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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00006799

No of Pages: 95

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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A motorized ginger rhizome peeling machine was designed, developed and its performance evaluated. Three moisture contents (69.55%, 75.4% and 80.38%), three feed rates (54.17kg/hr, 67.5kg/hr and 72.9kg/hr) and three peeling speeds(230rpm, 270rpm and 300rpm) were used for the performance evaluation of the machine. A 3×3×3 factorial experiment in a randomized complete block design; replicated two times was used to study the interactions and effects of the three factors on the performance parameters (peeling efficiency, peeling capacity and percent damage). The study showed that peeling efficiency increases from 82.3% - 88.5% with a increase in moisture content from 69.55% - 80.38 % , a decrease in feed rate from 72.9kg/hr - 54.17 kg/hr and an increase in peeling speed from 230rpm – 300rpm. Peeling capacity increases from 2.4kg/hr – 11.64kg/hr with an increase in moisture content from 69.55% - 80.38%, a decrease in feed rate from 72.9kg/hr – 54.17kg/hr and an increase in peeling speed from 230rpm – 300rpm. Percent damage increases from 6.3% - 14.4% with a decrease in moisture content from 80.38% - 69.55%, an increase in feed rate from 54.17kg/hr – 72.9kg/hr and an increase in peeling speed from 230rpm – 300rpm. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) result showed that the interaction of moisture content, feed rate and peeling speed had a significant effect on peeling efficiency, peeling capacity and percent damage at p<0.05 level. For a maximum peeling efficiency, peeling capacity and minimum percent damage, an optimum moisture content of 75.4%, feed rate of 67.5kg/hr and peeling speed of 270rpm are recommended.


Title Page i
Declaration ii
Certification iii
Dedication iv
Acknowledgements v
Table of Contents vi
List of Tables xi
List of Figures xii
List of Plates xiv
Abstract xv

1.1 Background of Study 1
1.2 Statement of Problem
1.3 Objectives of the Study 3
1.4 General objective 3
1.5 Specific objectives 3
1.6 Justification 4
1.7 Scope of Study 4                                            
2.1 Agronomy of Ginger (Zingiber Officinale Roscoe) Production 5
2.2 Global Production of Ginger 7
2.3 Constraints of Ginger Production in Nigeria 7
2.4 Some Research and Developmental Efforts on Peeling 9
2.5 Processing of Ginger 10
2.6 Uses/ Economic Importance of Ginger 12
2.7 Chemical Properties of Ginger Rhizome 15
2.8       Nutrient/Metabolic Constituents of Ginger Rhizome 16
2.9 Physical Properties of Ginger and Other Agricultural Products 17
2.10 Mechanical Properties of Ginger and Other Agricultural Products 20

3.1 Design Consideration of Ginger Rhizome Peeling Machine 22
3.2 Design of Ginger Rhizome Peeling Machine 22
3.2.1 Determination of force required to peel the ginger rhizome 22
3.2.2 Determination of angle of wrap 23
3.2.3 Determination of belt length 24
3.2.4 Determination of belt tension 25
3.2.5 Determination of torsional moment 25
3.2.6 Determination of shaft diameter 26
3.2.7 Design of hopper 28
3.2.8 Determination of ginger rhizome peeling speed 28
3.3 Description of Developed Ginger Peeling Machine 29
3.3.1     Frame 30
3.3.2 Feeding unit (hopper) 30
3.3.3 Pulley and belt drive 30
3.3.4    Shoe pad 30
3.3.5    Arm 30
3.3.6   Shaft 31
3.3.7 Connecting rod 31
3.3.8   Cranking mechanism 31
3.3.9   Discharge chute 31
3.3.10 Discharge gate 32
3.4 Working Principle of Developed Ginger Peeling Machine 32
3.5 Production Cost of Developed Ginger Peeling Machine 37
3.6 Performance Evaluation of Developed Ginger Peeling Machine 38
3.6.1 Experimental design 38
3.6.2 Experimental procedures 38
3.6.3 Instrumentation and measurement 39
3.6.4 Performance evaluation parameters 40
3.6.5 Statistical analysis 41

4.1 Developed Motorized Ginger Peeling Machine 42
4.2 Effect of Experimental Factors on Peeling Efficiency 43
4.2.1 Effect of moisture content on peeling efficiency 43
4.2.2 Effect of feed rate on peeling efficiency 44
4.2.3 Effect of peeling speed on peeling efficiency 45
4.2.4 Effect of interaction of moisture content and feed rate on peeling efficiency 46
4.2.5 Effect of interaction of moisture content and peeling speed on peeling efficiency 47
4.2.6 Effect of interaction of feed rate and peeling speed on peeling efficiency 48
4.2.7 Effect of interaction of moisture content, feed rate and peeling speed on peeling efficiency 49
4.3 Effect of Experimental Factors on Peeling Capacity 50
4.3.1 Effect of moisture content on peeling capacity 50
4.3.2 Effect of feed rate on peeling capacity 51
4.3.3 Effect of peeling speed on peeling capacity 52
4.3.4 Effect of interaction of moisture content and feed rate on peeling capacity 53
4.3.5 Effect of interaction of moisture content and peeling speed on peeling capacity 54
4.3.6 Effect of interaction of feed rate and peeling speed on peeling capacity 55
4.3.7 Effect of interaction of moisture content, feed rate and peeling speed on peeling capacity 56
4.4 Effect of Experimental Factors on Percent Damage 57
4.4.1 Effect of moisture content on percent damage 57
4.4.2 Effect of feed rate on percent damage 58
4.4.3 Effect of peeling speed on percent damage 59
4.4.4 Effect of interaction of moisture content and feed rate on percent damage 60
4.4.5 Effect of interaction of moisture content and peeling speed on percent damage 61
4.4.6 Effect of interaction of feed rate and peeling speed on percent damage 62
4.4.7 Effect of interaction of moisture content, feed rate and peeling speed on percent damage 63

5.1 Conclusions 65
5.2 Recommendations 66


2.1 Chemical composition of Nigeria ginger rhizomes 16

2.2 Nutrient/metabolic constituents of freshly harvested ginger rhizome 17

3.1: Specifications and cost of materials for machine development 37

4.1: ANOVA and estimated regression coefficients for moisture content, feed rate and peeling speed on the peeling efficiency of the machine 44

4.2: ANOVA and estimated regression coefficients of moisture content, feed rate and peeling speed on the peeling capacity of the machine 51

4.3: ANOVA and estimated regression coefficients of moisture, feed rate and peeling speed on the percent damage of the machine 58

A: Experimental data of the performance evaluation of developed motorized ginger rhizomes peeling machine 74

B1: Average peeling efficiency, peeling capacity and percent damage at different moisture content 76

B2: Average peeling efficiency, peeling capacity and percent damage at different feed rate 76

B3: Average peeling efficiency, peeling capacity and percent damage at different peeling speed 76


2.1: Top five ginger producing countries 6

3.1: Angle of wrap of pulley 23

3.2: Belt and pulley arrangement 24

3.3: Tension in belt drive 25

3.4: Free body diagram of peeling shaft showing loads and reactions, bending moment, shear stress and shear force 27

3.5: Schematic diagram of the hopper 28

3.6: Kinematics of quadri-crank mechanism 33

3.7: Isometric drawing of motorized ginger rhizomes peeling machine 34

3.8: Exploded view of motorized ginger rhizomes peeling machine 35

3.9: Orthographic views of the developed ginger rhizomes peeling machine 36

4.1: Effect of moisture content on peeling efficiency 43

4.2: Effect of feed rate on peeling efficiency 45

4.3: Effect of peeling speed on peeling efficiency 46

4.4: Surface plot of interaction of moisture content and feed rate on peeling efficiency 47

4.5: Surface plot of interaction of moisture content and peeling speed on peeling efficiency 48

4.6: Surface plot of interaction of feed rate and peeling speed on peeling efficiency 49

4.7: Effect of moisture content on peeling capacity 50

4.8: Effect of feed rate on peeling capacity 52

4.9: Effect of peeling speed on peeling capacity 53

4.10: Surface plot of interaction of moisture content and feed rate on peeling capacity 54

4.11: Surface plot of interactionof moisture content and peeling speed on peeling capacity 55

4.12: Surface plot of interaction of feed rate and peeling speed on peeling capacity 56

4.13: Effect of moisture content on percent damage 57

4.14: Effect of feed rate on peeling percent damage 59

4.15: Effect of peeling speed on percent damage 60

4.16: Surface plot of interaction of moisture content and feed rate on percent 
damage 61
4.17: Surface plot of interaction of moisture content and peeling speed on percent damage 62

4.18: Surface plot of interaction of feed rate and peeling speed on percent damage 63


1: Developed ginger peeling machine 42

2: Developed ginger peeling machine at work 80

3: Ginger rhizomes before peeling 81

4: Ginger rhizomes after peeling 81

5: Ginger peels produced by ginger peeling machine 82


Ginger (Zingiber Officinale Roscoe) belongs to the plant family of Zingiberraceae. It is the oldest rhizome widely domesticated as a spice (Onu and Okafor, 2002). In Nigeria, the cultivation of ginger started in 1927 and the locations comprise of Southern Zaria, Jemma Federated districts and neighboring parts of Plateau State but today, ginger is grown nationwide (Okwuowulu, 1997).

NRCRI (2005) proved that ginger grows well in the rainforest region of the country where rainfall is over 2000 mm and altitudes varying from 0 - 800 meters beyond sea level within a temperature range of 25 0C – 35 0C (Njoku et al.,1995). Ginger is a plant with leafy shoots, finger-like perennial underground part or rhizomes called hands and develop to a height of about 1.5 m with an aerial part as high as 0.8 m depending on cultivars and growing environment (Entrepinoys, 2010). It is one of the oldest and most important of all the spices and condiments. In many parts of the world, the cultivation of ginger has been for millennia (Spore, 1992). The major producing areas where the plant is now grown in different parts of Nigeria, include Kaduna, Nassarawa, Sokoto, Zamfara, AkwaIbom, Oyo, Abia and Lagos states while the largest producers of fresh ginger crop in Nigeriastill remain Southern Kaduna in Kachia, Jabba, Jama’a and Kagarko Local Government Areas (KADP, 2000, KADP, 2004;Bernard, 2008).

Ginger is cultivated extensively in India, Nigeria, Jamaica, Sierra-Leone, Indonesia, China, Fiji and Australia, with India producing about 50% of the world’s production (Ali et al., 1991). Assessments by the National Root Crop Research Institute (NRCRI), Umudike has found that good quality rhizomes could be grown in the southern part of the country, further confirming Nigeria as one the producers of the crop (Okwuowulu, 1997). Dried ginger, whether for use as the ground spice or for the industrial preparation of its derivatives (ginger oleoresin and ginger oil) is valued for its pleasing combination of aroma, flavour and pungency (Ebewele and Jimoh, 1988). Peeling of ginger is an important unit operation where fully matured rhizomes are scraped with bamboo-splits having pointed ends, to remove the outer skin before drying to accelerate the drying process (Jayashree and Visvanathan, 2014).

However, the average ginger farm size for individual farmers has been reported as 0.26 ha, about half an acre (Ahmed et al., 2004), and that a farmer could have over one plot of small sizes at different locations. Over the years of ginger production in Nigeria, farmers have depended almost exclusively on two major varieties, the yellow ginger “TafinGiwa” known for its spicy and pungent flavour, and the black ginger “Yatsunbiri,” widely cultivated for extraction of its essential oils (Okwuowulu, 1997). The yellow variety is mostly grown in Nigeria because it has the highest demand in the Nigerian market.

Few industries that process ginger in the country make use of imported machinery due to non-availability of simple locally developed machines for its processing and this has adversely affected the production and marketing of ginger in Nigeria, in spite of its great economic potentials. Jayashree and Visvanathan (2014) developed a concentric drum brush type ginger peeler with a capacity to peel 7 kg per batch. The optimum operating conditions for peeling ginger were obtained at drum load of 7 kg, for inner drum speed of 45 rpm, outer drum speed of 20 rpm and for the peeling duration of 15 min. The peeling efficiency was 61 % and the corresponding material loss was 5.33 %. A brush type ginger peeling machine with two continuous brush belts moving vertically in the opposite direction was reported by Agrawal et al. (1987). The maximum peeling efficiency of ginger obtained was 84.3 % at a belt speed of 85 rpm for belt spacing of 1 cm. Ali et al. (1991) reported the development of an abrasive brush type ginger peeling machine consisting of two continuous vertical belts provided with 32-gauge steel wire brush, 2 cm long and having a peeling zone of 135 cm, had a maximum peeling efficiency of    85 %.

In spite of the contributions of the indigenous equipment developers to develop machines for processing this agricultural product locally, but these machines are either ineffective or inefficient. Farmers still resolve into processing their ginger using primordial practices inherited from earliest traditions resulting in poor and unhygienic processed ginger (Yiljep et al., 2005). This forms the basis of this study: development and performance evaluation of motorized ginger rhizome peeling machine using quadri-crank mechanism.

1.3.1    General objective
The general objective of this study is to develop a motorized ginger rhizomes peeling machine using quadri-crank mechanism.

Specific objectives
The specific objectives of this study are:
i. Design of a motorized ginger rhizome peeling machine

ii. Construction of motorized ginger rhizome peeling machine.

iii. Performance evaluation of the developed motorized ginger rhizome peeling machine in terms of the effect of feed rate, speed and moisture content on the peeling capacity, peeling efficiency and percentage damage of ginger rhizomes.

Proper design, development and performance evaluation of ginger peeling machine is the important and necessary step in unit operation as this is an essential process to accelerate the drying process of the product. Developments and modifications have taken place in machinery and equipment used to process ginger rhizomes especially in peeling, to meet the need of the small scale ginger farmers and industries (Agrawal et al., 1987; Ali et al., 1991 and Jayashree and Visvanathan, 2014). Despite all the developments in ginger peeling machine, the farmers still fall back to the manual method of peeling. This usually results in low processing output of ginger products by the farmers, which will eventually yield little or no return. This is because of high level of drudgery associated with the manual method which entails using bamboo or knife thereby making the production to be subsistence (Onu and Okafor, 2002). It is therefore essential for a proper design, development and performance evaluation of ginger peeling machine for easy processing. This will enable a full recovery of oil or juice from the product and increases the availability of the products being produced from ginger. Since ginger is an important crop of commerce, mechanization in various handling operations is of urgent need. The machine will improve the postharvest quantity and quality of peeled dried ginger, and also encourage production of ginger rhizomes in the country.

The scope of this study covers the design, development, and performance evaluation of ginger rhizomes peeling machine.

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