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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00008227

No of Pages: 58

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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Brands are very important to the brands owner in order to build a strong foothold in the marketplace. This study was carried out to analyze the effect of brand equity and marketing performance of toothpaste products in Umuahia north metropolis. The problem envisaged was the inability on the part of the companies in Nigeria to measure up their brand value which affected their market performance and most companies have wind up as a result of this challenge. The overall objective of this study was to examine the effect of brand equity on marketing performance, specifically, determine the influence of brand loyalty on customer satisfaction, examine the effect of perceived quality of Toothpaste brands on customer retention, ascertain the influence of brand awareness on customer satisfaction and determine the influence of brand association of Toothpaste brand on customer retention. This study adopted a descriptive survey design. The study therefore involved a sample size of 150 respondents. The study collected primary data from the respondents. The data collected quantitative data. Qualitative data is a categorical measurement expressed not in terms of numbers, but rather by means of a natural language description. Analysis was done using Statistical Package for Social Sciences 20.0 (SPSS), allowing the researcher to present the information in form of tables and figures. The study concluded that strong brand equity influences marketing performance in FMCG industry through positive relationship with customer satisfaction and customer retention which in turn impact positively to sales growth, market share and profit in a long-run. It was recommended that Toothpaste industries should integrate into their promotional strategy, a marketing communication tool that will aid reaching out their customers about benefits attached to their different brands, FMCG firms should take cognizance of the impact of each of the dimensions of brand equity as they influence non-financial elements of marketing performance and allocate resources in order to stand out or match the competition in the dynamic service industry and so on. Suggestions of areas for further study was given therein.


Title    -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -            -           -           i

Declaration     -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -            -           -           ii

Certification   -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -            -           -           iii

Dedication      -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -            -           -           iv

Acknowledgements    -           -           -           -           -           -           -            -           -           v

Table of content          -           -           -           -           -           -           -            -           -           vi

List of tables   -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -            -           -           viii

List of Figures -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -            -           -           ix

Abstract          -           -           -           -           -           --         -           -            -           -           x



1.0        INTRODUCTION    -           -           -           -           -           -      -           -           1

1.1           Background of the Study        -           -           -           -           - -           -           1

1.2           Statement of the Problem       -           -           -           -           - -           -           4

1.3           Objective of the Study            -           -           -           -           - -           -           5

1.4           Research Questions                 -           -           -           -           - -           -           5

1.5           Research Hypotheses              -           -           -           -           - -           -           5

1.6           Significance of the Study        -           -           -           -           - -           -           6

1.7           Scope of the Study                  -           -           -           -           - -           -           6



2.0       REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE -           -           -            -           7

2.1       Conceptual Framework          -           -           -           -           -            -           -           7

2.2       Brand Equity                           -           -           -           -           -            -           -           8

2.2.1    Brand Awareness        -           -           -           -           -           -            -           -           11

2.2.2    Brand Loyalty                         -           -           -           -           -            -           -           12

2.2.3    Brand Association                  -           -           -           -           -            -           -           12

2.2.4    Perceived Quality                   -           -           -           -           -            -           -           13

2.3       Concept of Marketing Performance   -           -           -           -            -           -           14

2.3.1    Measure of Marketing Performance   -           -           -           -            -           -           15

2.3.2    Customer Loyalty                   -           -           -           -           -            -           -           15

2.3.3    Customer Retention                -           -           -           -           -            -           -           16

2.3.4    Customer Satisfaction                         -           -           -           -            -           -           17

2.4       Theoretical Review     -           -           -           -           -           -            -           -           17

2.4.1    Theory of Reasoned Action                -           -           -           -            -           -           18

2.4.2    Behavioral Brand Loyalty Theory      -           -           -           -            -           -           19

2.4.3    Big Brand Theory                               -           -           -           -            -           -           20

2.4.4    The Resource-Based Theory of Competitive Advantage       -            -           -           20

2.4.5    Brand Equity Theory                                      -           -           -            -           -           21

2.5       Review of Empirical Literature                      -           -           -            -           -           22

2.5       Gap in Literature                                -           -           -           -            -           -           23

2.6       Brief History of Unilever Nigeria Plc            -           -           -            -           -           23

2.7       Summary of Literature                       -           -           -           -            -           -           24



3.0       RESEARCH METHODOLOGY    -           -           -           -            -           -           25

3.1       Research Design                                 -           -           -           -            -           -           25

3.2       Area of Study                          -           -           -           -           -            -           -           25

3.3       Population of the Study          -           -           -           -           -            -           -           25

3.4.1    Sampling Technique               -           -           -           -           -            -           -           26

3.4.2    Sample Size Determination    -           -           -           -           -            -           -           26

3.5       Validity of Instrument            -           -           -           -           -            -           -           26

3.5.1    Reliability of the Instrument   -           -           -           -           -            -           -           26

3.6       Sources of Data Collection     -           -           -           -           -            -           -           26

3.6       Method of Data Analysis        -           -           -           -           -            -           -           27

3.6.1    Model Specification               -           -           -           -           -            -           -           27

3.6.2    Decision Rule                         -           -           -           -           -            -           -           27



4.0       RESULTS AND DISCUSION         -           -           -           -            -           -           28

4.1       Response rate and demographic outcomes     -           -           -            -           -           28

4.2       Analysis of Research Questions                     -           -           -            -           -           28

4.3.      Frequencies on Brand Equity and Marketing Performance   -            -           -           30

4.3       Test of Hypotheses                                         -           -           -            -           -           34

4.3.1    Test of Hypothesis                              -           -           -           -            -           -           35

4.3.2    Test of Hypothesis                              -           -           -           -            -           -           36

4.4       Discussion of Findings                       -           -           -           -            -           -           36

4.4.1    The Degree of Relationship between Brand Loyalty and Customer Satisfaction -   36

4.4.2    The Extent of relationship between Perceived Quality of Close-up toothpaste                    and Customer Retention                                                                                 -           37



5.0       SUMMARY, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION             -           -           38

5.1       Summary of Finding               -           -           -           -           -            -           -           38

5.2       Conclusion                  -           -           -           -           -           -            -           -           39

5.3       Recommendations      -           -           -           -           -           -            -           -           39

5.4       Suggestions for Further Studies         -           -           -           -            -           -           40

5.4.1    Marketing implications of the Study -           -           -           -            -           -           41






Table 4.1:       Reliability Analysis of the Variables              -           -            -           -           29

Table 4.2:       Descriptive Analysis of the Variables            -           -            -           -           29

Table 4.3:       Brand loyalty, items and scores                                  -            -           -           30

Table 4.4:       Perceived Quality, items and scores               -           -            -           -           31

Table 4.5:       Brand Association, items and scores              -           -            -           -           32

Table 4.6:       Customer Satisfaction, items and scores                    -            -           -           33

Table 4.7:       Customer Retention, items and scores                                   -           -           34

Table 4.8:       Correlation Analysis of the Relationship between Brand loyalty                                                             and Customer Satisfaction                                                 -           -           35

Table 4.9:       Correlation Analysis of the Relationship between Perceived quality                                            and Customer retention                                     -           -           -           36







Fig. 2.1: Conceptual framework for Brand Equity and Marketing Performance    -           7

Fig. 2.2: Marketing Performance Measures                                       -            -           -           15








1.1       Background of the study

In our contemporary society, competition in the business environment are becoming fierce and as such managers increasingly find themselves assigned the role of the rope in a very real tug of war—pulled one way by customers’ mounting demands and the opposite way by the company’s need for growth and profitability. Many have discovered that they can keep the rope from snapping and, in fact, achieve profitable growth by treating brand equity as a strategic variable since it enhances marketing performance.

Brands are very important to the brands owner in order to build a strong foothold in the marketplace. A successful brand is one of the most valuable terms which has been extensively discussed by both academicians and practitioners over the past decade and usually referred to the term of ‘brand equity’ (Riezebos and Kist, 2003). Brand equity can be discussed in various perspectives since the meaning of brand equity have been debated in several different approaches. Brand equity is a difficult marketing term because it is hard to determine in the market by the different measurement methods of performance (Atilgan et al, 2005). However, there is one of the well-known conceptual brand equity model which was developed by Aaker (1991). Aaker built his model of brand equity on five dimensions, which are brand awareness, brand loyalty, brand association, perceived quality, and other proprietary brand assets. In the practical aspect, this study is important in the marketing perspective. Every company especially the brand manager must understand what the dimensions of brand equity are and how to develop a better understanding of the appropriate relationship between these dimensions. Brand equity is important in improving the efficiency of the marketing process (Motameni and Shahrokhi, 1998). Therefore, in order to build and strengthen a brand in the minds and the hearts of consumers, they should spend a huge sum of money to define how this might be achieved by brand communication activities.

Branding has been around for centuries as a means to distinguish the goods of one producer from those of another (Keller, 2013). According to the American Marketing Association (AMA), a brand is a “name, term, sign, symbol, or design, or a combination of them, intended to identify the goods and services of one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate them from those of competition.” Technically speaking, then, whenever a marketer creates a new name, logo, or symbol for a new product, he or she has created a brand. Marketers clearly face a number of competitive challenges, and some critics feel the response of many has been ineffective or, worse, has further aggravated the problem and over the year, building a sustainable brand equity have been view as the way forward. Since brand equity explains why different outcomes result from the marketing of a branded product or service than if it were not branded (Keller, 2013).

Brand equity is an important part of brand building and has always been identified as central in brand management (Krishnan et al, 2003). Aaker (1991) definition and conceptualization of brand equity had received great attention and agreement. Aaker (1991) illustrated five major consumer-related bases for brand equity: (1) brand loyalty, (2) brand awareness, (3) perceived quality, (4) brand association, and (5) other proprietary brand assets. Brand equity is also defined as “a set of brand assets and liabilities linked to a brand, its name and symbol that add to or subtract from the value provided by a product or service to a firm and/or to that firm’s customers” (Aaker, 1991). Brand equity is the marketing effects or outcomes that accrue to a product or services given its brand name compared with those that would accrue if the same product does not have the brand name. Brand equity provides the leverage option for the organizations which helps in the overall marketing performance. It reflects certain customer’s attitudes and associations with a branded product that in aggregate, yield specific result such as incremental volume, price premiums and profit. This value may be reflected in how customers think, act and feel with respect to the brand as well as the prices, market share and profitability that the brand commands to the firm which in turn, enhances marketing performance (Kotler, 2007).

Wheelen and Hunger (2001) opined that performance is the end result of activity. Marketing performance is a measure of contributions of marketing functions to its corporate goals and objectives (Kotler and Armstrong, 2010). Given that performance is an essential concept in the marketing environment today, marketers are increasingly being asked to be accountable to senior management boards and shareholders over their impact. Traditionally, marketers have been encouraged, and have tended to emphasize on short-term measures, such as profitability, current sales and market share. However, these measures do not always reflect the real success of marketing which is to secure the long-term customer’s preferences, maximize returns for shareholders and generate steady cash flow (Doyle, 2000).

Hence the importance of assessing the marketing performance of product brands in Abia state in relation to their brand equity has gained a wider recognition and such relevance cannot be overemphasized especially context of selected Fast Moving consumer goods (FMCG) in Umuahia North metropolis. FMCG marketing in the study area is very competitive and as such marketers strive to determine what influences customer patronage and loyalty which form bases for long-term marketing performance. The fast moving consumer goods that will be used in this study is Close-up toothpaste which is produced by Unilever Nigeria Plc. Their middlemen who are also consumers of such brands will be studied in Umuahia North metropolis of Abia state.


1.2       Statement of the problem

In our contemporary competitive business environment, marketers are under intense pressure to account for their activities based on financial measures which include return on marketing investment (ROMI), return on sales (ROS), return on assets (ROA), and return on equity (ROE). These elements are always tied to short-term measures which replicate more current profitability than future customer preference of the organizations.

Hence, these measures do not always reflect the real success of marketing which is to gain long-term preference of customers, generate steady cash flow and maximize returns for shareholder. Measures that focus solely on financial performance are seen as less appropriate to deal with the issues which confront organizations now. The long-term (non-financial) measures reflect much of what marketers’ do that may not have an immediate impact on cash flow in the current accounting period, but will pay-off in the future. And the inability on the part of the companies in Nigeria to measure up their brand value has affected their market performance and most companies have wind up as a result of this challenge.

Few studies have been done in measuring marketing performance in Abia state. There is therefore, scanty empirical works that had studied long-term (non-financial) measures of marketing performance and its relationship to brand equity. Given this, this study will evaluate the linkage or otherwise between these variables with a view to filling any identified gap in knowledge.                                                                                               

1.3       Objective of the study

The overall objective of this study was to examine the effect of brand equity on marketing performance. Specifically, the objectives were to;

i.               determine the influence of brand loyalty on customer satisfaction

ii.              examine the effect of perceived quality of Toothpaste brands on customer retention

iii.            ascertain the influence of brand awareness on customer satisfaction.

iv.            determine the influence of brand association of Toothpaste brand on customer retention.

1.4       Research questions

The following research questions were explored in order to provide answers to the issue raised in the study.

i.               To what extent does brand loyalty influence customer satisfaction?

ii.              To what extent does perceived quality of Toothpaste brands affect customer retention?

iii.            To what extent does brand awareness influence customer satisfaction?

iv.            To what extent does brand association of Toothpaste brand influence customer retention?

1.5       Research Hypotheses

The following null hypotheses were tested in this study;

a)  Ho1: There is no significant relationship between brand loyalty and customer satisfaction.

b)    Ho2: There is no significant relationship between perceived quality and customer retention.

1.6       Significance of the study

The Toothpaste industry which is a sub-sector of the manufacturing industry most especially GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Nigeria Plc and Unilever Nigeria Plc used as the case in this work will find the recommendations made in this study as a guiding strategy. The applicability of the recommendations will yield optimum result to the industry under study and to others.

The middlemen capacity will be enhanced by the finding and recommendations of this study as they will be better equipped to build sustainable brand equity for the product they offer.

The larger society would be equally benefit from the recommendations and findings of this work. They would learn that the economic and social justification of an organization existence is centered on delivering value and satisfaction to the customer at a profit.

Marketing students will also benefit from the reviews, findings and recommendations which will aid their understanding of the rudiments of the influence of brand equity on marketing performance.

Researchers would also benefit from the study, as it will enrich the theoretical knowledge of the researchers in the brand equity and marketing performance field. With this study, another source of secondary data will be added to the existing ones for those interested in carrying out further study on the subject matter.

1.7       Scope of the study

This research work focused on brand equity and marketing performance of selected FMGC in Umuahia North metropolis, Abia state. And as such, data was generated from middlemen of the FMCG within the study area.

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