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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00008881

No of Pages: 50

No of Chapters: 5

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This paper examined the perceived Causes And Effects Of Political Apathy In Ethiope East l.g.a Of Delta State, Nigeria. The descriptive survey research type was adopted for this study. The target population of this study comprised all civil servants and businessmen resident within Asaba metropolis in the Bayelsa State. A simple random sampling technique was used to sample 176 respondents comprising 98 civil servants and 78 businessmen.One research question was raised and answered while two research hypotheses were formulated and tested in the study. The instrument for data collection was a researcher’s designed questionnaire titled “Perceived Causes of Political Apathy Questionnaire (PCPAQ)”. The face and content validity of the instrument was established by experts in test and measurement in the Faculty of Education, Niger Delta University. The questionnaire was trial-tested with 20civil servants and businessmen outside the research locale and the split-half method was used to ascertain the internal consistency of the instrument. The two set of scores were correlated using Crombach Alphaand a reliability index of 0.81 was obtained. The data collected were analyzed using mean rating and t-test. The only research question raised was answered using mean at an acceptable decision level of 2.50, while t-test was used to test the two hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. From the major findings of the study, several factors were perceived to be the major causes of political apathy among Asaba residents. Also, there was a significant difference in the perception of male and female respondents, and between civil servants and businessmen on the perceived causes of political apathy among Asaba residents in Delta State respectively. Thus, it was recommended, among others, that a robust programme of an informal civic education be implemented so as to reduce the high level of political apathy among residents in Delta State.


TITLE PAGE - - - - - - - ii

DECLARATION - - - - - - - - iii

CERTIFICATION - - - - - - - - iv

DEDICATION - - - - - - - - v



1.1 Background to the Study - - - - - 1

1.2 Statement of  Problem - - - - - - 8

1.3 Objective of the Study - - - - - - 10

1.4 Research Questions- - - - - - - 11

1.5 Statement of the Hypothesis - - - - - 12

1.6 Significance of  Study - - - - - - 13

1.7 Scope of the Study - - - - - - 14

1.8 Definition of Key Terms - - - - - 15


2.1 Introduction - - - - - - - - 18

2.2 Conceptual Framework - - - - - - 33

2.3 Theoretical Framework - - - - - - 45

2.4 Empirical Review - - - - - - - 50


3.1 Research Design - - - - - - 56

3.2 Population of the Study - - - - - - 57

3.3 Sample Size - - - - - - - - 57

3.4Sampling Technique - - - - - - 58

3.5 Method of Data Collection - - - - - 58

3.6 Technique for Data Analysis - - - - - 59

3.7 Model Specification and Variable Definition - - 59

3.8 Measurement of Variables - - - - - 59


4.1 Presentation of Data - - - - - - 60

4.2 Discussion of Findings - - - - - - 79


5.1 Summary - - - - - - - - 80

5.2 Conclusion - - - - - - - 80

5.3 Recommendations - - - - - - - 93

References - - - - - - -    - 95

Appendix - - - - -         - - -



Background to the Study

Political apathy is best described when a citizen is indifferent in their attitude to political activities, such as electing politicians, having opinions, and their civic responsibility. A more simplified term for political apathy would be that someone ‘cannot be bothered’ to participate in their country’s political system. Political apathy can stem from a lack of understanding of politics and government that could make it difficult for that person to see any value in voting or from seeing the benefits and costs of the government policies being put forward (Dean, 2015). The individual might then see it as irrational to try to gain the knowledge as there would supposedly be no benefit to them. Bear in mind though that it is possible for a person to be fully educated and understand politics yet still be wilfully apathetic towards it.

According to Harder (2018), measuring political apathy is difficult, although it can be seen in the amount of the citizens’ knowledge, activity and political involvement. The reason political apathy is an issue is because it is believed that a nation’s development and for its laws to function to their fullest, there needs to be as high a level of political awareness as possible. This political awareness leads to the ruled and the rulers serving as a check on one another. It is useful to distinguish here between ‘apathy’ and ‘abstention’, with the latter being a deliberate decision not to vote, or take part in the political process, as a way of sending a message to politicians (Harder, 2018).

Political apathy is generated through feelings of disinterest or indifference towards politics and political activities. This includes civic responsibility, civic engagement, and participation in electoral processes. In other words, political apathy is reflected in individuals and groups who do not see the point in participating in their country’s political system. Political apathy can result in low voter turnout, political stagnation and overall democratic deficits. For instance, low voter participation levels can result in misrepresentation, lack of transparency and corruption due to unaccountability (Pasek, 2020).

Merrifield (2013) posits that, the level of insecurity and corruption in the body politics had in recent times sent fears into the heart of many. A Significant portion of the people no longer have confidence in the democratic process of election in the country. The Faith reposed on elected officers have been disappointed due to the neglect of the electorate who voted them into power. The incessant abuse of power by political office holders to enrich themselves and get ready for another turn is the reason why a large segment of the public show disinterest in the process.  According to Fred (2016), it is a known fact therefore that Political apathy prevails in the light of this unwholesome activity. The concept of political apathy is the display of disinterest towards politics. It is a condition whereby people are no longer interested in the political situation in the country. Leading to the rejection in the participation in elections, political parties and laws of the country. The consequence can be devastating in the economy where there is stagnation in the political system of the nation and loss in the democratic values of the country. The consequence is further worsened by the fact that political apathy could lead to blackmail among politicians, Dishonesty, corruption and dissatisfaction among the people as well as Lack of social flexibility. The issue of political apathy is found among young people, minority groups and the poor (Fred, 2016).

Frederick (2021) defined political apathy as the lackadaisical attitude of a citizen towards the political or other affairs of government of his or her state. It is indifference on the part of citizens of any country or state as regards their attitude toward political activities example civic responsibilities, elections, public opinions etc. It is usually a case where a person shows no interest in the matters and state of politics in his or her country. This means that he or she does not care about political parties, politicians, electoral processes, and even governance as a whole (Fred, 2021). Political apathy according to Dean (2015), may be in three forms or types: Apathy due to lack of information, Apathy due to lack of interest, and Voters apathy. Political apathy is common among most Nigerians and it keeps increasing by the day. The most common is lack of interest and voters apathy. Political apathy in Nigeria is expressed in so many ways: Many Nigerians refuse to belong to or support any political party. The low turn-out of Nigerians who are eligible to vote for the voters’ registration process. The poor turn-out of voters during elections. Most Nigerians are not interested in protesting against bad governance and leadership in the country (Dean, 2015).

Frederick (2021) stressed that, apathy is the mental state of not caring much about something or about anything at all. It is the suppression of passion, emotion or excitement for something. We have political apathy, social apathy e.t.c. But for the purpose of this study, we shall be looking at political apathy and its effect on democracy. Political apathy is defined as the lack of interest in taking active part in matters of politics either by voting or being voted for or having no share in political activities (Frederick, 2021). Political apathy is expressed and measured by degree of phobia and non-participation in political activities in a country. Political apathy is a symptom as well as a cause of weakness in the system. It signifies a failure to involve all members of the society in their own governance, or failure to inspire interest and loyalty such failure may be dangerous to democracy, for when every large number of people exist outside the normal channels of politics and are enabled to shape their lives, the political atmosphere becomes potentially exclusive (Dean, 2015).

Democracy in general thrives on the principles of effective political participation. But the increasing failure of many individuals to participate in politics especially in selection of leaders through voting leads to out raged of apathy. Democracy and democratic theory presents voting as unique activity which forms the basis of political equality and civic rights in a society. Voting is a paramount importance and it contributes to collective outcome, rather than the individual outcome. Election or voting is the most common means of participations in a democratic system and this explain why much attention is given to the rise in voter’s absentation (Harder, 2018).

As stated by Pasek (2020), the relationship between apathy and democracy cannot be overemphasized. Democracy is a system of government that promotes greater participation of citizens in the government of their making and the ability to appraise and criticized constructively the activities of the government of the day. But when such is achievable, than one can deduce that democracy has fail in such a country or society. The effect of political apathy on democracy in Nigeria generally and particularly in Ethiope East L.G.A is alarming.

Political apathy in Ethiope East L.G.A, has shown its ugly head through poor voter’s turnout due to lack of political mobilization and awareness on the part of the political elites.  And also poor political culture, the people of Ethiope East L.G.A has an underdeveloped political culture which led to political apathy in the area.  INEC’s incompetence has always been a major contributor to apathy in the area, there is also the issue of inadequate polling units, people had to come from different parts of the area because polling units are far off from them (Merrifield, 2013). Failure to keep to election promises also served as major contributor to political apathy. People do not longer trust their leaders so they find it hard come out for elections. All these mentioned above are the major causes and effects of political apathy in Ethiope East L.G.A of Delta State, Nigeria. Until these issues are addressed, political apathy will continue to again upper hand and democracy will lose its value in Ethiope East L.G.A of Delta State and Nigeria as a whole. So therefore, this study will look at ways to curb these issues and to proffer solution to those threatening issues in our country.

Statement of the Problem

Political apathy is one of the major challenges of democracy in Nigeria today. The apparent increase in the level of people refusing to participate in the democratic process in the country is affecting the body politics as well as the democratic institution of the country. This condition produces leaders who do not represent the interest of the people, corruption and conflict. The Condition is attributing to the fact that corruption has engulfed the process. A situation where the votes of the electorates no longer counts due to the  Dishonesty of politicians who hijack the process has led to the apparent disinterest of a large segment of the population in the political process of voting and participating in politics. A Structure where the political party determines the outcome of leaders rather than the votes of the masses constitute an embarrassing situation where the people’s rights are denied. The system does not give motivation to people to express their will while many are marginalized due to their status in the society (Rosenberg, 2014). This situation leads to poor turnout of voters, poor leadership structure and bad government.

The exercise of the citizen’s participation in election in politics in Nigeria generally and Ethiope East L.G.A in particular has not be encouraging. Nigeria government since 1960 has been looking for the best way to ensure that citizens are responsible for choosing their own leader. These have led to many reform policies and programs from both military and civilian government over year. Unfortunately, the more reform policies and programs, the lesser citizen’s participation in election activities (Dean, 2015). According to Mosby (2018), there are political, social-cultural and bureaucratic constraints to political participation which include embezzlement corruption and false promises by politicians. Considering this problems, this research is aim to investigate the factors responsible for political apathy in Ethiope East L.G.A of Delta State, such as inadequate polling units, religion, lack of political awareness and failure to keep to election promises by political elites. The problem confronting the study is to identify the causes and effects of political apathy in Ethiope East L.G.A of Delta State, Nigeria.

Purpose of the Study

The broad objective of this study is to identify the causes and effects of political apathy in Ethiope East L.G.A of Delta State, Nigeria. Emphasis will be to explore the problem that has been in place in the democratic drive that is political apathy. However, the specific objectives which the study is design to pursue are to:

1. Identify the major causes of political apathy in Ethiope East L.G.A of Delta State.

2. Investigate the effects of political apathy in Ethiope East L.G.A of Delta State.

3. Suggest strategies that INEC will adopt in reducing political apathy in Ethiope East L.G.A of Delta State.

Research Questions

The following research questions shall as guidelines toward the achievement of the objectives of this project work:

1. What are the causes of political apathy in Ethiope East L.G.A?

2. What are the effects of political apathy in Ethiope East L.G.A?

3. Does INEC play any significant role in reducing political apathy in Ethiope East L.G.A?

Significance of the Study

The study intends to investigate the causes and effects of political apathy in Ethiope East L.G.A of Delta State, Nigeria. This study will be beneficial to the general public, academicians, researchers, educationists, government agencies, and political analysts. This study is significant because it is aimed at explaining political apathy in the context of good governance. It will also help to curtail the numerous problems of low voter’s turn-out and participation during all election. It will also serve as a quote for future elections in Nigeria. This work will serve as a reference material for future researches in the area of political education and voting behaviour.

Scope/Delimitation of the Study

The study focuses on the causes and effects of political apathy in Ethiope East L.G.A of Delta State, Nigeria. The research was confronted with logistics and geographical constraint. This study was limited to only Ethiope East L.G.A because of finance and time constraints coupled with limited materials.

Definition of Terms

The definition of terms in this study is as follow:

Political Apathy: As used in this study, political apathy is defined as the lack of interest in taking active in politics either by voting or been voted for or having no share in political activities. It also refers to a condition in which the people are disinterested in the political process of the nation. Is the indifference on the part of any citizen of any country with regard in their attitude towards political activities.

Election: As used in this study, election is defined as an organized process in which people in which people vote to choose a person, to a position of public importance such as presidency, or a group of people to represent them in national or state assemblies. It also means a competition between different political parties for electives public office.

Democracy: As used in this study, democracy is defined democracy as government of the people, by the people, for the people.

Electoral Commission: As used in this study, electoral commission is the body which has the responsibility for the conduct of election in the country.

Political System: As used in this study, political system refers to a framework which focuses on defining acceptable political methods within the state or nation.

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