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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00008268

No of Pages: 63

No of Chapters: 1-5

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The research study was aimed at appraising the promotional strategies of 7up Bottling Company with special emphasis in Aba plant. It also tried to find the significant elements, which consumers hold seriously to and those which discourage consumers in their choice of 7up product. The study moves ahead to evaluate those promotional strategies that were helpful to marketing manager and those ones that was grossly inefficient and run counter to the appeals and objectives of the company. In carrying out the study, one hundred and fifty (150) copies of the questionnaire were administered to consumers of  7up products in Aba and 125 were returned and 10 copies to management of  Nigerian Bottling Company. Oral interview was conducted with the management of the company to accommodate some questions that could not be conveniently included in the questionnaires. After the data analysis, it was found that consumers receive the company’s promotional messages in this order, advertising, sales promotion, personal selling, publicity and exhibition and also the consumer’s receives the media message this way; radio, television and rest of others. In other words, there was no synchronization between what the company claims it does and what the consumers receive. It was found that the company’s advertising recall level was not the scarcity and relative high prices of its products while its major strengths were quality and popularity of its products. Aba plant has public relations department but it is not effective. Finally, we recommend what we considered appropriate measures that would enhance the company’s sales methods such as advertising, personal selling, publicity, public relations, sales promotion and exhibitions. Since beautifully designed promotional strategies are not substitutes for bad products, we also proffered some recommendations that bother on the company’s products and target markets.


Dedication                                                                                                                  i

Acknowledgements                                                                                                    ii

Approval                                                                                                                     iii

Table of Contents                                                                                                       iv

Abstract                                                                                                                      vi



1.1       Background of the Study                                                                                1

1.2       Statement of Problem                                                                                     2

1.3       Objective of the Study                                                                                    3

1.4       Research Questions                                                                                        3

1.5       Research Hypothesis                                                                                      4

1.6       Significance of the Study                                                                               4

1.7       Scope and Limitations of the Study                                                               4

1.8       Definition of Terms                                                                                        6


2.1       Review to Related Literature                                                                         8

2.2       Theoretical Background                                                                                 8

2.2.1    Promotion                                                                                                       8

2.2.2    Strategies                                                                                                        9

2.3       The Promotional/Communication Mix                                                          10

2.3.1    Advertising                                                                                                     11

2.3.2    Personal Selling                                                                                              14

2.3.3    Sales Promotion                                                                                              16

2.3.4    Product Promotion                                                                                          17

2.3.5    Propaganda                                                                                                     17

2.3.6    Publicity                                                                                                         18

2.3.7    Public Relations                                                                                              18

2.4       Review of Related Project Works                                                                  19


3.1       Research Methodology                                                                                   23

3.2       Research Design                                                                                             23

3.3       Sources of Data                                                                                              23

3.4       Population of the Study                                                                                  23

3.5       Determination of Sample Size                                                                        24

3.6       Sampling Procedure                                                                                       25

3.7       Selection and Construction of Research Instrument                                      26

3.8       Administration of Research Instrument.                                                        27

3.9       Method of Data Analysis                                                                                27


4.0       Data Presentation Analysis                                                                             29

            Hypothesis                                                                                                      39


5.1       Summary of Findings                                                                                     45

5.2       Recommendation                                                                                           45

5.3       Conclusion                                                                                                      47

References                                                                                                      49

Questionnaires                                                                                                            50







1.1       Background of the Study

The soft drinks manufacturing industries in Nigeria has enhanced consumers’ preference in consumption from various brands available, companies have been forced to employ marketing tools to attract, retain customers to have large portion of the market base.

Influx of other soft drink industries into the market has made management to formulate effective and efficient promotional strategies to outwit their competitors, some of these promotional tools are advertisement, personal selling, sales promotion, publicity and public relation, handling these tools efficiently can make or break a company positioning in the market. Consumers of soft drink desires are insatiable and to remain a pace seller in the market, marketing managers must research the entire market or segment market to drink resources to adequately meet their functions to retain active customers and convince potential consumers to become active customers of the product. Falling oil price and economic conditions adversely affects the disposal income of people, these have reduced their consumption and spending power, therefore, soft drinks is longer a priority of the average, so, company management need to strategize on how to persuade the average consumer using one or more of the promotional tools to entice them to keep patronizing their product offer.

The world as a global market is competition motivated in the strive for survival based on acceptable profit margin. The target market is obsessed with desire for new and distinctive promotion offer to command brand loyalty. To satisfy the market as means to profitable operation, companies are continually challenged to turn out strategies for their product. While pointing out some strategies adopted by some of these soft drinks companies, it may discover they are wholesome, while others run contrarily to communication appeal, strategies are sometimes based on appeal and as such, consumers are sentimental towards a product. Promotional strategy could run amok, when an advert on a billboard shows a nude lady holding a drink, such advert are unethical and run foul to the code and conduct of marketing. The objective may be to attract attention, but such strategy shows promoting ill- vice to the society and some religion frown severally to these kind advert in their region. It will not only smear the image of the company product to these people, but will lead to loss of customer, waste of resource and time.

The focus of study which is 7up Company, Plc, makers of Pepsi product, one of the leading companies in soft drink manufacturing industry in Nigeria and world over. However, being a leading company, competitors are always strengthening, innovation and market intelligence to challenge the company product in the market, 7UP must keep employing promotional strategies for strengthening and awareness campaign in other to retain its position, consumer and market, and profit margin. Therefore, management must carefully give priority to formulating market research, communicating a well-planned and designed format in promotional strategy, to be effective and efficient in adopting its sales of various branded product.

1.2       Statement of Problem

The 7up company, Plc, was incorporated as a private company in November, 1991 to establish and operate factories for the bottling and distribution of soft drinks in Nigeria particularly the world famous products produced by the parent company in the U.S.A.  The company whose operation is presently spread throughout the country has many factories in major cities in Nigeria, like Lagos, Aba, Kaduna, Kano, Onitsha.

The company has challenges spanning from competitors of similar brands of soft drinks, consumer brand loyalty, consumer motivation to purchase, market shares, market base and profit margin has become a problem to 7UP Company Plc., in the country, therefore, the adoption of promotional tools to effect and influence the target market is necessary in tackling these fundamental issue in order to keep its leadership position in the market. This above problem led the research to examine extent of awareness and competition in soft drink market and promotional strategies that are adopted by 7UP Company Plc.

1.3       Objective of the Study

The major objective of this research is to determine the promotional strategies adopted.

Specific Objectives are;

1.     determine how the company uses each of the promotional tools available to them.

2.     determine which promotional tool and medium the company uses most frequently in reaching the target audience.

3.     determine the effectiveness of the advertisement in terms of creation of awareness and recall level.

4.     determine whether the company has adequate budget to meet the promotional demand of the company.

1.4       Research Questions

1.     How often does the company make use of promotional tools in selling of their product?

2.     Which of the promotional tools does company make use often?

3.     What is the effectiveness of advertising in selling your product?

4.     Does the company make adequate budget to meet the promotional needs of the company?


1.5       Research Hypothesis

H01: The Company does not often use promotional tools in selling their products.

H02: The Company does not use any specific tool and medium in reaching their target audience.

H03: Advertising does not create awareness in buying the company’s product.

H04: The Company has no adequate budget to meet the promotional needs of the company.

1.6       Significance of the Study

At this point, it may be asked why the researcher has chosen to spend valuable time, effort and energy in working on this topic title: An Appraisal of the Promotional Strategies Adopted by 7UP Company Plc. Promotional strategy is essential for growth and survival of any company in production of product.

The purpose of this study will be beneficial to 7UP Company for further research, individuals and students can also take points in their various research analyses on the topic. Firm and companies can find it useful for their strategies, planning and organizing, even the general public has certain key points to adopt in the improvement of social well-being.

1.7       Scope and Limitations of the Study

Scope of study simply means where the research is expected to cover. 7up company, Plc has several plants throughout Nigeria but this study is directed mainly to Aba plant located in Abia state. The researchers were made to understand, the 7up company, Plc, Aba plant control 65% of the market share of soft drink market in Aba, which highlights the company as a market leader. The researcher also gathered from the sales manager that the main customers of their product were the younger ones of the school age, teenagers and adults. Since the company’s sales promotional emphasis is targeted to young people, it becomes inevitable to conduct the research within the post-primary and post-secondary school levels. To descend below the post primary would be problematic, as the kids could not complete the questionnaire. And to ascend above the post-university would be faced with the problem of consumers who consume less of the product. One may argue what of those outside Abia? Aba, the area of study has a large number of student populations which we believe is representative of the sample. Although, the research will be conducted adequately, it will however have some short-comings such as:

1.     Areas of coverage: 7up Company has several plants scattered all over the country, but the study was carried out on only one plant Aba. Aba plant, itself, covers many areas out of which only Abia urban were covered in this research. Most of its promotion is done at national level, therefore, researchers findings at Aba plant may fairly serve for generalization, although not an ideal condition.

2.     Excess literature – promotional strategy is a field: many authors have published bid and comprehensive volumes. There was the problem of extracting from the lot, data that are relevant to the project, as the researchers do not go into many details of accumulated data over the years.

3.     Time Constraint: To do adequate justice to a research of this nature would have required enormous expenditure of time. A research of this magnitude would require about seven to eight months of uninterrupted study to cover it adequately but very few months were given coupled with final year academic work and nature of the semester system. In other words, a major constraint to the investigation was the short time given for conducting and reporting of this investigation. It is believed that subsequent researchers will continue from where we stopped.

4.     Financial Constraints: As a result of economic hardship in the country, the researchers do not have enough money with which to carry out the study.

5.     Bureaucracy: Because of office bureaucracy or red tapism and anti-research attitude of Nigerians, difficulty will encounter in getting information needed for this project.

6.     Sample Size: The researcher encountered the problem of reaching a reasonable sample size of the population in order to have actual and genuine opinions. Despite the above constraints, the researcher is confident that the final report has a good degree of validity and reliability.

1.8       Definition of Terms

To enhance the understanding of this project, the researcher has taken time to explain the following terms:

1.     Promotion Mix: This includes the elements of promotion which are employed in combination to achieve an organization goals and objective.

2.     Personal Selling: A kind of seller’s promotional activity conducted on a person-to-person basis with the buyer.

3.     Adverting: Impersonal selling of goods and services, ideas or policies usually done through the mass media such as radio, television etc and which are fully paid for.

4.     Consumer: An individual who is the final user of a product or services. He may buy or may not buy but has the capacity to consume.

5.     Media: Media refers to the different types of vehicles or services by which advertising messages reach the audience.

6.     Sales Promotion: It’s a short term incentive aimed at encouraging purchase of sale of a product or service.

7.     Public Relations; This is the activities of 7up that helps in building and maintaining sound and productive relation most often it is interwoven with publicity which is non-personal stimulation of demand for a product, service or business unit by planting commercially significant news about it in a published media or obtaining favourable presentation of it upon radio, television or stage that it is not paid for by the sponsor.

8.     Promotional Strategy: It is a controlled integrated programme of communication method and materials designed to present a company and its product to prospective customers.

9.     Promotion: The marketing communication undertaken to accept ideas, concept or things.

10.  Population: The entire universe or area in which the research is to be conducted.

11.  Sample: A small group of universe which the research is taken in other to generalize.


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