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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00007743

No of Pages: 176

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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The study examined the effect of entrepreneurial orientation on business performance of small and medium scale enterprises in South East, Nigeria. Specifically, the study ascertained the level of innovativeness, proactiveness, competitive aggressiveness, risk taking and autonomy among SMEs in South East, Nigeria; examined the effect of innovativeness, competitive aggressiveness, on sales volume of SMEs in South East, Nigeria; determined the influence of innovativeness, autonomy and risk taking on competitive advantage of SMEs in the South East, Nigeria; examined the effect of proactiveness on customers retention by selected small and medium scale enterprises in the South East, Nigeria and examined the combined effect of entrepreneurial orientation on business performance of SMEs in the South East, Nigeria. The researcher adopted descriptive survey research design. The population of study were 7,789 (small scale businesses registered with CAC) and 203 (medium scale businesses registered with CAC) in the South East, Nigeria. With a known population, Yamane (1967) formula was adopted to select 516 sample size. However, from the 516 copies of the questionnaire administered, 494 copies were completed and returned. Proportionate and purposive sampling technique were adopted for the selection of respondents. Questionnaire was the instrument for data collection. The data were subjected to Cronbach Alpha reliability test and value of 0.833 was realized which showed that the instrument was highly reliable. The data were analyzed with descriptive statistics such as mean, frequency and percentage distribution. The hypotheses were tested with simple and multiple linear regression analysis models. The descriptive results revealed that among the five dimensions of entrepreneurial orientation, level of risk taking by the firms was ranked 1st with the mean value of 4.41; level of innovativeness of the firm was ranked 2nd with the mean value of 4.10. More so, competiveness aggressiveness of the firm and level of proactiveness of the firm were ranked 3rd and 4th with a mean value of 4.01 and 3.92 respectively. In addition, firm’s level of autonomy was ranked 5th with a mean value of 3.44. The empirical result revealed that; innovativeness has significant effect on sales volume. Innovativeness has significant influence on competitive advantage. Proactiveness has significant effect on customer retention. Competitive aggressiveness has significant influence on sales volume of SMEs in the South East, Nigeria. Autonomy has no significant effect on competitive advantage. Risk taking has significant effect on competitive advantage. There is significant combined effect of entrepreneurial orientation (innovativeness, proactiveness, competitive aggressiveness, risk taking, autonomy) on business performance (sales volume, customer retention and competitive advantage) of the selected small and medium scale enterprises in the South East, Nigeria. The researcher therefore, concluded that SMEs in South East, Nigeria integrate most of the entrepreneurial orientation dimensions into daily operation and that entrepreneurial orientation has significant positive effect on performance of SMEs in South East, Nigeria. The researcher recommended among others that managers of SMEs should improve their performance by maximizing opportunities existing in their business environment amongst others.




Title Page                                                                                                                    i

Declaration                                                                                                                  ii

Certification                                                                                                                iii

Dedication                                                                                                                  iv

Acknowledgement                                                                                                      v

Table of Contents                                                                                                       vi

List of Tables                                                                                                              vii

List of Figures                                                                                                             ix

Abstract                                                                                                                     xiii


1.1       Background of the Study                                                                               1

1.2       Statement of Problem                                                                                     4

1.3       Objectives of the Study                                                                                  5

1.4       Research Questions                                                                                         6

1.5       Hypotheses of the Study                                                                                7

1.6       Significance of the Study                                                                               8

1.7       Scope of the Study                                                                                         9

1.8       Operational Definition of Terms                                                                     9


2.1       Conceptual Review                                                                                         12

2.1.1    The concept of entrepreneurial orientation                                                     12

2.1.2    Dimensions of entrepreneurial orientation                                                      15

2.1.3    Business performance                                                                                     24

2.1.4    Performance variables                                                                                     26

2.1.5    Innovation and business performance                                                            31

2.1.6    Competitive aggressiveness and business performance                                  34

2.1.7    Proactiveness and business performance                                                        36

2.1.8    Risk taking and business performance                                                            38

2.1.9    Autonomy and business performance                                                             40

2.1.10 Entrepreneurial orientation and business performance                                   42

2.1.11 Small and medium scale enterprises (SMEs)                                                  44

2.1.12 Conceptual framework                                                                                   48

2.2       Theoretical Framework                                                                                   49

2.2.1    Resource based theory (RBT) propounded by Barney (1991)                       49

2.2.2    Entrepreneurial innovation theory (EIT) propounded by

Joseph Schumpter (1940)                                                                                50

2.2.3    Dynamic capabilities theory (DCT) propounded by

Teece, Pisano and Shuen (1997)                                                                     51

2.3       Review of Empirical Studies                                                                          53

2.4       Summary of and Gap in Literature                                                                 75


3.1       Research Design                                                                                             77

3.2       Area of the Study                                                                                           77

3.3.      Population of the Study                                                                                  79

3.4.      Sample Size Determination                                                                             80

3.5       Sampling Techniques                                                                                      81

3.6       Source of Data and Collection                                                                       81

3.6.1    Source and type of data                                                                                  81

3.6.2    Method of data collection                                                                              82

3.7       Validity of Research Instrument                                                                    82

3.8       Reliability of the Research Instrument                                                           83

3.9       Method of Data Analysis                                                                               83

3.10     Model Specification                                                                                        84


4.1       Questionnaire Administration                                                                         89

4.2       Background Data of Studied Enterprises                                                       90

4.3       Data Presentation                                                                                            95

4.4       Test of Hypotheses                                                                                         105

4.5       Discussion of Results                                                                                      116



5.1       Summary of Findings                                                                                     124

5.2       Conclusion                                                                                                      125

5.3       Recommendations                                                                                          126

5.4       Suggestions for Further Research                                                                   126

5.5       Contribution to Knowledge                                                                            127

5.6       Limitations of the Study                                                                                 128

References                                                                                                                  129

Cover letter                                                                                                                 143

Appendix 1: Questionnaire                                                                                         144

Appendix 2: Empirical Results                                                                                   150

Appendix 3: Reliability test result                                                                              157

Appendix 4: List of Registered SMEs in Nigeria                                                       158









2.1       Summary of Empirical Studies                                                                       69

4.1       Questionnaire Administration                                                                         89

4.2       Distribution of respondents according to location                                         90

4.3       Distribution of respondents according to scale of enterprise                         91

4.4       Distribution of respondents according to number of employees                    91

4.5       Asset base of the studied firms                                                                      92

4.6       Distribution of respondents based on years of business experience               93

4.7       Dispersal of respondents based on sector of business operation                    94

4.8       Distribution of respondents based on level of entrepreneurial

orientation adoption                                                                                        95

4.9       Innovativeness of small and medium scale enterprises in the

South East, Nigeria                                                                                         96

4.10     Competitive aggressiveness of small and medium scale enterprises               97

4.11     Proactiveness of small and medium scale enterprises                         99

4.12     Risk taking of small and medium scale enterprises                                        100

4.13     Autonomy of small and medium scale enterprises                                         101

4.14     SMEs Sales Volume in the Southeast of Nigeria                                           102

4.15     Customer Retention among SMEs in Southeast, Nigeria                               103

4.15     Competitive advantage of studied SMEs in Southeast, Nigeria                    104

4.16     Simple linear regression analysis result of innovativeness on sales

volume of SMEs in southeast, Nigeria                                                           105

4.17     Simple linear regression analysis result of how innovativeness

affect competitive advantage of SMEs                                                          107

4.18     Simple linear regression analysis result of effect of proactiveness on

customer retention of SMEs                                                                           108

4.19     Simple linear regression analysis result of competitive aggressiveness

and sales volume of SMEs                                                                              110

4.20     Simple linear regression analysis result on effect of autonomy on

competitive advantage of SMEs in South East, Nigeria                                111

4.21     Simple linear regression analysis result on effect of risk taking on

competitive advantage of SMEs in South East, Nigeria                                113

4.22     Multiple linear regression analysis result of combined effect of

entrepreneurial orientation on business performance of SMEs in

South East, Nigeria                                                                                         115




2.1       Operational conceptual framework of entrepreneurial orientation and

Performance of selected SMEs in South East, Nigeria                                 48


3.1       A map of South East geopolitical zone of Nigeria                                         79

5.1       Heuristic model                                                                                               128








Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) play fundamental role in the economic advancement of developed and developing countries. Globally, SMEs constitute about 90% of business numbers and their contribution to Gross Domestic Product is about 40% - 50% (Price Waterhouse Cooper’s (PWC) MSME survey 2020). In Nigeria for instance, SMEs contribute meaningfully to the economy. According to Price Waterhouse Cooper’s (PWC) MSME survey 2020, SMEs represent 96% of the total businesses in Nigeria. Their input to the nations’ GDP and employment is rated at about 49% and 84% respectively. Hence, their impact on economic development, poverty alleviation, income generation and employment is widely acknowledged. SMEs take full advantage of resource allotment and distribution by managing and controlling human and material resources (Cunningham & Rowley, 2007). SMEs also act as dealers of goods and service to large organizations.

SMEs are considered very important in the achievement of a balanced economic growth and reasonable distribution of wealth. Hence Nigerian government has engaged several measures to encourage SMEs in the nation. For instance, government has established Small and Medium Enterprise Development Agency of Nigeria (SMEDAN) to promote and strengthen SMEs in Nigeria. The economic basis for supporting SMEs is that they often use resources more efficiently than larger enterprises given the flexible and adaptive nature of their management style (Deakins and Freel, 2009). Hence, Pratono & Mahmood, (2014) explain that entrepreneurial activity and SMEs are crucial to economic progress, and therefore recommend the study of small and medium scale firms as it relates to entrepreneurial skills in order to improve their performance and ensure their survival in the turbulent economic and political environment. Furthermore, surviving in constantly changing business environment may require firms to demonstrate entrepreneurial capabilities. (Lumpkin & Dess, 1996; Wiklund & Shepherd, 2003).

A firm is considered to be entrepreneurial if it is able and willing to innovate (develop new products, provide distinct product alternatives and adjust production level needed), take risks, and a propensity to be aggressive toward competitors, and proactive with respect to marketplace opportunities and threats (Chang & Lin, 2019). Entrepreneurial orientation consists of five dimensions as stated by to Lumpkin and Dess (2001). They are: autonomy, innovativeness, risk taking, proactiveness, and competitive aggressiveness. Autonomy could be defined as an unconstrained action by an employee or a team of employees designed to generate a business idea or a vision, and carrying it through to completion. Innovativeness is the predisposition of a business organization to encourage the conception of new ideas, experiment with new ways of doing business, renew technological methods, and improve existing products or services (Amodu & Aka, 2017). Innovation also refers to the eagerness to undertake creativity and experimentation. Risk-taking refers to the capability of a firm to engage in brave rather than precautious actions such as venturing into unknown new markets (Edwards, Try, Ketchen & Short, 2014).  Proactiveness is the ability of a firm to identify prospects and dangers existing in the market ahead of its competitors. It is opportunity-seeking and forward-looking perspective. The fifth dimension, competitive aggressiveness, suggests the amount of a firms’ efforts to outshine or do better than the competitors’ (Lumpkin & Dess, 2001).  SMEs are noted for limited resources, therefore they require entrepreneurial orientation in the deployment of the limited resources so as to sustain their existence and as well achieve improved performance amidst dynamic business environment. 

Venkatraman & Ramanujam (1986) defined business performance as a pointer of a firm’s ability to achieve its goals. According to Rashid et al., (2018), business performance could be categorized into two; financial and non-financial measures. Financial performance measures are a set of variables, which are usually evaluated in financial term (return on assets, return on equity, return on investment, profit, market share and others) while non-financial indicators are a set of variables that are not measured in financial terms. Indicators of non-financial performance variables include corporate image, customer loyalty, customer base, sales volume, customer retention, customer satisfaction and others.

Previous studies revealed that entrepreneurial orientation has a positive effect on business performance (Lomberg et al., 2016), and this influence may increase over time (Kohtamäki et al., 2019; Liu et al., 2018). Moreover, Rauch, Wiklund, Lumpkin and Frese, (2009) and Rodrigo-Alarcón et al., (2018) opined that entrepreneurial orientation enables firms achieve sustainable performance. According to Olubiyi et al., (2019) the performance of small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) has attracted the attention of scholars globally. However, these firms have experienced sub-optimal performance characterized by poor sales growth, weak profitability, and inability to retain customers which have portrayed some of the SMEs as being less competitive and less profitable resulting into business breakdown. These predominant challenges serve as the antecedence for the high rate of business failure of a number of SMEs especially in growing nations. These seemingly unsatisfactory degree of performance have equally contributed to the global inefficiencies of SMEs and which could be ascribed to non-application of entrepreneurial orientation by SMEs in their business operations. Hence this study was poised to examine the effect of entrepreneurial orientation on the performance of SMEs. Secondly, many of the existing entrepreneurial orientation - business performance relationship studies have been conducted in developed countries. Their findings might not be applicable to firms in growing countries like Nigeria, as Thomas and Mueller (2000) argued that certain dimensions of entrepreneurial orientation may differ across countries while Nordqvist and Zellweger (2010) suggested that national culture may influence entrepreneurial orientation adoption. Furthermore, among the studies carried out in Nigeria, none has focused on SMEs in South East, Nigeria.


Small and medium scale enterprises (SMEs) are very essential part of the Nigerian economy given their immense contribution to Nigerian GDP and employment, yet they are faced with low performance resulting in poor sales growth, low market share and profitability as noted by Olubiyi, Egwakhe, Amos, and Ajayi (2019). Nigerian, scholars such as Arisi-Nwugballa, Elom, Duru, Ehidiamhen, and Chijioke (2018); Bolarinwa and Okolocha (2016); Ibidunni, Ogunnaike and Abiodun, (2017); Otache and Mahmood (2016); Namusonge, Muturi, and Olaniran (2016); Oyelola, Ajiboshin, Raimi, Raheem and Igwe; Oladele (2013); Onyeizugbe (2016); and Oyeku, Oduyoye, Elemo, Akindoju, and Karimu (2014) have associated the poor performance of SMEs to the problem of innovativeness, risk taking, proactiveness, competitive aggressiveness and autonomy. Other challenges identified are inadequate knowledge of fundamental business principles, skillfulness and attitude; high operating costs, marketing, and unfavourable government policies (Anderson & Eshima, 2013; Ibidunni, Olokundun, Oke & Nwaomonoh, 2017). The aforementioned have resulted into an upsurge in low performance and excessive rate of business failure among the SMEs in Nigeria.  Hence it is necessary that owners and managers of SMEs develop strategies and operate with strategic orientations that promote effective and efficient use of limited fund given the changing nature of Nigerian macroeconomic environment. Entrepreneurial orientation has the ability of enhancing business performance. With the complexity in operating business in Nigeria, SMEs can survive and improve performance by adopting entrepreneurial orientation in their business operations. Entrepreneurial orientation reflects the behavior of entrepreneur like innovativeness, proactiveness and risk-taking.

Several studies have examined the nexus between entrepreneurial orientation (EO) and firm performance in different countries and in different industries (Arshad, Rasli, Arshad & Zain, 2014; Mahmood & Hanaf, 2013; Haider, Asad & Fatima, 2017; Ortt 2018; Mamary, Alwaheedb, Alshammari, Abdulrab, Balhareth & Soltane, 2020; Olowofeso & Aarinola, 2019; Akpa, Akinlabi, & Okusanya, Akpa and Akinlabi 2021; Hector, Neftali & Rudy, 2019; Lesi, 2021; Afolayan, 2019 and others).  Most of the studies in and outside Nigeria did not capture customer retention as non-financial indicators of business performance, hence the gap in literature. In Nigeria there seems to exist few empirical studies on entrepreneurial orientation and business performance of SMEs. Additionally, some of the existing studies examined entrepreneurial orientation and survival of SMEs (Patrick, 2020; Nwankwo & Kanyangale, 2020). Furthermore, the existing empirical studies on entrepreneurial orientation in SMEs are domiciled at state level in Nigeria (Edamisan & Aarinola, 2019 – Akure and Afolayan & Opaleye, 2019 – Port Harcourt Metropolis). There seems to be none at geopolitical zonal level. Hence this study was poised to close these identified gaps by examining the effect of entrepreneurial orientation on performance of SMEs in South East, Nigeria.      


The broad objective of this study was to examine the effect of entrepreneurial orientation on business performance of small and medium scale enterprises in South East, Nigeria. The specific objectives of the study were to:

               i.                        ascertain the level of adoption of innovativeness, proactiveness, competitive aggressiveness, risk taking and autonomy among SMEs in South East, Nigeria.

             ii.                        examine the effect of innovativeness on sales volume of selected small and medium scale enterprises in the South East, Nigeria.

           iii.                        determine the influence of innovativeness on competitive advantage of selected small and medium scale enterprises in the South East, Nigeria.

           iv.                        examine the effect of proactiveness on customers retention of selected small and medium scale enterprises in the South East, Nigeria.

             v.                        determine the influence of competitive aggressiveness on sales volume of selected small and medium scale enterprises in the South East, Nigeria.

           vi.                        examine the effect of autonomy on competitive advantage of selected small and medium scale enterprises in the South East, Nigeria.

         vii.                        determine the influence of risk taking on competitive advantage of selected small and medium scale enterprises in the South East, Nigeria.

       viii.                        examine the combined effect of entrepreneurial orientation on business performance of selected small and medium scale enterprises in the South East, Nigeria


The study provided answers to the following research questions;

        i.                        What are the levels of adoption of innovativeness, proactiveness, competitive aggressiveness, risk taking and autonomy among SMEs in South East, Nigeria?

      ii.                        In what way(s) does innovativeness affect sales volume of selected small and medium scale enterprises in the South East, Nigeria?

    iii.                        How does innovativeness influence competitive advantage of selected small and medium scale enterprises in the South East, Nigeria?

    iv.                        What is the effect of proactiveness on customer retention of selected small and medium scale enterprises in the South East, Nigeria?

      v.                        How does competitive aggressiveness influence sales volume of selected and medium scale enterprises in South East, Nigeria?

    vi.                        What is the effect of autonomy on competitive advantage of selected small and medium scale enterprises in the South East, Nigeria?

  vii.                        In what way(s) does risk taking influence competitive advantage of selected small and medium scale enterprises in the South East, Nigeria?

viii.                        What is the combined effect of entrepreneurial orientation on business performance of selected small and medium scale enterprises in the South East, Nigeria?


The hypotheses of the study were stated in a null form as follows:

H01:  Innovativeness has no significant effect on sales volume of the selected small and medium scale enterprises in the South East, Nigeria.

H02:  Innovativeness has no significant influence on competitive advantage of the selected small and medium scale enterprises in the South East, Nigeria.

H03:  Proactiveness has no significant effect on customer retention of the selected small and medium scale enterprises in the South East, Nigeria.

H04:  Competitive aggressiveness has no significant influence on sales volume of selected small and medium scale enterprises in the South East, Nigeria.

H05:  Autonomy has no significant effect on competitive advantage of the selected small and medium scale enterprises in the South East, Nigeria.

H06:  Risk taking has no significant influence on competitive advantage of the selected small and medium scale enterprises in the South East, Nigeria.

H07:  There is no significant combined effect of entrepreneurial orientation on business performance of the selected small and medium scale enterprises in the South East, Nigeria


The main thrust of this study was to ascertain the effect of entrepreneurial orientation on business performance of selected small and medium scale enterprises in Nigeria. The findings of this study are significant theoretically as they provide theoretical insight in the existing knowledge relating to entrepreneurial orientation and business performance of small and medium scale enterprises in Nigeria. The findings and recommendations of this study are of immense benefit to the following groups: managers and owners of SMEs, entrepreneurs, policy makers, and researchers.

To managers and owners of SMEs, the study gives an insight on how to adopt entrepreneurial orientation in order to enhance business performance enhancement. To all entrepreneurs, this study reveals the most beneficial entrepreneurial orientation dimension for achieving increased sales volume, customer retention and competitive advantage. The study in addition exposes SMEs (that are not adopting entrepreneurial orientation) to the benefits of applying entrepreneurial orientation in their business operations.

To Policy makers, the findings and recommendations of the study if adopted can be a basis for formulation of policies that would enhance the business performance of small and medium scale firms. Hence, the study serves as a source of knowledge to the marketing world. This study is also useful as a conceptual guide and reference material to researchers and students who may be interested in a similar field of study in future.


The study focused on the effect of entrepreneurial orientation on business performance of selected small and medium scale enterprises in South East, Nigeria. Conceptually, the study examined the level of innovativeness, proactiveness, risk taking, competitive aggressiveness and autonomy among SMEs in South East, Nigeria; examined the effect of innovativeness on sales volume; determined the influence of innovativeness on competitive advantage; examined the effect of proactiveness on customer retention; determined the influence of competitive aggressiveness on sales volume; examined the effect of autonomy on the competitive advantage; determined the influence of risk taking on competitive advantage and examined the combined effect of entrepreneurial orientation on business performance of the selected small and medium scale enterprises in South East, Nigeria. Geographically, the study was conducted in the South East, Nigeria which consists of five states (Abia, Imo, Ebonyi, Enugu and Anambra).  Furthermore, as regards level/unit of analysis, that is survey scope, the study surveyed Owners/Managers of small and medium scale enterprises registered with Corporate Affairs Commission who operate business in the South East, Nigeria. 


Entrepreneurial Orientation: Entrepreneurial Orientation refers to the innovativeness, proativeness, risk taking, competitive aggressiveness and autonomy entrepreneurial decisions of small and medium scale firms in South East, Nigeria.

Business Performance: This captures the sales volume. Customer retention and competitive advantages of small and medium firms in South East, Nigeria.

Sales Volume:   This is a reflection of the increase in the quantity of goods and services sold and quantity of orders taken by small and medium scale enterprises in South East, Nigeria in the past three years (2018 – 2020).

Customer Retention: Customer retention is the effort made by small and medium scale firms in South East, Nigeria to repeatedly sale to their customers, gain more new customers and get referrals from their customers.

Competitive advantage: Competitive advantage is the relative positional superiority of small and medium scale enterprises in South East, Nigeria in terms of uniqueness of their products and services, corporate image, brand name and communication technology and distribution channels.

Innovativeness: Innovativeness is the attitude of small and medium scale enterprises in South East, Nigeria towards adopting new technology, developing new products and services, acquiring new ideas, identifying new markets and marketing approach.

Competitive Aggressiveness: This refers to intensive effort put forth by small and medium scale firms in South East, Nigeria to outperform their competitors which is reflected in the attention given to their competitor’s actions in the market, aggressive promotion and marketing of products/services, price manipulations, recruitment of rival’s employees and effort to main industry position.

Proactiveness:  This is the tendency of small and medium scale enterprises in South East, Nigeria to launch new products/services, venture into new markets, and adopt new or emerging technology in production and marketing before competitors. It also involves consistent search for business opportunities and threats existing in the market and responding to such much earlier than competitors.

Autonomy: Autonomy refers to the freedom given to employees or teams working in  small and medium scale enterprises in South East, Nigeria by their managers to take initiatives, develop new product ideas, seek and decide new business opportunities and freedom to take necessary decisions and actions at all levels without supervision.

 Risk-taking: This refers to the tendency of small and medium scale firms in South East, Nigeria to fund new product/service ideas, new technology, bear the cost of exploiting potential opportunities and the inclination to take risky projects and also to seek for loans to execute projects.


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