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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00007964

No of Pages: 79

No of Chapters: 5

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This study focused on the determinants of purchasing behavior and consumption pattern of toiletries among household in River state. One of the major objectives of the study among others was to examine the socio economic characteristics of the respondents, 120 copies of a well-structured questionnaire were produced and administered on the respondent s chosen from the study population in Port Harcourt, to elicit primary information, through the simple random sampling method. 83.339 which is 100 copies were returned in the process. Relevant published materials were consulted for secondary information in the work. Results from the study showed that the model is fit for such study and the null hypothesis was rejected. A major recommendation given among others was that marketing strategy on promotion, pricing, distribution etc should be directed to both male and female consumers of toiletries, which led to the conclusion that education, price, location, income etc have significant influence on purchase behavior and consumption pattern of toiletries.


Title page i

Declaration ii

Certification iii

Dedication iv

Acknowledgement v

Table of Content vi

List of Tables ix

Abstract x


1.0 Introduction 1

1.1 Background to the Study 1

1.2 Statement of Problem 4

1.3 Objectives of the Study 7

1.4 Research Questions 7

1.5 Statement of Hypothesis 8

1.6 Significance of the Study 8

1.7 Scope of the Study 9

1.8 Limitations of the Study 9


2.0 Review of Related Literature 10

2.1 An Overview 10

2.2 Purchasing or Buyer Behaviour in General 11

2.3 The Family Cycle and Consumption role Function 14

2.3.1 Economic Well-Being 15

2.3.2 Emotional Support 16

2.3.3 Suitable Family Life Style 16

2.3.4 Socialization of Family and Other Family Members 17

2.4 Family Purchasing Behaviour 20

2.5 Consumer Category 25

2.6 Consumer Buying Decision Process 26


3.0 Research Methodology 28

3.1 Research Design 28

3.2 Area of Study 28

3.3 Population of the Study 29

3.4 Determination of the Sample Size 29

3.5 Method of Data Collection 29

3.6 Sampling Technique 29

3.7 Data Analysis 29

3.7.1 Model Specification 30

3.8 Validity and Reliability 31



4.1 Socio Economic Characteristics of the Households 32

4.2 The Identified Toiletries Been Purchased AND Consumed 38

4.3 The Purchasing Behaviour and Consumption Pattern of

Toiletries 40

4.3.1 The Purchase Behavior of Toiletries 40

4.3.2 The Consumption Pattern of Toiletries 42

4.3.3 A Cross Tabulation of Consumption Pattern and Purchase

Behaviour 44

4.4 Determinants of Purchase Behaviour 47

4.5 The Determinants of the Consumption Pattern 49

4.6 The Relationship Between Purchase Behaviour and

Consumption Pattern 51



5.1 Introduction 52

5.2 Summary of Finding 52

5.3 Conclusion 53

5.4 Recommendations 54





Table 1: Distribution According To Gender 32

Table 2: Distribution According to Marital Status 33

Table 3: Distribution According to Age 34

Table 4: Representing Income Distribution 35

Table 4: Distribution According to Household Size 36

Table 5 Distribution According to Level of Education 37

Table 6: Distribution According to Location 37

Table 7: The Identified Types of Toiletries Purchased 39

Table 8: Distribution According to Purchase Frequency 40

Table 9: Consumption Pattern 42

Table 10: Cross Tabulation of Purchase Behaviour and

Consumption Pattern 45

Table 11: The Determinants of Purchase Behaviour 48

Table 12: The Determinants of Consumption Pattern 50

Table 13: Correlations 51


1.0          INTRODUCTION


Consumption is simply defined as the total demand for all consumer and service goods.  Anyanwu (1995) and Bernanke (2001) defined consumption as the spending on household goods and services such as toiletries, clothing and utensils. Arising from this definition is the concept of consumption function which shows the relationship between consumption, purchase and disposable income. Economic strength of a country lies its ability to employ all its available resources gainfully. This would be possible only when there is a steady and effective demand for goods and services, which is the pre condition for the ability and willingness of the people to purchase or pay for such goods and services. Ultimately, consumption function is the centre  of all economic activities, which is largely influenced by the consumer behavior (Rajarajan, 2013).

An understanding of the economic, psychological and sociological characteristics of the consumer and their motives, attitudes cognitions and personalities can help to discover  new market opportunities, to provide a shape segmentation of the market and meaningful  strategies based on consumer response as a major variable. In brief, the understanding of  consumer preference and emotion are important determinants for the success of the marketers  and all that could vitiate influence the decisions relating to the identification of opportunities,  product policy, channel of distribution, pricing, personal selling and promotional strategies.

Marketing personnel are constantly analyzing the patterns of buying behaviour and purchase decisions to predict the future trends. Consumer behaviour can be explained as the analysis of how, when, what and why people buy. Consumer behavior can be understood as: "The decision  process and physical activity individuals engage in when evaluating, acquiring, using, or  disposing of goods and services." (Loudon and Della Bitta, 1980). Nowadays, this phenomenon,  can also be illustrated in the following way: "activities people undertake when obtaining, consuming, and disposing of products and services" (Blakwell, Minard and Engel, 2001). A study by Voss and Parasuraman (2003) suggests that the purchase preference is primarily determined by price than quality during pre-purchase evaluation. Given explicit quality information, price had no effect on pre-purchase or post-consumption quality perceptions.  Instead, post consumption quality evaluations had a favorable impact on price evaluations.  Another study by Chernev (1997) analyzed the effect of common features on brand choice and  the moderating role of attribute importance. It is argued that when brand attributes differ in importance, with the best value on the most important attribute, thus further polarizing brands’ choice shares. In contrast, when attributes are similar in their importance, common features are likely to have an opposite effect, equalizing brands share.

Thus the marketing concept is more consumers oriented. Hence the study of consumer behavior is basic to all marketing activities. Consumption makes little meaning without consumers, who are users of goods and services or final takers of specified goods, even when the goods are to be converted or combined with some kind of service and resold. Consumer groups believe consumers have several basic rights that they are entitled to. The rights include products whose quality is consistent with their prices and the claims of manufacturers’ protection against unsafe goods, adequate and accurate information about goods or services and of course a choice among a variety of products. On the other hand, consumers as buyers have some responsibilities such as making sure that a product is used for the purpose intended by the manufacturer, and following the instructions provided with the product. Consumer behaviours involves the study of when, how, what and where people do or do not buy products.

The complexity of purchase or buyer behavior and dissatisfaction with results obtained from analysis at the level of the individual created a surge of interest in family or joint buyer behavior (Ruiz De Maya, 1994). The family is considered as an important decision making unit due to the large quantity of products and services that form part of the everyday life of a household.

Traditionally, the household has been considered as the party who is finally and solely responsible for family decisions. However, literatures have revealed that there is that participation of other family meets in this type of decision (Cannon, 2001).

The differences as to who makes the decision within the family can be of different variables, which will determine the purchasing decision of household, variable like family size, price, literacy level, difference in gender location etc are all involved in determining the household purchasing decision with reference to toiletries (Kolter, 2002).

Buyer behavior is substantially affected by the nature of the family and its responsibilities may generate demand for a diverse range of product and services. The household budget includes expenditures on housing, food, toiletries, cosmetics, durable products, education etc.

Many people have studied family purchase behavior with reference to different products. Berkowitz and Michael (2000) for example studied car and furniture.



Problems are inevitable in any kind of undertaking, the assignment of roles to specific member of family has an input on its social development and its buying behavior, the appropriate role is to be seen in buying behavior and in particular in the area of influence occupied by husband and wife. This is the base of this investigation.

Competition and dynamism in modern environment tend to have beaten this specialization of influence. The duty of providing funds for the welfare of the family. The high cost of living, increasing level of education, high divorce rate etc are affecting the influence that each family member exerts in purchase decision (Bankole 1999).

Satisfaction who gets most use benefits, value and enjoyment, out of the purchase. Discernment a technical knowledge, ability to discriminate within product field and select outlet etc. price- expansion whose earnings to make payments.

Consumer behaviour is very crucial to the acquisition of household equipment. The purchase of such toiletries is dictated by varying factors influencing the behaviour of consumers. This behaviour if not well guided could become a serious concern to the general welfare of the immediate other dependants of the consumers. In  the recent past consumer acquisition of goods has been threatened by various  problems such as high inflation, economic downturn, high cost of goods, and priority  concerns among others. These problems appear to have directly or indirectly shaped consumer behaviour.

Adewuyi, (1998) affirmed that major problems of many families are the amount of income available in relation to the needs and wants of the family members.  It is based on this background that this study is being carried out to ascertain the determinants of consumer behavior and purchasing pattern of toiletries among households in Portharcourt, Rivers state, Nigeria.

With respect to influence husband and wife and their report emphasized that the husband play a dominant role in the decision with respect to the purchase of the motor while the wife did so with respect to the piece of furniture, though the number of couples who took a joint decision increased with respect to the latter product.

Here in Nigeria, Agbonifoh and Ogwo (2002) studied five consumer goods and services (food items, furniture, renting of apartments, primary school for education and major appliances) that is the decision role of husband and wives in their purchases. They found a high degree of joint  decision making in the purchase of apartment furniture and children’s school with more husband influence on how much to spend on apartment and furniture while the wives had more influence on decisions regarding foods items for the family.

Decision making process in the family involves the recognition of the problem, search for information and final decision.

Conclusively, the aforementioned factors that influence demand of product or purchase of a product such as price, family size, literacy level, gender, location etc are also determinants of purchasing behavior among household with particular reference to toiletries (Kolfer 2002).





The primary objective of this study is to examine the determinants of consumption behavior and purchasing pattern of toiletries among households in Port- Harcourt, Rivers State Nigeria. The specific objectives are:

i. To examine the socio economic characteristics of the respondents

ii. To identify the toiletries been purchased and consumed

iii. To examine the purchasing behavior and consumption pattern for toiletries

iv. To analyze the determinants of purchase behavior for toiletries

v. To analyze the determinants of consumption pattern for toiletries


To properly address the efforts to realize the objectives stated above, the following research questions are stated:

i. What are the socio-economic characteristics of the respondents?

ii. What are the identified toiletries been purchased and consumed?

iii. What are the purchasing behavior and consumption pattern of toiletries?

iv. What are the determinants of the purchase behavior for toiletries?

v. What are the determinants of the consumption pattern for toiletries?






For the purpose of this study, the following hypothesis which is to be tested and showed as follows:

Ho: Education, price, location, income and education have no significant Effect on the purchase behavior and consumption pattern of households.

HA: The purchase behavior of toiletries has significant relationship with the consumption pattern


It is anticipated that this study will:

1. Improve the ability of marketing practitioners to predict consumer purchasing behavior      through improved understanding of how they make purchase decision to buy toiletries.

2. It will help in implementing marketing programmers based on taste and preferences of      household, especially in the rise of toiletries.

3. It stimulates further research in related areas.

4. It will sensitize the marketing department of firm on how many toiletries are consumed in a     household.

5. To further create research and development on marketing of toiletries among household.


The study is on the various behaviors of household consumers of toiletries in Port- Harcourt, Rivers State Nigeria


The perceived limitation to this study is duly time constraint. Due to the workloads of study and time of lectures, there is lack of time sufficient enough to carry out an efficient study on the said topic.

The expected materials required was constrained due to difficulties encountered while sourcing for the materials because some information on this study were seen being confidential to people.

Also, due to financial constraint, this research was conducted on Rivers State. That was the same reason the researcher limited its scope within its geographical area. Adding to that, materials rich with stuff concerning this study wasn’t  possible to acquire due to lack of finance.

Movement: Travelling from place to place coupled with traffic hold-up, bad roads; limited accessibility to some households. Some residential areas like G.R.A. were stated ‘No Go Area’.


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