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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00002813

No of Pages: 66

No of Chapters: 5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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This research studied the Impact of Corporate social Responsibility on the achievement of organizational objectives. Chapter one of this study introduced the topic stating the research problem, the purpose of the study which is aimed at examining, evaluating corporate social Responsibility and achievement of organizational objectives. It also include research questions which one of it is; does the benefit of being socially responsible surpass the cost? A review of different literatures in relation to the study was considered in chapter two, in which there were several argument for and against amongst in which many consumers and customers believed that most social responsibility activities do not pay in their own way because the cost of providing the social responsibility is built in the price structure of the product or services. In arriving at a conclusion, datas where collected through research instruments such as Questionnaires and interview carried out using UBA PLC staffs as the sample population, while the datas were analysed using statistical packages for social sciences (SPSS). The testing of hypothesis was done using chi-square. However, hypothesis 3 was rejected (Employees of the organization are not important in social responsibility consideration). This indicated that employees are very important consideration in social responsibility matters.


Finally, the activities of corporate socially responsible organizations over the years had provided for filling the gap in which the government is unable to do, thereby it is essential in the achievement of organizational objectives.




Title page

Certification                                                                                    i

Dedication                                                                                                 ii

Acknowledgement                                                                         iii

Abstract                                                                                           v

Table of Content                                                                             vii



1.0            Introduction                                                                           1

1.1            Statement of Research Problem                                           3

1.2            Purpose and Objective of the Study                                    4

1.3            Research Question                                                                 4

1.4            Research Hypothesis                                                             4

1.5            Scope of the Study                                                                 5

1.6            Limitation of the Study                                                         6

1.7            Significance of Study                                                            6

1.8            Operational Definition of Key words/Terms                    7

1.9            Conclusion                                                                             8



2.1            Definition of Cooperate Social Responsibility                    9

2.2            Review of Current Literatures                                             10

2.3            Argument for Social Responsibility                                    14

2.4            Argument Against Corporate Social Responsibility                   16

2.5            Corporate Social Responsibility and Ethical issues in Business                                                                                       20

2.6            The UBA Foundation                                                            22

References                                                                              26



3.0     Research Methodology                                                                   28

3.1     Research Design                                                                             28

3.2     Research Question                                                                 28

3.3     Restatement of Hypothesis                                                   28

3.4     Characteristics of Study Population                                    29

3.5     Sampling Procedures                                                            30

3.6     Data Collection Instrument                                                  30

3.7     Data Analysis Technique                                                     31


CHAPTER FOUR                

4.0     Presentation and Analysis of Data                                               32

4.1     Characteristics of Respondents                                            32

4.2     Presentation of research Questions Data                                      36

4.3     Test of Hypothesis                                                                 47



5.0            Summary Conclusion and Recommendation                     51

5.1            Summary                                                                               51

5.2            Conclusion                                                                             52

5.3            Recommendation                                                                  53

References                                                                              55



1.0            INTRODUCTION

Corporate social responsibility of an organisation is about the integration of social, Environmental and Economic consideration into decision making structures and processes of service rendering and production.


Social responsibility is the degree to which a company recognises what being a good community and global citizen means and act accordingly (Ejiwunmi O.M. 2005).

Davies & Co (1975) stated that “Social Responsibility is the obligation of decision makers to take actions which protect and improve the welfare of society as a whole along with their own interest”.


According to Davies & Co, to protect means guiding against negative influences on business and society while to improve implies creating some positive benefits for the business and society.   This is achieved because corporate social responsibility involves using innovations to find creative and value added solution to societal and environmental challenges around a business organisation. Social Responsibility can be viewed from three perspectives which includes; obligations, reaction and response.

Social obligation is concerned with the society’s request that firms or organisations provides for all goods and services, so also providing opportunities for every one desiring to gainfully participate in organizational activities.

Examples of social obligations are payment of taxes, ensuring safety regulations are complied with etc. Social reaction is the prompt reaction to social interest group. This reaction is voluntary because these special interest group have great influence on the company. Examples of these group are shareholders, customers, employee.


Social response is seen in a company not only when the company complies with the law and most of the societal pressures but when it (company) makes efforts to anticipate likely societal problems and to respond timely to prevent them.


At this point, it is imperative to say that corporate social responsibility carters for different stakeholders which includes; shareholders, customers, suppliers, Government, Host communities, employee, the general public etc corporate social responsibility has various argument for and argument against, these will be dealt with in a later chapter of this study.


In order to respond to increasing social, economic and environmental demands, organisations are to be more concerned with what happens around them. In the process, management may have to make a trade off to satisfy issues that could affect their business negatively.



Over the years a few organisations have found themselves in operations and Economic difficulties which surprisingly are not as a result of poor quality or marketing of their goods or services but which result out of the fact that they do not recognize the need to do one thing or the other to improve their corporate image and boost their profitability. This problem is mostly faced by organisation in the oil industries who operate in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria.


1.2            PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY                                                                 

This study is aimed at examining, evaluating and interpreting the relationship which exist between corporate social responsibility and Achievement of organizational objectives.



Some of the questions that are relevant to this study are:

1)                What is corporate social responsibility?

2)                Can activities of social responsibility improve organizational performance and image? 

3)                What is the cost of being socially responsible?

4)                Does the benefit of being socially responsible surpass the cost?



The thesis of this study will be;

1.       Ho:   Is there a positive and significant relationship between social responsibility and organizational achievement?

          Hi:    There is a positive and significant relationship between social responsibility and organizational achievement.

2.       Ho:   Is there a significant relationship between the society’s response towards the social responsibilities carried out by the organisation and the organisation’s interest in the well being of the society.

          Hi:    There is a significant relationship between the society’s response toward social responsibilities carried out by the organisation and the organizational interest in the well being of the society.


3.       Ho:   Employees of organisation are not important in social responsibility consideration.

          Hi:    Employees of the organisation are very important considerations in corporate social responsibility.


1.5            SCOPE OF THE STUDY                       

This study will cover all the various stakeholders involve in corporate social responsibilities in UNITED BANK FOR AFRICA PLC.

Data will be sourced from the Bank (UBA PLC) through administration of Questionnaires to staff, brief interview with the staff and customers of the bank. Also browsing the internet is another way I will use in sourcing information, while text books consultations will not be left out.


1.6     LIMITATION OF THE STUDY             

The bias of respondence was a major problem in carrying out this work, not forgetting that some of the questionnaires were not returned by the respondence.

Also inadequate finance hindered the extensive work needed to be carried out.



The findings of this study would be more beneficial to the banking industries and other financial services organisation who aim for strong corporate image.


It could also serve as a reference material to other organisations that want to understand the fact an various ways in which they can be socially responsible.






(i)               Corporate image: The way an organisation portrays itself to the public so as to gain an impression of the organisation in the eyes of the public.

(ii)            Policy: A set of principles that guides the operations of an organisation.

(iii)         Social responsibility:  These simply refers to providing for the basic need of society so also ensuring that their activities do not create harm on the society.

(iv)          Organizational achievement: Being able to attain the main reason or reasons for the establishment of the firm.

(v)             Organizational objectives: This is what the organisation aimed to achieve.

(vi)          Business ethics: The ability of the firm to interact effectively with the outside world in a moral and valued manner.

(vii)       Stakeholders: Set of people or individuals that are affected positively or negatively by operations of the firm.                     

(viii)    The society/Public: The immediate environment and/or individual influenced or that are affected by the firm’s activities either directly or indirectly.

(ix)          Profit: This is the excess of total revenue of a company over its total cost.

(x)             Organisation: This comprise of different individual working together to achieve a common goal in which work are divided in manageable unit, each unit allocated with task and headed by a person.             



Corporate Social Responsibility (CRS) is essential in the ACHIEVEMENT OF ORGANIZATIONAL OBJECTIVE because it is a concept which encourages organisations to consider the interest of society by taking responsibility for the impact of the organisation’s activities on customers, employees, stakeholders, communities and the environment in all aspect of its operations. This obligation is seen to extend beyond the statutory obligation to comply with legislation and sees organisations voluntarily taking further steps to improve the quality of life for employee and their families as well as for the local community and society at large.

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