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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00004687

No of Pages: 90

No of Chapters: 5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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This study analyses the effect of customer relationship management on organizational performance. This research views customer relationship management as an enterprise approach to developing full-knowledge about customer behavior and relationship marketing

To achieve the purpose of this research work the survey method using the questionnaire instrument was adopted. Data were collected from primary and secondary source. The instrument were administered to 93 respondents drawn as the sample for the study. The output from those sources were analyzed by the use of chi-square analysis.

The result shows effective customer relationship management have significant relationship with organization performance .And that customer relationship management as strategy that helps companies to refine interactions and ultimately improve a company's relationship with customers that will enable a mutually profitable relationship between buyer and seller.

It's therefore relevant that customer relationship management should be focal point of organization in order to gain superior customer relationship management capability that will lead to improved performance.





Front Page                                                                                                         i

Certification                                                                                         ii

Dedication                                                                                                         iii

Acknowledgment                                                                               iv

Abstract                                                                                                              v

Table of Content                                                                                             vi


Chapter One:  Introduction

1.1       Background of the Study                                                     1

1.2       Statement of the Problems                                                             5

1.3       Objectives of the Study                                                                    6

1.4       Research Questions                                                                           6

1.5       Statement of Hypotheses                                                   7

1.6       Significance of the Study                                                     7

1.7       The Scope and Delimitation of the Study                                  7

1.8       Plan of the Study                                                                                8


Chapter Two: Literature Review

2.1       Introduction                                                                            9

2.2       Concept of Customer Relationship Management             11

2.2.1   Goals of Customer Relationship Management                        17

2.2.2   Customer Relationship Management Process              19

2.2.3   Customer Relationship Management Process Theory and Relationship between the Elements                                   20

2.3       Concept of Marketing                                                                       26

2.4       Customer Retention                                                                          31

2.4.1   Customer Satisfaction                                                                       34

2.4.2   Customer Perceived Value                                                              35

2.5       Customer Value and Satisfaction                                                  36

2.5.1   Conceptual Differences between Satisfaction and Customer Perceived Value                                                              38

2.6       Conceptual Differences between Satisfaction and

Value                                                                                                      38

2.7       Summary                                                                                               39


Chapter Three: Research Methodology

3.1      Introduction                                                                                      41

3.2      Research Design                                                                  41

3.3      Data Collection                                                                                42

3.4      Sample Size                                                                                        44

3.5      Questionnaire Administration                                                 46

3.6      Questionnaire Design                                                      46

3.7      Questionnaire Assumption                                           47

3.8      Reliability and Validity of Data Reliability                        47


Chapter Four: Data Analysis and Discussion of Findings

4.1      Introduction                                                                                       51

4.2      Analysis of Personal Data                                                           51

4.3      Analysis of Variables                                                                     54

4.4      Testing of Hypotheses and Discussion of

Finding                                                                                                  66


Chapter Five: Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation

5.1      Summary                                                                                             70

5.2      Conclusion                                                                             72

5.3      Recommendation                                                                           74

References                                                                                          76






Customer relationship management has attracted the expanded attention of practitioners and scholars. More and more companies are adopting customer-centric strategies, programs, tools, and technology for efficient and effective customer relationship management. They are realizing the need for in-depth and integrated customer knowledge in order to build close cooperative and partnering relationships with their customers. The emergence of new channels and technologies is significantly altering how companies interface with their customers, a development bringing about a greater degree of integration between marketing, sales, and customer service functions in organizations. For practitioners, customer relationship management represents an enterprise approach to developing full-knowledge about customer behavior and relationship marketing, these are not distinguished from each other in the marketing literature (Parvatiyar & Sheth, 2000).


The ability to identify profitable customers and then customize marketing on the basis of customer value has enabled many banks to punch above their weight in today's competitive environment. Banks have chosen to compete through superior customer relating capabilities based largely on the customer relationship management programs deployed. It will come as no surprise that vendors are quick to point out that by allocating resources to customer relationship management technologies, all firms in the financial services sector can generate new forms of competitive advantage. Customer relationship management has attracted the expanded attention of practitioners and scholars. More and more companies are adopting customer-centric strategies, programs, tools, and technology for efficient and effective customer relationship management. They are realizing the need for in-depth and integrated customer knowledge in order to build close cooperative and partnering relationships with their customers. Nevin (2005) points out that these terms have been used to reflect a variety of themes and perspectives. Some of these themes offer a narrow functional marketing' perspective 'while others offer a perspective that is broad and somewhat pragmatic in approach and orientation.


A narrow perspective of customer relationship management is database marketing; this emphasizes the promotional aspects of marketing linked to database efforts.


Another narrow, yet relevant, viewpoint is to consider customer relationship management only as seeking customer retention by using a variety of after marketing tactics that lead to customer bonding or staying in touch with the customer after a sale is made (Vavra, 1932). A more popular approach with the recent application of information technology is to focus on individual or one-to-one relationships with customers that integrate database knowledge with a long-term customer retention growth strategy (Peppers & Rogers, 1933).

Thus, Chatters & Buttle (2003) have defined relationship marketing as "an integrated effort to identify, maintain, and build up a network with individual consumers and to continuously strengthen the network for the mutual benefit of both sides, through interactive, individualized and value added contacts over a long period of time" . Jackson (1985) applies the individual account concept in industrial markets to suggest customer relationship management to mean, "Marketing oriented toward strong, lasting relationships with individual accounts".


0’ Dounel (2000) has professed a more strategic view by putting the customer first and shifting the role of marketing from manipulating the customer (telling and selling) to genuine involvement with the customer (Communicating and sharing knowledge). In somewhat broader terms, also has a strategic viewpoint concerned with customer relationship management. He has stressed that attracting new customers should be viewed only as an intermediate step in the marketing process and that developing closer relationship with these customers and turning them into loyal ones should be equally important aspects of marketing. Thus, he proposed that relationship marketing be seen as "attracting, maintaining, and - in multi-service organizations - enhancing customer relationships"


Berry's notion of customer relationship management resembles that of other scholars studying services marketing, Gummesson (1987), and Levitt (1983). Although each one of them has espoused the value of interactions in marketing and its consequent impact on customer relationships, Gronroos and Gummesson (2004) take a broader perspective and advocate that relationships with customers be the focus and dominant paradigm of marketing. For example, Gronroos (2006) states: "Marketing is to establish, maintain, and enhance relationships with customers and other partners, at a profit, so that the objectives of the parties involved are met. This is achieved' by a' mutual exchange and fulfillment of promises” (p. 138). The implication of Gronroos'(2006) definition is that forming relationships with customers is the "raison de etre" of the firm and marketing should be devoted to building and enhancing such relationships.


Similarly, Chartes and Buttle (2003) draw' upon the distinction made between transactional exchanges and relational exchanges by to'suggest that relationship marketing "refers to all marketing activities directed toward establishing, developing, and maintaining successful relationships."


The core theme of all Customer Relationship Management and relationship marketing perspectives is its focus on a cooperative and collaborative relationship between the firm and its customers, and / or other marketing actor. This is characterized by cooperative relationships as being interdependent and long-term orientated rather than being concerned with short-term discrete transactions.





New market condition sharpens competition among rivalry companies. The number of competitor raises while at the same time the services and products available on the market differ less and less at their core. This has resulted in decreasing· of customer retention and increasing costs to do business. For most business customer relationship management is emerging' as an important tool and an innovative way to add their products and services. Effective customer relationship management has become a strategic imperative for companies in virtually every business sector. Companies are moving closer to their customers, expanding more effort in finding new ways to create value for their customers and transforming the customer relationship into one of solution finding and partnering rather than one of selling and order taking. In view of the vital place occupied by customers in the realization of its objectives, the following questions become pertinent.


i.          Is there any relationship between customer relationship management and its effectiveness and efficiency?

ii.        Is effective customer relationship management any effect on its profitability?

iii.       Does customer relationship management any effect on rate of customer's relationship?

iv.       Does customer value create an off short of customer relation management?




The aim of this study is to examine the effect of customer relationship management on organization performance, while specific objectives are follows;

i.          To examine the effect of customer relationship management on organization efficiency.

ii.        To examine whether implementation of customer relationship management promote profitability of the organization

iii.       To identified whether customer relationship management contribute to customer value creation in the organization

IV.       To identified whether organization has Loyalty program to enhance the Lifetime Value for your Customers



For the purpose of this research work, the following questions will examine;

i.          Is there any relationship between customer relationship management and efficiency services delivery?

ii.        Could implementation of customer relationship management enhances profitability of the organization?

iii.       Could customer relationship management contribute to customer value creation in the organization?



Ho1:    There is no significant relationship between customer relationship management and efficiency services delivery.

Ho2:   There is no significant relationship between of customer relationship management and profitability

H03:   There is no significant relationship between of customer relationship management and value creation



The study considers the customer relationship management. This study will guide owners of businesses, managers, researchers and students in the area of customer management. The study will provide basic understanding of the impact of customer relationship management in Lagos and Nigeria in general. It will also contribute knowledge as to how businesses in Nigeria could create and refine their capacity to establish and implement an effective customer relationship management.



The scope of this study shall be restricted to Access Bank PIc in Lagos State. Due to limited time, the research will make used of interviews and questionnaire method and this will be restricted to staff of Access Bank in Lagos state.



This study is divided into five chapters, chapter one sets out the background of the study (Introduction), statement of the problem, significant and relevance of the study, objective of the study, research questions and research hypothesis, scope and limitation of the study' and' plan of the study. Chapter two deals with literature review and theoretical foundation which includes concepts and definitions. Chapter three undertakes research methodology. Chapter four looks into data presentation and crucial analysis of data collected and analysis of results. While chapter contains summary, conclusion and recommendation.

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