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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00009420

No of Pages: 118

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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The study assessed the physicochemical properties and heavy metals (chromium (Cr), zinc (Zn), cadmium (Cd), and copper (Cu)) levels in sawdust, soil and plants at Ahiaeke timber market, Umuahia, Nigeria using Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometer (AAS) in order to ascertain the impact of timber market on the surrounding environment. Sawdust was collected randomly from fifteen different sampling points in four cardinal points (i.e. three sampling points each at north (N), south (S), east (E), west (W), and at the center (C) of the dumps from three dump. Soil samples were collected randomly from twelve different sampling points at 0-10, 11-20, and 21-30 cm soil depth with well cleaned Dutch soil auger in four cardinal points (i.e. two sampling points each at north (N), south (S), east (E) and west (W) of 20, 40, 60 and 80 m from the center of the sawdust wastes each dumpsite, and control was taken 500 m away from dumpsite. Plant samples were also collected at the same point where soil was sampled. The highest values of P (1.103±0.12 %), Organic carbon (27.98 ± 0.021%) and K (2.2± 0.04 %) of sawdust particles were obtained at sawdust dump 2 and these values are significantly (P< 0.05) higher than their corresponding values in sawdust dump 1 (0.805±0.013, 24.15±0.165 and 1.83±0.061 %) and sawdust dump 3 (0.94±0.050, 25.614±0.785 and 2.073±0.006 %).  The mean values of soil pH ranges from 6.03±0.115 to 3.67±0.28 indicating that the soil is acidic. The highest concentration of Zn (51.00±1.84 mg/kg) and Cr (0.170±0.014 mg/kg) was observed at the sawdust dump 2; Cu (8.24±0.60 mg/kg) was obtained at the sawdust dump 1 while Cd (4.72±0.071 mg/kg) occurred at the sawdust dump 3. The values of the highest concentration of Zn (119.7±7.02 mg/kg), Cu (75.85±4.80 mg/kg) and Cd (22.39±3.30 mg/kg) in soil were observed in 0-10 cm depth at the distance of 20 m. The values of Zn (119.7±7.02 mg/kg) and Cd (22.39±3.30 mg/kg) in soil is above the maximum permitted levels of 60 mg/kg (Zn) and 0.1 mg/kg (Cd) established by the Codex Alimentarius Commission. The highest concentration of Zn (34.70±7.05 mg/kg), Cu (5.34±0.11 mg/kg) and Cd (2.94±0.515) in plants was assimilated by Centrosema pubescence. The level of Cd in plants is well above the permissible limit (PL) 0.3 mg/kg set by FAO/WHO for vegetables and herbs. Consumption of such contaminated C. pubescence can be a route of entry of Cd in grazing animals’ vis-à-vis the people who depend on such herbivores for protein.



Title page                                                                                                                    i

Declaration                                                                                                                             ii

Certification                                                                                                                           iii

Dedication                                                                                                                   iv

Acknowledgment                                                                                                       v

Table of Contents                                                                                                       vi

List of Tables                                                                                                              ix

List of Figures                                                                                                             x

List of Plates                                                                                                               xi

Abstract                                                                                                                      xii



1.1  Background of the Study                                                                                        1

1.2 Problem Statement                                                                                                 3

 1.3 Aim and Objectives of the Study                                                                          3

1.4 Justification of the Study                                                                                       4

1.5 Scope of the Study                                                                                                 4


2.1  History of Sawmill in Nigeria                                                                        6

2.2 Approaches and Challenges to Sawdust Waste Disposal                                      7

2.3 Soil Quality                                                                                                  10

2.3.1 Organic Matter                                                                                                    11

2.3.2 Soil pH                                                                                                                11

2.3.3 Nitrogen                                                                                                             11

2.3.4 Phosphorus                                                                                                         12

2.3.5 Soil texture                                                                                                        12

2.4 Physicochemical Parameters of Soil and Environmental

      Implication                                                                                                            13

2.5 Heavy Metal in Soil                                                                                              14

2.5.1 Heavy metal and contamination pattern                                                            17

2.6 Effect of Heavy Metals Polluted Soil on Plant                                                     19

2.7 Summary of Literature Review                                                                                        23


3.1 Study Area Location                                                                                     24

3.2 Sampling and Sample Collection                                                                 25

3.2.1 Sawdust sample collection                                                                        25

3.2.2 Soil sample collection                                                                                          31

3.3.3 Plant sample collection                                                                              31

3.3 Material Preparation                                                                                     31

3.3.1 Sawdust sample preparation                                                                      32

3.3.2 Soil sample preparation                                                                             32

3.3.3 Plants sample preparation                                                                                      32

3.3.4 Stock solution preparation                                                                         32

3.4 Labouratory Experimental Procedures                                                         33

3.4.1 Sawdust mineral experimental procedure                                                 33

3.4.2 Sawdust heavy metal experimental procedure                                          35

3.4.3 Soil physicochemical properties experimental procedure.                        36

3.4.4 Soil heavy metal experimental procedure                                                  39

3.4.5 Plant heavy metal analysis                                                                         39

3.5 Experimental Design and Statistical Analysis                                              40


4.1 Mineral Content (%) in Sawdust                                                                            41

4.2 Heavy Metal Concentration in Sawdust                                                       42

4.3 Physicochemical Characteristics of Soil at the Study Area                          46

4.4 The Chemical Properties of Soil at the Study Area                                      48      

4.5 Heavy Metal Concentration in Soil Sample at Dumpsite                             51

4.6 Heavy Metal Concentration in Plant Sample                                                54

4.7 Discussion                                                                                                               57


5.1 Conclusion                                                                                                    66

5.2 Recommendation                                                                                          67

References                                                                                                          68

Appendices                                                                                                         77









                                                          LIST OF TABLES

3.1: ANOVA Table                                                                                 40

4.1: Mean± SD of Sawdust Mineral Contents (%) at the Study Area                        41

4.2: Mean ± SD of Heavy Metal Concentration (mg/kg) in  Sawdust at the

Study Area                                                                                                                  42 

4.3: Mean ± SD of Physical properties (%) of soil samples at sampled distances     46

4.4: Mean ± SD of Chemical Properties (%) of Soil at the Study Area                       47

4.5: Mean ± SD of heavy metal concentration (mg/kg) in Soil Samples                     51

4.6: Comparison of result with International Standard                                              53

4.7: Mean ± SD of Heavy Metal Concentration (mg/kg) in Plant Samples                         54









                                                    LIST OF FIGURES

3.1: Map of Nigeria showing Abia State                                                                    26

3.2: Map of Abia State showing Umuahia North                                                       27

3.3: Map of Umuahia North showing Ahia-Eke Timber Market                               28

3.4: Map showing the sampling point of collection at dumpsite                               29

4.1: Zinc concentration of sawdust at the dumpsite                                                   43

4.2: Cadmium concentration in sawdust at the dumpsite.                                          44

4.3: Chromium concentration of sawdust at the dumpsite                                         45

4.4: Particle size distribution of the soil of Ahiaeke timber market.                        48

4.5: Heavy metal concentration of soil samples at various distance and depth.              52

4.6: Heavy metal concentration of plants at various distances at the study area.       55











1: Sawdust waste at the dumpsite                                                   30










The environment is continuously being contaminated by various human activities, such as industrial production, agricultural processes, and mineral exploitation, food processing, commercial, social, and domestic activities that generate contaminants like heavy metals. The release of heavy metal is of great concern the world over since metal are non-biodegradable (Wu and Zhang, 2010) and cannot be detoxified and removed by metabolic activities once they are available in the environment. This can result to the building-up of toxic levels in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Metals such as zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), manganese (Mn), iron (Fe), and nickel (Ni) are required by living organism to aid in their metabolic functions but are toxic when they exceeded their normal threshold in soil through external addition. Non-essential metal such as lead (Pb), chromium (Cr), mercury (Hg) and cadmium (Cd) are not necessary for growth of living organisms (Kabata-Pendias, 2011).

Plants growing on metal contaminated soil tend to take-up metals from soil solution via the roots and translocate it to the stems and the leaves. Their (metals) chemical form in soil can strongly influence their uptake by plants (Pitchell and Anderson, 1997) either as mobile ions present in the soil solution through the roots (Davies, 1983) or through foliar absorption (Chapel, 1986) resulting in bioaccumulation of the elements in plants tissues (Amusan et al., 2005). This however, is dependent on the type of metal, plant species and plant part (Juste and Mench, 1992). The exploitation of such trees at maturity and subsequent processing at timber markets will result to release of metal in form of dust particles in the environment. The increasing demand for wood as building material, for furniture purposes, sculptural work, and in various industries vis-à-vis poor planning and ineffective implementation of budget allocation for waste collection and disposal by the Government has resulted to high volumes of sawdust waste at dumpsite in Umuahia timber market. The decomposition of the sawdust may culminate to contamination of the immediate surroundings via leaching of metals and other chemical pollutants into the soil. The concomitant effect is possible ecological imbalance and deterioration in the quality of plant products around the vicinity. Similarly, it may result to bioaccumulation of metals in plants hence; culminate to bio magnification in food chain via herbivorous animals and man that depend on such plants for food and medicine. Quite a number of studies on sawmilling  or wood processing activities have been carried out in terms of the health effects of workers of the sawmills (Boateng and Amedofu, 2004; Ugheoke et al., 2006; Oke and Oyedare, 2006; Arimoro et al., 2007; Verma et al., 2007; Lasode and Balogun, 2010; Bello and Mijinyawa, 2010; Edith and Nkwocha, 2012), heavy metals in sawdust particles (Nwajei and Iwegbue, 2007; Ncube and Phiri, 2015) and soil (Ezekiel et al., 2013). From the researcher’s view, literature searched shows that no work has been done on heavy metal accumulation in soil, sawdust and plants at timber market or sawmills. This study, therefore, attempted to fill this gap by investigating heavy metal distribution in soil and accumulation in plants at new timber market, Ahiaeke, Abia State, Nigeria. The specific objectives were to identify some metals in sawdust, their distribution in soil at various depths and distances and accumulation in plant species around the timber market sawdust dumpsite.



Due to rapid civilization and urbanization, the growing demand for wood products as building materials, sculpture, furniture, artistic designs, decorative purposes and domestic use  from forest in various industrial sectors has led to an increase in sawmill industries in Umuahia, Abia State and the rain forest zone of Nigeria at large. This accounts for 93.32% of the total number of wood based industries in Nigeria (Fuwape, 2001). An estimate of wood residue generated by Nigerian sawmills to be 1.72 million m for the year 1981 which rose to 3.87 million m by 1993 by Badejo, (2001) estimate. Apart from its economic and social contribution to our society, it has contributed negatively to the environment and human health as wood processing generates large volume of sawdust which is indiscriminately disposed around the site without adequate monitoring, management and consideration for the environment (Osakwe, 2013).

Due to the uncontrolled dumping of sawdust in the vicinity of timber, it is anticipated that the soil quality may be adversely affected with heavy metals and plants growing on such site may take up metals alongside the nutrients and thus entering the food chain. It is therefore of the utmost importance to monitor the environment constantly, to prevent disasters arising from the introduction of heavy metals into soil, plants, particularly by the activities process of sawmill industry and also to alert people in that vicinity on the possible health risk associated with farming or cutting of fodder for herbivores (i.e. domestic) or consuming crops from such land.



The aim of this study was to assess the metal content (Cd, Cu, Cr and Zn) in sawdust, soil, plants at Umuahia, New Timber Market, Abia State. The aim was achieved through the following objectives.

    1)         Assessment of some selected chemical properties and heavy metals in sawdust at different sampled dumpsite.

    2)         Determination of the physicochemical properties and selected heavy metals in soil at various distances and depth in sawdust dumpsites.

    3)         Compare the heavy metal concentration in the dumpsite to the International Standard (Dutch criteria and FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius Commission)

    4)                Assessment of the level of accumulation of selected heavy metal in plants grown at various distances around the sawdust.


Heavy metals can be hazardous in their ability to cause cancer or neurological damages (Shemang, 2010). The determination of the levels of Chromium (Cr), Cadmium (Cd), Copper (Cu), and Zinc (Zn) in sawdust, soil and plants at the new timber market, Ahiaeke, Umuahia, Nigeria would assist in knowing the concentration of heavy metals present in woodwaste dumpsite, and in order to ascertain the potential threats of heavy metals uptake by plants and consumers of such plants. On the other hand, this study will make basis for further studies/monitoring of heavy metals concentrations in sawdust, soil, and plants at Umuahia timber market. Moreover, the outcome of this study will be of great interest to the ministry of environment and other environmental agencies in Umuahia, Abia State in monitoring activities on the level of heavy metal and providing remedial action to take to remove the heavy metals.

1.5 SCOPE OF THE STUDY         

The scope of the study focused mainly on collection of samples from sawmill industry in Ahia-eke, new timber market, and analyzing these samples to determine the concentration of heavy metals (Zn, Cu, Cd, Cr) in soil, plants and sawdust; and also to analyze the physicochemical parameters of soil and mineral content of sawdust. This study is limited to analysis of heavy metal and physiochemical properties at distance of 20m, 40m, 60m, 80m and 500m from the point of discharge.


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