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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00006856

No of Pages: 81

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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This study was based on production of biscuit from composite flour of maize and wheat flour in the proportion of AH1 : 100, AH2 : 70:30, AH3 : 70:30, AH4 : 70:30, AH5 : 70:30, AH6 : 70:30 with mango as fortificant while wheat flour was used as control. The wheat flour (WF) was blended with yellow maize flour (MF) fortified with mango mesocarp powder (MP) in the ratios of AH1 = 100:0:0, AH2 = 70:30:0, AH3 = 70:30:3, AH4 = 70:30:6, AH5 = 70:30:12, AH6 = 70:30: 18 and were used for the production of biscuits. The composite flour was evaluated for the functional properties and was revealed the bulk density, water absorption capacity, oil absorption capacity and hydrophilic were significantly different (p<0.05) ranging from 0.80 – 0.96%, 2.67 – 3.09%, 2.27 – 3.57% and 0.89 – 1.47% respectively among the samples. The biscuits produced were evaluated for proximate composition, vitamin and phytochemical, physical, fibre profile, antioxidant and sensory properties using standard analytical method.  The proximate composition of the biscuit showed that the protein, ash, crude fibre content of the samples decreased significantly (p>0.05) while carbohydrate increased. The vitamin and phytochemical properties of the samples revealed that vitamin A, vitamin C, flavonoid and phytate contents of the biscuit ranged from 90.17±0.02- 93.13a±0.03 IU/ml, 0.03±0.01- 2.67±0.01 mg/100g, 0.72±0.01-0.83±0.02% and 0.12±0.02-0.37±0.03% respectively. The sensory properties of the biscuit samples also showed that the likeness of the sensory attributes: taste, aroma, colour, texture and over all acceptability of the biscuit produced decreased with the enriched composite samples as indicated by the sensory properties. Base on the outcome of this research, all products analyzed were lower than the safe limit of 4 – 9 mg\100 g for anti-nutrients. Therefore, biscuit produced with composite flour of maize-wheat fortified with mango mesocarp is highly nutritious, of high local content and richer than 100% wheat in most nutrient contents. This will add value to Nigerian maize and mango, reduce wheat importation, create employment to Nigerians and reduce Nigeria’s foreign expenditure. 


Title page i
Declaration ii
Certification iii
Dedication iv
Acknowledgements v
Table of content vi
List of tables x
List of figures xi
List of plates xii
Abstract xiii

1.1 Background of the study 1
1.2 Statement of problem 2
1.3 Justification 2
1.4 Objective of the study 2

2.1 Origin distribution of mango 4
2.1.1. Mango fibre profile 6
2.1.2 Nutritional values and health benefits of mango 6
2.2 Wheat 8
2.2.1 Nutritional value and health significance of wheat 9
2.3 Biscuit 10 
2.3.1. Types of biscuit 11 Crackers 11 Semi-sweet biscuits 11 Short dough 12 Cookies 12
 2.4 Roles of some ingredients used in biscuit production 13
 2.5 Nutrient composition of biscuits 13

3.1.    Materials 15
3.2    Methods 16 
3.2.1    Processing of yellow maize flour 16 
3.2.2 Processing of mango mesocarp powder      18
3.3 Formulation of composite flour 20
3.4 Production of biscuit 22
3.3 Method of analysis 23
3.3.1    Functional analysis on flour 23 Determination of bulk density 23 Determination of water absorption capacity  23 Determination of oil absorption capacity 24 Determination of hydrophilic and lipophilic property of the flour 24  
3.3.2 Proximate analysis on biscuit 24 Determination of moisture content 24 Determination of fat content 25 Determination of crude protein 26 Determination of ash content             27 Determination of crude fibre            27 Determination of carbohydrate content 28 Determination of energy value 28
 3.3.3    Vitamin analysis on biscuit 28 Determination of pro. vitamin A 28
 3.3.4    Phytochemical analyses on biscuits 29 Determination of carotenoid 29 Determination of flavonoid 30 Determination of phytate 30
 3.3.5    Physical analysis on biscuit 30 Determination of specific volume (Sv) 30 Determination of spread ratio and spread factor 31
3.3.6 Determination of soluble, insoluble and total dietary fibre 31
3.3.7 Determination of In vitro starch digestibility 32
3.3.8    Determination of resistant starch 33
3.3.9 Antioxidant activity of the biscuits 33 Antioxidant activity determined by DPPH           33 Antioxidant activity determined by FRAP  33 Determination of thiobarbituric acid number 34
3.3.10 Experimental design 34
3.3.11 Statistical analysis 34

4.1       Pictorial representation of biscuit samples           35
4.2       Functional properties of the flour 36
4.3 Proximate compositions of the biscuit       38
4.4 Physical properties of the biscuit 42
4.5 Vitamin and phytochemical properties of the biscuit      44
4.6 Antioxidant activity of the biscuit 46
4.7 Dietary fibre profile of the biscuit 48
4.8 Sensory evaluation of the biscuit 50

5.1 Conclusion 53
5.2 Recommendations 53


Table 3.1: Flour blends formulation 20

Table 3.2: Recipe for production of biscuit 22

Table 4.1: Functional properties of the flour 37

Table 4.2: Proximate compositions of the biscuit 39

Table 4.3: Physical properties of the biscuit 43

Table 4.4: Vitamin and phytochemical properties of the biscuit 45

Table 4.5: Sensory evaluations of the biscuit 51


Figure 3.1: Process flow chart for maize flour   17

Figure 3.2: Flow chart for production of mango mesocarp flour 19

Figure 3.3: Flow chart for biscuit production 21

Figure 4.1: Antioxidant activity of the biscuit           47

Figure 4.2: Dietary fibre profile of the biscuit 49 


Plate 1: Peter mango tree 15

Plate 2: Peter mango seed 15

Plate 3: Yellow maize trunk                          15

Plate 4: Yellow maize seed 15

Plate 5: Yellow maize flour 16

Plate 6: Mango powder 18

Plate 7:  Production of biscuit samples 36


Biscuits is one of the most popular baked goods in Nigeria. Biscuit is baked from a mixture of wheat flour, water, baking powder, salt and shortening, egg (optional), milk, sugar, flavouring ingredients and water (Abayomi et al., 2013). Biscuit is consumed as snacks and staple because of it¬’s ready- to-eat convenient nature, low cost, long shelf life, readily available and palatability (Petrović et al., 2016). Unfortunately, wheat which is the base ingredient in biscuit making is a temperate crop, mostly imported in Nigeria. This means high external expenditure on wheat and high cost of it’s end-products. 

Again, celiac disease (CD) is a common inflammatory disease of the small intestine that is mainly triggered and maintained by regular intake of gluten containing cereals(Wheat , barley and rye ) (Pameta et al., 2015). CD is characterized by auto-immune response by genetically susceptible individuals resulting in chronic inflammation and the progressive disappearance of the microvilli (Mathias et al., 2011). Wheat is low in pro-vitamin A, resistant starches and most micronutrients. It becomes necessary to supplement it with some indigenous crops to make for those nutrients. Several tropical crops, including tubers, roots, fruits, cereals and legumes have been used to supplement wheat in bakery products in attempt to food quality of such baked goods. A combination of mango mesocarp and yellow maize could be supplemented with wheat in attempt to improve quality of biscuit. 

High expenditure in wheat importation could be reduced and the gluten-induced celiac disease (CD) incidence check mated. This study evaluated nutrient composition, dietary fibre profile, physical and sensory properties of Maize-wheat biscuit fortified with mango mesocarp (Blancas-Benitez et al., 2015). Yellow maize is prone to be rich in fibre, resistant starches and pro-vitamin A. Mango mesocarp is shown to be rich in pro-vitamin A, dietary fibre and most micronutrients (San et al., 2017).

In Nigeria, biscuits produced with 100% wheat flour are relatively costly and poor in most micronutrients, phytonutrients and fiber that are needed for good health of consumers. Wheat is an imported good and add to Nigeria’s external expenditure. Both maize and mango are indigenous and abundant in Nigeria. Substituting part of wheat with maize and fortifying with mango mesocarp will produce biscuit of higher local content rich in micronutrients, phytonutrients and fiber. Such biscuits will also be relatively cheaper when compared with 100% wheat biscuit.

Maize- wheat biscuit fortified with mango mesocarp will be of high local content and richer than 100% wheat in most nutrient contents. This will add value to Nigerian maize and mango, reduce wheat importation, create employment to Nigerians and reduce Nigeria’s foreign expenditure. 

The main objective of the study was to produce maize-wheat biscuit fortified with mango mesocarp and then evaluate it for nutrient composition, fiber  profile, physical and sensory properties  of the biscuit samples.

The specific objectives of this study were to:

i. Produce maize flour, mango mesocarp and composite flour from maize and wheat flour

ii. Produce control and experimental biscuits from wheat flour and maize-wheat composite flour fortified with mango mesocarp

iii. Evaluate nutrient composition, fiber profile, physical and sensory properties of the biscuit sample

iv. Determine the functional properties of the formulated sample flour.

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  • Anonymous

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