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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00008290

No of Pages: 89

No of Chapters: 1-5

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This research work was initiated to evaluate consumers preference for consumption of selected NB Plc beer brands among consumers in Aba metropolis, Abia State.

The study was primarily aimed at examining the consumers behavior in respect of their preference for consumption of selected beer brands. The method used, in terms of methodology, the research generated primarily data. The data were generated using questionnaire as the research instrument. The questionnaire was administered to various consumers in Aba, which used a structured question to gather a minimum of respondent. The sample size, about three hundred and sixty (360) people respondents were interview. In terms of analysis Chi-square (x2) statistical tools were employed to test the hypotheses formulated for the study. The results of findings were made after a detailed analysis of the data generated.

Firstly, it was discovered that, the factors that influence consumers’ preference for beer brands do not have equal strength. Taste and alcoholic content were identical as the primary or core factors that influence consumer’s preference for beer while price were categorized as secondary brand choice influencing factor.

Secondly, STAR produced by Nigeria Brewers Plc was found to be the most preferred beer brand, followed by Guilder and Heineken of Nigeria Brewer Plc.

Another finding was discovered that majority of beer consumers are mostly businessmen and students that are youths between the age limit of 21 and 30 and they are low income earners.

Finally, but not the least beer parlor was discovered to be the most preferred place of buying and drinking beer in Nigeria.

The following recommendations were made on the study: First, it was recommended that; Beer brewers should strive to produce beer brand that have good taste and acceptable alcoholic content, since they are the major determinants of consumers’ preference for beer brands. Another recommendation were that beer parlor which was claimed by consumers of beer as the most preferable place of buying and drinking beer should also be targeted in their middlemen, sales promotion with promo tool like point of purchase (POP). And finally, it was also recommended that beer industry should increase their marketing research activities to identify changing needs of the markets and to satisfy the needs.


Title page  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------i

Project Assessment -----------------------------------------------------------------------ii

Declaration --------------------------------------------------------------------------------iii

Certification -------------------------------------------------------------------------------iv

Dedication ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------v

Acknowledgments ------------------------------------------------------------------------vi

Table of contents -------------------------------------------------------------------------viii

List of tables -------------------------------------------------------------------------------xii



1.1  Background of the study --------------------------------------------------------------1

1.2  Statement of the problem -------------------------------------------------------------3

1.3  Objectives of the study ----------------------------------------------------------------4

1.4  Research Questions--------------------------------------------------------------------5

1.5  Research Hypotheses------------------------------------------------------------------6

1.6  Significance of the study -------------------------------------------------------------7

1.7  Scope of the study ---------------------------------------------------------------------8

1.8  Limitations of the study --------------------------------------------------------------8

1.9  Definition of terms -------------------------------------------------------------------9



2.1 Conceptual framework of consumer s’ preference ----------------------------11

2.1.1 Evaluation of alternative’s for preference ------------------------------------12

2.1.2 Size of evoked set. ---------------------------------------------------------------13

2.13 Reasons why some brands are not included

  in evoked set for evaluation------------------------------------------------------14

2.1.4  Evaluative criteria for brands---------------------------------------------------15

2.1.5  Purchase Conflict-----------------------------------------------------------------17

2.1.6  Consumer purchase decision rules --------------------------------------------20

2.1.7  Post purchase dissonance and negative words of mouth -------------------23

2.1.8 Brand loyalty ----------------------------------------------------------------------25 

2.2.0 Theoretical framework of consumer’s preference ----------------------------26

2.2.1 Motivational Theory --------------------------------------------------------------26

2.2.2 Feud Theory of motivation -------------------------------------------------------27

2.2.3 Maslow’s Theory of motivation--------------------------------------------------28

2.2.4 Factors influencing consumers Behavior---------------------------------------28 Cultural factors -------------------------------------------------------------------29 Social factors ----------------------------------------------------------------------30 Personal factors -------------------------------------------------------------------32 Psychological factors-------------------------------------------------------------34

2.3 Empirical Review ---------------------------------------------------------------------37

2.4 Summary of the internal literature--------------------------------------------------38


3.1 Research Design-----------------------------------------------------------------------41

3.2 Area of the Study ---------------------------------------------------------------------41

3.3 Source of Data Collection -----------------------------------------------------------42

3.3.1 Primary source ----------------------------------------------------------------------42

3.3.2 Secondary source -------------------------------------------------------------------45

3.3 Population of the study ---------------------------------------------------------------43

3.4 Sample size determination -----------------------------------------------------------43

3.5 Sampling Technique ------------------------------------------------------------------44

3.5.1 Operational measures of variable -------------------------------------------------45

3.6 Method of  Data Collection ----------------------------------------------------------46

3.6.1 Design and Administration of the questionnaire --------------------------------47

3.7  Data Analysis Technique-------------------------------------------------------------48


4.1 Introduction-----------------------------------------------------------------------------49

4.2 Analysis of consumer questionnaire ------------------------------------------------51

4.3 Test of hypotheses---------------------------------------------------------------------62


5.1 Preamble ----------------------------------------------------------------------------73

5.2 Summary of findings --------------------------------------------------------------73

5.3 Conclusion --------------------------------------------------------------------------75

5.4 Recommendation ------------------------------------------------------------------76

5.5 Suggestion for further studies ---------------------------------------------------77

 References -------------------------------------------------------------------------78




Table 4.1 Data Presentation --------------------------------------------------------------29

Tables 4.2 Data Analysis -----------------------------------------------------------------30

Table 4.3 Test of Hypotheses-------------------------------------------------------------31






1.1 Background of the Study

Nigerian Brewing Plc incorporated in the year 1946, is about sixty-nine years ago precisely is the pioneer and largest brewing company in Nigeria. At the commencement of business, the single firm industry experienced little problems trying to convince beer consumers to accept its product. The problem arose as a result of a competition of similar importation of beer products (Heineken and Becks) which resulted undisputed preference (Nigerian enterprise 1986:22).

The next two decades were crucial for the survival of the industry but by 1960 Nigeria gained political independence with independence came to a new social awareness that gave birth to a new class system (a system that is no longer subjected to the colonial master’s influences). Consumers demand for beer brands gained the much needed acceptability.


Following the legacy, Guinness Brewery, West Africa Breweries and Golden Guinea Breweries limited joined the business, still the demand for beer continued to grow. The successful period between 1962 and 1970 again witnessed great difficulties of growth despite prompted by civil war. At the end of the war, economic activities were requested with huge sum of money from petroleum sales floating around, demand escalated, the industry expanded dramatically as a result of increment in capital investment, which generated handsome profit margin. The effect was tremendous as establishment of new breweries.

Today, there are many brewing firms with different beer brands, which precipitate stiff competition. Hence, consumers are left with great freedom of choice. This freedom of choice has made firms to position their products to exhibit difference from others. Indeed, the preference decision is made on the benefits associated with a particular brand of products. When a consumer is presented with different brands of beer to choose from, there is a gamut of marketing and environmental stimuli, which come into play to determine his brand choice. The central interest of the marketer is to know how consumers respond to various marketing controlled stimuli. Marketers who understand how consumers respond to these stimuli have an enormous advantage over his competitors. The only way to be one of the fittest who survived in this competitive environment is to have an insight into the consumers buying behavior as elicited by their preference for particular brand so as to give marketers in the beer industries who deal on beer brands guide in tailoring their marketing programmers and efforts in line with the expectation of their target market.

The major emphasis in this study were focused on the identification of the major variables like Product attributes, Price, Taste, Alcoholic content and Packaging etc, which exert greatest influence on consumers brand preference for consumption of beer.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

There has been a rapid expansion in the beer industrial. A reliable source has shown that a significant proportion of Nigerian population who hither to consumers of other drinks has turned to alcoholic drinks. This gave rise to the need for the firm who produce alcoholic drinks to check on customer satisfaction for their products.  The only way is to study consumers and their behavior.

It is paradoxical to observe that firms in the beer industry are proliferating, the beer market is stinking. Hence, brewers are forced with the problem of identifying the variables that influence the customers to increase their beer consumption rate as well as attracting new customers to the market. They have in several occasions paid attention to only those factors which are salient as the determinant of consumers preference for their brands, while that there are many other factors which play significant role are completely ignored and consequently the penalty is for the marketing programmed to fail.

There is therefore the need for a study which will help the management and marketers in the brewery industry to identify the various factors which exert influence on consumers’ preference for a particular brand.

        1.3     Objectives of the Study

This study is primarily aimed at examining the customer’s behavior in respect of their preferences for consumption of selected beer brands in Aba Metropolis.

Specifically the objectives of this study are:

i.           Determine the extent; Price exerts influences on consumer preference in respect to their consumption rate of other beer brands.

ii.          Ascertain the extent; Taste of a particular brand of beer influences consumers on the consumption of other brands.

iii.        Determine if the level of the Alcoholic content of a particular brand of beer influences consumers for consumption of other brands of beer.

        1.4    Research Questions

The following research questions were arrived at;

i.           To what extend does Price of any brand of beer exert influence on consumers’ preference in respect to their consumption rate of other beer brands?

ii.          To what extend does Taste of a particular brand of beer influences consumers on the consumption of other brands of beer?

iii.        To what extend has the level of the Alcoholic content ofa particular brand of beer exert influence to consumers for consumption of other brands of beer?

        1.5     Research Hypotheses

Based on the research questions and objectives, the following hypotheses were formulated in pursuance of this research work:

Hypothesis (i)

H0: Price of any brand of beer does not have any relationship with consumers’ preference in respect to their consumption rate of other beer brands in Aba.

Hypothesis (ii)

H0: There no relativity with Taste (bitter, sweet etc) of any brand of beer and consumers’ preference for consumption of beer brands in Aba.

Hypothesis (iii)

H0: The level of the Alcohol content of any brand of beer does not have any relationship with consumers’ preference for consumption of beer brands in Aba.

        1.6     Significance of the Study

The work is significant in several aspects. Apart from being a necessary condition for the award of Bachelor of Science degree in Marketing, of Michael Okpara (Federal) University of Agriculture Umudike to the researcher, it is also an opportunity for the researcher to conduct an independent research based on empirical data.

The significance of this study can also not be over emphasized as competition within the industry has left the beer market leaders, challengers, followers and niches with unique market share.

The findings of result of this research will help firms that have subsistent market share by discovering their area of weakness and how their products can be improved to meet the test of time. The research will also aid the market leader to know what makes them tick hence they can consolidate their efforts so far. Also, consumers will benefit from this research by getting what they need as products are improved upon.

        1.7     Scope of the Study

Beer consumers can be virtually seen in allparts of Nigeria, especially in non-Islamic states of the country. Amongst these states the beer consumers can not be absolutely identified. Hence, it was difficult for the researcher to undergo into a detailed study of these entire beer consumers in all the thirty - six (36) states of Nigeria and owing to this; this study is directed only on beer consumer Aba, Abia State on the assumption that what is obtainable from it is a representative of entire beer consumers.

        1.8     Limitations of the Study

The major limitation of this study is that the conclusion about consumer preference cannot be absolutely taken in it’s entirely because of the subjectivity of human behavior inferences. Engel, Backwell and Kollat (1968) corroborated with this view when they said thus; the complexity of the psychological field is not the only difficult face by analyst of human action because mental process cannot be observed directly. The result of the explanation of what transpires can be only in inference us to what must have taken place to cause the individual to act as he or she did. Since why an individual acts or displays the way he or she does cannot be categorically explained. Thus, our conclusion about human behavior is related, and this affects the objectivity of this research.

Secondly in writing this research work, it has been a tasking assignment considering the paucity of information and difficulties in accessing the relevant data. Also, the extents which this work is limited, is by financial constraint due to limited resources at the disposal of the researcher. It is further limited by time factor as the researcher is a student still doing other course work. However, the project is well undertaken and the result is valued for any consideration.

        1.9     Definition of Terms

Consumers: This term is used in this contest as those who purchase products offered for sales.

Brands: Brand refers to particular kinds of beer with different trademarks attached to it.

Preference: It refers to the favoring of one brand of bear to the others.

Beer: It is an alcoholic drink made from malt or other roots and flavored with hops for bitter taste.

Price: This means the quantity of payment or compensation given by one party to another in return for goods and services.

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