01 significant level of population sample of n=240 from case study organization. The major finding shows that data revealed general awareness about welfare among the salesperson’s and ability to identify the elements of welfare. The working environment was poor, in terms of office accommodation and furniture, paucity of working materials, scarcely available monetary incentives and unreliable health and safety facilities, which altogether reduce morale (Job Satisfaction) and efficiency in job performance. In recommendation, pragmatic effects should be made to enhance salesforce job capabilities through training; to improve working condition of the salesforce and their general welfare in order to elicit job satisfaction and motivation for increased productivity.
Title - - - - - - - - - - - -i
Declaration- - - - - - - - - - -ii
Certification- - - - - - - - - - -iii
Dedication - - - - - - - - - - -iv
Acknowledgement- - - - - - - - - -v
of Content- - - - - - - - - - -vi
of Tables - - - - - - - - - - -viii
Abstract- - - - - - - - - - - -ix
1.1 Background of the Study
1.2 Statement of the Problem.
1.3 The Objectives of the Study
1.4 Research
1.5 Statement of the Hypotheses
1.6 Significance of the Study
1.7 Scope
of the Study
1.8 Limitations of the study
1.9 Definition of Terms
2.1 Introduction
2.3 Compensation and Sales Force Performance
2.4 Determination of Compensation Packages
2.6 Theories
and Models of Sales-Force Welfare
2.7 Academic
2.6 Summary
of Literature
3.1 Research Design
3.2 Sources
of Data
3.3 Population of Study
3.4 Sampling Design
3.4.1 Sample
Size Determination
3.4.2 Sampling
3.4.3 Sampling
3.5 Specification of Model
3.6 Test
of Significance
4.2 Analysis
of Data
4.2.1 Restatement of Research Questions
4.2.2 Assessment of the relationship between Salesforce welfare and Marketing Productivity based on the
scoring of respondents
4.2.3 Determination of the relationship between
provision of medical services to Salespersons and Marketing productivity
4.2.4 Assessment of the relationship between payment of retirement benefits and productivity
4.2.5 Ascertaining
the Relationship between Payment of Hazard Allowance and Productivity
4 .3 Testing of Hypothesis
4.3.1 Hypothesis 1
4.3.2 Hypothesis
4.3.3 Hypothesis 3
4.3.5 Hypothesis 4
5.1 Comprehensive Summary of the Findings
5.2 Conclusion
5.3 Recommendation
Appendix: Questionnaire
1.1 Background
of the Study
The practice of sales force welfare
activities has now become a popular phenomenon of the total personal policy of
any organization. The activities involved giving extra benefits to sales force
to supplement their wages at the cost of the employer. They are
important to both organization and the sales force. From the views of the
employers it is seen that good sales force welfare activities will induce the sales
force to work hard and improve their general attitude towards the organization
and increase their level of production. But for the sales force these benefits
represent an extra income, additional security or more desirable working
conditions that require no additional efforts (Bradford and
Weitz 2009).
In business organization, employers
of labour have seen in sales force welfare services as the ability of the
sub-ordinate to contribute more to the achievement of the organizational goal,
promote industrial relations so as to maintain industrial pace. It is also
believed that good sales force services activities will motivate and induce sales
force to work hard, thereby increasing their marketing performance and improve the general salespersons morale,
also enhance the public image of the organization (John and
Weitz, 2000).
defined sales force welfare services as something of who value apart from the
agreed regular monetary payment of salaries and wages given sales force. In
recognition of the workers need fulfillment function; they are variously called
welfare services, welfare benefits, employee benefits and amenities. They are
also known as pay or supplementary and non wages remuneration. As non-taxable
income and expenses they are being called indirect compensation and non-tax
Employees are directly influenced by
nature and quality of welfare services offered because they compare themselves
with their counterparts in other organizations. Therefore, every organization
should bear in minds that for them to achieve the objectives, the sales force
welfare services should be adequately competitive and focused towards solving
the real needs of the sales force (Marshall, 2010).
Nwachukwu, (2007) has shown that
workers prefer increase in welfare service to increase in salaries especially
during the period of inflation and rising prices, workers get frustrated and
dissatisfied when welfare services are in-adequate. But if adequate, workers
are satisfied and more committed to give their best to the achievement of the companies’
objectives. Apart from this, the organization is rendered impotent and
managerial functions at planning organizing, directing and controlling become
ineffective resulting from heavy loss of money, time and resources.
1.2 Statement of
the Problem.
Workers or sales force are often
attracted into certain organization not only because of the pay packages that
are stated in the advert but also because of the benefits attached to them.
These benefits usually include housing, transport, medical, pension or
retirement benefits to name but a few. These attractions also constitute to
considerable objectives for which if that welfare is not made available will
certainly lower the morale as well as the efficiency of such individuals
performance which will in turn has effect on the organization’s marketing
Example, where organization have been
faced within increase agitation from the workers unions and staff association
because of the inadequate sales force welfare services, poor administration of
the existing ones or total withdrawal of the existing ones. These dissatisfaction
expressions or administration of sales force welfare services activities need
proper investigation and examination in order to find a lasting solution to
these numerous problems. These assertions will be examined with respect to
Udeagbala Industries Ltd, and Roses & Garment Aba.
1.3 The Objectives of
the Study
To determine the extent of relationship between sales force
welfare packages and marketing productivity in J. Udeagbala industries Ltd, Aba
and Roses Garment Aba.
To ascertain the relationship between provision of medical
services and marketing productivity in J. Udeagbala industries Ltd, Aba and
Roses Garment Aba.
To determine the relationship between payment or retirement
benefits and marketing productivity in J. Udeagbala industries Ltd, Aba and
Roses Garment Nig. Ltd. Aba.
To ascertain the relationship between hazard allowance and
marketing productivity in J. Udeagbala industries Ltd, Aba and Roses Garment
Nig Ltd. Aba.
1.4 Research Questions
What is the extent of relationship between sales force
welfare and marketing productivity in J. Udeagbala industries Ltd, Aba and
Roses Garment Aba.
What is the relationship between provision of medical
services and marketing productivity?
To what extent does employees’ payment of retirement benefits
increase marketing productivity?
What is the extent of the relationship between hazard
allowance and marketing productivity?
1.5 Statement
of the Hypotheses
In the light of the
research questions, the null hypotheses is H0 were set as follows:
Hypothesis One
Ho: There is no
significant relationship between sales force and productivity in Udeagbala Ind.
Ltd and Roses Grament Aba.
Hypothesis Two
Ho: There is no
relationship between provision of employees’ medical services and productivity.
Hypothesis Three:
Ho: There is no
significant relationship between payment of retirement benefits and
Hypothesis Four:
Ho: Payment of hazard allowance has no relationship with productivity.
1.6 Significance
of the Study
This research work is significance to
the board, government, companies, private companies, research students, and
policy makers etc. who are interested in finding ways of improving moral and
general welfare of the workers/sales forces.
Significance is that the preferred
suggestions will have a direct impact in the company, thereby creating a
conducive atmosphere and environment for the attainment of the organizations
aims and objectives. The management and staff of Udeagbala Industries Ltd and
Roses Garment, Aba would benefit immensely from any snag in the administration
of the sales persons benefits and also show how best to implement the issue.
1.7 Scope of the Study
J. Udeagbala industries Ltd and Roses
Garment Industries Aba are located in Aba, Abia State, Southeastern part of
Nigeria. Abia state shared boundary with Akwa Ibom state, Ebnyi State, Anambra State,
Rivers State and Cross Rivers State. The scope focuses on the effective
motivation of sales persons of Udeagbala Industries Ltd and Roses garment that
is how motivation can be used to increase marketing productivity through
identification of problems in effectively motivating sales persons and
suggestions preferred on how to improve the performance of sales persons
towards optimum performance.
Limitations of the study
The following are the limitations of
the study:
The case study produced limited generalization because it
makes use of small samples.
The case study approach was time consuming because of the
participations by the researcher in data gathering.
Element of bias may be introduced in the case study
Finance the researcher was faced with finance constraints to
carry out the work.
Time: due to class work, assignments and lectures, the researcher
did not get enough time to carry out the research work.
Hoarding of information: the case study withheld some
information from research because of security reasons.
1.9 Definition
of Terms
the purpose of this research work, the following key words are defined as
Employers: these are persons or companies that pay people to
work for them.
Sales Person: is any person employed and managed directly by
a firm.
Welfare: is the provision of a minimal level of well-being
and social support for all citizens, sometimes referred to as public aid.
Activities: this refers to a pre-determined agreement of
program, events or development planned to accrued, accumulate or increased to a
given expected out come.
Motivation: This refers to the sum of money paid regularly by
the state or employer to their retried employee.
Benefit: This is profits, gains and future good rewards
offered to employees, such as sales persons.
Retirement: This is a situation whereby one gives up on a
regular work especially because of age.
Paternalistic: This refers to the policy of employers of
controlling people in a patterned way by providing them with what they need but
giving them no freedom of choice.
Facilities: These are buildings, services, equipment, etc.
that are provided for a particular purpose.
Heterogeneous: Composed of parts of different kinds; having
widely dissimilar elements or constituents.
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