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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00008279

No of Pages: 50

No of Chapters: 1-5

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This research work is set out to analyze the promotional mix on the profitability growth of breweries in Nigeria Guinness breweries Plc. Aba. The specific objectives of this study is to conduct and analyze the influence of promotional mix strategies on the profitability growth of breweries, to determine the influence of advertising on the profitability growth of breweries in Nigeria, determine the influence of sales promotion, public relations, personal selling and direct marketing on the profitability growth of breweries in Nigeria. The data were generated by individual interview using well structured questionnaire. This was supplemented by secondary data collected from different published and unpublished sources. The researcher adopted tables and percentages in presentation and analysis of data. Again the stated objectives were analyzed using simple regression and the SPSS version 20 and the hypothesis were tested at 0.05 level of significance. The result obtained from this analysis indicates that there is a great influence of advert using on the profitability growth of breweries in Nigeria as can be seen from the response of the respondents. The SPSS output indicates that there is a relationship between the influence of advertising and profitability growth of breweries in Nigeria. All the results obtained from the analysis indicates a close relationship among the variables. The result findings indicates that public relations as a promotional mix element contributes immensely to the profitability growth of breweries in Nigeria.


Title page           i

Declaration                                                                                ii

Dedication                                                                                iii

Acknowledgment                                                                      iv

Table of content                                                                                       v

List of tables           vi

Abstract           ix



INTRODUCTION                                                                   1

1.1     Background to the Study           1                                                                                        

1.2     Research Problem           1

1.3     Research Objectives           2

1.4     Research Question                                                                                     3

1.5     Research Hypotheses                                                                                 4

1.6     Significance of the study  4

1.7     Scope/Limitation Of The study  5

1.8     Assumption of the study  6

1.9     Operational Definition           6



LITERATURE REVIEW                                                                                  8

2.1     Introduction                                                                     8

2.2     Concept of promotion mix strategies                                                                                    8

2.2.1  Advertising           8

2.2.2  Sales Promotion                                                                                10

2.2.3  Public Relation                                                                                    11

2.2.4  Personal selling                                                                                      11

2.2.5  Direct Marketing                                                                                 13

2.3     Concept of Promotional mix strategy                                                                                     13

2.4     Marketing Communication Foundation/Theory                                                                  14

2.4.1  Aid a theory           14

2.4.2  Hierarchy of Effects of Theory                                                                                      16

2.5     Empirical study           17


CHAPTER THREE                                                                                   19


3.0     introduction           19

3.1     Research Design           19

3.2     Population                                                                     20

3.3     Sample Size   20

3.4     Sampling Technique                                                                                20

3.5     Research Instrument                                                                                21

3.6     Psychometric Properties of the Research Instrument                                                                                21

3.6.1  Validity of the Research Instruments                                                                              21

3.6.2  Reliability of Research Instruments                                                                              21

3.7     Administration of Instrument                                                                                22

3.8     Measurement of variables                                                                                   22

3.9     Sources of Data Collection                                                                                22

3.10   Method of Data Analysis                                                                                   23


CHAPTER FOUR                                                                                      25

DATA PRESENTATION AND ANALYSIS                                                                             25

4.1     Analysis of general demographics of respondents                                                                                        25

4.2     Analysis of research questions           25

4.2.1  Research question two           26

4.3.    Research question three:           27

4.4     Research question four           28

4.5     Research question five           29

4.6     Test of the stated research hypothesis                                                                                29

4.7     Research hypothesis two    30

4.8     Research hypothesis three  31

4.9     Research hypothesis four           32

4.10   Discussion of major findings           33


SUMMARY OF FINDINGS, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION.                                                        34

5.1     Summary of findings           34

5.2     Conclusion                                                                     34

5.3     Recommendations                                                         35

5.5     Suggestion for further studies                                                                                      36


Table   2.1 Performance of promotional mix component.                            18

Table 3.1:   Study’s Clusters Region                                   20

Table 4.1:   Respondents’ General Demographics                                                25

Table 4.2:   Respondents Opinion on the influence of advertising on the profitability growth of breweries in Nigeria                                                27

Table 4.3:   Respondents’ opinion on the influence of sales promotion on the profitability growth of breweries in Nigeria.                                                27

Table 4.4:   Respondents’ opinion on the influence of public relations on the profitability growth of breweries in Nigeria.                                                28

Table 4.5:   Respondents’ opinion on the influence of personal selling on the personality growth of breweries in Nigeria.                                                28

Table 4.6:   Can the influence of direct marketing on the profitability growth of breweries in Nigeria be determined?                                               29

Table 4.7:   SPSS OUTPUT: Regression Analysis Result                                                29

Table 4.8:   SPSS OUTPUT: Regression Analysis result                                      30

Table 4.9:   SPSS output: Regression Analysis Result                                                31

Table 4.10: SPSS OUTPUT: Regression Analysis Result                                                32





1.1     Background to the Study

Promotion strategy is the direct way an organization tries to reach its publics. Promotion strategy has remained the only way firms gain competitive edge in the market. Promotion strategy involves the five elements of the promotion mix i.e. advertising, sales promotion, personal selling, public relations, and direct marketing (Czinkota and Ronkainen, 2004). In order to keep up with the competition and changing consumer needs and wants, firms are forced to adopt effective promotional strategies to promote growth beyond boarders thus creating awareness and increase usage rates of their products and services. Promotional strategies enable firms to attract and retain customers thus increased growth in terms of return on investments due to expanded client base (Kotler, 2007). The focus on promotional efforts and development of marketing strategies has remained a challenge to many firms in Nigeria (Straughan, 2000). However, due to the growth of the service sector, it is necessary for any organizations to focus on promoting their services for them to survive in the dynamic business environment (Kotler, 2007). Today marketing of organizations providing brewing service has remained a big challenge in Nigeria. Since services cannot be separated from the person performing or selling them, it is the responsibility of both large and small organizations to adopt appropriate promotional strategies in order to attract and retain customers (Nicolaud, 1989). Promoting healthcare services using a diversity of communication channels promote attraction and retention of customers (Sanchez and Peinado, 2003).


According to Miller and Straughan (2000), Healthcare organizations have been  encountering numerous challenges during the past two decades, including competition, recessions and image problems. Additionally, many Healthcare organizations have been facing mature domestic markets with limited future growth potential, which as a result, has led to expansion of their services abroad. However, in the dynamic business environment, healthcare organization have been forced to develop effective promotional strategies in order to survive in the competitive business environment hence achieve growth in all aspects of the organization (Quintana, 2003).


Promotion is according to Brassington and Pettitt (2000) the direct way in which an organization communicates the product or service to its target audiences. Brassingtonh and Pettitt (2000) have categorized the promotional tools into five main elements; advertising, sales promotion, public relations, personnel selling, and direct marketing. Promotion is the direct way an organization tries to reach its publics. This performed through the five elements of the promotion mix which include; advertising, sales promotion, personal selling, public relations, and direct marketing (Czinkota and Ronkainen, 2004). The role of promotion has been redefined into managing long term relationships with carefully selected customers, including construction of a learning relationship where the marketer attains a dialogue with an individual customer (Dawes and Brown 2000).


1.2 Research Problem

To survive in the competitive marketing environment, both small and large organizations need to adopt promotional mix strategies in order to attract and retain customer hence long term relationships and growth in terms of productivity (Reid et al, 2005). Increased revenue, increased client-base and customer loyalty are measures of growth of any organization in the competitive market (Marquardt, 1994). Most of the brewer marketing literatures have concentrated on 4 marketing theory more than promotion practice. Unfortunately, the issues of marketing are becoming more complicated as competition of healthcare services continues to change in worldwide (Albers-Miller and Sraughan, 2000).

Promotion strategies adopted by organizations providing laboratory services remain an understudied area. Arising from the findings of the above study, it is evident that, there are many areas about the influence of promotion mix strategies on the growth of brewers that have not been investigated by previous research studies. It is for this reason that the study seeks to establish the influence of promotion mix strategies on the growth of brewers.

A study carried out by Kiptugen (2003) looked at the strategic marketing responses of medical companies to a changing competitive business environment established that proactive rather than reactive promotional mix strategies are the core drive of any competitive organization operating in the dynamic marketing environment. However the study did not focus specifically on the effectiveness of promotion on the growth of brewers. The study sought to answer the following research question; what is the influence of promotion mix strategies on the customer growth of brewers.


1.3 Research Objectives

The main objective of this study is to conduct and analyze the influence of promotional mix strategies on the profitability growth of Breweries in Nigeria.


The specifics Objectives are to:

1.       Determine the influence of advertising on the profitability growth of Breweries         in Nigeria.

2.       Determine the influence of sales promotion on the profitability growth of     Breweries in Nigeria.

3.       Determine the influence of public relations on the profitability growth of     Breweries in Nigeria.

4.       Determine the influence of personal selling on the profitability growth of     Breweries in Nigeria.

5.       Determine the influence of direct marketing on the profitability growth of     Breweries in Nigeria.

1.4     Research Question

1.       Determine the influence of advertising on the profitability growth of Breweries         in Nigeria.

2.       Determine the influence of sales promotion on the profitability growth of     Breweries in Nigeria.

3.       Determine the influence of public relations on the profitability growth of     Breweries in Nigeria.

4.       Determine the influence of personal selling on the profitability growth of     Breweries in Nigeria.

5.       Determine the influence of direct marketing on the profitability growth of     Breweries in Nigeria.


The following questions were asked in course of this study:

1.       Can the influence of advertising on the profitability growth of Breweries        in       Nigeria be determined?

2.       Can the influence of sales promotion on the profitability growth of     Breweries in Nigeria be determined?

3.       Can the influence of public relations on the profitability growth of     Breweries in Nigeria be determined?

4.       Can the influence of personal selling on the profitability growth of     Breweries in Nigeria be determined?

5.       Can the influence of direct marketing on the profitability growth of     Breweries in Nigeria be determined?


1.5     Research Hypotheses

The following hypothesis were stated in order to give the study a direction

H01:  There is no relationship between the influence of advertising and profitability       growth of Breweries in Nigeria.

H02:  There is no relationship between the influences of sales promotion and profitability        growth of     Breweries in Nigeria.

H03:  There is no significant relation between the influence of public relations and the    profitability growth of           Breweries in Nigeria.

H04:  There is no relationship between the influences of personal selling and the   profitability growth of     Breweries in Nigeria.

H05:  There is no Association between the influence of direct marketing and the profitability growth of     Breweries in Nigeria.


1.6     Significance of the study

This study on completion were be of importance’s to the Breweries in Nigeria. It provide a limited analogy and assess as to whether the promotional strategies it has adopted have been beneficial to them or not thus coming up with appropriate promotional policies. The study will help the  government understand how Breweries use promotional strategies to gain competitive edge due to intense competition from local and foreign local and foreign Breweries and hence their sustainability. It is, thus, in a position to formulate policies that are aimed at increasing productivity and safeguarding there interests based on envisaged profit margin.  The development partners who are usually interested at helping the Breweries to prosper can have an understanding of a wide variety of factors that hinder them, hence sustainability and the extent to which the identified factors affect their operations. The scholars and researchers who would like to debate or carry out more studies on promotional strategies used in the Breweries to enhance their growth in the profitability. It will also help to come out with improve findings.   


1.7     Scope/Limitation Of The study

The study focus on the analysis of the influence of Promotional mix on the profitability Growth of Breweries in Nigeria with 2009-2014. It will analyze the influence of advertising, Selling Promotion, Public relations, personal selling and direct marketing have on the productivity and profitability of Breweries. The study was limited to it scope based on the following:

1.            The study is conducted in Aba and all the questionnaire based analysis that is done are all from Aba professionals. This research was exploratory and had a relatively small samples size

2.            Another limitation of research is that our findings on the breweries operations,      achievements with special reference to productivity and profitability are not          detail carryout due to time and financial constraints.

3.            Another primary limitation is related to the generalization of the research result.

1.8     Assumption of the study

1.     The research assumed in the course of this study that promotional mix strategies         does not exert grate influence on the productivity and profitability of the           breweries in Nigeria

2.     The research equally assumed that Guinness Breweries Plc. Aba will serve as a    representative of other Breweries in Nigeria.


1.9     Operational Definition

The following terms will be explain in the research view point for clarity purposes and ease understanding:

1.      Promotional Mix strategy: These are all activities and strategies put together      to ensure that product element are commmunited to the consumers.

2.      Advertising: This is a paid non personal communication technique used in presenting a product to the consumer via a recognize media

3.      This is regarded as all selling and inducement effort in other to increase selling apart from advertising and personal selling.

4.      Direct marketing: This is the process through which the manufacturer or producer deals direct with consumer.

5.      Personal selling: This is the process in which the marketing staff (Permanent or Adhoc) go to the marketing and sell directly to the consumer using personal       conviction and word of mouth.

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