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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00007504

No of Pages: 87

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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This study examines the effect of oil revenue on economic growth and development in Nigeria covering a period of 1986 to 2017. The variables used are petroleum profit tax, domestic crude sales and export sales as proxies for oil revenue being the independent variable whereas gross domestic product, inflation and unemployment as proxies for economic growth and development being the dependent variables. To achieve this objective, secondary data were collected from the CBN statistical bulletin, NNPC annual report and National Bureau of Statistics. The secondary data collected were analysed with relevant econometric tests of Breusch -Godfrey Serial Correlation LM, White Heteroskedasticity, Johansen Co-integration, and vector error correction model. the coefficient ECM is -0.012, which is correctly signed and has a prob value of 0.004 which is greater than 0.05, this implies that there is a short run relationship running between Economic growth and oil revenue in Nigeria. The coefficient of Petroleum Profit Tax is 0.861, this signifies that Petroleum Profit Tax has a positive impact on Economic growth of Nigeria The results from the analyses shows that, petroleum profit tax ,domestic crude and export sales have positive significant impact on gross domestic product and inflation rate whereas petroleum profit tax , domestic crude and export sales has negative impact on unemployment rate.

On the basis of the empirical analysis, the researcher concludes that oil revenue significantly affects the economic growth and development of the country. The researcher therefore recommends that government should consider developing the sector instead of leaving it in the hand of foreign explorers. This will enables the country to benefit more from the sector. They should encourage local participation as this will create more employment opportunities and also put necessary law in place to guide the operation of the sector so as to reduce the level of evasion by petroleum exploration companies in Nigeria.


Title page                                                                                                                                i

Certification                                                                                                                         ii

Declaration                                                                                                                iii

Dedication                                                                                                                             iv

Acknowledgement                                                                                                                v

Table of content                                                                                                                   vi

Abstract                                                                                                                               vii


1.1 Background to the Study                                                                                          1 1.2 Statement of the Problem                                                                                                             3

1.3 Objectives of the Study                                                                                              4

1.4 Research Questions                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          5

1.5 Research Hypotheses                                                                                                                   5

1.6 Significance of the Study                                                                                                 5

1.7Scope of Research                                                                                                                                                6

1.8 Operational Definition of terms                                                                                                                       7

1.9Limitation of study                                                                                                           8


2.1       Conceptual Framework                                                                                              9

2.1.1    Oil revenue in Nigeria                                                                                    12

2.1.2    Contributions by the oil industry                                                                             13

2.1.3    Challenges in the oil sector                                                                                     16                

2.1.5    Oil licenses in Nigeria                                                                                             17

2.1.6    Fiscal arrangements                                                                                                 19

2.1.7    Sources of oil revenue                                                                                             22

2.1.8    Nature and structure of the Nigerian economy                                                       27

2.1.9    Challenges facing the Nigerian economy                                                                28

2.1.10 Economic growth in Nigeria                                                                                      32

2.1.11 Inflation                                                                                                                      36                                         2.2          Theoretical Framework

2.2.1    The resource curse theory                                                                                           37

2.3       Empirical Review                                                                                                       38



3.1       Research Design                                                                                                         55

3.2       Types and Sources of Data Collection                                                                       55

3.3       Model specifications                                                                                                   56

3.4       Data Analysis Techniques                                                                                         57

3.5       Validation Techniques to be employed                                                                      57

3.6       Description of Research Variables                                                                             58




4.1       Data Presentation:                                                                                                     61

4.2       Data Analysis                                                                                                             64

4.3       Test of Hypotheses                                                                                                    67

4.4       Discussion of Findings                                                                                               77

CHAPTER 5: SUMMARY OF FINDINGS, CONCLUSION AND                                                             RECOMMENDATIONS

5.1       Summary of findings                                                                                                        79

5.2       Conclusion                                                                                                                  79

5.3       Recommendations                                                                                                      80

5.4     Further Research                                                                                                        81

            References                                                                                                                  82             

            Appendices                                                                                                                 88






The petroleum industry in Nigeria is the largest industry, which has provided approximately 90 percent of foreign exchange earnings and about 80 percent of federal revenue (Oremade, 2006). Ogbonna (2011) opined that dominant theories of economic growth have suggested that significant relationship exists between national income and economic growth. Appah and Ebiringa (2012) are of the view that the petroleum sector is one of the most important sectors in Nigeria as the sector generates the highest amount of revenue to the Federal, State and Local governments in the country.

Ogbonna and Appah (2012) observed that the petroleum industry constitutes the major source of income and occupies a strategic position in the economic development of Nigeria.  Furthermore, Petroleum has transformed poor nations into rich ones, desert into watersheds and bankrupt nations into creditors (Anyanwa,1997). Specifically, with respect to Nigeria, there is no gain saying that the oil sector has undergone tremendous transformation over the years.


Ibeh (2013) states that although oil did not assume its present significant position in the national economy until the early 1970s, it is not a novel revelation that it has since become the mainstay of contemporary Nigerian economy. The revenue from Petroleum as petrol, diesel, fuel, oil, lubricant or petro-chemical makes Nigeria’s economy’s wheel goes round.

Similarly Yakubu (2008) suggests that income from a nation’s natural resources (e.g. petroleum) has a positive influence on economic growth and development.


Contrary to these opinions expressed above, other studies on this subject matter, found that natural resources income influence growth negatively. That is, an increase in Income from natural resources does not necessarily result in an increase in economic growth. For example, Sachs and Warner (1997) using a sample of 95 developing countries that included Indonesia, Venezuela, Malaysia, Ivory Coast and Nigeria, found that countries that have a high ratio of natural resource exports to GDP appeared to have shown slower economic growth than countries with low ratio of natural resource export to GDP. Furthermore, Collier and Hoeffler (2002) were of the opinion that increase in natural resources income does not result in increase in economic growth. This is so because they found that 23.0 per cent of countries that are dependent on oil exports are likely to experience civil war in any five-year period compared to 0.6 percent for countries without natural resources. During each of these periods, there was no economic growth. Yakubu (2008), also supports the argument that increase in natural resources income does not result in increase in economic growth but results in vicious development cycle (i.e. violent and adverse development).The researher point to the potential benefits of enhanced economic growth and the creation of jobs, increased government revenues to finance poverty alleviation, the transfer of technology, the improvement of infrastructure and the encouragement of related industries. But the experience of almost all oil-exporting countries to date, especially Nigeria illustrates few of these benefits (Terry, 2000).


To say the least, Nafziger (2003) says that Nigeria’s case is increasingly degenerating to a state of chaos as petroleum income is brazenly mismanaged while the basic national institutions such as electricity, energy, road, transportation, political, financial systems, and investment environment have been decreasing and inefficient in Nigeria. The infrastructure is still poor; talent is scarce. Poverty, famine, and disease afflict many nations, including Nigeria,(Chironga, Leke and Lude, 2011).


It is evident from the opinions expressed in the foregoing studies that petroleum income can cause an increase or a decrease in economic growth and development of a nation, depending on the type of theory, policy and practical implementation the government in power adopts as expressed by Gbadebo (2008) ,that crude oil discovery has had certain impacts on the Nigeria economy both positively and adversely. On the negative side, it can be considered with respect to the surrounding communities within which the oil wells are exploited. Some of these communities still suffer environmental degradation, which leads to deprivation of means of livelihood and other economic and social factors. Although large proceeds are obtained from the domestic sales and export of petroleum products, its effect on the growth of the Nigerian economy as regards returns and productivity is still questionable, hence, the need to evaluate the relative impacts of oil  revenue on the economic growth and development of Nigeria.



Despite the fact that crude oil has been the source of Nigerian income,  the economy is facing high rate of unemployment, wide spread oil spillage, increasing poor standard of living as a result of decreasing gross domestic product, high rate of inflation and high level of interest rate which has led to the effect of the economic development.

The problems with Nigerian economy even to the present have been traced to failure of successive governments to use oil revenue and excess crude oil income effectively in the development of other sectors of the economy which will reduce the unemployment rate. (Olatunji, 2014).


Over all, there has been poor performance of national institutions such as power, energy, road, transportation, politics, financial systems, and investment environment have been deteriorating and inefficient (Nafziger, 2003).

The multinational companies operating in Nigeria are not committed to the country’s economic growth, since in most cases; they evade taxes, notwithstanding the huge profit they report from operating in Nigeria


Oladele (2013), states that high level of poverty and low standard of living in Nigeria  has been blamed on the overdependence on the oil sector and also the mismanagement of oil revenue by successive government ,this is evident in the absence of the kind of infrastructural facilities, health and education services that should benefit the citizens (Ibeh,2013). Some scholars like Nafziger and Oladele have advocated for the shifting of emphasis from the oil industry to other sectors owing to their belief in the negative fallouts of the oil industry; some others opined that the sectors should be promoted and developed for its benefits.

In view of the controversy with respect to the relative contribution of the oil sector compared with other sectors, the researcher intends to establish empirically the relative impact of the oil revenue on economic growth and development of Nigeria.



The main objective of this research is to assess the impact of oil revenue on the economic growth and development of Nigeria. While the specific objectives are to:

1.      examine the effect of oil revenue (crude oil and gas export, domestic crude sales  and petroleum profit tax) on the gross domestic product,

2.     assess the effect of oil revenue (crude oil and gas export, domestic crude sales and petroleum profit tax) on inflation,

3.      determine the effect of oil revenue (crude oil and gas export, domestic crude sales and petroleum profit tax) on unemployment.



Following from the specific objectives, the study answers the following research questions:

1.            to what extent does oil revenue (crude oil and gas export, domestic crude sales and petroleum profit tax) affect the gross domestic product?

2.       to what extent does oil revenue (crude oil and gas export, domestic crude sales and petroleum profit tax) influence inflation rate?

3.            to what degree does oil revenue (crude oil and gas export, domestic crude                             sales and petroleum profit tax) affect unemployment rate?



In order to guide the study, the following hypotheses were formulated and they include:

Ho1: Oil revenues (crude oil and gas export, domestic crude sales and petroleum profit tax) have no significant effect on gross domestic product;.

Ho2: Oil revenues (crude oil and gas export, domestic crude sales and petroleum profit tax) have no significant influence on inflation rate;

Ho3: Oil revenues (crude oil and gas export, domestic crude sales and petroleum profit tax) have no significant effect on unemployment rate.



The study is on the impact of oil revenue on the economic growth and development of Nigeria from 1986 to 2017 which covers a period of 32years. The findings of this study will be beneficial to the investors, the oil industry, policy makers, government, and members of the public, academicians and researchers in the following ways:

The result from this study will help the investors in making decisions on where to invest their financial resources in the oil sector. 

This research work will be relevant to oil companies operating in Nigeria especially Nigeria national petroleum corporation in measuring the performance and assessing the level if impact the oil sector has on the economy and also informed them in many of their operational and investment decisions.

This will equally serve as a source of information for the policy makers and stakeholders in the industry.

This work will also guide the government and its agencies in regulating the industry. It will also help government to transparently and judiciously invest oil revenue to set objectives which enhance growth in the Nigerian economy.

 The study will provide members of the public knowledge on the importance of the oil revenue so that the citizens especially those in the niger delta region to stop vandalising the oil pipe lines.

The study will add to the existing literature. It will serve as a source of information and reference material to students for their research work.

The study will benefit other researchers as it will form a base for further study on the subject matter.


1.6           SCOPE OF THE STUDY   

This research work is an investigation into the impact of oil revenue on economic growth and development in Nigeria. The study was carried out on the oil sector /industry from (1986-2017) covering a period of 32 years. The base year of 1986 was used as this was a year a major economic reformation in Nigeria.



Economic growth: It is also the rate of change in national output or income in a given period. Economic growth is the increase of per capita, gross domestic product (GDP) or other measure of aggregate income. It is measured as the rate of change in real GDP.

Gross domestic product: GDP is the change in the money value of goods and services produced in an economy from period to period ie. year after year, irrespective of the nationality of the people who produced the goods and services.

Petroleum income: Petroleum Income refers to the income earned from the sale of crude oil. It is also used synonymously with oil revenue which include (crude oil and gas export, domestic crude sales petroleum profit tax)

Petroleum profit tax: Petroleum profit tax involves the royalties paid and charging of tax on the incomes accruing from petroleum operations.



The researcher encountered some limitations in the course of carrying out this study, which were time constraint to gathering of necessary data.


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