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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00008300

No of Pages: 61

No of Chapters: 1-5

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The study examined the effect of branding on consumer preference (A study of 7up bottling company in Aba, Abia State). The specific objectives were to examine the effect of socioeconomic characteristics on consumer choice of preference; effect of brand image on consumer preference of products; effect of product brand on consumer behaviour and evaluate how confidence in product brand affects consumer preference. The study adopted descriptive survey research design and simple random sampling technique. A population of 2,833979 consumers/customers of 7up bottling company in Aba, Abia State were used for the studyTaro yamme formula were used determine a sample of 400 from the population. However, 365 questionnaires were recouped form the respondents which form the sample size of the study. Primary data sourced from distribution of questionnaire to staff and consumers of 7up bottling company in Aba, Abia State. A test-re-test were conducted to ensure validity and reliability of the data. The data were presented using 5 point Likert scale and tested using regression model (SPSS). The descriptive result shows that, most of the respondents 57.5% and 55.6% strongly agreed that brand reputation and brand value creation affects consumer preference in 7up bottling company products. The empirical result revealed that brand image has positive and significant effect on consumer preference of products. Product brand has significant effect on consumer behaviour. And confidence in product brand has positive and significant effect on consumer. The study recommended that there need for the management of 7up Company to segment their market offerings. This will help the organization to create an outstanding image to the organization which will enable all class of the target market to prefer the product more than that of the competitors.

Key Words: Branding, Brand image, product brand on consumer preference.



Title page                                                                                                             i

Dedication                                                                                                                              ii

Acknowledgement                                                                                                                  iii

Declaration                                                                                                                             iv

Certification                                                                                                                           v

Table of Content                                                                                                                     vi

List of Tables                                                                                                                          viii

Abstract                                                       ix


1.1       Background of the study                                                                                             1

1.2       Statement of the Problem                                                                                           4

1.3       Objectives of the Study                                                                                              5

1.4       Research Questions                                                                                                    6

1.5       Research Hypotheses                                                                                                  6

1.6       Significance of the Study                                                                                           6

1.7       Scope of the Study                                                                                                      7

1.8       Limitation of the Study                                                                                               7

1.9       Definition of Operational Term                                                                                  7


2.1       Conceptual Framework                                                                                              9

2.1.1    Concept of Brand Image                                                                                            9

2.1.2    The important Roles of Brand Image on Consumer Preference                              16

2.1.3    The characteristics of Successful Brands on Consumer Satisfaction                         16

2.1.4    Concept of Consumer Preference                                                                               17

2.1.5    Consumer Behaviour                                                                                                  19

2.1.6    Customer Satisfaction                                                                                                 21

2.1.7    Consumer Buying Decision Process                                                                          21

2.2       Theoretical Background                                                                                             22

2.3       Empirical Review                                                                                                       23


3.1       Research Design                                                                                                         26

3.2       Area of the study                                                                                                        26

3.3       Population of the study                                                                                               26

3.4       Determination of Sample Size                                                                                    27

3.5       Method of Data Collection                                                                                         27

3.6       Validity of the Instrument                                                                                          27

3.7       Reliability of the Instrument                                                                                      28

3.8       Method of Data Analysis                                                                                            28

3.9       Model Specification                                                                                                   28


4.1.      Rate of Return Questionnaire                                                                                     30

4.2       Socio-economic characteristics of the Respondents in Aba, Abia State.               31

4.2       Data Presentation                                                                                                        34

4.3       Test of Hypotheses                                                                                                     37

4.3.1    Test of Hypothesis 1                                                                                                   37

4.3.2    Test of Hypothesis 2                                                                                                   40

4.3.3.   Test of Hypothesis 3                                                                                                   41

4.3.4    Test of Hypotheses 4                                                                                                  42


5.1       Summary of Findings                                                                                                 44

5.2       Conclusion                                                                                                                  45

5.3.      Recommendations                                                                                                      46

5.4       Areas of Further Studies                                                                                             46







4.1 Return of distributed questionnaire from the Respondents.                                             30

4.2 Socio-economic characteristics of the Respondents in Aba, Abia State.                                    31

4.3: On the basis of brand image on consumer preference.                                                   34

4.4: On the basis of product brand and consumer behaviour                                                 35

4.5: On the basis of confidence in product brand and consumer preference.                                    36

4.6. Socioeconomic characteristics of consumers has no significant effect on

consumers’ choice of preference of product                                                              37

4.7 Simple Regression Coefficients of effect of brand image on consumer

preference of products.                                                                                               40

4.8 Simple Regression Coefficients of effect of product brand on consumer behaviour.       41

4.9 Simple Regression Coefficients of effect of confidence in product brand on

consumer preference.                                                                                                 42







1.1 Background of the Study

Consumer perception towards brand is an important aspect of marketing mix (Gabor & Contiu, 2012). Jin and Weber (2013) proposed that, brands served primarily as a way for customers to identify and recognize goods and their manufacturer. The focus of brand value creation was on individual goods whereby firms used brands to show ownership and take responsibility for their goods. This in turn helped customers identify and recognize a firm’s goods on sight. From the 1930s onwards, brands were viewed as images that firms create to enable customers to both differentiate a brand from its competitors and identify the needs a brand promises to satisfy (Jin & Weber, 2013).

Another aspect of brand is that, it is strongly believed by academics and practitioners that brand reputation is becoming increasingly important. Brands should have a positive reputation to be successful and therefore profitable, (Veloutsou & Moutinho, 2009). On the other hand, Schmitt (2012) describes a comprehensive model of five brand-related processes: identifying, experiencing, integrating, signaling and connecting with the brand.

A product is something that is made in a factory, a brand is something that is bought by a customer. A product can be copied by a competitor, a brand is unique. A product can be quickly outdated, a successful brand is timeless” (Quiston, 2008).

Brand is a combination of name, symbol and design. Brands represent the customer’s perceptions and opinion about performance of the product. The powerful brand is which resides in the mind of the consumer. Brands differ in the amount of power and worth they have in the market place. Some brands are usually unknown to the customers in the marketplace while on the other hand some brands show very high degree of awareness.

The brands with high awareness have a high level of acceptability and customers do not refuse to buy such brands as they enjoy the brand performance. Some brands commend high level of brand loyalty. Brands also have a symbolic value which helps the people to choose the best product according to their need and satisfaction. Usually, people do not buy certain brands just for design and requirement, but also in an attempt to enhance their self-esteem in the society (Leslie and Malcolm, 2012).

Brand names present many things about a product and give number of information about it to the customers and also tell the customer or potential buyer what the product means to them. Furthermore, it represents the customers’ convenient summary like their feelings, knowledge and experiences with the brand. Moreover customer do not spend much time to do find out about the product. When customer considers about the purchase they evaluate the product immediately by reconstructed product from memory and cued by the brand name (Hansen and Christensen, 2013). A brand has a value; this depends on the quality of its products in the market and the satisfaction or content of the customer in its products and services. This provides the trust of the customers in the brand. If customers trust a brand quality it makes a positive connection to the brand and customers will have a reason to become a loyal to the brand. Loyalty and trust of the customers is very important for a company because it reduces the chance of attack from competitors (Aaker, 2009).

Brands play a very important role in the consumer choice of preference. It is really important for companies to find out customer’s decision making process and identify the conditions, which customers apply while making decision (Cravens and Piercy, 2013).

Marketers are highly concerned to know how brand names influence the customer purchase decision. Why customers purchase a particular brand also implies how customers decide what to buy. Customers follow the sequence of steps in decision process to purchase a specific product. They start realizing a requirement of product, get information, identify & evaluate alternative products and finally decide to purchase a product from a specific brand. When customers purchase particular brand frequently, he or she uses his or her past experience about that brand product regarding performance, quality and aesthetic appeal (Keller, 2008).

Branding is an important aspect of every firms marketing activity that cannot be over looked. Branding has been said to be as important as a child`s naming ceremony and also as old as man/creation (Okpara, 2012). Mccarthy and Perreaut (2009) defined branding as the use of a name, term, symbol or design or a combination of these to identify a product. This statement in tells that branding identifies the product for the consumer and relates it to branding and product design.

Obisie (2013) captured the very essence of branding when he describe it as an integral and intimate part of a product strategy. This suggest that a product is not comprehend until it is given a name, mark or symbol. He went further to describe branding as a name, term, sign, symbols or design in a combination of these which is intended to identify the goods or services of the seller or group of sellers and distinguish them from those of their competitors. From the foregoing it is obvious that the essence of branding is to create a destination and unique product whose name rings a bell and commands the influence of consumer’s positivity in terms of their purchase behavior this is against the background that for a bigger and more resonating name for a better perceived name, certain consumes will be willing to pay a little more Often, consumers will intend to choose a brand that they consider congruent with their self-image. In this particular way each consumer as an individual will try to reflect his or her own identity through choice when as part of a larger social group, consumer choice tend to converge to a certain pattern thus terming the basics of an individual social identity (Andreed 2014).

Brand preference is as regarded as a key step in consumer decision making involving elements of choice in establishing brand preference consumers compare and rank different brands by focusing on their uniqueness. Jin and Weber(2013) defined brand preference as the extent to which the customers favors the design service provided by his or her present company in comparison to the designated service provided by other companies in his or her consideration set; with  a consideration set referring to brands that a consumer would consider buying in the near future.

Also, consumer’s  advisory has a positive effect in brand and consumer preference (Gungo r& Bilgin, 2011) Consumer perception towards brand is an important aspect of marketing mix (Gabur&Contiu,2012) Jin & Weber (2013) proposed that brand served primarily as way for customers to identify and recognize goods and their manufacturer’s. Okpara (2012) believed that branding is the imaginative process of creating a unique relevant and harmonious name, term, sign, symbol or its combination in order to identify a company’s product and to differentiate it from their competitors.

1.2 Statement of the Problem 

In a world where every product is bigger or better compared to its competitors, consumers have begun to face an important problem: the increased uncertainty about various products attributes. This arises from various asymmetric information consumers have access to, regarding a specific product. Consumers tend to assess certain product attributes in a holistical manner rather than a case by case basis (Ainslie & Rossi, 1998). Therefore both extrinsic and intrinsic factors must be accounted when trying to differentiate a product from its competitors. In these circumstances, brands can potentially play many different roles in the consumer decision process.

Romani (2012) shows that consumers' psychological, sociological and economic processes are simultaneously involved in choice behavior. In these days, a product or a service is almost irrelevant without the brand. It cannot be identified or associated with what influences in fact our purchasing process (Mindrut 2015). The study of consumer's behavior and the attempt to model the decision-making process of consumers is a longstanding interest for marketing and decision theory scientists (Matsatsinis & Samaras, 2010). Consumer–brand relationships (CBR) are important for the profitability of companies and enhancing the understanding of CBR is of great interest to researchers.

An organization’s brand image can be as important as the goods or services it produces. A strong brand image is a powerful asset. A recognized and trusted brand identity makes people confident that the organization is dependable. Developing a corporate brand is important because a positive brand image will give consumers, and other interested stakeholders, confidence about the full range of products and activities associated with a particular company. Despite that numerous studies in the past have contributed to the theoretical and practical knowledge on branding demonstrated that products branding play sufficient role in marketing goods and services from all sectors of productive economy, yet quite a number of small and large scale manufacturers have shown less concern to branding their products effectively and there is little or no research to determine brand attributes that may positively influence consumer perception, hence a gap. It is against this backdrop that this study is fashioned to examine how a product brand image can influence changed consumer preference.


1.3 Objectives of the Study

The broad objective of this study is to examine the effects of brand image on consumer preference. The specific objectives are to;       

1.     determine the effect of socio-economic characteristics on consumers’ choice of products.               

2.     determine the effect of brand image on consumer’s preference of products.      

3.     Examine the effect of product brand on consumer behaviour.

4.     evaluate how confidence on product brand affect consumer preference.


1.4 Research Questions                                                               

The following research questions are formulated for the following study;

1.     What are the effect of socio-economic characteristics on consumers’ choice of products in 7up Bottling Company Aba, Abia State?

2.     Does brand image affects consumer’s preference of products?

3.     Does product brand affect consumer behaviour?

4.     Does confidence in product brand affect consumer preference?


1.5 Research Hypotheses

H01:    Age, sex, educational qualification, years of experience, household size, level of income have no significant effect on consumers’ choice of products.

H02:    Brand image has no significant effect on consumers’ preference of products.

H03:    Product brand has no significant effect on consumer behavior.

H04:    Confidence in product brand has no positive effect on consumer preference.


1.6 Significance of the Study                                             

It has been prove that effective brand image of firms enhance the market ability of their product, this study is relevant in that it will enlighten manufactures in the measure to be adopted to sustain the effect branding has on consumer buying preference process and in building loyal customers. This study will also be of academic value since the contents could be used as a basis for other studies on firms brand image, the findings of the study is expected to contribute to the body of existing knowledge in area of firms brand image and it’s influenced.

1.7 Scope of the Study

This study is on the effect of brand image on consumer preference; a study of Nigerian Bottling Company. The findings will be obtained through use of questionnaire, defined alternative responses and oral interviews. The scope of this study will be limited to Nigerian Bottling Company plc.  Aba, Abia State.

1.8 Limitation of the Study

The limitations of this study include some of unavoidable constraints and problems encountered in the process. They are as follows:

Finance: The problem of finance is not left out in the course of research to this study. This type of study required adequate money and time to enable the researcher visit the necessary places for collection of data. Insufficient fund hinder an in-depth study of this research since it is finance from pocket money of the researcher. Although the researcher, as a student, is not financially dependent, he is poised to making the best use of the available monetary resources to get the job properly done.

Non-availability of records: This is one of the most important limiting factors in the course of the study. This includes the problems of easily getting the appropriate data due to bureaucracy which hinders the information flow in the country.

Time: Since this study is one of the many courses offered by the researcher, the researcher was constrained by time to carry out an indent research on the study. 

1.9 Definition of Operational Term

v  Brand mark: is simply recognized by sight and there may be some difficulties in attempting to vocalize it.it could be in the form of a symbol or colors.

v  Trade Mark: is the brand name and brand mark, which have received legal protection for a particular firm. In the words of Brassington and Pettit (1997), a trade mark is the legal name of an organization and this could easily relate to the branding of the firm’s products.

v  Brand Extension Strategy: this is a branding strategy that comes handy when a new product is to be launched into the market, especially a highly competitive one. It is an effort to use a successful brand name to launch new or modified products or line.


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