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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00002646

No of Pages: 62

No of Chapters: 5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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The Role of Management Information System (MIS) in business environment has evolved over time to become an integral part of its business operation in Nigeria. The use of information system has increased in the last 10 years not only by firms but also by individuals and even government. The use of information system was encouraged by the technological breakthroughs: the advancements in telecommunications, such as internet, the globalization that created a global unlimited marketplace, the strong growing for information economy and the rise of competitive digital firms. All of these factors systems to decision support systems and became the foundation of the new business environment. The study works at various challenges and prospect of management information system (MIS) on organization performance. The study was conducted in Ecobank Plc, Auchi with the use of questionnaire and oral interview to collect data that was statistically analysed using simple percentage and chi-square. The study also attempts to highlight the effect of management information system on organization performance. It intends to determine how the information system helps an organization to perform effectively. It also recommends how organization should introduce flexibility in the nature of pattern and structure of MIS, attention should also be paid to communication through the media agencies as a way of promoting organization’s control of the market as well acquiring appropriate and suitable computer software and program to meet MIS ever growing growth and expansion in the global business market environment.    



Title Page

Certification ---     ---      ---      ---      ---      ---      ---      ---      ---      i

Dedication ---       ---      ---      ---      ---      ---      ---      ---      ---      ii

Acknowledgements ---   ---      ---      ---      ---      ---      ---      ---      iii

Table of Contents ---      ---      ---      ---      ---      ---      ---      ---      iv

Abstract --- ---      ---      ---      ---      ---      ---      ---      ---      ---      vii


1.1          Background to the Study ---    ---      ---      ---      ---      ---      1

1.2          Statement of the Problem        ---     ---      ---      ---      ---      ---      6       

1.3          Research Questions ---   ---      ---      ---      ---      ---      ---      7

1.4          Objective of the Study ---        ---      ---      ---      ---      ---      ---      7       

1.5          Statement of  Hypotheses       ---     ---      ---      ---      ---      ---      8

1.6          Scope of the Study ---    ---      ---      ---      ---      ---      ---      8

1.7          Significance of the Study ---    ---      ---      ---      ---      ---      9

1.8          Limitation of the Study ---       ---      ---      ---      ---      ---      9

1.9          Operational Definition of Terms ---  ---      ---      ---      ---      10


2.1    Management Information System --- ---      ---      ---      ---      13

2.2    Characteristics of Information ---      ---      ---      ---      ---      16

2.3    Types of Information      ---     ---      ---      ---      ---      ---      17

2.4    Types of Management Information System         ---      ---      ---      25

2.5    The Effect of  Management Information System ---      ---      31

2.6    Conceptual Framework of Management Information System---       33


3.1     Research Design ---        ---      ---      ---      ---      ---      ---      36

3.2     Population of the Study---       ---      ---      ---      ---      ---      36     

3.3     Sample and Sampling Techniques ---         ---      ---      ---      ---      36

3.4     Instrumentation ---         ---      ---      ---      ---      ---      ---      ---      37     

3.5     Method of Data Collection --- ---      ---      ---      ---      ---      37

3.6     Method of Data Analysis ---    ---      ---      ---      ---      ---      37


4.1     Data Presentation ---      ---      ---      ---      ---      ---      ---      39

4.2     Test of Hypotheses ---   ---      ---      ---      ---      ---      ---      48

4.3     Discussion of Findings ---       ---      ---      ---      ---      ---      52     


5.1     Summary ---         ---      ---      ---      ---      ---      ---      ---      ---      54

5.2     Conclusion ---      ---      ---      ---      ---      ---      ---      ---      55

5.3     Recommendations         ---      ---      ---      ---      ---      ---      ---      55

5.4     Suggestion for Further Studies ---     ---      ---      ---      ---      56








1.1            Background to the Study

Business managers today, are much more concerned about the effect of competition than they were even a few years ago. They must react to the competitive threats not only from local source but also from regional, national and international source; likewise they must seek to explore all opportunities that are available in the immediate, national and global environment. Deregulation has also increased competitive pressure for organizations to survive, grow and prosper. In such a competitive environment, managers must employ a lot of the resources at their disposal as efficiently as possible so as to accomplish the objectives and goals of the enterprise. Management Information System provides information in form of reports and displays to managers and many others (Business Professional). For example sale managers may use their networked computer and Web browser to get instantaneous display about the sales results of their daily sales analysis report to evaluate sales made by each sales personnel.

Management Information System also takes into account integrative nature of information flow as well as the structuring of the organization around decision centers. Standards of performance are part of any good plans; hence, determination of standards like other aspects of the planning process depends on the availability of relevant management information system. Management Information System aids the functioning and monitoring of organization. It also describes the components and resources to ensure the proper functioning of an organization.

Management Information System has changed the physical layout of offices to accommodate local networks and departmental integrated systems. It is also a formalized procedure to provide management at all levels and in all functions with appropriate information from all relevant source to enable them make timely and effective decision for planning, directing, evaluating, and controlling the activities for which they are responsible. A major task also facing management in almost every field of endeavour is to plan carefully so that the quantity of information obtained will be adequate to meet its needs.

One potentially powerful resources available to managers is Information Technology (IT), though it could also serve as a threat/problem, but the top management has to be creative and strategic enough through their conceptual and intellectual capacity to explore full opportunities in all strategic decisions of the enterprise which affect the long term objectives of the organization. More reports has shown  how Information Technology has successfully given some companies and advantage over their competitors both in the National and Global market.

A Management Information System (MIS) is a subset of the over-all internal control of a business covering the application of people, documents, technology, and procedures by management accountants to solve business problems such as costing a product, service or a business- Wide strategy. Management Information System are distinct from regular information systems in that they are used to analyze other information systems applied in operational activities in the organization.

Thus, Management Information System should be designed to achieve the following:

i.                   Enhance communication among employees.

ii.                 To deliver complex materials throughout the organization.

iii.              To provide an object system for recording and aggregate information

iv.              To reduce expenses to labour intensive manual activities

v.                 To support the organizations strategic goals and direction.

However, Management Information System also enhance, job performance throughout the organization. At the senior level it provides the data and information to help the board and management to make strategic decisions and at other levels of management MIS provides the means through which the enterprise activities are executed, monitored, controlled and information are distributed to management, supervisors, employees and customers.

Effective MIS should ensure the appropriate presentation, format and time frames required by operations and senior management are to meet. MIS can be maintained, evaluated and developed by either manual or automated systems or a combination of both. It should always be sufficient to meet an enterprise’s unique business goals and objectives of the organization. Likewise it seeks to explore all available opportunities that can be explore by the organization in the immediate, national and global economies. The effective delivery of all enterprise’s products and services are supported by MIS which has great influence on the market share portion, revenue generation, sales volume achieved, recruitment of best qualified candidates, the goodwill of the enterprise and the customers’ perception about the organization and its output. These systems should be comprehensive, accessible, flexible and useable at all appropriate levels of the organization’s activities.

Management Information System is a critical component of the organization’s overall risk management strategy; it should be used to recognize, monitor, measure, limit and manager risks. Risk management involves four main elements which includes:

i.                   Policies or practices

ii.                 Operational processes

iii.              Staff and management

iv.              Feedback devices.

Thus, operational processes and feedback devices are intertwined and cannot easily be viewed separately. The most efficient and useable MIS should be both operational and informational,. As such, Management can use MIS to measure performances, allocate, manage and control resources and help the organization comply with regulatory requirements. MIS can also be used by management to provide feedback on the effectiveness of risk controls

1.2            Statement of the Problem

The initial concept of Management Information System was to process data from the organization and present it in the form of reports at regular intervals. The system was largely capable of handling the data from collection to processing. It was more impersonal, requiring each individual to pick and choose the processed data and use it for their requirements. This concept was further modified when a distinction was made between data and information. The information is a product of an analysis of data. The concept of MIS gives high regard to the individual and their ability to use information in MIS gives information through data analysis.

However, there are problems associated with it. One of the major problem is system breakdown and network failure and could lead to lots of vital information if there are no backup. Another problem it that, it makes workers naturally lazy in their performance as computer does everything. This also led to unemployment in the banking sector.

1.3            Research Questions

The following research questions shall be provide answer to:

1.     Does Management Information System improve employee performance in Ecobank Nigeria Plc?

2.     Does Management Information System influences the decision-making of management of Eco bank Nigeria Plc?

3.     Does Management Information System enhance the profitability of Ecobank Nigeria Plc?

1.4            Objectives of the Study

The aims of this study are to critically examine the effect of Management Information System on organization performance. The objective of the study includes:

1.     To determine if Management Information System improve employee performance in Ecobank Nigeria Plc.

2.     The ascertain if Management Information System influences the decision-making of management of Eco bank Nigeria Plc.

3.     To investigate if Management Information System enhance the profitability of Ecobank Nigeria Plc.

1.5            Statement of Hypotheses

Three hypothesis are formulated and tested in this study:

1.      Management Information System does not improve employee performance in Ecobank Nigeria Plc.

2.     Management Information System does not influence the decision-making of management of Eco bank Nigeria Plc.

3.     Management Information System does not enhance the profitability of Ecobank Nigeria Plc.

1.6            Scope of the Study

This study attempt to research the effect of Management Information System in an organization using a case study of Ecobank Nigeria Plc, Auchi.

1.7            Significance of the Study

This study will be of great benefit to all the stakeholders and particularly the following:

1.     Bank Directors and Managers: This study will be of great benefit to bank directors and managers as they will be espouse on the vitality of MIS on improving workers performance.

2.     Employees: The study will also be of great benefits to the employees as they will be exposed to the importance of being equipped with IT knowledge in order to be relevant in their job.

3.     Students and Researcher: The study will also be of benefits to the students and researchers as they will be espouse to the knowledge gap that exist on these area so as to conduct more study on it.

1.8            Limitation of the Study

The researcher encountered a lot of challenges in carrying out this study.

Firstly, was the lack of cooperation in responding to the questionnaires.

Secondly, there were difficulties in retrieving vital information from the banking staff due to secrecy of giving out important information of their bank to their competitors. Thirdly, finance and time constraints were another major challenges encountered in the study.

1.9            Operational Definition of Terms

Data: Cole (2004) defined data as raw facts that have not  processed information. Thus, data been converted to meaningful and useful context for the receiver (Cole, 2004)

Information Technology: It is an hardware, software, telecommunications database management and other technological need to store, process and distribute information (Daft and Marcic, 2004).

Information System: This is the combination of hardware, software and human resource for decision making (Daft & Marcic, 2004).

Operations of Information System: A computer based information system that supports a company’s day to day operations (Daft and Marcic, 2004).

Management Information System (MIS):A computer based system that provides information and support for effective managerial decision making (Mullins, 2007).

Internet: A global collection of computer network linked together for the exchange of data and information.

Worldwide Web (www): A collection of central servers for accessing information on the internet (Graffin, 2007).

E-Business: According to daft and Marcic, 2004. Opined that e-business is any business that takes place by digital process over a computer network rather than in physical space.

E-Commerce: Exchange of business that occur electronically.

Intranet: An internal communication system that uses the technology and standard of the internet, but it’s accessible only to people within the organization (Daft and Marcic, 2004).

Electronic Data Interchanged (EDI): A network that links the computer systems to buyers and sellers to enable the transmission of structured data primarily for orderings, distribution, as well as payable and receivable (Mullin, 2004).

External: It is an external communication system that uses the internet and it is shared by two or more organization (Mullins, 2007).

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