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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00006924

No of Pages: 127

No of Chapters: 1-5

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The study was carried out to determine challenges to information and communications technology utilization in teaching-learning of business education in colleges of education in South-East, Nigeria. Five research questions and five null hypotheses guided the study. The research adopted a descriptive survey design. The population for the study was 202 Business Education lecturers in the Federal, State and Private Colleges of Education in the South-East, Nigeria. There was no sampling because the population for the study was manageable. Thus, the entire population was used for the study. The instrument used for data collection was a structured questionnaire titled “Questionnaire on Challenges to ICT Utilization in Business Education” (QCICTUBEC). The instrument was validated by three experts, two in business education and one in measurement and evaluation. The reliability of the research instrument was obtained using Cronbach Alpha  Reliability coefficients obtained for research questions 1-5 was .98, .96, .91, .96, and .89, respectively. The overall reliability index for the instrument was .83. 194 copies of the questionnaire were retrieved and analyzed using mean with standard deviation for the research questions and analysis of variance (ANOVA) for the hypotheses at .05 level of significance. The results obtained indicated that lecturer related challenges, facilities related challenges, ergonomics-related challenges, Internet connectivity related challenges and power supply related challenges posed challenges to ICT utilization in the teaching and learning of business education colleges of education in South-East, Nigeria. Thus, it was recommended that in-service training programme such as seminars, ICT facilities, learning spaces, internet connectivity and adequate power supply should be provided to lecturers in business education for effective teaching and learning and to enhance the preparation of Business Education students in order to make them relevant in the world of work.



Title page                                                                                                                     i

Declaration                                                                                                                  ii

Certification                                                                                                                iii

Dedication                                                                                                                  iv

Acknowledgments                                                                                                      v

Table of Contents                                                                                                       vi

List of Tables                                                                                                              ix

Abstract                                                                                                                      xii



1.1       Background to the Study                                                                               1

1.2       Statement of the Problem                                                                               8

1.3       Purpose of the Study                                                                                      9

1.4       Research Questions                                                                                         10

1.5       Hypotheses                                                                                                     11

1.6       Significance of the Study                                                                               12

1.7       Scope of the Study                                                                                         14



2.1       Conceptual Framework                                                                                   15

2.1.1    Information and communications technology (ICT)                                      15

2.1.2    Information and communications technology (ICT) utilization                     20

2.1.3    Teaching and learning                                                                                     22

2.1.4    Business education                                                                                         27

2.1.5    Lecturer related factors as a challenge                                                            30

2.1.6    Facilities as a challenge to ICT utilization                                                      35

2.1.7    Learning spaces as a challenge to ICT utilization                                           37

2.1.8    Internet Connectivity as a Challenge to ICT Utilization.                               41

2.1.9    Power supply to business education departments/units as a challenge

            to ICT utilization.                                                                                           43

2.2       Theoretical Framework                                                                                   44

2.2.1    Theory of student Involvement                                                                      44

2.2.2    Activity theory                                                                                                44

2.3       Related Empirical Studies                                                                              45

2.4        Summary of Review of Related Literature                                                    50


CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY                                                                                     

3.1       Design of the Study                                                                                        52

3.2       Area of the Study                                                                                           53

3.3       Population for the Study                                                                                54

3.4       Sample and Sampling Techniques                                                                  54

3.5       Instrument for Data Collection                                                                       54

3.6       Validation of the Instrument                                                                          55

3.7       Reliability of the Instrument                                                                           55

3.8       Method of Data Collection                                                                             56

3.9       Method of Data Analysis                                                                               56



4.1 Presentation of Results                                                                                         58

4.1. 1 Research question 1                                                                                          58

4.1. 2 Null hypothesis 1                                                                                              58

4.1.3 Research question 2                                                                                           61

4.1.4 Null hypothesis 2                                                                                               63

4.1.5 Research question 3                                                                                           64

4.1.6 Null hypothesis 3                                                                                               66

4.1.7 Research question 4                                                                                           66

4.1.8Null hypothesis 4                                                                                                68

4.1.9 Research question 5                                                                                           68

4.1.10 Null hypothesis 5                                                                                             70

4.2 Summary of the Findings                                                                                     70

4.3 Discussion of Findings                                                                                         72




5.1 Summary of the Study                                                                                          76

5.2 Conclusion                                                                                                            77

5.3 Educational Implications                                                                                      78

5.4 Recommendations                                                                                                79

5.5 Limitations of the Study                                                                                       80

5.6 Suggestions for Further Research                                                                         81








Table                                                                                                                                      Page                                                                               

1.               Mean Ratings with Standard Deviation of the Respondents on the

Lecturer Related Challenges to ICT Utilization in the Teaching

and Learning of Business Education                                                              59


2.               ANOVA Result of the Difference among the Opinions of Business

Education  Lectures in Federal, State and Private Collages of

Education on Lecturer  Related Challenges to ICT Utilization

in the Teaching and Learning of Business Education               61

3.               Mean Ratings with Standard Deviation of the Respondents on

the Facilities Related Challenges to ICT Utilization in Teaching

and Learning of Business Education                               62


4.               ANOVA Results of the Differences among the Opinions of

Business Education Lecturers in Federal, State and Private

Colleges of Education on Facilities Related Challenges to ICT

Utilization in the Teaching and Learning of Business Education.                   63

5.               Mean Ratings with Standard Deviation of the Respondents

on Ergonomics Related Challenges to ICT Utilization in the

Teaching and Learning of Business Education                         65 


6.               ANOVA Results of the Differences among the Opinions of Business Education Lecturers in Federal, State and Private Colleges of Education on Ergonomics Related Challenges to ICT Utilization in the Teaching and Learning of Business Education                              66


7.         Mean Ratings with Standard Deviation of the Respondents on Internet Connectivity Related Challenges to ICT Utilization in the Teaching and Learning of Business Education                                   67


8.       Summary of ANOVA Analysis of Mean Ratings of Business Education Lecturers in Federal, State and Private Colleges on Internet Connectively Related Challenges to ICT Utilization Teaching-Learning in  Business Education                        68

9.         Mean Ratings with Standard Deviation of the Respondents on Power Supply Related Challenges to ICT Utilization in the Teaching and Learning  in Business Education                                69


10.       Summary of ANOVA Analysis of Mean Ratings of Business Education Lectures in Federal, State and Private Colleges of Education on Power Supply related Challenges to ICT Utilization in the Teaching and Learning in Business Education                 70








Education liberates man and makes him effective and efficient for the world of work. It is through education that man leant and receives training which develops and improves his knowledge and skills. In the view of the increasing need for effectiveness, efficiency and continuity, compared with the rapid expansion of business outfits, and ever increasing commercial transactions, it has become imperative that information and communications technology be utilized in the teaching and learning of Business Education in Colleges of Education. Teaching and learning is a process which involves the activities of teacher and students. In the teaching and learning process, attention is on students and on increasing their ability to contribute to education excellence. In addition to their conventional roles as recipients, students are the raw materials for education. The role of students as recipients and raw materials for education becomes a paradox when teachers did not possess the necessary knowledge, skills and techniques needed to change these students who are raw materials into useful outputs. Teachers are seen as stimulants and are expected to cause a change in the behaviour of these students. A teacher induces the students to learn on the subject he/she teaches. He educates, instructs, guides and pass knowledge to the learners.


Amadi, Iwu and Onyemerekeya (2001) defined teaching as an attempt to bring about desirable change in human learning, abilities, and behaviour. Teaching itself is a two way communication which includes teaching and learning. But learning is more significant than teaching because if teaching does not result in learning, it is fruitless. This implies that any teaching which does not result in a change in learners behaviour is not teaching at all.


Amadi, Iwu and Onyemerekeya (2001) pointed out that learning is more or less permanent change in behaviour which results from activity, training or observation. They further stated that, it is a relatively permanent change in behaviour as a result of reinforcement practice. The cornerstone of teaching - learning are by doing and constant practice. This makes the utilization of ICT by both lecturers and students in teaching-learning of Business Education courses in Colleges of Education a serious episode. Colleges of Education are teacher education institutions for the training of middle level manpower. The Colleges admit and train candidates for three years after Senior Secondary School education for the award of the Nigeria Certificate in Education (NCE). Graduates of the Colleges of Education can teach at the pre-primary, primary and junior secondary school levels of Nigerian educational system (Ibidapo-Obe, 2007; Ololube, 2006).

Colleges of Education in Nigeria have ICT centers where information and communications technology needs of the staff and students in the academic environment are obtained. The job of integration of ICT in ensuring effective instructional delivery at that level has gone beyond setting up of such centres. The information and communications technology need of a college of education in this knowledge era goes beyond assembling  of computers in a room called computer or ICT laboratory without Internet connectivity and regular electric power supply. Mishra and Koehler (2006) stated that even where the computers are connected to the Internet, computers cannot transform the learning environment without a teacher with the technological, pedagogical and content knowledge (TPACK) making use of the computers in the classroom. The college of education system being the level that trains the teachers for the Nigerian basic education level should be adequately equipped with ICT resources which the teacher educators in these colleges need to use in the training of future teachers. Okon and Okon (2013) pointed out that the teaching and learning of Business Education requires the utilization of (ICT) to enable learners acquire the skills especially to match pace with changes already experienced globally in the way both office work and business activities are carried out.  According to them, there is a high rate of unemployment among graduates of Business Education in the Colleges of Education in Nigeria. This could be as a result of lack of employable skill and unable to utilize ICT in the teaching and learning of business education.

Business education is education for the development of skills and competencies, attitudes which are necessary for efficiency of the eco-social system (Aliyu, 2006).  Osuala (2014) defined business education as a programme of instruction which consists of two parts namely, Office Education, a vocational programme of office careers through initial, refresher and upgrading education leading to employable and advancement in office occupation. Business Education is a programme to provide students with information and competencies which are needed by all in managing personal and business affairs and in using the services of the business world.  Obayi and Okafor (2015) recorded that business education in its early development in Nigeria grew as a private responsibility both individually and institutionally. They reported that Business Education might be said to have its initial growth in the private business schools and private entrepreneurs blazed the trail in the field of Business Education in Nigeria. Aliyu (2001) recorded that Nigeria witnessed a very remarkable growth in the number of institutions offering business education courses during the last two decades. The author observed that at the university level, University of Nigeria Nsukka started offering business education in 1960, followed by University of Lagos in 1962, Ahmadu Bello University Zaria in 1962, Obafemi Awolowo University Ile-Ife in 1962, and the University of Benin which introduced business education programme in 1975. The author further stated that business teacher education programme at degree level started in Nigeria in 1975-76 by both the University of Nigeria, Nsukka and Ahmadu Bello University Zaria. Many other universities, particularly in the south-east geo-political zone now offer business education programme. According to Merril (2001), the objectives of Business Education as contained in the NCCE minimum standards for Nigeria Certificate in Education as follow: To produce well qualified and competent NCE graduates in business subjects who will be able to teach business subjects in our secondary schools and other related educational institutions, to produce NCE business teachers who will be able to teach the vocational aspects of Business Education into the society, to produce NCE Business teachers who will be involved in the much desired revolution of vocational development right from the primary and secondary schools, to equip students with necessary competences so as to qualify them for a post-NCE degree programme in Business Education, to equip graduates with the right skills that will enable them to engage in a life of work in the office as well as for self-employment.

The objectives of Business Education at the degree level are similar to that of NCE. Business education is saddled with noble objectives. Aliyu (2006) noted the following objectives of business education at the tertiary institutions: To develop a matured understanding of the general nature of business, to provide the needed background of the general nature of business, to provide training for leadership in business, to provide training in specialized phases of business activity, to lay a cultural and ethical foundation for the development of the fore-going objectives.

Similarly, Igboke (2005) noted that business education at all levels of education enables the recipients to; Acquire skills and knowledge of business, develop basic skills for personal use in the future, relate the knowledge and skills acquired to national development, develop skills for office occupation., prepare students for further training in business studies and provide orientation and basic skills with which to start a life of work for those who may not undergo further training.  


Education is greatest investment a nation can make for the quick development of its social, economic, political, technology and human resources. Hence most nations of the world pay attention in education in their developmental efforts. Education is the most important agent of change and industrial development as well as socio-economic growth.  Developed countries such as USA, Britain and Japan among others have embraced and recognized technology as a means of realizing economic independence and self-reliance. Information and communications goes together and although information can always be communicated, yet not everything that is communicated is information. Communication becomes information only when data obtained from it have been arranged and translated in such a way that they contain useful meaning to the recipient and can be used in decision making. While technology is a body of knowledge devoted to creating tools, processing actions and the extracting of materials. Information and communications technology is a force that has changed many aspects of the ways we live.

 Igberaharha (2009) stated that information and communications technology in Business Education  involves the use of networks, expert systems and artificial intelligence in what is now known as electronic commerce (e-commerce) or electronic business (e-communication business). E-commerce makes it easier for the exchange of information, good and services between companies and their customers. Rodriquez and Wilson (2000) defined ICT as the set of activities or materials facilitated by electronic means for the processing, transmission and display of information. In the various levels of teaching and learning especially at tertiary level, there are some benefits that could be derived in the use of ICT. Iniji (2012) noted the following benefits in using ICT in the teaching and learning of Business Education courses:

ICT facilitates information exchange amongst members of the business community and between them and the outside world, it facilitates interaction between lecturers and students, it enhances effective storage and accessing of data and it makes information easily obtainable at a very fast rate thereby enabling lecturers to acquire necessary concepts without barrier, using ICT into teaching and learning is seen as a way of providing opportunities to shift from teacher centered to student centered learning.

The importance of ICT in Business Education are numerous, as the traditional teaching and learning method is slowly giving way to electronic learning (e-learning). e–learning implies the use of computer, telecommunication and electronic media to store, analysis, retrieve and disseminate information for effective and extensive teaching and learning among students in Business Education. However, if the fields of medicine, tourism, business, law, banking, engineering and architecture, can be compared to business education, it can be seen that ICT are more utilized in other fields than in Business Education. The ways these fields operate today is extremely different from the ways they operated in the past, but when one looks at business education, there seems to have been an uncanny lack of influence and far less change than other field have experienced. Okeke and Eze (2010) submitted that vocational education (business education inclusive) has inadequate curriculum to meet with the current technological development which hinges on information and communications technology.  Business education is an inevitable part of general education which focuses on skill and competence acquisition for use in offices and business.

The Federal Government of Nigeria has made some effort to enhance the use of ICT in the teaching and learning in its tertiary institutions. Two of such efforts are the partnering with Afrihub-Zinox to provide ICT sustainable intervention, and the Commissioned Digital Awareness Programme (DAP) in tertiary institutions in Nigeria (Nwachukwu, 2009). This programme involves the provision of ICT resources in as many educational institutions across Country. Under the digital awareness programme, the selected institutions were equipped with computer laboratories; fully installed with computers and computer networks, furniture and Internet facilities. These facilities were backed-up with structural renovation of buildings and supply of air conditioners and power generator. The National Policy on Education (FRN, 2004) places emphasis on the provision and utilization of information and communications technology (ICT) when it states that “in recognition of the prominent roles of information and communications technology in advancing knowledge and skills necessary for effective functioning in the modern world, there is urgent need to integrate information and communications technology (ICT) into education in Nigeria”. To further strengthen the impact of the ICT, the National Universities Commission (NUC), which is the government agency responsible for the regulation of universities in Nigeria prescribed PC ownership for Universities as follows: one PC to every four students, one PC to every two lecturers below lecturer I; one PC per senior lecturer, and one notebook per reader/professor (Agyeman, 2007). According to Agyeman (2007), only few universities such as Nnamdi Azikwe University have achieved a better ratio for their faculty but not for PC-to-student ratio. He pointed out however that some universities have made giant strides in campus wide area networking and e-learning deliveries. A campus like Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU) has its own VSAT and has embarked on progressive application of ICT to all its functions.


Colleges of Education whether public or State are public institutions set up and funded by Government, authorized with issuance of national certificate in education (NCE) to successful graduating students. In provision of ICT facilities, ownership of Colleges of Education is very important. Federal Colleges of Education has more capacity than State and Private Colleges of Education due to the fact that ICT facilities are capital intensive. However, in most cases, it appears that there are some challenges to ICT utilization in teaching and learning of Business Education courses in Colleges of Education. Pelgrum (2001) outlined the obstacles for ICT utilization in the teaching and learning of business education as follows:

Insufficient number of computers, teachers lack of ICT knowledge/skills, difficult to integrate ICT to instruction, scheduling computer time, insufficient peripherals, not enough simulations access, not enough supervision staff and lack of technical assistance. In the same vein, Okoli (2010) identified the following problems in the use of ICT thus: inadequate equipment and infrastructure, scarcity of curriculum developers, inadequate personnel, inadequate textbooks and other teaching materials and the impediments in the power sector. Similarly, Lewis and Smith (2002) summarized the challenges as limited equipment, inadequate skills, minimal support, time constraints and the teacher’s own lack of interest or knowledge about computer. The researcher therefore, intends to find out the challenges to information and communications technology utilization in the teaching and learning of Business Education in colleges of education in South East Nigeria.



The influence of ICT in education and educational activities worldwide is very glaring, especially in the reliance of ICT facilities to institute the expected change in teaching and learning. Nowadays, the use of information and communication technology as a tool to develop necessary skills has received great attention in teaching–learning of business education. There is therefore the need for the business educators to be up- to- date in their knowledge and skills especially in ICT  as well as the utilizing  these facilities in the teaching and learning of business education. Utilizing ICT in the teaching and learning of business education will enable students become familiar with the use of ICT, since all jobs in the society today are dependent on ICT. Secondly, utilizing ICT in the teaching and learning of business education will improves the quality of business education graduates thereby making them more effective and efficient. Similarly, business education provides students with requisites skills which are needed for increasing their productive power on any nation in real work situation.

With the incorporation of ICT into the curriculum of business education in colleges of education in Nigeria, the performance of business education students has not changed. The challenges for the educators in the colleges of education is no longer centred on covering the course content or adopting appropriate teaching or pedagogical aids but embracing ICT in teaching and learning. Onasanya (2010) asserted that most tertiary institutions lecturers in Nigeria lack adequate pedagogical knowledge for effective utilization of ICT resources for teaching. Poor teaching method is therefore use in teaching and learning of Business Education, hence, students lack the necessary skills for work in real life situation. It is uninteresting and common to see Nigerian business education graduates enroll in roadside computer centers to acquire ICT skills which ought to have been mastered in their colleges of education and universities days. There seems to be a gap in the practical skills especially as regards the ICT resources utilization competencies in the present teaching of business education courses. However, in most cases, This is quite disturbing because Business Education is a practical course that requires proficiency in basic skills and competencies such as accounting skills, administrative skills, office management skills, teaching skills, word processing skills, sales promotion skills, marketing skills, taxation skills, cost control skills, auditing skills, and management skills. Teaching Business Education without utilizing ICT will lead to half baked graduates who will be irrelevant in today’s dynamic and highly competitive world of work. This will perpetrate unemployment, job dissatisfaction, crime and frustration for various stake holders.

In responses to these challenges, this study sought to determine the challenges to information and communications technology utilization in teaching-learning of business education in colleges of education in South East Nigeria.



The main purpose of the study was to determine the challenges to information and communications technology (ICT) utilization in the teaching and learning of Business Education in Colleges of Education in South East Nigeria. Specifically, the study sought to:

1.                  determine the lecturers related challenges  to the utilization of ICT in the teaching and learning of Business Education in the Colleges of Education in South East Nigeria.

2.                  determine  the facility related challenges  to the utilization of ICT in the teaching and learning of Business Education in the Colleges of Education in South East Nigeria.

3.                  determine the ergonomics related challenges  to the utilization of ICT in the teaching and learning of Business Education in the Colleges of Education in South East Nigeria.

4.                  determine  the internet connectivity related challenges  to the utilization of ICT in the teaching and learning of Business Education in the Colleges of Education in South East Nigeria.

5.                  determine  the electric power supply related challenges  to the utilization of ICT in the teaching and learning of Business Education in the Colleges of Education in South East Nigeria.


The following research questions guided the study:

1.      What are the lecturers related challenges to ICT utilization in the teaching and learning of Business Education in Colleges of Education in South East Nigeria?

2.      What are the facility related challenges to ICT utilization in the teaching and learning of Business Education in Colleges of Education in South East Nigeria?

3.      What are the ergonomics related challenges to ICT utilization in the teaching and learning of Business Education in Colleges of Education in South East Nigeria?

4.      What are the internet connectivity related challenges to ICT utilization in the teaching and learning of Business Education in Colleges of Education in South East Nigeria?

5.      What are the electric power supply related challenges to ICT utilization in the teaching and learning of Business Education in Colleges of Education in South East Nigeria?


1.5       HYPOTHESES

The following null hypotheses were formulated and tested at .05 level of significance.

Ho1:     There is no significant difference in the mean ratings of Business Education lecturers in Federal, State and Private Colleges of Education on the lecturer related challenges to ICT utilization in the teaching and learning of Business Education.

Ho2:     There is no significant difference in the mean ratings of Business Education lecturers in Federal, State and Private Colleges of Education on the facility related challenges to ICT utilization in the teaching and learning of Business Education.

Ho3:     There is no significant difference in the mean ratings of Business Education lecturers in Federal, State and Private Colleges of Education on the ergonomics related challenges to ICT utilization in the teaching and learning of Business Education.

Ho4:     There is no significant difference in the mean ratings of Business Education lecturers in Federal, State and Private Colleges of Education on the internet connectivity related challenges to ICT utilization in the teaching and learning of Business Education.

Ho5:     There is no significant difference in the mean ratings of Business Education lecturers in Federal, State and Private Colleges of Education on the electric power supply related challenges to ICT utilization in the teaching and learning of Business Education.


The findings of the study would be beneficial to federal and state government, colleges of education, National Commission for Colleges of Education, business education lecturers, students, school management and future researchers. 

To the federal and states government, the findings would enhance information sharing among security agencies through crime dictation, intelligence gathering and national security including physical and cyber security.  It would build confidence in the use of ICT network and services in governance by encouraging and promoting effective use of ICT within every sector and programme including- Agriculture, Education, Finance, Health, Oil and Gas, Power, Trade and commerce, Transport, and Youth Development.  

To the colleges of education, the findings from this study will provide information to help formulate their teacher training programmes involving ICTs for education. It may also help in formulating institutional capacity building framework to empower ICTs for education.

To the National Commission for Colleges of Education (NCCE) whose statutory responsibility is to manage the colleges of education in Nigeria would find this work useful. It would assist the commission to evaluate the implementation of ICT in teaching-learning in colleges of education in South-East, Nigeria and make necessary recommendations to the Federal Ministry of Education.

 The findings of the study would enable business education lecturers in Colleges of Education to acquire Information and Communications Technology skills relevant in teaching Business Education courses and the need for the lecturers to attend conference, seminars and workshops to update their knowledge. ICT would help lecturers in preparation for lectures by reading online materials to enrich their knowledge base.

The findings of the study would be beneficial to students in Colleges of Education, Universities and Polytechnics. It would enable students to learn faster, maximize their attentiveness to instruction and facilitates interaction between lecturers and students. It would equip the students with valuable knowledge and skills around computing and communication devices, software that operate them, application that run on them and systems that are built with them. ICT increases the flexibility of delivery of education so that students can access knowledge any time and from anywhere. Students would find it useful especially the use of audio-visual aids (mostly computers) to practice how to teach using technology.

In addition, school management of different Colleges of Education will use the result of this research to provide adequate Information and Communications Technology facilities for teaching and learning business education in their various colleges of education through federal Government ICT programm. It would also help them to process, store and retrieve documents whenever needed. This was essential in keeping students’ records which included class attendance, marks scored in different examinations and assignments, a database of previous assignments and examinations.

Finally, intending researchers would find the work useful for further studies in this area. It will give them opportunity to carry out more research work. It will stimulate and encourage research, development and innovation in ICT.



This study covered all the Federal, State and Private Colleges of Education in South East States of Nigeria. Within these Colleges, the study was equally restricted to business education lecturers. The study involved determining the extent the following factors could posit challenges to ICT utilization in the teaching and learning of Business Education: lecturer related challenges, facilities related challenges, ergonomics related challenges, internet connectivity related challenges and electric power supply related challenges.


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