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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00008269

No of Pages: 70

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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The study investigated on the effect of tracking technology on consumer shopping habits in retail industries in Abia State. The objectives of this study are to ascertain the effect of tracking technology on consumers shopping habit in retail industries, identify and examine the effect of investment on tracking technology on market performance. To achieve the objective of the study, survey research design method was adopted. The research adopted primary data in getting the required information. The population of the study is made up of 5923 registered retailers in Abia State while the sample size is made up of 375 after adopting taro Yamane formula. However, a total of 375 questionnaires were administered to respondent and 260 were returned. In testing the hypotheses regression and correlation analysis was used. The finding revealed that most of these retailers are aware of these technologies but few of the retailers that use tracking technology selected just two or three of the technologies that is easy for them to use. The researcher recommends that retailers should change their view on the adoption of technology in the process of identifying and satisfactorily meeting the needs of the target market as a waste of organizational resources, it will assist in the effective and efficiency of the running of their businesses. The researcher further recommends technology as paramount in addressing security need of the people and society. Therefore, government can encourage businesses to adopt and mount critical technology such as camera to aid their security implementation to aid advert crimes and also aid investigations by the authorities.    


Title page                                                                                                            i

Declaration                                                                                                         ii

Certification                                                                                                       iii

Dedication                                                                                                          iv

Acknowledgements                                                                                            v

Table of content                                                                                                 vi

List of tables                                                                                                       ix



1.1       Background to the Study                                                                1

1.2       Statement of Research Problem                                                     4

1.3       Objectives of the Study                                                                  4

1.4       Significance of the Study                                                               5

1.5       Scope/Limitation                                                                            5


2.1       Conceptual Review                                                                         7

2.1.1    Retailing                                                                                         7

2.1.2    Functions of Retail Industries in National Development               9

2.1.3    Definition of Marketing                                                                11

2.1.4      Importance of Marketing                                                              12

2.1.5    Factors Affecting Marketing                                                        12

2.1.6    Channels of Distribution                                                               13

2.1.7    Consumer Buyer Behavior                                                           14

2.1.8    Consumer Shopping Habits                                                          14

2.1.9    Impact of Technology on Retail Business                                    15

2.1.10 Impact of Technology on Consumer Shopping Habits in Retail Industry                                                                                                     15

2.1.11 Types of Tracking Technology                                                    16

2.1.12 Overview of Store Tracking Technology                                     20

2.1.13 Methods used by retailers in tracking                                           22

2.1.14 Prevention of Tracking Technology                                             23

2.1.15 Advantages and disadvantages of tracking technology.               24

2.2       Theoretical Framework                                                                25

2.2.1    Technology Acceptable Model                                                    25 Criticisms Technology Acceptance Model                                  27

2.2.2    Diffusion of Innovation Theory                                                    28 Limitations of Diffusion of Innovation Theory                            30

2.3       Empirical Review                                                                         31


3.1       Research Design             34

3.2       Area of the Study                                                                          34

3.3       Population of the Study                                                                35

3.4       Sample Size                                                                                  35

3.5       Sources of Data                                                                             36

3.6       Method of Data Analysis                                                              36

3.6.1    Specification of Model of Analysis                                              36


4.0       Return Rate of Questionnaire                                                       40

4.1       Business Characteristics of Retailers in the Study Area              40

4.2       General Awareness of Tracking Technology among Retailers in Aba Metropolis                                                                                         42

4.3       Source of Information about Tracking Technology                     43

4.4       Government Support and Mandate for Adoption of Tracking Technology                                                                                               44

4.5       Respondents Perception of Usefulness of Tracking Technology 44

4.6       Adoption of Tracking Technology                                               45

4.7       Diffusion of innovation                                                                46

4.8       Factors That Hinders the Adoption of Tracking Technology      47

4.9       Relation between Investments and Business Performance of Tracking

            Technology in Retail Business                                                     48

4.11     Binary Logit Estimates of Factors Influencing Choice of Using Tracking Technology                                                                               49


5.1       Summary of Findings                                                                   51

5.2       Conclusion                                                                                    53

5.3       RECOMMENDATION                                                                54            References                                                                                    56





4.0       Return rate of questionnaire                                                         40

4.1       Distribution of the Respondents according to their Business Characteristics                                                                                          41

4.2       General awareness of tracking technology                                   42

4.3       Source of information about tracking technology                        43

4.4       Government support and mandate for adoption of tracking technology                                                                                                44

4.5       Respondents Perception of usefulness of tracking technology    44

4.6       Adoption of tracking technology                                                  45

4.7       Diffusion of tracking technology                                                 46

4.8       Factors that hinders the adoption of tracking technology            47

4.9       Relationship between investment and business performance of tracking technology in retail business                                          48

4.10     Relationship between use of technology and consumer purchase                                                                                                    49

4.11     Binary logit estimates of factors influencing choice of using tracking technology                                                                                  50










In today's modern society, where market competition has progressively grown, many firms have realized rather forcefully that unlike the old economy, the new economy is powered by information. As a result, information and communication technology and information systems are creating new business intelligence, called competitive intelligence (Panian, 2007). This will continue to redefine business strategy and serve as a competitive weapon among firms (Kotler and Armstrong, 2010).

The use of digital technology to research, browse and purchase has gone from segment-specific or sporadic to mainstream (Ali, 2011). Although, the power and impact of technology in business generally and marketing cannot be over emphasized, its impact on retail industry has resulted in an undeniable and nonreversible shift in the industry. As proactive brands provide innovations to enhance the shopping experience, customer expectations also change - they expect more from all retailers. As a result, the dynamics of the retail experience is evolving, and investing in digital technology is becoming an important strategic imperative for many retail brands today (Panian, 2007), to harness the benefits of loyal customers and cream their life time value.

Previously, brick-and-mortar businesses used loyalty programs or purchase receipt data to get to know their customers and preferences better (Lorenzo, 2012). However, this can often not be compared to other relevant parameters such as key performance indicators (KPI). Hence, customer footfall measurement and customer behavior analysis are increasingly elevated to a digital level. To improve data collection and get closer to customers and prospects, firms are investing on tracking technologies.

Evidences have shown that data management is important in ensuring customer experience. Therefore, tracking technologies is seen as a cog in the gearbox of delivering and meeting customer requirement. The tracking technologies measure demand, service, and customer engagement in location and time-based metrics. They optimize demand forecasts, location marketing, scheduling, queues, and sales operations. And they empower the retailers to be more productive and profitable. The system requires that a node or tag be placed on the object, animal or person being tracked. For example, the GPS receiver in a cell phone or a tracking technology tag on a DVD can be used to track those devices with a detection system such as GPS satellites or tracking technology receivers (Clark, 1991).

The implementation of tracking technology in the retail supply chain reduces the out-of-stock situations, theft and improves management policies, and allows quicker passage through the cash register as well as improved productivity (Devi, 2007). To meet the increasing demands of the market and to be competitive at global market, retailers in Nigeria should turn to new technologies that already exist for many years in foreign markets (Kilcourse 2006) and that have shown positive effects, such as tracking technology.

Mobile share in e-commerce reaches 29% in countries like Germany, United States, and Japan has been growing fast but there is still room for growth, with desktops still representing the majority of devices used for online shopping. In terms of market trends, specific consumer behavior such as over-connectivity and the pursuit of healthier lifestyles are expected to shape the market in coming years (Rio, 2007).

Some retailers have created an avenue to accommodate the advancement in technology by imputing it into their operations. Fifteen years ago, the average consumer was shopping from local small stores in communities but now because of the advancement in technology, some of this retail stores began to lose out of the competition (Arthur, 2002).

The desirability of tracking technology according to Kurtz, 2001 is undeniably increasing because it provides a firm with two key performance indicators - conversion and capture rate. They provide clues and information about choice and assessment of retail store locations, control over sales and operations planning as well as marketing events, and they support planning and sales forecasts. In the course of tracking, dwell time and the total number of visitors are also relevant. As a result, it becomes very easy to assess the performance of stores, individual department, sales areas, shelves or product lines.

Retailers in Nigeria are developing interest on how tracking technology can help get reliable data from their active and prospective customers. In light of the differences between developing countries and other developed countries, adoption strategy seemingly could be quite different for retailers in Nigeria. While tracking technology solutions and applications are still at the early stage of deployment in developing countries like Nigeria (Tan. and Ni, 2007), the potential for tracking technology to improve tracking operational efficiency is evident in retail industries.

Research has also shown that there exist gaps among values perceived from different parties in the adoption, e.g. technology provider, technology user, etc. Value compatibility has become one of the important issues for investigating adoption, diffusion and success among different parties in adoption. Group values and practical compatibility were found to be a facilitator of successful adoption of tracking technologies (Harrington and Ruppel, 1999).


Globally, the advent of technology and its rapid innovativeness have changed the dimension and scope of business (Wangwe, 2013). This has made it quite easier for retailers to reach their target audience with the marketing messages irrespective of their geographical location. For firms, advances in technology have considerably enhanced the institutionalization and utilization of the market orientation approach by providing the technological infrastructure to capture, analyze, and maintain large quantities of consumer information (Winer 2001). For consumers, though, the collection and analysis of their personal information has led to an increase in privacy concerns (Foxman and Kilcoyne 1993; Phelps, Nowak, and Ferrell 2000). While most consumers welcome the increased convenience and personalization that these various marketing orientation approaches provide, many are concerned about the collection, use, and protection of their personal information (Phelps et al. 2000; Rust, Kannan, and Peng 2002).

A greater number of the populace do not comprehend fully well how to manipulate the features of internet facilities, as such they displayed a lukewarm attitude when they are encouraged by marketing organizations or retailing institutions to visits their corporate website to buy or place order for essential goods and services. More so, most retail firms view the adoption of technology in the process of identifying and satisfactorily meeting the needs of the target market as a waste of organization resources, limiting the extent at which retail organizations reach target audience with their messages. Moreover, there have been a lack of research on the areas of tracking technology due to lack of interest in these areas, thereby causing unavailability of research materials for researchers who have interest in this area. Therefore, this study is positioned to ascertain the effect of tracking technology on consumers shopping habit in retail industries.


The broad objective of the study is to ascertain the effect of tracking technology on consumers shopping habit in retail industries. However, the following specific objectives will be pursued, which are to:

i). identify various tracking technology adopted by various retail industry.

ii). ascertain factors that influence adoption of tracking technology among retailers.

iii). ascertain the effect of investment on tracking technology on market performance.

iv). examine the influence of tracking technology adoption on consumer frequency of purchase

v). determine the level of diffusion of technology in Abia state.

1.4       Significance of the Study

This research study will be significant because it dealt with issues retailers are facing in the use of tracking technology on consumers shopping habit. In the present scenario, tracking technology on consumers shopping habit in retail industries will be of benefit to the following:

i.      Consumers: This study enlightens the consumer of the various tacking strategies that can be employed to facilitate purchase as quickly as possible - in order to achieve this, application of radio frequency technology in retail is essential which would enable the acceleration of purchase and provide greater awareness of products.

ii.     Retailers: The retailers are prior to benefit from this study because the study gives shows the various ways and technology that can be used to track their customers for better sales and security.


This Study will be focusing on the effective of tracking technology on consumers shopping habit in retail industries, hence covering all the retail industry in Nigeria. The study will be focusing on retail shops in Abia state as means of assessing the effect of tracking technology on retail industries. It is hoped that this will help to achieve the stated objective of the study. In the process of carrying out this research work some problems were encountered. The problems includes the following:

      i.         Time Constraints: The limited time involved for carrying out the research and meeting up with the approved academic calendar for the completion of the program will not be enough, but however the research will take a drastic strategy of time management in order to carry out this work in the most efficient manner.

     ii.         Financial Constraints: Due to limited resources at the disposal of the researcher, financial constraints will militate against possible access to all the required information for the study. However the research will also adopt various financial source technique in order to carry out this research work in the most proficient manner.

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