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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00007503

No of Pages: 105

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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This study investigated the impact of capital structure components on financial performance of quoted companies in Nigeria with specific reference to how short term debt, long term debt and equity affect financial performance in terms of Earnings per share (EPS), Dividend per share (DPS) and Net asset per share(NAS)of quoted companies in the Nigerian Stock Exchange. The research design adopted in this study was an explanatory non-experimental design. The sample size used was thirty-six (36) quoted companies; representing each sector on the Nigeria Stock Exchange as at December 2015 for a period of 11 years i.e. 2005 to 2015. Data used for the study was secondary data and were collected on short term debt, long term debt and equity and financial performance (EPS, DPS and NAS).  Ordinary Least Squares method was used in analyzing the data. A positive relationship was found to exist between short term debt, long term debt, equity and firm performance. Furthermore, the finding also shows that all variables are positively related to firm performance. This relationship is statistically significant at 5% level. The study concluded that all the independent variables (STD, LTD and EQ) are positively related to firm performance (EPS, NAS and DPS); moreover, STD, LTD and EQ are significantly associated with firm performance. This study recommended that government should create an enabling business friendly environment so that businesses can thrive. This is evident in the fact that macroeconomic variables positively affect the performances of most firms in Nigeria.



Title Page                                                                                                                                i

Declaration                                                                                                                             ii

Certification                                                                                                                           iii

Dedication                                                                                                                              iv

Acknowledgements                                                                                                                v

List of Tables                                                                                                                          viii      

Abstract                                                                                                                                  ix

CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION                                                                                       1

1.1       Background to the Study                                                                                            1

1.2       Statement of the Problem                                                                                           3

1.3       Objectives of the Study                                                                                              4

1.4       Research Questions                                                                                                    5

1.5       Research Hypotheses                                                                                                  5

1.6       Significance of the Study                                                                                           6

1.7       Scope of the Study                                                                                                      6

1.8       Limitation of the Study                                                                                               7

1.9       Operational Definition of Terms                                                                                7

CHAPTER 2: LITERATUREREVIEW                                                                             10

2.1       Concept of Capital Structure                                                                                      10

2.1.1    Determinant of capital structure                                                                                 12

2.1.2    Financing structure                                                                                                     15

2.1.3    Financial performance                                                                                                17

2.1.4    Measures of financial performance                                                                            18

2.1.5    Relationship between capital structure and financial performance                                    22

2.5.2    Capital structure and cost of capital                                                                           23

2.2       Theoretical Framework                                                                                              24       

2.3       Empirical Framework                                                                                                 34

2.4       Gap in Literature                                                                                                        52

CHAPTER 3: METHODOLGY                                                                                         54

3.1       Research Design                                                                                                         54

3.2       Population                                                                                                                   54

3.3       Sampling Size and Sampling Technique                                                                   54

3.4       Sources of Data and Data Collection Method                                                                        56

3.5       Description of Research Variables                                                                             56

3.6       Model Specification                                                                                                   57

3.7       Data Processing and Analysis                                                                                    57

3.8       Justification of the Model                                                                                           59

CHAPTER 4: DATA PRESENTATIONAND RESULTS                                               60

4.1       Descriptive Statistics                                                                                                  60

4.2       Relationship Between Variables                                                                                62

4.3       Test of Hypothesis                                                                                                      64       

4.4       Discussion                                                                                                                   67


5.1       Summary                                                                                                                    69

5.2       Conclusion                                                                                                                  69

5.3       Recommendations                                                                                                      70

5.4       Contribution to Knowledge                                                                                        71

References                                                                                                                  72

Appendices                                                                                                                 82


Table                                                                                                                                      Page

4.1:      Descriptive Statistics of independent and dependent variables                                    60

4.2.1:   Correlation table showing the relationship between dependent

variable and other independent variables                                                                   62

4.2.2:   Correlation table showing the relationship between dependent

variable (DPS) and other independent variables (STD, LTD and EQ)                 62

4.2.3:   Correlation table showing the relationship between dependent

variable (NAS) and other independent variables (STD, LTD and EQ)                 63

4.3:      Regression result for hypothesis 1 which examined the

overall effect of STD, LTD and EQ on EPS                                                              64

4.4:      Regression result for hypothesis 2 which examined the

overall effect of STD, LTD and EQ on DPS.                                                             65

4.5:      Regression result for hypothesis 3 which examined the

overall effect of STD, LTD and EQ on NAS.                                                                        66











Capital Structure refer to a mixture of various sources of funds, debts, equity (Ordinary and Preference shares), including reserves and surpluses of a company. A firm’s capital structure simply refers to the mix of debt and equity financing. It can also be referred to as the way a corporation finances its assets through some combination of equity, debt or hybrid securities; that is, the combination of both equity and debt.  Capital structure are usually represented by short term debt to capital ratio, long term debt to capital ratio and total debt to capital ratio (Mohamad &Abdullah, 2012). Usually, capital structure policy depends upon the company’s size, ownership, profitability, various costs, earnings growth and liquidity of company’s assets (Faruk &Ayub, 2012).

A critical decision for any business organization is a decision for an appropriate capital structure, the decision is not only critical because of the need to maximize returns to various organizational constituencies, but also because of the organization’s ability to deal with its competitive environment. A finance manager is concerned with the determination of the best financing mix and combination of debts and equity for his firm.  Capital structure decision is the mix of debt and equity that a company uses to finance its business (Damodaran, 2001). Overall objective of companies is to reduce the cost of capital, when capital structure decision is considered, value maximizations of the companies are achieved. How an organization is financed is of paramount importance to both the managers of the firms and providers of funds. This is because if a wrong mix of finance is employed, the performance and survival of the business enterprise may be seriously affected.

It should be noted that there are multiple financing sources, which the firms can depend on to finance their investments. Financing sources are categorized into two, the internal financing which includes reserves and retained earnings. Another source called external financing which consists of short and long term loans and bonds issuance,common stock issuance, preferred stocks. In this case, firms must choose the best financing sources to reach the optimal capital structure to be in harmony with firm’s requirements to take suitable financing decision and then reflect positively on their performance. One of the advantages of capital structure is that it is tightly related to the ability of firms to fulfill the needs of various stakeholders.

The prevailing argument, originally developed by Modigliani and Miller (1958), is that an optimal capital structure exists which balances the risk of bankruptcy with the tax savings of debt. Once this is established, capital structure provides greater returns to stockholders than they would receive from an all-equity firm.  In theory, modern financial techniques would allow top managers to calculate accurately optimal trade-off between equity and debt for each firm.  However, in practice; many studies found that most firms do not have an optimal capital structure. This is due to the fact that the managers do not have an incentive to maximize firm’s performance because their compensation is not generally linked to it. Moreover, since managers do not share firm’s profits with shareholders, they are very likely to increase company’s expenditures by purchasing everything they like and surrounding themselves of luxury and amenities. Hence, the main concern of shareholders is ensuring that managers do not waste firm’s resources and run the firm in order to maximize its value, which entails finding a way to solve the principal-agent problem.

Financial performance is a subjective measure of how well a firm can use its assets from its primary business to generate revenues. Erasmus (2008) noted that financial performance measures like profitability and liquidity among others provided a valuable tool to stakeholders to evaluate the past financial performance and the current position of a firm. Financial performance (reflecting profit maximization, maximizing return on assets, shareholder return) is based on the firm’s efficiency. The assessment of financial performance is based on the return on investment, residual income, earnings per share, dividend yield, price earnings ratio, growth in sales, market capitalization. Etc.

Firm’s performance is significantly affected by various factors and capital structure is one of the significant factors among them. According to Myers (2001), there was no universal theory on the debt to equity choice but noted that there were some theories that attempted to explain the capital structure mix.

The relationship between capital structure and financial performance is one that received considerable attention in the financial literature. Prior studies showed that capital structure has relationship with financial performance. How important is the concentration of control for the company performance or the type of investors exerting that control are questions that this study investigates. Studying the effect of capital structure on financial performance will help us to know the potential problems inherent in financial performance and capital structure.

            1.1.         STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM

Several theories have been advanced to explain the capital structure of firms. However, there is lack of consensus about the optimal capital structure. The variations in the various theories further make capital structure decisions crucial. Thus, capital structure decision is very critical, particularly in relation to financial performance of a firm in terms of the value of the equity. Given the above background, this study attempts to examine how capital structure affects the financial performance of quoted companies in Nigeria.

Financial leverage refers to the proportion of debt in the capital structure. Studies shows contradictory results about the relationship between increased use of debt in capital structure and financial performance. Some studies (Taub, 1975), (Roden&Lewellen 1995), (Champion, 1999), (Hadlock& James, 2002), (Berger &Di Patti, 2006) showed positive relationship and some (Friend & Lang, 1988), (Fama& French, 1998), (Simerly&Li, 2000), showed negative, weak or no relationship between firms’ performance and leverage level. In a study of listed firms in Ghana, Abor (2005) found that short- term and total debt are positively related with firm’s ROE. Whereas long term debt is negatively related with firm’s ROE. While examining the relationship between capital structure and performance of Jordan firms, Zeitun& Tian (2007) found that debt level is negatively related with performance. These inconsistencies require the need to assess the effect of financial leverage on the financial performance of quoted companies in Nigeria.

In studying the effect of capital structure on financial performance of quoted companies in Nigeria, prior studies have concentrated on one or more sectors listed on the Nigerian Stock Exchange such as; Manufacturing, Banking, Agricultural, among many others. This study therefore seeks to fill this gap by investigating the impact of capital structure on financial performance of all sectors in the Nigerian Stock Exchange.

            1.2.         OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY

The major aim of this study is to examine the impact of capital structure on financial performance of quoted companies in Nigeria. The specific objectives for the study are to:

i.               Ascertain the effect of Short term debt, Long term debt and Equity on Earnings per Share of quoted companies in Nigeria.

ii.              Determine the impact of Short term debt, Long term debt and Equity on Dividend per Share of quoted companies in Nigeria.

iii.            Examine the effect of Short term debt, Long term debt and Equity on Net Asset per Share of quoted companies in Nigeria.


The research questions of the study are:

i.               To what extenthaveshort term debt, long term debt and equityimpactedon Earnings per Share of quoted companies in Nigeria?

ii.              To what extent have short term debt, long term debt and equity impactedon Dividend per Share of  quoted companies in Nigeria?

iii.             In what way have short term debt, long term debt and equity affected Net Asset per Share of quoted companies in Nigeria?


The hypotheses are stated in the null form. They are as follows:

Ho1:    Short term debt, Long term debt and Equity have no significant effect on Earnings per share of quoted companies in Nigeria.

Ho2:    Short term debt, Long term debt and Equity have no significant effect on Dividend per Share of quoted companies in Nigeria.

Ho3:    Short term debt, Long term debt and Equity do not have significant effect on Net Asset per Share of quoted companies in Nigeria.


The researcher hopes that the findings from the study shall be useful to the business community since it will throw more light on the role that capital structure play in determining financial performance. The study will also enlighten scholars on the importance of the capital structure to any business and will highlight areas for further research. Scholars will have a better understanding by getting familiarized with this trend amongst firms. It will also add value to the academic field by complementing other researches that have been done on capital structure in Nigeria. Scholars will use the knowledge derived from this study as foundations to build research work upon and to make empirical findings in their different academic areas of specialization. It will also be of importance to company Chief Executive Officers, investors and policy makers as it will help them to make informed choice regarding their financing decision. The result will equally be informative to Nigerian investing public, as findings will serve as guide for better investment decisions.


This research covered thirty-six (36) quoted companies in Nigeria cutting across all the sectors on the Nigerian Stock Exchange. To this end, eleven (11) years data was collected to analyze the financial performance of the companies. The reason for choosing this time horizon is to reduce estimation bias associated with short term measurement instability.



In a developing country like Nigeria, researchers are usually faced with enormous problems, especially during collection of data. As a result, conclusion drawn from this research may somewhat be limited in its applicability and correctness and thoroughness. Maximum care and conscious effort was made to minimize errors.

Another problem faced by the researcher was the insecurity of some materials on the internet. Efforts were thus geared to obtaining required resources from trusted sites and getting printed copies of the financial reports from the individual companies.


1. Capital structure: Capital structure is the arrangement of the debt and equity structure of any company. It can also be referred to as the way a corporation finances its assets through some combination of equity, debt or hybrid securities; that is the combination of both equity and debt

2. Short term debt: Short term debt is made up of any debt incurred by a company that is due within one year. Itis usually made up of overdraft, short-term bank loans, among other types.

3. Long term debt: Long term debt consists of any debt incurred by a company payable after a period exceeding 12 months from the date of the balance sheet. Examples are: bank loan, mortgage bonds, debenture, or other obligations not due within one year.

4. Equity: Equity is the value of shares issued by a company. It could also be referred to as ownership interest or claim of a holder of ordinary shares and preference shares of a company.

5. Debt to equity ratio: It is a financial, liquidity ratio used to measure a company’s financial leverage, it measures the riskiness of a company’s financial structure and            it indicates how much debt a company is using to finance its assets relative to the        amount of value represented in shareholders’ equity. It is calculated by dividing a            company’s Total Liability by its Shareholders’ Equity.

6. Debt to asset ratio: It is a leverage ratio that defines the total amount of debt     relative to assets. It indicates the percentage of a company’s assets that are provided through debt. It is calculated by dividing Total Liabilities by Total Assets.

7. Debt to capital ratio: This ratio measures a company’s capital structure, financial solvency and degree of leverage at a point in time. It is the ratio of a    firm’s total debt to its total capital. Companies alter their debt capital ratio by issuing more shares, buying back shares, issuing additional debt, or retiring debt.

8. Financial leverage: It refers to the degree to which a company uses fixed-income   securities such as debt and preferred equity to acquire additional assets. Financial     leverage is also known as trading on equity.

9. Financial performance:Financial performance is a subjective measure of how well a firm can use assets from its primary mode of business to generate revenues.

10. Earnings per share:Earnings per share (EPS) is derived bydividing the total earnings less preference dividend by the number of ordinary shares in issue as at balance sheet date.

11. Dividend per share: Dividends per share (DPS) is the amount of dividends that the shareholders receive on a per-share basis. It is calculated as the ratioof total dividends paid out to the number of ordinary shares in issue.

12. Net assets per share: Net asset per share is a company's total assets minus its total liabilities, divided by its number of ordinary shares in issue.

13.Return on equity: This term measures the rate of return on the ownership interest (shareholders’ equity) of the common stock owners. Its measures a firm’s efficiency at generating profits from every units of shareholders’ equity (known as net assets - liabilities). ROE shows how well a company uses investment funds to generate earnings growth.

14. Return on asset: This measures shows how profitable a company’s asset are in      generating revenue. Return on asset gives an indication of the capital intensity of the      company, which will depend on the industry; Companies that require large initial            investment will generally have lower return on assets.

15. Inventories: Inventories are stocks of raw materials, works in-progress and finished goods of a company engaged in manufacturing operations.

16.Agency cost theory: It is an economic concept concerning the cost to a “principal’    (an organization person or a group of persons), when the principal chooses or hires an agent to act on his behalf. Example of this cost is the shareholders in which the management can be a part of this cost.

17.Trade-off theory: The trade-off theory refers to the idea that a company chooses how much debt finance and how much equity finance to use by balancing the costs and benefits. Trade-off theory allows the bankruptcy cost to exist. It states that there is an advantage to financing with debt (namely, the tax benefit) and that there is a cost of financing with debt (the bankruptcy costs and the financial distress costs of debt).

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